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Migrants issue heats up in Thailand


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Migrants issue heats up


Malaysia slams door while Indonesia tows boat with migrants out of its waters; US urges coordinated efforts

BANGKOK: -- COUNTRIES IN Southeast Asia, notably Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, came under mounting pressure from the international community to provide humane treatment to thousands of Bangladeshi and Rohingya boat people.

Thailand and Malaysia, which were downgraded to the lowest Tier 3 of the US report on Trafficking in Persons last year, were blamed for having shown little appetite to provide shelter to them while thousands of them reportedly were abandoned floating in the sea.

Malaysia said it would not accept any new Rohingya arrivals after 1,158 immigrants were found on the shores of Langkawi on Monday.

Malaysia's deputy home minister, Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said his country would use tough measures, including turning back asylum-seeker boats and deportation in order to send the "right message".

"We don't want them to come here," the deputy minister was quoted as saying by The Guardian.

"Malaysia has been showing good human faith, which entices people to come here," Malaysia's The Star quoted Wan Junaidi as saying.

Indonesia yesterday denied having a policy of turning away refugee boats, as its navy earlier towed a vessel carrying hundreds of people believed to be persecuted Rohingyas from Myanmar back out to sea. Even though Indonesia is not a signatory to the United Nations Refugee Convention, it is always willing to help people in distress, Foreign Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir said.

His remarks came after the military said it had towed a migrant boat out of Indonesian waters, and insisted that they had intended to go to Malaysia instead. "They didn't want to go to Indonesia," Arrmanatha said. "They only asked for clean water and food. We can't force or prevent them. If we see people entering Indonesian waters and they need help, we will help."

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that 25,000 people were estimated to have departed Bangladesh and Myanmar via the Bay of Bengal to Southeast Asia since October last year. Some managed to land while the International Organisation for Migration said some 8,000 are still at sea. The United States yesterday voiced fears for the lives of the hundreds of migrants abandoned by traffickers at land and sea, calling on Southeast Asian nations to co-operate to address the crisis.

Most migrants were making the journey "because of the dire humanitarian and economic situations they face at home and/or out of fear of ethnic and religious violence", a spokeswoman at the US Embassy told AFP.

"This is a regional challenge that needs to be addressed regionally, through a coordinated international effort and in accordance with international conventions and maritime law," she added.

Thai police yesterday arrested four men they said were instrumental in operating the Satun-based Rohingya trafficking ring led by former local politician Pajjuban Angchotephan, who is still on the run.

One of them was arrested in neighbouring Ranong province and two others in Satun. Police did not immediately identify the men until after an evening press conference. Pajjuban has reportedly fled to Malaysia's Langkawi, while Thai police are seeking cooperation from their Malaysian counterparts to hunt them down.

A police commander, Pol Maj-General Somchai Nittayaworrabutr, said Ranong-based assets belonging to local suspects worth around Bt100 million were liable for seizure. He said Thai authorities were seeking cooperation from Myanmar authorities to hunt down suspects fleeing across the Thai border. Police have obtained arrest warrants for another 11 suspects in addition to 51 wanted. A police source identified some of the latest 11 as Sia Angchotephan, the chairman of tourism industry on Koh Li Pe off Satun, a relative of Pajjuban; Malay Tohdin, the chief of Tambon Poo Yoo administrative organisation; Wut Wutpradit; Anas Hajimasae.

A Ranong-based suspect, Piyawat Phongthai known as Ko Yong, yesterday turned himself in to the police. Police said that Piyawat was working in the same trafficking ring with Suwan Saengthong, or Ko Nui, who had surrendered and was in custody.

According to Region 9 police, there were 312 migrants under government care, 63 of whom have been identified as victims of trafficking and 249 as illegal entrants. A total of seven detention camps have been discovered on Khao Kaew in Songkhla.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Migrants-issue-heats-up-30260049.html

-- The Nation 2015-05-14

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"Thailand and Malaysia . . . were blamed for having shown little appetite to provide shelter to them"

On the contrary, I thought there were camps being provided to thousands of refugees being sold to Thailand.

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Indonesia says one thing but means another says it welcomes migrants then tows a migrant boat out to sea its always been a sneaky country any country that imprisons its prime minister is not to be trusted.

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Indonesia says one thing but means another says it welcomes migrants then tows a migrant boat out to sea its always been a sneaky country any country that imprisons its prime minister is not to be trusted.

Well, would depend on what that prime minister did.

Contrast this with a country who cheered when the president was given head while seated at his official desk...

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I don't know what happened to humanity but I know that in Europe the UK is playing the part that Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand playing here.


Of course no criticism from the US here since they are to a large part responsible for the problems when introducing their brand of democracy into the countries of North Africa.

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Bangladesh receives 2,152 billion dollars per year in foreign aid. Myanmar receives 504 million dollars per year. I am sure that these countries can be persuaded to stop whatever it is that is happening to these people within its borders that is making these people run for their lives.

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Indonesia and Malaysia is not doing much to help their "Muslim" brothers. If these boat people were Palestinians, there would be a red carpet reception and plenty of media capturing the tears and anti-Israeli chants.

There are Muslims and there are muslims. They would be at each other's throats when left alone.

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Heart warming to see the aid coming from muslim countries from Morocco through the rich middle east to Indonesia.

All those rich muslim oil states ( and kingdom) , so open for new workslaves to build their high skyscrapers. /sarc.

Thailand should not have to bother with other countries problems.

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"Thailand and Malaysia . . . were blamed for having shown little appetite to provide shelter to them"

On the contrary, I thought there were camps being provided to thousands of refugees being sold to Thailand.

At this stage the profit margin has disappeared and they now become a liability

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I don't know what happened to humanity but I know that in Europe the UK is playing the part that Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand playing here.


Of course no criticism from the US here since they are to a large part responsible for the problems when introducing their brand of democracy into the countries of North Africa.

Are you referring to the 1800's

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I suggesr you google the history of these people before you start pointing the blame finger. These people originally came from Bangladesh and tried to take over Myanmar by force and establish a Muslim State In my opinion, Bangladesh should accept these people as that is their true home.

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Indonesia and Malaysia is not doing much to help their "Muslim" brothers. If these boat people were Palestinians, there would be a red carpet reception and plenty of media capturing the tears and anti-Israeli chants.

There are Muslims and there are muslims. They would be at each other's throats when left alone.

If thats the case I am all for leaving them alone.

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I don't know what happened to humanity but I know that in Europe the UK is playing the part that Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand playing here.


Of course no criticism from the US here since they are to a large part responsible for the problems when introducing their brand of democracy into the countries of North Africa.

good that you spoke it out !

Yes, correct, UK is playing a same rule here in Europe like Indonesia there !

Only Milionair emigrants are welcome in UK !!

hope the days are counted until they gone from EU !!

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The people of the world have become so greedy. They are looking at their lifetime, nothing else matters.

They have no thoughts for the future environment for their own children, and certainly do not care about other peoples children.

I fear for the world where it will be in ten years time with the borders become very fragile, and millions of people seeing on their smart phones how much food we have.

The environmental issue will take a little longer, so people can line their pockets for a while yet.

There should be a study of sorts, although they will hire experts to refute the claims, so that down the track the oil and other polluting industries will be bankrupted to pay for reversal attempts.

My 6 year old will see all of this take place. My only chance is if doctors can put my brain in a jar for a refit.

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I suggesr you google the history of these people before you start pointing the blame finger. These people originally came from Bangladesh and tried to take over Myanmar by force and establish a Muslim State In my opinion, Bangladesh should accept these people as that is their true home.

we have many similar situations in Europe,

we have many geographical boarders,

which not at all national, ethnic or religues boarders;

And still we try to accept this and to live together with minor problems;

Only some nationalist, or the big leader long time ogo, which want only ethnic boarders;

Many call this people raccists !!

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I don't know what happened to humanity but I know that in Europe the UK is playing the part that Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand playing here.


Of course no criticism from the US here since they are to a large part responsible for the problems when introducing their brand of democracy into the countries of North Africa.

good that you spoke it out !

Yes, correct, UK is playing a same rule here in Europe like Indonesia there !

Only Milionair emigrants are welcome in UK !!

hope the days are counted until they gone from EU !!

Yes, and then watch Germany turn the EU into its own little empire, the French will kick and scream and the same Scandinavians might just consider pulling out.

My Dutch friends seriously worry about a German dominated Europe. Germany has shown what happens when the get a little of power.

None of which solves the problems of illegal immigration and people being exploited by human trafficking criminals. France wants to push the problem to the UK - they're bankrupt and couldn't solve much anyway. The EU wants to dump on the member states by issuing quotas, which will encourage the criminals.

These are illegal immigrants who pay criminals to smuggle them illegally into countries. Do you even comprehend that?

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I suggesr you google the history of these people before you start pointing the blame finger. These people originally came from Bangladesh and tried to take over Myanmar by force and establish a Muslim State In my opinion, Bangladesh should accept these people as that is their true home.

we have many similar situations in Europe,

we have many geographical boarders,

which not at all national, ethnic or religues boarders;

And still we try to accept this and to live together with minor problems;

Only some nationalist, or the big leader long time ogo, which want only ethnic boarders;

Many call this people raccists !!

Dream on - Kosova, Bosnia, Croatia, Ukraine, Baltic States, Albania, Basques, Northern Ireland, Walloons / Flems,

Just minor litter problems, the odd hiccup eh? Wait until the Bavarians want to pull out of federal Germany.

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I agree in part; The Rohingya part. They really are displaced people and need help. In the case of the Bangladeshis it's a bit different. I spent 10 months in Bangladesh contracting and the Bangladeshis do not suffer with oppression etc in the way the Rohingya do. What they suffer from is lack of wealth (except for 10% of the country who are exceptionally wealthy). There is an emerging middle class in Dhaka and Chittagong and a couple of other cities with Universities. Most, if not all of the Bangladeshis are economic refugees, they are not fleeing political oppression - the whole country is Islamic with a spattering of Hindu and other Indian religions but these are not subjected to any kind of racism. In fact a Temple in Chittagong hold a free food event every Friday and some 10,000 Bangladeshis pitch up for lunch! So yes to the Rohingya, but the Bangladeshis? They can get passports etc. In fact 99% of Indian restaurants in the UK are staffed by Bangladeshis! Nice people in general!

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The RTP know the numbers quiet well:

63 and 249 ;

63 are trafficked, they paid already,

249 illigal, as they have still not paiyd !!

Police keep correct records about for their bosses up;

To keep moral of paying up, from time to time someone have to go in the grave !!

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There was a piece about this on the BBC news just now (in the UK). They only mentioned Thailand, not one word about Indonesia nor Malaysia. Could this be unbalanced reporting from the BBC? But they've never don't that before... Oh, except when it comes to Israel of course

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I suggesr you google the history of these people before you start pointing the blame finger. These people originally came from Bangladesh and tried to take over Myanmar by force and establish a Muslim State In my opinion, Bangladesh should accept these people as that is their true home.

Absolutely untrue and disingenuous. Ethnically South Asian Muslim peoples have lived in western Myanmar's Rakhine State for ages, and have long been treated as scapegoats by reactionary elements at the local and national levels. In the mid 1980s, the Burma Army displaced and relocated 200,000 Rohingya. Over the past few years, another anti-Rohingya nationalist movement has seen thousands killed and burned out of their homes. That they tried to take over the country and establish a Muslim state is a statement which could only emerge from a twisted, shallow mind.

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Whatever happened to humanity??

While the leaders of the various countries are playing the blame game, fellow human beings are dying on boats offshore . Those boats are in reality floating prisons.

And all the leaders of the countries involved are being so bloody political correct, by not pointing fingers at Myanmar, who with their state sponsored persecution of minorities for decades have created this mess!!

I don't know what happened to humanity but I know that in Europe the UK is playing the part that Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand playing here.


Of course no criticism from the US here since they are to a large part responsible for the problems when introducing their brand of democracy into the countries of North Africa.

Really? I must have missed the news about hundreds of people being dug up and the Royal Navy towing boats back out into the English Channel. Perhaps you could provide a link.

You really cannot compare the two at all especially given the number of immigrants accepted by European countries in contrast to Thailand which has only Chinese and gives nothing in the way of welfare.

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The US Coast Guard intercepts Haitian refugees (and turns them back) BEFORE they are able to make the trip out to sea.* Seems like something similar should be done here. But who...?


* I can remember Haitians drowning and washing to shore in Florida back in the 1980s until the US finally wised up and started turning their boats around before they could get very far.

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Maybe they will think twice before they jump on a boat in the future, and that is the country they are coming from don't care about them, and neither does the countries they are trying to get too, so stay where you are , easy

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