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Anyone recently had surgery for herniated (slipped) disc?


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Two years ago, I started experiencing sharp pains in lower back and upper buttocks and numbness and tingling in my left leg and foot, MRI showed slipped disc at L4-5 and L5-S1. Pelvic stretch PT, prednisone, Arcoxia, Lyrica and B-12, and back strengthening exercises eased symtoms a bit. The spine doc at BNH said I should consider surgery ("keyhole microdecompression"), but a coupla other docs disagreed and I decided against it. Over the past several months, however, the back pain has become constant and more bothersome, and now and then a really sharp pain essentially stops me on my tracks. And I really miss regular exercise. I'm 57.

So now I want to re-visit this, including the possibility of surgery.

Would appreciate hearing from anyone who had such surgery recently in Bangkok, and could advise on a specialist and facility, etc. Among specialists I recall recommended in this forum, I've had experience with Dr. Wicharn at BNH (I'd prefer an alternative), but haven't seen Dr. Nanthadej Hiranyasithiti at Samitivej.


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First of all ,surgery is almost never done for a herniated disc per se, since these will resolve over time. Only in very rare circumstances when the bulging disk is pressing on the spinal cord would this be necessary.

Surgery is indicated when, as a result of disk degeneration (and/or formation of bone spurs) there is insufficient space for the nerves to exit the spinal column. In that instance, nothing but surgery is going to relieve the pain altogether.

As this pain has continued for several months it is likely the former situation exists, a "slipped" disk would have retracted by now.

My sister had surgery with Dr. Wicharn twice (different parts of the spine) with excellent results, I was treated by him myself (no surgery, he advised not needed - and was right), and many TV members have had surgery or non-surgical treatment with him with uniformly good feedback. IMO he is the best in Thailand. It has been my experience that he does not always or even usually advise surgery but that when he does, he is correct i.e. attempts at non-surgical management will fail.

I have no experience with Dr. Nanthadej but he looks very well qualified.

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did the pelvis stretch include the piriformis, if you can find a PT, who does this well and often, be worth a trial .

hard to say anything w/o a more complete history. the back is notorious for studies mismatching symptoms, pain after 6 months is hard wired, "chronic", you could try some of the newer approachs for chronic pain, maybe thailand has a pain specialists?

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My father had a problem when he was 80, they recommended surgery, but at that age he was reluctant. He went to a I believe they call them an osteopath. He did three sessions where he stretched my dad's back. My dad never had any pain since and lived to 90.

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