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Non-O with Non-Thai marriage certificate?

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My husband (British) and I (Thai) moved to Thailand just under a year ago. He has obtained a 1-year Non-O from Thai Embassy in the UK with our UK marriage certificate. Now his visa is running out in a month time (very unprepared of us). From what I researched so far it seems that we have 2 options; A new non-O from Lao, or Extension of Stay in Thailand. Here are some questions over the 2 choices I have

1. At Suvannakhet, can he get A new non-O with just UK marriage certificate and not Thai marriage certificate? (we are not yet registered in Thailand). Does it need to be translated, confirmed or any kind of certification?

2. My Thai ID still states MISS and I'm not planning to change my surname either, would that be a problem?

3. If we choose extension of stay, does he have an option between 400k in his bank account and 40k monthly income? I can't seem to find that piece of info on the gov website. I have seen the 40k monthly income mentioned once in one of the forum. Basically it should be fairy easy to prove 40k monthly income as we run a business with money coming in and out but to have a solid 400k we will have to wait for a while...

4. If extension of stay is an option then we need to extend his stay for another 2 months to get our finance sorted (whether its 40k or 400k) , what is the easiest way? (his Non-O already ran out but he went to KL just before it did so he got until end of June). Can we extend his stay for another 90 days somehow?

5. For extension of stay, do we need to be married in thailand?

Thanks a lot in advance :)

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1. In English it should no be a problem.

2. There is no requirement to change it to misses and/or adopt your husbands name.

3. yes, you choose between one of the two.

4. It is possible to get a 60 day extension based on the marriage certificate if both of you attend immigration with passport, marriage certificate, your household registration book and ID-card. If you do not live where you are registered, take proof of actual residency with you (rental contract, utility bill).

5. You are already married. But to get the 1 year extension based on marriage you will need to notify the Thai government of the marriage abroad:

(1) Go to the British embassy to have the marriage certificate certified (Look at embassy website for details)

(2) Have it translated into Thai

(3) Have it certified by the Thai foreign Ministry, consular department at Chaeng Wattana Road

(4) Make copies/scans of all documents for future use

(5) go to any amphur and have the marriage registered in Thailand as well.

Of the registration you will get a khor rhor 22 certificate, which immigration wants to see for a 1 year extension of stay.

Easy to do all this before the end of June. if you can proof the income it would be better to go for the 1 year extension right away. (The 60 day extension is only given once per entry into Thailand, so you would lose it as something you can use in an emergency).

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1. In English it should no be a problem.

2. There is no requirement to change it to misses and/or adopt your husbands name.

3. yes, you choose between one of the two.

4. It is possible to get a 60 day extension based on the marriage certificate if both of you attend immigration with passport, marriage certificate, your household registration book and ID-card. If you do not live where you are registered, take proof of actual residency with you (rental contract, utility bill).

5. You are already married. But to get the 1 year extension based on marriage you will need to notify the Thai government of the marriage abroad:

(1) Go to the British embassy to have the marriage certificate certified (Look at embassy website for details)

(2) Have it translated into Thai

(3) Have it certified by the Thai foreign Ministry, consular department at Chaeng Wattana Road

(4) Make copies/scans of all documents for future use

(5) go to any amphur and have the marriage registered in Thailand as well.

Of the registration you will get a khor rhor 22 certificate, which immigration wants to see for a 1 year extension of stay.

Easy to do all this before the end of June. if you can proof the income it would be better to go for the 1 year extension right away. (The 60 day extension is only given once per entry into Thailand, so you would lose it as something you can use in an emergency).

Thanks Mario2008 for the clear answers. We can proof income but however it is in a bank account with our joint name. It was ashamed as we brought in the required amount from the UK when we moved here, but unknowingly put in joint name as it was more difficult to open account with just his name. The money has been earning into that account as well. So if we have 60 more days, we will proceed to open an account with just his name on it (not quite sure how yet -- next on the list to research).

Do you the cost for 60days extension? I read that a new non-O in Laos will cost around 5000 (+travelling and hotel cost). I just want to compare the two..

Thanks again :) got to say I am shamed for being Thai yet cannot get a straight answers anywhere from my fellow countrymen or gov web!

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My Thai wife and I married in the UK back in 1994.

The only marriage certificate we have is the British one.

I have never had a problem with Thai immigration using that British certificate without translations and my wife uses her pre-marriage family name for everything in Thailand and it is the family name on her Thai ID card and both her British and Thai passports.

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1. In English it should no be a problem.

2. There is no requirement to change it to misses and/or adopt your husbands name.

3. yes, you choose between one of the two.

4. It is possible to get a 60 day extension based on the marriage certificate if both of you attend immigration with passport, marriage certificate, your household registration book and ID-card. If you do not live where you are registered, take proof of actual residency with you (rental contract, utility bill).

5. You are already married. But to get the 1 year extension based on marriage you will need to notify the Thai government of the marriage abroad:

(1) Go to the British embassy to have the marriage certificate certified (Look at embassy website for details)

(2) Have it translated into Thai

(3) Have it certified by the Thai foreign Ministry, consular department at Chaeng Wattana Road

(4) Make copies/scans of all documents for future use

(5) go to any amphur and have the marriage registered in Thailand as well.

Of the registration you will get a khor rhor 22 certificate, which immigration wants to see for a 1 year extension of stay.

Easy to do all this before the end of June. if you can proof the income it would be better to go for the 1 year extension right away. (The 60 day extension is only given once per entry into Thailand, so you would lose it as something you can use in an emergency).

Thanks Mario2008 for the clear answers. We can proof income but however it is in a bank account with our joint name. It was ashamed as we brought in the required amount from the UK when we moved here, but unknowingly put in joint name as it was more difficult to open account with just his name. The money has been earning into that account as well. So if we have 60 more days, we will proceed to open an account with just his name on it (not quite sure how yet -- next on the list to research).

Do you the cost for 60days extension? I read that a new non-O in Laos will cost around 5000 (+travelling and hotel cost). I just want to compare the two..

Thanks again smile.png got to say I am shamed for being Thai yet cannot get a straight answers anywhere from my fellow countrymen or gov web!

The account must be in his name only. Since you already have an account at the bank it should not be very hard for him to get his own account now.

The 60 day extension costs 1900 baht. You say your husbands visa is expiring. Are you aware that he can do another entry on or before the entrer before date on the visa and get another 90 day entry.

One bit addition info about registering your marriage at the Amphoe. He will do a self certification of your marriage certificate at the UK embassy by doing a statement it is true and correct. They will certify the marriage certificate.

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My Thai wife and I married in the UK back in 1994.

The only marriage certificate we have is the British one.

I have never had a problem with Thai immigration using that British certificate without translations and my wife uses her pre-marriage family name for everything in Thailand and it is the family name on her Thai ID card and both her British and Thai passports.

You apparently have never applied for an extension of stay based upon marriage at immigration. You will not get one without your marriage being registered at an Amphoe. Immigration will not do one unless you have a Kor Ror 22 marriage registry to show along with your UK marriage certificate.

When the registration is done she will have the choice of changing her family name to yours or keeping her own.

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OP, if your husband is going to use the income method based on income from a Thai company, immigration will want to see his work permit and a form from the Revenue Department showing he's paid taxes.

If from a foreign based company, he'll need a form from his embassy, not statements showing money going to a bank account.

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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.

Edited by rethaier
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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

Cannot be combined .

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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

Cannot be combined .

Is that official or per-immigration office rule? Although it might lead to more confusion anyway to split it.

for the OP, another option if you want to do the non-O, multiple entry visa route (not the extension) is to go to Penang Thai Consulate. You will have to show some money (>100k baht or equivalent) in the bank, but it can be a non-Thai bank. Savannakhet there is no income requirement.

I'm not 100% sure if Penang will accept a non-thai marriage certificate though; you'd have to contact them or maybe another member here can confirm.

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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

Cannot be combined .

Is that official or per-immigration office rule? Although it might lead to more confusion anyway to split it.

for the OP, another option if you want to do the non-O, multiple entry visa route (not the extension) is to go to Penang Thai Consulate. You will have to show some money (>100k baht or equivalent) in the bank, but it can be a non-Thai bank. Savannakhet there is no income requirement.

I'm not 100% sure if Penang will accept a non-thai marriage certificate though; you'd have to contact them or maybe another member here can confirm.

From clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

"(6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year."

Penang like the majority of embassies and consulates will accept a foreign marriage certificate in English or a translation of it to Thai if the original is not in English.

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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

Cannot be combined .

If you apply for an extension based on retirement you can combine income and money in the bank for the total required but not for an extension based on marriage.

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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

Cannot be combined .

Is that official or per-immigration office rule? Although it might lead to more confusion anyway to split it.

for the OP, another option if you want to do the non-O, multiple entry visa route (not the extension) is to go to Penang Thai Consulate. You will have to show some money (>100k baht or equivalent) in the bank, but it can be a non-Thai bank. Savannakhet there is no income requirement.

I'm not 100% sure if Penang will accept a non-thai marriage certificate though; you'd have to contact them or maybe another member here can confirm.

From clause 2.18 of Police Order 327/2557 basis for extension of stay.

"(6) In the case of marriage to a Thai woman, the alien husband must earn an average annual income of no less than Baht 40,000 per month or must have no less than Baht 400,000 in a bank account in Thailand for the past two months to cover expenses for one year."

Penang like the majority of embassies and consulates will accept a foreign marriage certificate in English or a translation of it to Thai if the original is not in English.

to be a father of a thai child, living in the same household,

what are the different conditions,

both 2.18 and 2.19 says the same kind of extension,

but in 2.18 are financial requests,

in 2.19 no financial reqiests mentioned ?

but in major conditions I dont see any differences ?

( does it depend of the kindness of the Imm officer ??

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An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

Cannot be combined .

If you apply for an extension based on retirement you can combine income and money in the bank for the total required but not for an extension based on marriage.

and how is it for extension - Dependant on child ?? ( and over 50 )

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1. In English it should no be a problem.

2. There is no requirement to change it to misses and/or adopt your husbands name.

3. yes, you choose between one of the two.

4. It is possible to get a 60 day extension based on the marriage certificate if both of you attend immigration with passport, marriage certificate, your household registration book and ID-card. If you do not live where you are registered, take proof of actual residency with you (rental contract, utility bill).

5. You are already married. But to get the 1 year extension based on marriage you will need to notify the Thai government of the marriage abroad:

(1) Go to the British embassy to have the marriage certificate certified (Look at embassy website for details)

(2) Have it translated into Thai

(3) Have it certified by the Thai foreign Ministry, consular department at Chaeng Wattana Road

(4) Make copies/scans of all documents for future use

(5) go to any amphur and have the marriage registered in Thailand as well.

Of the registration you will get a khor rhor 22 certificate, which immigration wants to see for a 1 year extension of stay.

Easy to do all this before the end of June. if you can proof the income it would be better to go for the 1 year extension right away. (The 60 day extension is only given once per entry into Thailand, so you would lose it as something you can use in an emergency).

Ok, I'll be losing my retirement visa (I know, a misnomer) while we wait for wife's green card in the US. So I'll be trying to get a 1 yr marriage visa at the Thai embassy here in LA when we do go back to Thailand. I'm not sure if I'll still have to go to the MFA and an Amphur once in Thailand, or if it can all be registered at the Thai Embassy here.

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1. In English it should no be a problem.

2. There is no requirement to change it to misses and/or adopt your husbands name.

3. yes, you choose between one of the two.

4. It is possible to get a 60 day extension based on the marriage certificate if both of you attend immigration with passport, marriage certificate, your household registration book and ID-card. If you do not live where you are registered, take proof of actual residency with you (rental contract, utility bill).

5. You are already married. But to get the 1 year extension based on marriage you will need to notify the Thai government of the marriage abroad:

(1) Go to the British embassy to have the marriage certificate certified (Look at embassy website for details)

(2) Have it translated into Thai

(3) Have it certified by the Thai foreign Ministry, consular department at Chaeng Wattana Road

(4) Make copies/scans of all documents for future use

(5) go to any amphur and have the marriage registered in Thailand as well.

Of the registration you will get a khor rhor 22 certificate, which immigration wants to see for a 1 year extension of stay.

Easy to do all this before the end of June. if you can proof the income it would be better to go for the 1 year extension right away. (The 60 day extension is only given once per entry into Thailand, so you would lose it as something you can use in an emergency).

Ok, I'll be losing my retirement visa (I know, a misnomer) while we wait for wife's green card in the US. So I'll be trying to get a 1 yr marriage visa at the Thai embassy here in LA when we do go back to Thailand. I'm not sure if I'll still have to go to the MFA and an Amphur once in Thailand, or if it can all be registered at the Thai Embassy here.

You will get a multiple entry non-o visa (there is no marriage visa) based upon marriage. The visa allows unlimited 90 day entries for a year.

If you plan on applying for an extension you only need a single entry non-o,

You will need to do the foreign marriage registration at the Amphoe. The consulate cannot do it.

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