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Personal weight management trainer


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I am looking for information on a personal weight managerment trainer in the Pattaya area. The issues i have is i am over weight and have tried everything, and i mean everything. I have quit drinking, do regualar execise, try to eat more healthy but i see no results. I have even used the XENICAL prescription drug from the doctor.

I need to try to see if there is anyone with proven experiance who can help?


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Why did the Gastric band not work,

was it badly adjusted ?

You sure you have tried everything ?

Just a quick tip

Don't eat

Bread, Potato's, Rice, or anything with oil in it or drink alcohol

You will start to loose weight. works for me..

only eat small portions.

you are what you eat

Edited by onemorechang
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I have not had a gastric band surgery but have looked into it. I feel it is not right for me as i dont cosume a lot of food, my overweight issue is genetic and has ran in my family. I eat 2-3 meals per day and dont snack while i am at work. I am looking for a trainer or dietician with proven experiance who may be able to help.

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