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Terrorist's family wants to return to Australia


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I saw on this morning's news that the family of Mohammed Elomar, the guy who left Australia to fight for the islamic state in 2013, and whose son was pictured holding severed infidels' heads, wants to return to Australia. The wife and five (yes, 5!!! They breed like flies, more taxpayer funded benefits that way) all fled Australia with him to fight for the noble cause.

He was the one who was on a disability pension (another one afflicted by 'Middle Eastern Back'), even after he left Australia, and until it was discovered by the terribly unreasonable Social Security staff and stopped. He's no brain surgeon, because he helped out by posting his own pic on social media, also holding severed infidels' heads.

Anyway, it seems that life in Syria, eating pitta, hommos and boiled eggs three times a day, and dodging occasional missiles, isn't all it's cracked up to be, and mum and the five kids want to come home. A contributing factor would no doubt be that there is no disability pension or other benefits to be scammed from the government there.

The Minister for Immigration this morning said that if she returns, she will face the courts as a person supporting a terrorist cause and dealt with accordingly, and that means jail, but what of the kids? Well they'll be put in 'care', probably a relative, and kept by the taxpayer until the old lady is released, and that could be years, so this Piece of $hit will continue sucking on the Australian taxpayer from the other side of the world whilst conducting his attack on western society and values.

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