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Lets get some perspective here. This is a horrible, unfortunate event, but Thailand is not the world capital of rape.

Statistically, it doesn't even make the top 20. The UK, the US, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Australia all have higher levels of rape per population.

oh well, that's fine then. lets not worry, eh.....

I don't see what point you are making here.

People are posting stuff like 'Thailand is full of rapists', and suggesting that people shouldn't come here.

I just thought a reality check might be in order.

Sadly, some will seize any opportunity to put the place down.

And some will do everything they can to deny the negatives.

I live here and like the people and the way of some aspects of life here.

I don't allow that to blind me to the negatives though.

In what way is a crime that could happen in any country - and indeed is a lot more common in some of them - a 'negative' about Thailand?

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So much hysteria.

Crimes happen everywhere.

You do realize we are not "everywhere" right?

Exactly, we may aswell just close the topic if that's the case.

"Ah it's OK, it happens everywhere".

Where did anybody say rape was ok?


So much hysteria.

Crimes happen everywhere.

You do realize we are not "everywhere" right?

Exactly, we may aswell just close the topic if that's the case.

"Ah it's OK, it happens everywhere".

Where did anybody say rape was ok?

Nobody has I think. Can you find somebody who has said that " rape was OK"?


Exactly, we may aswell just close the topic if that's the case.

"Ah it's OK, it happens everywhere".

Where did anybody say rape was ok?

Nobody has I think. Can you find somebody who has said that " rape was OK"?

And now you're just trolling.

On a topic about a rape.



There is no excuse for Rape ! Anywhere, or anytime .3 world country or not For all the ones making excuses , let's see when a bunch of animals tear your clothes ,and wine like pigs in madness to take their kicks off on you ......let's see if you have excuses then..........


Lets get some perspective here. This is a horrible, unfortunate event, but Thailand is not the world capital of rape.

Statistically, it doesn't even make the top 20. The UK, the US, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Australia all have higher levels of rape per population.

As Thai rapes are reported 100% arent they, yes w e all knew that, goodness Im glad we've cleared that up, suggest apply for job in Junta maybe rapes only count when they are dead here, oh and not discovered in their shallow graves or die on their way to hospital., yes thatll be it

Get real just for once soiboi?

Then on top of that we have the way rape is actually rape, Is a Thai man Raping his wife "rape" in Thailand, it will be in the UK



And some will do everything they can to deny the negatives.

I live here and like the people and the way of some aspects of life here.

I don't allow that to blind me to the negatives though.

In what way is a crime that could happen in any country - and indeed is a lot more common in some of them - a 'negative' about Thailand?

You need to rephrase that question because it makes no sense.

However if you mean that because it happens elsewhere then it shouldn't be criticised when it happens here then you are wrong.

If you mean something else help me out by rephrasing the question.


I really wish people would stop writing such crap without knowing a thing about the situation.

I walked along that street minutes before this is reported to have happened, there were a lot of people about, many of them Thais, there were Thai girls from the bars wearing tiny shorts and crop tops showing plenty of their body. By the sound of it this girl was part of the party group and wanted to go to the shop, it's 200m-300m away!

I am absolutely certain that many of those Thais that were on the street know who did this, there is no excuse for not making a quick arrest here. There are also some security guys sat along this road, they would have seen these guys.


Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states.

It does not take governance or controls or even laws for people to know that rape is wrong. It takes MORALS and having some care and thought for others.


And some will do everything they can to deny the negatives.

I live here and like the people and the way of some aspects of life here.

I don't allow that to blind me to the negatives though.

In what way is a crime that could happen in any country - and indeed is a lot more common in some of them - a 'negative' about Thailand?

You need to rephrase that question because it makes no sense.

However if you mean that because it happens elsewhere then it shouldn't be criticised when it happens here then you are wrong.

If you mean something else help me out by rephrasing the question.

It's pretty clear. If you can't get your head around it, there's little point in engaging in discussion with you. You'll just stick to your agenda anyway.


I really wish people would stop writing such crap without knowing a thing about the situation.

I walked along that street minutes before this is reported to have happened, there were a lot of people about, many of them Thais, there were Thai girls from the bars wearing tiny shorts and crop tops showing plenty of their body. By the sound of it this girl was part of the party group and wanted to go to the shop, it's 200m-300m away!

I am absolutely certain that many of those Thais that were on the street know who did this, there is no excuse for not making a quick arrest here. There are also some security guys sat along this road, they would have seen these guys.

Lets hope that they do. Justice visibly served would do a lot more to deter future attackers than a load of old-man twaddle about how young girls should dress and behave.


Victim blaming: She was dressed as a slut so she had it coming.

Common sense: You shouldn't walk alone and drunk in the middle of the night in a remote area in a third-world country because it is dangerous.

Victim blaming.

A 19 year on holiday had no right to be out in a tourist area in the early hours.

Rapist accountability.

What were they thinking when a group of them picked up a young guest in their country,held her down and brutally violated her.

They knew well the laws they were breaking ,and had no right to be there at that time.

The blame needs to be placed squarely on the shoulders of the person that broke the law.

You could probably do with an attitude adjustment in this area


It is amazing the mindless rhetoric and the blame game that goes on here. The bottom line is that a 19 yr old girl has been raped ( which is unlawful ) it involves her being abused and in many cases ashamed that she has been violated. Regardless of nationality of offenders, but I assume Thai at that time in the morning, it is an horrendous incident and one which Thailand should be throughly ashamed that it even happens.

Sure one could say going about at 0130 in the morning is silly, but she is on holiday and at a LOCATION WHICH IS FOR TOURISTS, so one would assume relatively safe.

However after years of living here I find the Polices attitude , unhelpful and certainly slow in their pursuit of the offenders. One can only assume that the perpretrators may be brought to justice even Thai justice but the penalty will not fit the crime that is for sure.

So stop slagging each other off and think of the victim in this incident, or shut up.

¨but the penalty will not fit the crime that is for sure.¨

I disagree, these people have tainted Thailand´s reputation!! The will be hunted down, all Myanmar registrations are being checked at the Imm Office as we speak!!!


Exactly, we may aswell just close the topic if that's the case.

"Ah it's OK, it happens everywhere".

Where did anybody say rape was ok?
Nobody has I think. Can you find somebody who has said that " rape was OK"?

And now you're just trolling.

On a topic about a rape.


Is that a "no" then?

I'm not the one trying my best to defend a crime just because it was in Thailand.

Get over it lad, it happened and it happened in Thailand by Thai people.


maybe a little of topic, and nothing compared to this horrendous crime,many years back whilst on holiday in Miami my partner in daylight in the tourist area was mugged, not really hurt, but bag was snatched, the difference is the police were excellent, we were contacted every day by the officer in charge, giving updates even though we had moved on from Miami and eventually flew back to the UK, no one was apprehended but we did feel like something was being done even if it wasn't!!! And there is your difference with the police here not interested unless of course there was a few Baht available.


And now you're just trolling.

On a topic about a rape.


Is that a "no" then?

I'm not the one trying my best to defend a crime just because it was in Thailand.

Get over it lad, it happened and it happened in Thailand by Thai people.

At what point have I tried to 'defend' this crime?


How do you abduct someone on a motorcycle? Who holds her down if she is being held against her will?

So you are advocating that if a trusting and possibly inebriated young girl accepts what seems at the time to be a kind gesture by a person for a lift, who then takes you to another location and gang rapes you, that she is in the wrong or was a willing participant! If that was the case then she wouldn't be reporting such an event. I wonder how often this has occurred and the girl has been too ashamed to come forward.

Accepting a lift from a person is no crime, taking her and then gang raping her most certainly is!


maybe a little of topic, and nothing compared to this horrendous crime,many years back whilst on holiday in Miami my partner in daylight in the tourist area was mugged, not really hurt, but bag was snatched, the difference is the police were excellent, we were contacted every day by the officer in charge, giving updates even though we had moved on from Miami and eventually flew back to the UK, no one was apprehended but we did feel like something was being done even if it wasn't!!! And there is your difference with the police here not interested unless of course there was a few Baht available.

Surely the article makes it clear that the police are taking an interest, though?


And some will do everything they can to deny the negatives.

I live here and like the people and the way of some aspects of life here.

I don't allow that to blind me to the negatives though.

In what way is a crime that could happen in any country - and indeed is a lot more common in some of them - a 'negative' about Thailand?

You need to rephrase that question because it makes no sense.

However if you mean that because it happens elsewhere then it shouldn't be criticised when it happens here then you are wrong.

If you mean something else help me out by rephrasing the question.

It's pretty clear. If you can't get your head around it, there's little point in engaging in discussion with you. You'll just stick to your agenda anyway.

As do you. No matter what happens you roll out the same old trite "this happens everywhere".


maybe a little of topic, and nothing compared to this horrendous crime,many years back whilst on holiday in Miami my partner in daylight in the tourist area was mugged, not really hurt, but bag was snatched, the difference is the police were excellent, we were contacted every day by the officer in charge, giving updates even though we had moved on from Miami and eventually flew back to the UK, no one was apprehended but we did feel like something was being done even if it wasn't!!! And there is your difference with the police here not interested unless of course there was a few Baht available.

Surely the article makes it clear that the police are taking an interest, though?

"lip service"?? ( that means Im asking a questionwink.png )


Where does it say the biker gang was Thai...?

Also, this even happens in the nanny states, bikers all over the world make a point of raping, its a male chauvinistic culture that endorses abuse and objectification of women... this happens often even in the most highly "nannied" states... bikers are just scum with a delusional sense of entitlement and a perverted perspective on life, values, fellow human beings and society !

Having reported the crime proves well for the young lass... don't let these pathetic thugs have the better of her... !

When the OP doesn't mention race, religion, or country of origin, it is almost always a Thai involved. They love to bash farangs, but you usually have to dig when the alleged criminal is a Thai national.

..................."They love to bash farangs"....................says the guy whose post is aimed at bashing Thais.

What a hypocritical joke some posters are.................clap2.gif

You need to read that again. That post was an entirely accurate post about the way newspapers in this country report criminal activity. I was bashing newspaper editors if anything. Having not met any, I can't presume to know the nationality of every English article newspaper writer in Thailand. I can, however, point out that if the alleged perpetrator of a crime is a foreigner, they tend to include the nationality of said perpetrator. If the alleged perpetrator is a local, they generally don't mention that fact.


And now you're just trolling.

On a topic about a rape.


Is that a "no" then?

I'm not the one trying my best to defend a crime just because it was in Thailand.

Get over it lad, it happened and it happened in Thailand by Thai people.

At what point have I tried to 'defend' this crime?

"So much hysteria".

" Crime happens everywhere ".

Your quotes matey.


Really depressing reading the posts on here.

No wonder many Thais think so little of us expats if this is the standard of debate over such a terrible incident, the young girl had probably seen nothing but friendliness from Thais in the time she had been here and mistakenly assumed she was safe, we all know how many people change after a drink.

Hope the rest of her group are giving her plenty of support there must have been about a dozen of them if it was the group I saw.


Of course I do not blame the victim, but seriously, why do teenage tourists think getting drunk in a 3rd world country and wandering around like it's Disney World. Most Thai people have little and nothing to lose, they are not governed by the same controls found in the Nanny states. Tourist need to relaize that coming here and getting drunk and stoned and taking chances is not a good idea. I hope the catch the rapist and throw away the key, but of course, they will likely get 3 yrs, and then only if they are over 18.

You just did blame the victim.

Why do holiday makers think they can wear a bikini in when on holiday.

Why did the man have his money in his pocket when he was drinking.

Why did the girl smile and chat with the taxi driver.

It is your attitude that continues to give excuses to violent behaviour.

She is on holiday. She went out for drinks. She walked back to her hotel. She chatted to some friendly motorcycle guys. As you chat with friendly girls.

Maybe they offered her a ride back to the hotel.

She did nothing wrong.

This government needs to step up punishment of offences against foreigners.especially crimes of rape and violence. Nobody cares about a bag snatch or a scam here and there for a few hundred baht. The violence against foreigners in this country is the worst in the entire world.

So, by your reasoning, it would also be okay to go around the streets of Rio de Janeiro with a nice Rolex on your wrist? Sure it is okay as long as you don't cry when they cut your arm off to steal it.

For the other poster: this has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity. It is just common sense...


Really depressing reading the posts on here.

No wonder many Thais think so little of us expats if this is the standard of debate over such a terrible incident, the young girl had probably seen nothing but friendliness from Thais in the time she had been here and mistakenly assumed she was safe, we all know how many people change after a drink.

Hope the rest of her group are giving her plenty of support there must have been about a dozen of them if it was the group I saw.

It is a little, isn't it? Amazing that some would see a crime like this as an opportunity to push the same agenda that they trot out here every day, or even just to troll for some lols.

And now you're just trolling.

On a topic about a rape.


Is that a "no" then?

I'm not the one trying my best to defend a crime just because it was in Thailand.

Get over it lad, it happened and it happened in Thailand by Thai people.

At what point have I tried to 'defend' this crime?

"So much hysteria".

" Crime happens everywhere ".

Your quotes matey.

You see that as defending the crime of rape?

You're either stupid or trolling for a reaction.

Why would you even say such a thing that "crime happens everywhere".

We know it does. It doesn't excuse the thai scum who committed this horrendous crime.

Why would you even say such a thing that "crime happens everywhere".

We know it does. It doesn't excuse the thai scum who committed this horrendous crime.

Clearly you're unable to understand context. Try reading the thread again.

Are you seriously suggesting that anyone is trying to excuse the people who did this?


Why do you hope they catch the rapist and throw away the key? You know that is not going to happen here as you stated. Is that not your Judaeo-Christian upbringing speaking? Are you not looking down on Thailand's judicial and value systems?


what judicial systems , do the crime ,pay the money ,of you go ,i think its very good system ,shame they don't do that around the world


Rape statistics for 2007, source Wikipedia.

Reported rapes per 100,000 of population.

USA: 29.8

Scotland: 17.0

Thailand: 6.8

Suggests she twice as safe here than being at home in Scotland?

Those Thailand rapes are Thais. There isn't a problem with Thais attacking farang women. Well, there is now because one has occured.

I thought everyone was losing the plot here. A farang woman getting raped is an unusual occurrence in LOS. That's the reason I clicked on the post. I can't remember the last time it happened in Phuket. Yea, it does happen but it's rare.

I been traveling for the last month all over SE Asia and I've always felt safe. Walking down a Bangkok street at 3 AM I feel safe. Man or woman can't do that in most Western countries.

Just an observation...

Attended an expats club private briefing by a UK Consular official. We were informed that in 2012 / 2013 reporting year 23 UK female nationals required consular support as victims of 'sexual abuse' in Thailand. I do not recall how many were reported in the media. UK nationals will not be unique in their exposure to criminality. We know other female foreign nationals are victims of sexual violence during their stay in Thailand e.g. a number of rape with violence attacks reported in Pattaya.

No idea how the number of incidents of sexual violence in Thailand stack up against other popular foreign tourist destination countries.

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