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Hi Gents, Im thinking with the new visa crackdown about all the people I know in Pattaya (Mainly British) who run bars and the like in pattaya on 30 day visas and do the visa run to have it restamped. Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years, is it now the end for these folks, Iknow quite a lot of them personally and everything they have is there in Thailand, how will they get round it or is it the end for them... Do you think they will be kicked out ??



Not necessarily kicked out, but they will be forced to comply with the rules and run legitimate business with the right paperwork, licenses, visas etc.

That doesnt sound too unreasonable, does it?

Not necessarily kicked out, but they will be forced to comply with the rules and run legitimate business with the right paperwork, licenses, visas etc.

That doesnt sound too unreasonable, does it?

no not al all, Im just concerned about my friends, they tell me its just not possible for a farang to set up a business like that at all, not easily anyway


They will get kicked out if the Labour Dept cantches them!! :o

Or denied re-entry when the Immigration starts enforcing the new rules.

Time to get the paperwork done in a formal manner.


Those farlangs, running illegitimate businesses (bars or whatever) - illegitimate, either because of ignorance or because of other incapabilities --- are a thorn in the eyes of not only Thais but also to those of us, doing our best to comply with laws.

They run the same kind of businessess, but they don't pay VAT, they don't pay tax, they don't do tedious bookkeeping, --- so what good do they do? ...Frankly, OP's friends are exactly those guys a lot of us would really love to see going to Malaysia, Vietnam or back home. This sounds unfriendly --- but, nevertheless - it's a matter of fact.

Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years,

So they've had years and years to establish the correct structures for long term immigration and they haven't.

They only have their own lack of planning,organisational and foresight skills to blame.


Hard to believe Pattaya is the home of the Legitimate businessmans club.

Hey lets face it ,many of these chaps are the reason why these crackdowns are happening.

So its the old story of the filthy few ruining it for the mindless many.

Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years,

So they've had years and years to establish the correct structures for long term immigration and they haven't.

They only have their own lack of planning,organisational and foresight skills to blame.


I would guess these laws could have an unexpected effect. Many legitimate people will be either scared off by the uncertainties or no longer see any favorable options for themselves. But these crafty, abuse the system types will find some new seat of the pants way to once again manipulate the system and thrive under the framework.

Hi Gents, Im thinking with the new visa crackdown about all the people I know in Pattaya (Mainly British) who run bars and the like in pattaya on 30 day visas and do the visa run to have it restamped. Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years, is it now the end for these folks, Iknow quite a lot of them personally and everything they have is there in Thailand, how will they get round it or is it the end for them... Do you think they will be kicked out ??


I hope so...these are the very people the government is targeting hard, the die-hard scammers who think only of themselves and who have existed here by exploiting Thais and other cheap labour...thanks to these <deleted> genuine tax-paying business people are now likely to lose their livelihood, their apartments, their cars, their marriages...


Hi Gents, Im thinking with the new visa crackdown about all the people I know in Pattaya (Mainly British) who run bars and the like in pattaya on 30 day visas and do the visa run to have it restamped. Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years, is it now the end for these folks, Iknow quite a lot of them personally and everything they have is there in Thailand, how will they get round it or is it the end for them... Do you think they will be kicked out ??


I hope so...these are the very people the government is targeting hard, the die-hard scammers who think only of themselves and who have existed here by exploiting Thais and other cheap labour...thanks to these <deleted> genuine tax-paying business people are now likely to lose their livelihood, their apartments, their cars, their marriages...

you are a nice guy, wishing that for hard working people who you don't know and you don't know how much they pay for thailand or not and how many other people they may support.

Maybe we should shoot them???

Where does this hate come from?


Hi Gents, Im thinking with the new visa crackdown about all the people I know in Pattaya (Mainly British) who run bars and the like in pattaya on 30 day visas and do the visa run to have it restamped. Well they run there entire business like this and have done for years and years, is it now the end for these folks, Iknow quite a lot of them personally and everything they have is there in Thailand, how will they get round it or is it the end for them... Do you think they will be kicked out ??


I hope so...these are the very people the government is targeting hard, the die-hard scammers who think only of themselves and who have existed here by exploiting Thais and other cheap labour...thanks to these <deleted> genuine tax-paying business people are now likely to lose their livelihood, their apartments, their cars, their marriages...

you are a nice guy, wishing that for hard working people who you don't know and you don't know how much they pay for thailand or not and how many other people they may support.

Maybe we should shoot them???

Where does this hate come from?

There's no hate at all. If these guys were running a legit tax-paying business they would not be needing to do monthly visa runs because they would have a work-permit and/or business visa, or at the very least a non-imm visa. You don't know how hard these guys work either but one thing is for sure - they're making money off the backs of a lot of Thai women, and their non-payment of tax or failure to adhere to legit. business practice is one reason the investment visa threshold has been raised and the clampdowns on visa runners have come into effect. This will affect a lot of genuine legit small business people and teachers very badly.

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