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Ferries to Koh Larn - Are you scared?


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just came back from koh larn so no, id be more worried about the speedboat operators drinking and playing cards in between runs. not that hard to drive a boat tho just wish he would have levelled the boat passengers at least.

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I have been using these ferries frequently for more than 10 years.

All of them now carry sufficient life jackets, and a week or two back we were told very clearly and several times to put on the jackets. Some did, some didn't.

Up to them, but yes the best choice for those who are in any way worried about it, is to don one of the life jackets and sit near along the edge of the boat (downstairs). If she goes down, step off, float and relax (well, and maybe fight off those who didn't don the jackets).

You won't wait long in those waters; there are speedboats all around as well as other ferries, and they will all pitch in to take care of you.

Relax, have a good time.


"All of them now carry sufficient life jackets"

Really? You ever see anyone with a clicker counting the people, relative to life vests or safe boating capacity?

Typically vessels are required to carry at least 200% the number if jackets versus the number of POB

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There has been many ferry accidents and sinking's, over the years so personally I and my family would not board a ferry,without a personal life jacket allocation!

Watch out for over crowding,which means there will not be enough life jackets to go around.

I would contend that if you don't have a life jacket in your possession when the poop hits the fan, you won't have one on when the ordeal is over. And if your kids aren't wearing them when bad stuff happens, they won't be wearing them when it's all over.

Look around next time you're on a boat and ask yourself who, exactly, is going to distribute the life jackets in a calm, orderly manner when the fricking boat is sinking- even if there are plenty on board?

Sometimes, these sinkings take just moments, especially in the case of a collision. Finding and putting on an unfamiliar life jacket and securing all the straps takes longer than you have.

And don't think for a moment that another panicked passenger (or crew) won't rip the one out of your little kid's hands if they thought it would save their own skin. Kids need to be wearing theirs.

Big C and TESCO sell them for $10-20. I have mine- and they're with me whenever I get on a ferry.

But of course you don't wear said life jackets inside an enclosed cabin do you ? As if the vessel goes over or down you stand a greater chance of drowning by becoming trapped in the vessel due to the buoyancy of the jacket, unless its one of the inflation types

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There has been many ferry accidents and sinking's, over the years so personally I and my family would not board a ferry,without a personal life jacket allocation!

Watch out for over crowding,which means there will not be enough life jackets to go around.

I would contend that if you don't have a life jacket in your possession when the poop hits the fan, you won't have one on when the ordeal is over. And if your kids aren't wearing them when bad stuff happens, they won't be wearing them when it's all over.

Look around next time you're on a boat and ask yourself who, exactly, is going to distribute the life jackets in a calm, orderly manner when the fricking boat is sinking- even if there are plenty on board?

Sometimes, these sinkings take just moments, especially in the case of a collision. Finding and putting on an unfamiliar life jacket and securing all the straps takes longer than you have.

And don't think for a moment that another panicked passenger (or crew) won't rip the one out of your little kid's hands if they thought it would save their own skin. Kids need to be wearing theirs.

Big C and TESCO sell them for $10-20. I have mine- and they're with me whenever I get on a ferry.

But of course you don't wear said life jackets inside an enclosed cabin do you ? As if the vessel goes over or down you stand a greater chance of drowning by becoming trapped in the vessel due to the buoyancy of the jacket, unless its one of the inflation types

Never seen a Life Jacket on any boat in Pattaya.

Only cheap buoyancy aids.

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