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Where Were The Police As Australian Real Estate Agent Is Badly Beaten On Pattaya Beach Road.

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Now, when it comes to nutter Thais. I if it is o.k..will recount a particular experience.

Where I lived many years ago there was a guy - very big for a Thai, over six feet, well fed by his mum - and was mental.

I lived in a Moobahn that was only Thai folks and he would arbitarily take a chip on about another Thai. Next day they were gone.

One evening after having seen this prick for 4 years doing his thing he ran up behind me and slammed me with a punch to the back.

He broke three of my ribs.

(Painful or what?).

In hospital casualty I got the Doc to make a few phone calls - said idiot had about 1 hour to live.

Sanity prevailed and the next day we went to the local cop shop and made a report.

Cops went and arrested him.

He did the usual spout about how much money he had and who he knew.

We insisted he be charged with assault and indeed not given bail as who knew how many other he may attack as this was a known problem with this chap.

The cops reamed him - he got a community service order working in some hospital with accident victims in vegetative state.

We paid the cops not one Baht - that <deleted> got a lesson on the results of violence.

Sometimes I have an occasional visit to that place and when that clown sees me - turns around and walks away.

Nutters exist in any country and the gang mentality exists in any country, sad but true.

In Thailand if assaulted, be cool, hold your ground and insist that under the Thai Constitution we are all equal and must be treated so under the law.

It works.



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Now, when it comes to nutter Thais. I if it is o.k..will recount a particular experience.

Where I lived many years ago there was a guy - very big for a Thai, over six feet, well fed by his mum - and was mental.

I lived in a Moobahn that was only Thai folks and he would arbitarily take a chip on about another Thai. Next day they were gone.

One evening after having seen this prick for 4 years doing his thing he ran up behind me and slammed me with a punch to the back.

He broke three of my ribs.

(Painful or what?).

In hospital casualty I got the Doc to make a few phone calls - said idiot had about 1 hour to live.

Sanity prevailed and the next day we went to the local cop shop and made a report.

Cops went and arrested him.

He did the usual spout about how much money he had and who he knew.

We insisted he be charged with assault and indeed not given bail as who knew how many other he may attack as this was a known problem with this chap.

The cops reamed him - he got a community service order working in some hospital with accident victims in vegetative state.

We paid the cops not one Baht - that <deleted> got a lesson on the results of violence.

Sometimes I have an occasional visit to that place and when that clown sees me - turns around and walks away.

Nutters exist in any country and the gang mentality exists in any country, sad but true.

In Thailand if assaulted, be cool, hold your ground and insist that under the Thai Constitution we are all equal and must be treated so under the law.

It works.



Good for you Couthy :o

We also know you don't like Australians!

The ONLY speculation NOT based upon the story is by someone assuming that the victim deserved it somehow ... and THAT is a sad reflection on you Dirk!

my friend (and now dont come with you are not my friend as you are damm right on that one) it looks like you are very fast with making judgements on assumptions and not on clear knoweledge. Maybe you should learn on how to gather details first of any kind of event before you can judge someone instead of judging people on hear say or pure assumptions.

So if I say did you ever meet an Aussie say sorry when he is drunk makes me hate all Aussies well let me put something straight a Tomato is red, my car is red therefor my car must be a tomato right??? well in that case you are right I guess in what you assume! Even in technical terms a statement like that one is called a false assumption!!!!!

And look what Kuergen just said all Aussies are sheep f°°°°

must he hate all people coming from Austria right as that is where Aussies come from right as I am sure I read it once in one of my pre school journals I ever read so it must be the truth!!!

Guys I am not blaiming anyone here or not defending anyone just seeing alot of people discussing some assumption about no one realy knows anything about.

Well....in that case, don't ever read a newspaper, watch the news on television, or, read the news on the internet.

Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Yes Fox, but don't these street sellers pay to be 'protected' by the mafia?

Could still explain the initial delay in police action - but when the sh.. hit the fan they were served up as sacrificial lambs :D

(Oh dear we're back to sheep again :o )

Who knows? but for sure the poor guy didn't deserve the unwarranted speculation on his role in the story.


Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Yes Fox, but don't these street sellers pay to be 'protected' by the mafia?

Could still explain the initial delay in police action - but when the sh.. hit the fan they were served up as sacrificial lambs :D

(Oh dear we're back to sheep again :o )

Who knows? but for sure the poor guy didn't deserve the unwarranted speculation on his role in the story.

Mobi....I think it`s probably the Police who they pay....

Truth probably is that the police couldn`t be bothered or it just didn`t seem important enough to them at the time. Or maybe the 4th one who is on the run is related to one of the cops at the station and he needed time to get away...all speculation...

I don`t think that the so called protection mafia would have any influence on whether the police attended or not. :D


Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Yes Fox, but don't these street sellers pay to be 'protected' by the mafia?

Could still explain the initial delay in police action - but when the sh.. hit the fan they were served up as sacrificial lambs :D

(Oh dear we're back to sheep again :o )

Who knows? but for sure the poor guy didn't deserve the unwarranted speculation on his role in the story.

Mobi....I think it`s probably the Police who they pay....

Truth probably is that the police couldn`t be bothered or it just didn`t seem important enough to them at the time. Or maybe the 4th one who is on the run is related to one of the cops at the station and he needed time to get away...all speculation...

I don`t think that the so called protection mafia would have any influence on whether the police attended or not. :D

Oh for God's sake. The MIB have arrested within in the week three of the suspects. How many do you think would have been apprehended in the UK ?


Pattaya's finest are ALWAYS standing around the same places during daytime to collect teamoney from motorbikers without helmets, as if that was the biggest crime commitable in the Kingdom.

As soon as it goes dark they generally stay home or or sit in (their own) bars.


So, the police did do something about it. Afterwards. Again too late.

With the amount of people present and all that goes on in that area, a citizen or tourist should see a cop on the beat at about every street corner. Instead you've got new hanging flower pots and other budget wasting/profiteering decorative junk coming to your rescue. They have a massive and inexpensive police force. There's just no excuse but incompetence.


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.

Take a look at the Role models in the upper circles and all the stuff in the news about how they interpetate the laws of the land.

What do we expect them to do apart from copy them.

I must say i love Pattasya and am not a critic or a cynic but.

Don,t you think that the locality is a magnet for all the low lifes to make their home due to the ric

A magnet...No!... Pattaya is a vibrant, bustling city and criminals can see opportunities and weaknesses to exploit as they do anywhere in the world.

yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

Unfortunately it does happen everywhere - Samui, Phuket, Phi Phi, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Udon....thats just for starters. :D

But nowhere does it quite as well as Pattaya does it Brit. :o


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.

Take a look at the Role models in the upper circles and all the stuff in the news about how they interpetate the laws of the land.

What do we expect them to do apart from copy them.

I must say i love Pattasya and am not a critic or a cynic but.

Don,t you think that the locality is a magnet for all the low lifes to make their home due to the ric

A magnet...No!... Pattaya is a vibrant, bustling city and criminals can see opportunities and weaknesses to exploit as they do anywhere in the world.

The debate is about Pattaya so lets not use other countries as a reason / comparison as to why it should happen here.

The police and the local authorities need to honour the law by looking after law abiding people, take serious action and take steps to make it a safe place for everyone.

Yes, Pattaya is a vibrant bustling city and we and tourist alike are attracted to this, along with the joys of associating with law abiding people of all creeeds, without fear or intimidation.

Again i visit Pattaya frequently from up country along with many others and we always enjoy our time there.

It doesn,t take a an intellectual to see the many warning signs of what,s causing the downside, let,s be honest with ourselves, at least.

Are you satisfied then P.F. with all that has been going on here and is definitely getting worse, and is it o.k. just because it,s the same as somewhere else.

Of course you aren,t, along with the rest of us.

The majority of people just want to be able to enjoy the vibrance and the bustling without having to worry about the increasing criminality.

Magnet in the dictionary as in my referrence means to attract, attraction of people or things.

These criminals aren,t interested in the many good things it has to offer and are magnetised by the money and the things people choose to wear during there stay.

Perhaps we should all walk about naked and penniless.

Exploiting weaknesses, ect.

I know you aren,t bias or a cynic of this city so do let,s focus on the real needs and try and get it back to being a pleasure to live in and visit, without all the low lifes that are ruining our freedoms.

Let us all recognise what needs to be done and try through the media to put it right.

I truly feel sorry for all the people who have invested in the city with hard earned cash from abroad

who are constantlly being undermined by the deteriorating situations.

They provide most of the vibrancy and are being kicked in the teeth by these low lifes on a daily basis.

In my humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D


Absolutely quite amazing..... some think Mafia...some think that the victim was drunk and abusive.

The truth is they were a bunch of probably itinerant local street vendors who were nothing less than thugs and one to one would not even have had the guts to stay.

Not before time might I add that the Police have at last done something about this...their record was to say the least neglectful and irresponsible before the Mayor became involved.

Yes Fox, but don't these street sellers pay to be 'protected' by the mafia?

Could still explain the initial delay in police action - but when the sh.. hit the fan they were served up as sacrificial lambs :D

(Oh dear we're back to sheep again :o )

Who knows? but for sure the poor guy didn't deserve the unwarranted speculation on his role in the story.

Will you folk of Northern extraction get it right


The ones that stayed home live to the right of Australia. Many live in Ausie some live in LOS, ask stickman.

Us ausies have enough troubles with all the F#$%ing people who don't want to live in Pattaya due to the crime levels and the number of yanks there. :D


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.

Take a look at the Role models in the upper circles and all the stuff in the news about how they interpetate the laws of the land.

What do we expect them to do apart from copy them.

I must say i love Pattasya and am not a critic or a cynic but.

Don,t you think that the locality is a magnet for all the low lifes to make their home due to the ric

A magnet...No!... Pattaya is a vibrant, bustling city and criminals can see opportunities and weaknesses to exploit as they do anywhere in the world.

The debate is about Pattaya so lets not use other countries as a reason / comparison as to why it should happen here.

The police and the local authorities need to honour the law by looking after law abiding people, take serious action and take steps to make it a safe place for everyone.

Yes, Pattaya is a vibrant bustling city and we and tourist alike are attracted to this, along with the joys of associating with law abiding people of all creeeds, without fear or intimidation.

Again i visit Pattaya frequently from up country along with many others and we always enjoy our time there.

It doesn,t take a an intellectual to see the many warning signs of what,s causing the downside, let,s be honest with ourselves, at least.

Are you satisfied then P.F. with all that has been going on here and is definitely getting worse, and is it o.k. just because it,s the same as somewhere else.

Of course you aren,t, along with the rest of us.

The majority of people just want to be able to enjoy the vibrance and the bustling without having to worry about the increasing criminality.

Magnet in the dictionary as in my referrence means to attract, attraction of people or things.

These criminals aren,t interested in the many good things it has to offer and are magnetised by the money and the things people choose to wear during there stay.

Perhaps we should all walk about naked and penniless.

Exploiting weaknesses, ect.

I know you aren,t bias or a cynic of this city so do let,s focus on the real needs and try and get it back to being a pleasure to live in and visit, without all the low lifes that are ruining our freedoms.

Let us all recognise what needs to be done and try through the media to put it right.

I truly feel sorry for all the people who have invested in the city with hard earned cash from abroad

who are constantlly being undermined by the deteriorating situations.

They provide most of the vibrancy and are being kicked in the teeth by these low lifes on a daily basis.

In my humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D

Of course we all want to see Pattaya with much lower crime statistics and one of the moves by the Mayor will hopefully result in a better area along Beach Road and help to reduce the level of crime in that area.

Although you don`t wish to compare Pattaya with any other place in the world the fact is that crime unfortunately is part and parcel within any community and happens every where.

I too feel sorry for all the people who have been the victims of crime and I also feel sorry for people who have invested here and are now finding difficulties due to the various changes in company formations and the visa run situation.

This of course is a developing country and as such you will not see resources being applied as is done in the West where even with massive resources crime can still be very prevalent. Infact I would not want to be walking about wearing gold ornaments in any major city in the UK or many other places as well.

So yes I agree the media is one way for us to air our views on crime but I am sure that with more political will then more will be done. Maybe you could arrange a meeting with the chief of police and put your points directly to him and ask him what spare resources he has to tackle crime :D


One of the reasons i came to thailand was to get away from the violence for violence sake attitude back in the uk. I thought thailand was a more safe layed back place to live not so my wifes mum crys when she looks at the news. She tells me thailand has changed from a caring pepole in to a selfish pepole where you can not trust any one she hates the police and says the young dont believe in buda and the old ways no respect any more. I feel sorry for her as she worrys about her children it looks like i was wrong about thailands layed back mai pen rai attitude

Unfortunately violence is everywhere in the world and in Pattaya is seems that some of the younger generation are prepared to commit crime for their own selfish reasons.

I am afraid that respect, honesty and the wish to work hard these days is sadly lacking in some of world`s youth.

Take a look at the Role models in the upper circles and all the stuff in the news about how they interpetate the laws of the land.

What do we expect them to do apart from copy them.

I must say i love Pattasya and am not a critic or a cynic but.

Don,t you think that the locality is a magnet for all the low lifes to make their home due to the ric

A magnet...No!... Pattaya is a vibrant, bustling city and criminals can see opportunities and weaknesses to exploit as they do anywhere in the world.

The debate is about Pattaya so lets not use other countries as a reason / comparison as to why it should happen here.

The police and the local authorities need to honour the law by looking after law abiding people, take serious action and take steps to make it a safe place for everyone.

Yes, Pattaya is a vibrant bustling city and we and tourist alike are attracted to this, along with the joys of associating with law abiding people of all creeeds, without fear or intimidation.

Again i visit Pattaya frequently from up country along with many others and we always enjoy our time there.

It doesn,t take a an intellectual to see the many warning signs of what,s causing the downside, let,s be honest with ourselves, at least.

Are you satisfied then P.F. with all that has been going on here and is definitely getting worse, and is it o.k. just because it,s the same as somewhere else.

Of course you aren,t, along with the rest of us.

The majority of people just want to be able to enjoy the vibrance and the bustling without having to worry about the increasing criminality.

Magnet in the dictionary as in my referrence means to attract, attraction of people or things.

These criminals aren,t interested in the many good things it has to offer and are magnetised by the money and the things people choose to wear during there stay.

Perhaps we should all walk about naked and penniless.

Exploiting weaknesses, ect.

I know you aren,t bias or a cynic of this city so do let,s focus on the real needs and try and get it back to being a pleasure to live in and visit, without all the low lifes that are ruining our freedoms.

Let us all recognise what needs to be done and try through the media to put it right.

I truly feel sorry for all the people who have invested in the city with hard earned cash from abroad

who are constantlly being undermined by the deteriorating situations.

They provide most of the vibrancy and are being kicked in the teeth by these low lifes on a daily basis.

In my humble opinion of course.

marshbags :o:D:D

Of course we all want to see Pattaya with much lower crime statistics and one of the moves by the Mayor will hopefully result in a better area along Beach Road and help to reduce the level of crime in that area.

Although you don`t wish to compare Pattaya with any other place in the world the fact is that crime unfortunately is part and parcel within any community and happens every where.

I too feel sorry for all the people who have been the victims of crime and I also feel sorry for people who have invested here and are now finding difficulties due to the various changes in company formations and the visa run situation.

This of course is a developing country and as such you will not see resources being applied as is done in the West where even with massive resources crime can still be very prevalent. Infact I would not want to be walking about wearing gold ornaments in any major city in the UK or many other places as well.

So yes I agree the media is one way for us to air our views on crime but I am sure that with more political will then more will be done. Maybe you could arrange a meeting with the chief of police and put your points directly to him and ask him what spare resources he has to tackle crime :D

An excellent post by Pattaya Fox.

Everyone dreams of the yesteryears of paucity of violent crime within Pattaya. However the facts are, that violent crime is rising.

The motorcycle thefts are usually conducted by two Thai males, out for a quick 1 baht of gold. Almost certainly to pay for drugs and gambling, and I suspect, even more so now: 'easy money'. It will be spent on a new mobile phone, or a Thai girlfriend, to show off.

I am most saddened, by thefts (by Thai's) from fellow Thai women; handbags, gold and motorcycle taxi drivers: (yes there are a few women M/C taxi drivers).

What can local police do? I am quite sure that they dream of a crime-free Pattaya, however I feel that the most important point is this:

Very often, criminals are caught, using radio communications and road blocks, with detailed descriptions of the criminals. They are brought to (a) police station, charged, then...........

.............fined and released, some not even jailed.

There has to be a deterrent. Just as I would not be involved with drugs in the L.O.S. because I know it equals 99 years in the BKK Hilton.

I watch the City News on cable T.V. and I think 'great' they have caught this crazy Thai housebreaker, then I sigh and realise: he will be released by his rich uncle hours later.

Detection and capture of criminals is not the problem. Punishment is the problem. Without sounding like Doesteovsky: punishment, I feel, must equal the crime.

Would it be defeatest of me to consider moving from Pattaya, to another part of Thailand? I have been giving this matter serious thought. I would not move next week, but certainly within the next 18 months, if I still feel the same way.

yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

gharknes and I have had few run ins in the past, and as you all know, I am a staunch defender of Pattaya.

I have to say, however, that there is something in what he says.

Up to recently, it has been my perception that most of the more serious crimes were committed away from the main areas of Beach road. Most crimes happened in the small hours, but usually occurred in locations like the back streets of Jomtien, Na Klua, 2nd Road, 3rd Road, etc, but not too much violent crime where the majority of tourists - especially families and those from the more upmarket hotels would congregate - i.e. beach Road.

But now, it seems that there aren't any no-go areas for crime, and due to the incompetence and disinterest of the police, even a relatively small area like Beach road cannot be protected from serious crime.

gharknes is right, you wouldn't expect this sort of crime in the main area of any self respecting holiday resort. OK, maybe pick pockets and petty thieves, but not gangs of locals knocking people senseless with wood and breaking their bones - without a cop in sight, and not even any follow up until the hue and cry goes out.

It is getting beyond the pale, and I have said this before - in this area of beach road it should be possible to eliminate crime. Not everywhere in Pattaya, I accept, but if this area was properly patrolled, at least tourists could feel safe in having an 'after midnight stroll' in one small area of Pattaya without going in fear of their lives.

Something needs to be done - quick!


yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

gharknes and I have had few run ins in the past, and as you all know, I am a staunch defender of Pattaya.

I have to say, however, that there is something in what he says.

Up to recently, it has been my perception that most of the more serious crimes were committed away from the main areas of Beach road. Most crimes happened in the small hours, but usually occurred in locations like the back streets of Jomtien, Na Klua, 2nd Road, 3rd Road, etc, but not too much violent crime where the majority of tourists - especially families and those from the more upmarket hotels would congregate - i.e. beach Road.

But now, it seems that there aren't any no-go areas for crime, and due to the incompetence and disinterest of the police, even a relatively small area like Beach road cannot be protected from serious crime.

gharknes is right, you wouldn't expect this sort of crime in the main area of any self respecting holiday resort. OK, maybe pick pockets and petty thieves, but not gangs of locals knocking people senseless with wood and breaking their bones - without a cop in sight, and not even any follow up until the hue and cry goes out.

It is getting beyond the pale, and I have said this before - in this area of beach road it should be possible to eliminate crime. Not everywhere in Pattaya, I accept, but if this area was properly patrolled, at least tourists could feel safe in having an 'after midnight stroll' in one small area of Pattaya without going in fear of their lives.

Something needs to be done - quick!

...well, I don't think it's typical to find safety at night on the main drag of beach resorts in third world countries. Opposite is true in my opinion. Take Copacabana Beach in Rio. You wouldn't walk along Avenida Atlantica after dusk unless you're looking for trouble. I can't think of any place in a third world county where it's safe at night in a place like the Beach Road in Pattaya.



...well, I don't think it's typical to find safety at night on the main drag of beach resorts in third world countries. Opposite is true in my opinion. Take Copacabana Beach in Rio. You wouldn't walk along Avenida Atlantica after dusk unless you're looking for trouble. I can't think of any place in a third world county where it's safe at night in a place like the Beach Road in Pattaya.

Well, all can say is that it sure as heck used to be pretty safe - and not so very long ago either.

And I still reckon it wouldn't take much effort to make it pretty safe again.

I'll put my head in the lion's mouth now and say that it's still pretty safe in the tourist areas of Bangkok (ie Sukhumvit etc) so why not Beach Road?


I can remember feeling safe at night on Beach Road too a few years ago. That's one of the things that made Pattaya unique in my view. I hope safety returns.

I can remember feeling safe at night on Beach Road too a few years ago. That's one of the things that made Pattaya unique in my view. I hope safety returns.

Been out til dawn on Beach Road, not on the beach side of the road, but in all my outings not any problems, nor seen anything. I think its unfortunate and unlucky. However patrolling beach rd from 12-6AM, high profile would in my estimation do wonders.

To all you crybabies out there who think that the farung is always right and everything Thai is wrong I suggest you don't wipe your feet, never mind the lights, go now and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Well, aren't you just the perfect little Thai sympathizer... There is NOTHING this guy did or could have done to deserve this beating at the hands of a bunch of Thai punks. Thai men are cowards and this is yet one more example of how childish and mean they are... :o:D


yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

gharknes and I have had few run ins in the past, and as you all know, I am a staunch defender of Pattaya.

I have to say, however, that there is something in what he says.

Up to recently, it has been my perception that most of the more serious crimes were committed away from the main areas of Beach road. Most crimes happened in the small hours, but usually occurred in locations like the back streets of Jomtien, Na Klua, 2nd Road, 3rd Road, etc, but not too much violent crime where the majority of tourists - especially families and those from the more upmarket hotels would congregate - i.e. beach Road.

But now, it seems that there aren't any no-go areas for crime, and due to the incompetence and disinterest of the police, even a relatively small area like Beach road cannot be protected from serious crime.

gharknes is right, you wouldn't expect this sort of crime in the main area of any self respecting holiday resort. OK, maybe pick pockets and petty thieves, but not gangs of locals knocking people senseless with wood and breaking their bones - without a cop in sight, and not even any follow up until the hue and cry goes out.

It is getting beyond the pale, and I have said this before - in this area of beach road it should be possible to eliminate crime. Not everywhere in Pattaya, I accept, but if this area was properly patrolled, at least tourists could feel safe in having an 'after midnight stroll' in one small area of Pattaya without going in fear of their lives.

Something needs to be done - quick!

...well, I don't think it's typical to find safety at night on the main drag of beach resorts in third world countries. Opposite is true in my opinion. Take Copacabana Beach in Rio. You wouldn't walk along Avenida Atlantica after dusk unless you're looking for trouble. I can't think of any place in a third world county where it's safe at night in a place like the Beach Road in Pattaya.

What a load of cobblers!! does not have to be holiday resorts in 3rd world countries,Brisbane and the Goldcoast are just as bad if not worse than pattaya as far as muggings and stabbings are concerned, foreign tourists in Sunny Blackpool put their lives at risking on the golden mile after midnight , visit some of the coastal resorts in peaceful Holland ,the wrong accent or vehicle registration is enough to get you a beating, crime and violence after dark is prevalent all over the world , not just Pattaya and third world countries :o Nignoy
Pattaya's finest are ALWAYS standing around the same places during daytime to collect teamoney from motorbikers without helmets, as if that was the biggest crime commitable in the Kingdom.

As soon as it goes dark they generally stay home or or sit in (their own) bars.

Haha......same same in Udon Thani :o

Unfortunately it does happen everywhere - Samui, Phuket, Phi Phi, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Udon....thats just for starters. :D

I live in Udon Thani. NO WAY is crime here close to Pattaya. There is a simple, logical reason for anyone who is objective to the facts. Udon Thani IS NOT a tourist destination. In fact, my copy of Lonely Planet says this, "there is nothing in Udon Thani for the tourist".

Pattaya is a major tourist destination in Thailand. In every country there is a criminal element that flocks to tourist destinations to 'ply their trade'. A lot of wolves are attracted to the 'fresh meat' that hits the streets of Pattaya on a daily basis. It's only logical that the crime rate would be higher. This doesn't mean to imply that Pattaya is better/worse than any other spot in Thailand; it just means the crime rate is higher than most other areas and that is one of the factors one must consider when deciding to visit/live in Pattaya.

To another poster; as far as comparing Pattaya to other cities in the world then yes most times the crime rate in Pattaya will be lower. But for those of us in Thailand who are looking for a safe place to live the only comparisons that matter are local comparisons.


Pattaya's finest are ALWAYS standing around the same places during daytime to collect teamoney from motorbikers without helmets, as if that was the biggest crime commitable in the Kingdom.

As soon as it goes dark they generally stay home or or sit in (their own) bars.

Haha......same same in Udon Thani :o

Unfortunately it does happen everywhere - Samui, Phuket, Phi Phi, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Udon....thats just for starters. :D

I live in Udon Thani. NO WAY is crime here close to Pattaya. There is a simple, logical reason for anyone who is objective to the facts. Udon Thani IS NOT a tourist destination. In fact, my copy of Lonely Planet says this, "there is nothing in Udon Thani for the tourist".

Pattaya is a major tourist destination in Thailand. In every country there is a criminal element that flocks to tourist destinations to 'ply their trade'. A lot of wolves are attracted to the 'fresh meat' that hits the streets of Pattaya on a daily basis. It's only logical that the crime rate would be higher. This doesn't mean to imply that Pattaya is better/worse than any other spot in Thailand; it just means the crime rate is higher than most other areas and that is one of the factors one must consider when deciding to visit/live in Pattaya.

To another poster; as far as comparing Pattaya to other cities in the world then yes most times the crime rate in Pattaya will be lower. But for those of us in Thailand who are looking for a safe place to live the only comparisons that matter are local comparisons.

I'm not really interested in comparing Pattaya with other places (except when people try to tell me that it is far worse - which it isn't).

This is my town, and I'd like the police to clean it up. We've only got one relatively small beach and road in Pattaya proper, it can't be that hard for the police to carry out patrols, and give everyone some peace of mind.


Pattaya's finest are ALWAYS standing around the same places during daytime to collect teamoney from motorbikers without helmets, as if that was the biggest crime commitable in the Kingdom.

As soon as it goes dark they generally stay home or or sit in (their own) bars.

Haha......same same in Udon Thani :D

Unfortunately it does happen everywhere - Samui, Phuket, Phi Phi, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Udon....thats just for starters. :D

I live in Udon Thani. NO WAY is crime here close to Pattaya. There is a simple, logical reason for anyone who is objective to the facts. Udon Thani IS NOT a tourist destination. In fact, my copy of Lonely Planet says this, "there is nothing in Udon Thani for the tourist".

Pattaya is a major tourist destination in Thailand. In every country there is a criminal element that flocks to tourist destinations to 'ply their trade'. A lot of wolves are attracted to the 'fresh meat' that hits the streets of Pattaya on a daily basis. It's only logical that the crime rate would be higher. This doesn't mean to imply that Pattaya is better/worse than any other spot in Thailand; it just means the crime rate is higher than most other areas and that is one of the factors one must consider when deciding to visit/live in Pattaya.

To another poster; as far as comparing Pattaya to other cities in the world then yes most times the crime rate in Pattaya will be lower. But for those of us in Thailand who are looking for a safe place to live the only comparisons that matter are local comparisons.

I'm not really interested in comparing Pattaya with other places (except when people try to tell me that it is far worse - which it isn't).

This is my town, and I'd like the police to clean it up. We've only got one relatively small beach and road in Pattaya proper, it can't be that hard for the police to carry out patrols, and give everyone some peace of mind.

I'll agree with that; perhaps 'far worse' is not the correct term. However, if you really think the crime rate in Pattaya is on par with all other areas of Thailand you are wearing the rose colored specs my friend. :D

Good on you though for wanting the police to clean up your town. :o


Pattaya's finest are ALWAYS standing around the same places during daytime to collect teamoney from motorbikers without helmets, as if that was the biggest crime commitable in the Kingdom.

As soon as it goes dark they generally stay home or or sit in (their own) bars.

Haha......same same in Udon Thani :D

Unfortunately it does happen everywhere - Samui, Phuket, Phi Phi, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Udon....thats just for starters. :D

I live in Udon Thani. NO WAY is crime here close to Pattaya. There is a simple, logical reason for anyone who is objective to the facts. Udon Thani IS NOT a tourist destination. In fact, my copy of Lonely Planet says this, "there is nothing in Udon Thani for the tourist".

Pattaya is a major tourist destination in Thailand. In every country there is a criminal element that flocks to tourist destinations to 'ply their trade'. A lot of wolves are attracted to the 'fresh meat' that hits the streets of Pattaya on a daily basis. It's only logical that the crime rate would be higher. This doesn't mean to imply that Pattaya is better/worse than any other spot in Thailand; it just means the crime rate is higher than most other areas and that is one of the factors one must consider when deciding to visit/live in Pattaya.

To another poster; as far as comparing Pattaya to other cities in the world then yes most times the crime rate in Pattaya will be lower. But for those of us in Thailand who are looking for a safe place to live the only comparisons that matter are local comparisons.

I'm not really interested in comparing Pattaya with other places (except when people try to tell me that it is far worse - which it isn't).

This is my town, and I'd like the police to clean it up. We've only got one relatively small beach and road in Pattaya proper, it can't be that hard for the police to carry out patrols, and give everyone some peace of mind.

I'll agree with that; perhaps 'far worse' is not the correct term. However, if you really think the crime rate in Pattaya is on par with all other areas of Thailand you are wearing the rose colored specs my friend. :D

Good on you though for wanting the police to clean up your town. :o

You misunderstood me - or I wasn't being clear. I meant "far worse than other places" outside Thailand - not inside.

I wouldn't disagree with you about Thailand, although there seems to be pretty high crime rates in places like kanchanaburi, and even many suburbs of Bangkok - but not the Bangkok tourist areas.


Pattaya's finest are ALWAYS standing around the same places during daytime to collect teamoney from motorbikers without helmets, as if that was the biggest crime commitable in the Kingdom.

As soon as it goes dark they generally stay home or or sit in (their own) bars.

Haha......same same in Udon Thani :D

Unfortunately it does happen everywhere - Samui, Phuket, Phi Phi, Chang Mai, Bangkok, Udon....thats just for starters. :D

I live in Udon Thani. NO WAY is crime here close to Pattaya. There is a simple, logical reason for anyone who is objective to the facts. Udon Thani IS NOT a tourist destination. In fact, my copy of Lonely Planet says this, "there is nothing in Udon Thani for the tourist".

Pattaya is a major tourist destination in Thailand. In every country there is a criminal element that flocks to tourist destinations to 'ply their trade'. A lot of wolves are attracted to the 'fresh meat' that hits the streets of Pattaya on a daily basis. It's only logical that the crime rate would be higher. This doesn't mean to imply that Pattaya is better/worse than any other spot in Thailand; it just means the crime rate is higher than most other areas and that is one of the factors one must consider when deciding to visit/live in Pattaya.

To another poster; as far as comparing Pattaya to other cities in the world then yes most times the crime rate in Pattaya will be lower. But for those of us in Thailand who are looking for a safe place to live the only comparisons that matter are local comparisons.

I'm not really interested in comparing Pattaya with other places (except when people try to tell me that it is far worse - which it isn't).

This is my town, and I'd like the police to clean it up. We've only got one relatively small beach and road in Pattaya proper, it can't be that hard for the police to carry out patrols, and give everyone some peace of mind.

I'll agree with that; perhaps 'far worse' is not the correct term. However, if you really think the crime rate in Pattaya is on par with all other areas of Thailand you are wearing the rose colored specs my friend. :D

Good on you though for wanting the police to clean up your town. :o

You misunderstood me - or I wasn't being clear. I meant "far worse than other places" outside Thailand - not inside.

I wouldn't disagree with you about Thailand, although there seems to be pretty high crime rates in places like kanchanaburi, and even many suburbs of Bangkok - but not the Bangkok tourist areas.

I did misunderstand your post.....sorry. Yea most every big city in America has 'hot spots' where one would be well advised to stay away from......especially at night


yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

gharknes and I have had few run ins in the past, and as you all know, I am a staunch defender of Pattaya.

I have to say, however, that there is something in what he says.

Up to recently, it has been my perception that most of the more serious crimes were committed away from the main areas of Beach road. Most crimes happened in the small hours, but usually occurred in locations like the back streets of Jomtien, Na Klua, 2nd Road, 3rd Road, etc, but not too much violent crime where the majority of tourists - especially families and those from the more upmarket hotels would congregate - i.e. beach Road.

But now, it seems that there aren't any no-go areas for crime, and due to the incompetence and disinterest of the police, even a relatively small area like Beach road cannot be protected from serious crime.

gharknes is right, you wouldn't expect this sort of crime in the main area of any self respecting holiday resort. OK, maybe pick pockets and petty thieves, but not gangs of locals knocking people senseless with wood and breaking their bones - without a cop in sight, and not even any follow up until the hue and cry goes out.

It is getting beyond the pale, and I have said this before - in this area of beach road it should be possible to eliminate crime. Not everywhere in Pattaya, I accept, but if this area was properly patrolled, at least tourists could feel safe in having an 'after midnight stroll' in one small area of Pattaya without going in fear of their lives.

Something needs to be done - quick!

...well, I don't think it's typical to find safety at night on the main drag of beach resorts in third world countries. Opposite is true in my opinion. Take Copacabana Beach in Rio. You wouldn't walk along Avenida Atlantica after dusk unless you're looking for trouble. I can't think of any place in a third world county where it's safe at night in a place like the Beach Road in Pattaya.

What a load of cobblers!! does not have to be holiday resorts in 3rd world countries,Brisbane and the Goldcoast are just as bad if not worse than pattaya as far as muggings and stabbings are concerned, foreign tourists in Sunny Blackpool put their lives at risking on the golden mile after midnight , visit some of the coastal resorts in peaceful Holland ,the wrong accent or vehicle registration is enough to get you a beating, crime and violence after dark is prevalent all over the world , not just Pattaya and third world countries :o Nignoy

You missed the point entirely and you seem to have a dark cloud over your head with this bit about "...crime and violence after dark is prevalent all over the world...."


I was walking along beach road lst night from walking street to the royal shopping center to see a movie with a girl. two girls walking in front of us, minding their own business, dressed well, not bothering anyone and the police stopped them in front of us and demaded to see their id's. these girls werent bothering anyone but my girl and I were hassled and grabbed at by at least a dozen guys trying to sell us suits. the police need to get their priorities straight and get to the offenders.


yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

gharknes and I have had few run ins in the past, and as you all know, I am a staunch defender of Pattaya.

I have to say, however, that there is something in what he says.

Up to recently, it has been my perception that most of the more serious crimes were committed away from the main areas of Beach road. Most crimes happened in the small hours, but usually occurred in locations like the back streets of Jomtien, Na Klua, 2nd Road, 3rd Road, etc, but not too much violent crime where the majority of tourists - especially families and those from the more upmarket hotels would congregate - i.e. beach Road.

But now, it seems that there aren't any no-go areas for crime, and due to the incompetence and disinterest of the police, even a relatively small area like Beach road cannot be protected from serious crime.

gharknes is right, you wouldn't expect this sort of crime in the main area of any self respecting holiday resort. OK, maybe pick pockets and petty thieves, but not gangs of locals knocking people senseless with wood and breaking their bones - without a cop in sight, and not even any follow up until the hue and cry goes out.

It is getting beyond the pale, and I have said this before - in this area of beach road it should be possible to eliminate crime. Not everywhere in Pattaya, I accept, but if this area was properly patrolled, at least tourists could feel safe in having an 'after midnight stroll' in one small area of Pattaya without going in fear of their lives.

Something needs to be done - quick!

...well, I don't think it's typical to find safety at night on the main drag of beach resorts in third world countries. Opposite is true in my opinion. Take Copacabana Beach in Rio. You wouldn't walk along Avenida Atlantica after dusk unless you're looking for trouble. I can't think of any place in a third world county where it's safe at night in a place like the Beach Road in Pattaya.

What a load of cobblers!! does not have to be holiday resorts in 3rd world countries,Brisbane and the Goldcoast are just as bad if not worse than pattaya as far as muggings and stabbings are concerned, foreign tourists in Sunny Blackpool put their lives at risking on the golden mile after midnight , visit some of the coastal resorts in peaceful Holland ,the wrong accent or vehicle registration is enough to get you a beating, crime and violence after dark is prevalent all over the world , not just Pattaya and third world countries :o Nignoy

Was it ever thus? I think not. 30 years ago I walked in th middle of the night thro many cities and towns with no problem. Wouldn't do it now. What has changed? Everywhere has got TV and the kids love the gore and guns and fights and murders in the movies. The kids learn about hard drugs and how to use. Porn is available on the internet and magazines. Its a whole new scene for the kids today. I see many western families in Pattaya - Mum and Dad with the kids. If Mum and Dad see nothing wrong with what's on show in Pattaya, the kids think it's OK too. The Thais cater to the drinking, womanising, porno, child sex, yuk folks who come here on holiday and, I'm afraid, the clean,good, upstanding, residents get tarred with the same brush. I know an older woman, grey haired, matronly, a resident, who walking in Soi Post Office was handed a leaflet offering a meal at a restaurant with 'under the table services'.

The authorities need to take control of the situation and clean Pattaya up. But maybe they can't. Maybe its past critical mass.

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