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Officer caught on video in Texas pool party incident resigns

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Some who were there at the time, said the girl the cop took down was being belligerent and defiant, refusing to obey the cop.

And yet the video shows a young girl in a bikini crying and begging to phone her mother, as she has been thrown out in the street, by the police, with all her clothes and belongings back at the pool.

Would you think it was OK for your 14 year old teenage girl to be forced to walk miles home wearing just a bikini?

Why was a 14 year old girl out on the street by herself without adult supervision far from home?

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Some who were there at the time, said the girl the cop took down was being belligerent and defiant, refusing to obey the cop.

And yet the video shows a young girl in a bikini crying and begging to phone her mother, as she has been thrown out in the street, by the police, with all her clothes and belongings back at the pool.

Would you think it was OK for your 14 year old teenage girl to be forced to walk miles home wearing just a bikini?

Why was a 14 year old girl out on the street by herself without adult supervision far from home?

Because the police threw her out of the pool party, without allowing her parents to collect her.


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

A definition of success.......

McKinney victim’s father shames cop after pool party fiasco: ‘He should be drug-tested, then fired’


Jahi Adisa Bakari speaks out at press conference on June 8, 2015. [YouTube]

As civic organizations meet with officials in McKinney, Texas to discuss a local police officer’s attack against black teenagers at a pool party, the father of a teenage girl allegedly involved in the incident has called for the officer to lose his job.

“I’m not disrespecting the entire police department, because I saw some people doing the right thing, trying to keep the matter right,” Jahi Adisa Bakari said at a press conference on Monday. Bakari accused the officer, Eric Casebolt, of pushing his 13-year-old daughter during the encounter on Friday.

“This guy was out of control,” Bakari said. “He should be drug-tested, then fired. He shouldn’t keep his job, and I’m not gonna stop until he is fired.”


And as a testimony that cynicism around these parts has no bounds, the 18 year old who was chased down and cuffed, Adrian Martin, was released without charges and said in the presence of his lawyer that he would not be filing a suit in the false arrest.

The girl's father however may have a different frame of mind however, so we'll have to wait to see......


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

What a nasty thing to post. I am pretty liberal, but I think this whole thing is a sad situation. I most certainly can understand why a police officer might lose the plot. Teenagers are a difficult group to deal with. They have not yet learned just what danger they could have been putting themselves into. Some may not have known they were violating a law or rule of a housing estate.

The police officer made a number of wrong decisions, IMO, but the police have my full support in upholding the laws, that includes the laws with which I do not agree. They do their part, and the courts and legislatures do theirs.

The police are getting a lot of bad press these days and perhaps it's time to look at some changes in police/community relations. There was a time when the police did a sort of outreach program to local schools and organizations and explained to the community what they do and why. This included ride along programs and other programs especially aimed at younger people.

I've had unpleasant experiences with police in a number of countries, but these are outweighed by the positive experiences, including the numerous criminals that they picked up before they got a chance to victimize me.

The police do Serve and Protect. They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.


From the OP quoting the McKinney chief of police:

"He came into the call out of control and the video showed he was out of control during the incident," Conley said.

Everything about the cop with those obviously well mannered kids at a summertime pool party in McKinney Texas was unjustified. None of the kids were ever arrested or charged, and the only outlier one who had been arrested has been freed. The burned out cop and his provocations are gone, the peace has been restored, and this is a good example to the country.

This is where and why you lose all credibility. You refer to these kids as "obviously well mannered kids." If going to try and weigh on a subject in an unbiased manner or be credible, every once and in while you have to take your rose colored specs off and acknowledge facts that are contrary to your belief system.

According to the families living in that neighborhood, there were about 100 kids. Not all were acting like animals, but about 7 to 10 were from the very beginning. Then some stupid red neck white girl made the comment about Section 8 housing. That set a bunch of these so called well mannered kids off. Several groups of these well mannered kids then jumped a couple of white people and started beating them.

BTW, your little video posted on the other link showed the after math or break up of one of those skirmishes, but as is usual you and what you post leaves out the beginning or portions of the video that are country to your position. This is why you and these mother jones type of sites you link have no credibility.

The cop was definitely hyped up and full of adrenal. i completely get why he drew his weapon when those two black dudes approached him, one of which was exhibiting some bizarre body language jig type of moves. WTH was that?

Cop perhaps should not have done what he did to the bikini girl when she was just sitting on the ground, but again. He did not take anyone, use deadly force or hurt anyone. He subdued the situation and acted pretty much like one has to do when dealing with certain youth these days.

Cop's resignation perhaps is more about the current global situation and politics of this bs than about his actions.

The focus is on the police officer who was obviously unfit for his job and now the cop doesn't have the job any more which is good for everyone.

The kids were not rioting, not looting, not burning down anything. They were being, well, black kids at a summertime pool party invaded by a berzerk flying one-man-riot cop and his firearm.

Everyone agrees the other 11 police officers at the scene did a good job and were responsible in their professionalism. One can see that in the original 7+ minute video.

This wild talk about "animals in human form" is completely OTT, in McKinney and anywhere else.

The chief of police in McKinney was highly critical of the officer and readily accepted the resignation...the whole of the flying right wing in Texas and across the country needs to accept the resignation and the whole of the situation too, the whole of the story being the berserk cop.

I grew up in a neighborhood where adults slugged it out with adults, kids and adults threw punches and tackles, and individual kids punched out the individual kids we didn't like. Nobody called the cops. We congratulated the winner and kicked the loser. The loser here is the whacko cop. The cop was out of control from start to finish and the chief said so. Accept it.


I lived in that area for many years. Those were not 'ghetto' kids from south Dallas. Many of them have well-to-do parents in the sports, financial and hi-tech industries. They are smart, well educated and nice kids.

Dirty Harry was out of control and he's a fricken bigot.


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

Oh Charles. I've always thought of you as conservative but rarely nasty.

Pity she wasn't rich. She'd have her daddy's lawyer on speed dial and before you can say 'hannity', she would have had a PR agent. And I doubt you would have complained.

What's wrong with asserting her rights and ensuring others aren't violated again?


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

Oh Charles. I've always thought of you as conservative but rarely nasty.

Pity she wasn't rich. She'd have her daddy's lawyer on speed dial and before you can say 'hannity', she would have had a PR agent. And I doubt you would have complained.

What's wrong with asserting her rights and ensuring others aren't violated again?

Nonsense. The only bruises she got were to her ego.

Maybe her father is rich. I don't know and I seriously doubt if you do so why did you even feel compelled to raise the question?

The cop has resigned.

The well paid professional protesters have arrived in McKinney.

The lawyers are standing in line on the courthouse steps.

What else does the liberal left need for a perfect weekend. All is right in their world.

Give me a break.


The flying right wing of American politics and the hard core right wing among the minority of police who are culpable are having a rough go of it recently, as in the past couple of years, with no respite in sight for them.

There's no question the hard core racial police are getting hammered, locally, nationally, globally. This cop who got chucked from the force is but the latest installment of the bad cops being done in by the good cops, McKinney Chief of Police Greg Conly leading the way for which we thank him for a responsible job well done.

We look forward to more Chief Conly kinds of police leadership from this point forward. Nothing is guaranteed and there's no assurance we've turned the corner in this, but this along with much else is indeed encouraging.

The right's best hope now is the proposal by some police in some parts of the country to limit free speech by prohibiting citizens making videos of cops rampaging around and about as this one did in McKinney, which hopefully will turn out to be a failed effort to censor the citizenry.

Texas legislator wants to make it illegal to record cops ...

A Republican lawmaker in Texas wants to prevent residents in his state from filming police officers within at least 25 feet, as communities across the country demand greater transparency from law enforcement in the wake of recent deaths at the hands of police officers nationwide.



I think both sides of this discussion could benefit from toning down the rhetoric a notch or two.


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

Yeah...tax payers will have to fork out because this cop was an idiot.

You appear to think that her getting a lawyer is a thing to criticise. A bit of an odd attitude, IMHO.


This ridiculous non-story actually led the "news" yesterday on the French language TV5Monde as an example of white police brutality against blacks. Absurd. Ignored of course were all the circumstances which led to the arrests. Anytime there is a media opportunity to potray white cops as brutal racists and blacks as innocent victims; the Western MSM jumps on it and often blows it out of proportion. There was no real police brutality in this case and the cop is being unjustly accused of being "racist" and a bigot by the liberals on this thread. Anything they don't like is called racist now. This minor incident was the result of blacks misbehaving; crashing a party and then assulting whites. A few innocent blacks unfortunately also got caught up in the confusion with no real damage. No big deal; but a field day for the black-victim race hustlers and civil rights shakedown lawyers .What is being ignored in the MSM are all the numerous violent black-on-white crimes which dwarf any white-on-black violent crime. All government statistics reveal this reality. Everyday in the USA more than a hundred white women are raped by blacks; yet the reverse almost never happens. You won't hear or read about this on the MSM or about any of the other black-on-white crime; only the rare "man-bites-dog" cases of blacks being mistreated by whites; whether real or imaginary. I don't watch American MSM TV anymore for this and other biased reporting; but the French media is not much better.


This ridiculous non-story actually led the "news" yesterday on the French language TV5Monde as an example of white police brutality against blacks. Absurd. Ignored of course were all the circumstances which led to the arrests. Anytime there is a media opportunity to potray white cops as brutal racists and blacks as innocent victims; the Western MSM jumps on it and often blows it out of proportion. There was no real police brutality in this case and the cop is being unjustly accused of being "racist" and a bigot by the liberals on this thread. Anything they don't like is called racist now. This minor incident was the result of blacks misbehaving; crashing a party and then assulting whites. A few innocent blacks unfortunately also got caught up in the confusion with no real damage. No big deal; but a field day for the black-victim race hustlers and civil rights shakedown lawyers .What is being ignored in the MSM are all the numerous violent black-on-white crimes which dwarf any white-on-black violent crime. All government statistics reveal this reality. Everyday in the USA more than a hundred white women are raped by blacks; yet the reverse almost never happens. You won't hear or read about this on the MSM or about any of the other black-on-white crime; only the rare "man-bites-dog" cases of blacks being mistreated by whites; whether real or imaginary. I don't watch American MSM TV anymore for this and other biased reporting; but the French media is not much better.

I don't believe there is any situation which justifies throwing a nearly naked 13 year old girl to the ground and kneeling on her.

Black or white.


This ridiculous non-story actually led the "news" yesterday on the French language TV5Monde as an example of white police brutality against blacks. Absurd. Ignored of course were all the circumstances which led to the arrests. Anytime there is a media opportunity to potray white cops as brutal racists and blacks as innocent victims; the Western MSM jumps on it and often blows it out of proportion. There was no real police brutality in this case and the cop is being unjustly accused of being "racist" and a bigot by the liberals on this thread. Anything they don't like is called racist now. This minor incident was the result of blacks misbehaving; crashing a party and then assulting whites. A few innocent blacks unfortunately also got caught up in the confusion with no real damage. No big deal; but a field day for the black-victim race hustlers and civil rights shakedown lawyers .What is being ignored in the MSM are all the numerous violent black-on-white crimes which dwarf any white-on-black violent crime. All government statistics reveal this reality. Everyday in the USA more than a hundred white women are raped by blacks; yet the reverse almost never happens. You won't hear or read about this on the MSM or about any of the other black-on-white crime; only the rare "man-bites-dog" cases of blacks being mistreated by whites; whether real or imaginary. I don't watch American MSM TV anymore for this and other biased reporting; but the French media is not much better.

I don't believe there is any situation which justifies throwing a nearly naked 13 year old girl to the ground and kneeling on her.

Black or white.

This is the extent of a "crime" that leads an international news program? Ridiculous.


This ridiculous non-story actually led the "news" yesterday on the French language TV5Monde as an example of white police brutality against blacks. Absurd. Ignored of course were all the circumstances which led to the arrests. Anytime there is a media opportunity to potray white cops as brutal racists and blacks as innocent victims; the Western MSM jumps on it and often blows it out of proportion. There was no real police brutality in this case and the cop is being unjustly accused of being "racist" and a bigot by the liberals on this thread. Anything they don't like is called racist now. This minor incident was the result of blacks misbehaving; crashing a party and then assulting whites. A few innocent blacks unfortunately also got caught up in the confusion with no real damage. No big deal; but a field day for the black-victim race hustlers and civil rights shakedown lawyers .What is being ignored in the MSM are all the numerous violent black-on-white crimes which dwarf any white-on-black violent crime. All government statistics reveal this reality. Everyday in the USA more than a hundred white women are raped by blacks; yet the reverse almost never happens. You won't hear or read about this on the MSM or about any of the other black-on-white crime; only the rare "man-bites-dog" cases of blacks being mistreated by whites; whether real or imaginary. I don't watch American MSM TV anymore for this and other biased reporting; but the French media is not much better.

I don't believe there is any situation which justifies throwing a nearly naked 13 year old girl to the ground and kneeling on her.

Black or white.

This is the extent of a "crime" that leads an international news program? Ridiculous.

I've always expected the police (from any country) to protect distressed children, not assault them.

Sorry if my expectations are unrealistic.


This ridiculous non-story actually led the "news" yesterday on the French language TV5Monde as an example of white police brutality against blacks. Absurd. Ignored of course were all the circumstances which led to the arrests. Anytime there is a media opportunity to potray white cops as brutal racists and blacks as innocent victims; the Western MSM jumps on it and often blows it out of proportion. There was no real police brutality in this case and the cop is being unjustly accused of being "racist" and a bigot by the liberals on this thread. Anything they don't like is called racist now. This minor incident was the result of blacks misbehaving; crashing a party and then assulting whites. A few innocent blacks unfortunately also got caught up in the confusion with no real damage. No big deal; but a field day for the black-victim race hustlers and civil rights shakedown lawyers .What is being ignored in the MSM are all the numerous violent black-on-white crimes which dwarf any white-on-black violent crime. All government statistics reveal this reality. Everyday in the USA more than a hundred white women are raped by blacks; yet the reverse almost never happens. You won't hear or read about this on the MSM or about any of the other black-on-white crime; only the rare "man-bites-dog" cases of blacks being mistreated by whites; whether real or imaginary. I don't watch American MSM TV anymore for this and other biased reporting; but the French media is not much better.

I don't believe there is any situation which justifies throwing a nearly naked 13 year old girl to the ground and kneeling on her.

Black or white.

This is the extent of a "crime" that leads an international news program? Ridiculous.

I've always expected the police (from any country) to protect distressed children, not assault them.

Sorry if my expectations are unrealistic.

Per usual the liberals miss the point. A sassy and large girl getting pushed to the ground by a cop in the context of a racially-charged teenager brawl is indeed unfortunate; but hardly something which warrents international attention. In most parts of the world she would indeed be very fortunate to get away with just this happening to her. What is more significant is the perpetration of the myth by the MSM of black-victimhood at the hands of "racist" white cops. This is a problem which does not exist anymore in America; despite isolated incidents. In fact government statistics reveal police are more likely to use force on white criminals than black ones. The police are no doubt aware of the unwanted attention that any use of force on blacks gets; and the possiblity of "civil-rights" lawyers and shakedowns. On the other hand; the very real problems of disproportionate black criminality, poor attitudes in general and their frequent assaults on whites ( which were all on display and at the source of this incident) are problems that the MSM largely ignores. They have an agenda to push and the facts don't really matter to them.

All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

What a nasty thing to post. I am pretty liberal, but I think this whole thing is a sad situation. I most certainly can understand why a police officer might lose the plot. Teenagers are a difficult group to deal with. They have not yet learned just what danger they could have been putting themselves into. Some may not have known they were violating a law or rule of a housing estate.

The police officer made a number of wrong decisions, IMO, but the police have my full support in upholding the laws, that includes the laws with which I do not agree. They do their part, and the courts and legislatures do theirs.

The police are getting a lot of bad press these days and perhaps it's time to look at some changes in police/community relations. There was a time when the police did a sort of outreach program to local schools and organizations and explained to the community what they do and why. This included ride along programs and other programs especially aimed at younger people.

I've had unpleasant experiences with police in a number of countries, but these are outweighed by the positive experiences, including the numerous criminals that they picked up before they got a chance to victimize me.

The police do Serve and Protect. They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

Gee Whiz, I wonder what could possibly be the reasons for that.


This ridiculous non-story actually led the "news" yesterday on the French language TV5Monde as an example of white police brutality against blacks. Absurd. Ignored of course were all the circumstances which led to the arrests. Anytime there is a media opportunity to potray white cops as brutal racists and blacks as innocent victims; the Western MSM jumps on it and often blows it out of proportion. There was no real police brutality in this case and the cop is being unjustly accused of being "racist" and a bigot by the liberals on this thread. Anything they don't like is called racist now. This minor incident was the result of blacks misbehaving; crashing a party and then assulting whites. A few innocent blacks unfortunately also got caught up in the confusion with no real damage. No big deal; but a field day for the black-victim race hustlers and civil rights shakedown lawyers .What is being ignored in the MSM are all the numerous violent black-on-white crimes which dwarf any white-on-black violent crime. All government statistics reveal this reality. Everyday in the USA more than a hundred white women are raped by blacks; yet the reverse almost never happens. You won't hear or read about this on the MSM or about any of the other black-on-white crime; only the rare "man-bites-dog" cases of blacks being mistreated by whites; whether real or imaginary. I don't watch American MSM TV anymore for this and other biased reporting; but the French media is not much better.

I don't believe there is any situation which justifies throwing a nearly naked 13 year old girl to the ground and kneeling on her.
Black or white.
This is the extent of a "crime" that leads an international news program? Ridiculous.

I've always expected the police (from any country) to protect distressed children, not assault them.
Sorry if my expectations are unrealistic.
Per usual the liberals miss the point. A sassy and large girl getting pushed to the ground by a cop in the context of a racially-charged teenager brawl is indeed unfortunate; but hardly something which warrents international attention. In most parts of the world she would indeed be very fortunate to get away with just this happening to her. What is more significant is the perpetration of the myth by the MSM of black-victimhood at the hands of "racist" white cops. This is a problem which does not exist anymore in America; despite isolated incidents. In fact government statistics reveal police are more likely to use force on white criminals than black ones. The police are no doubt aware of the unwanted attention that any use of force on blacks gets; and the possiblity of "civil-rights" lawyers and shakedowns. On the other hand; the very real problems of disproportionate black criminality, poor attitudes in general and their frequent assaults on whites ( which were all on display and at the source of this incident) are problems that the MSM largely ignores. They have an agenda to push and the facts don't really matter to them.

She was already on the ground. But that wasnt enough for Rambo, he then has to toss her around and stick his knees into her.

I see now Rambo has lawyered up as well, is that as wrong as the girl lawyering up?

But Rambo's lawyer has said he was suffering from emotional distress which caused him to act the way he did that day.

So I guess even Rambo knows he did wrong, the chief knows he did wrong. But some of you just dont get it.

All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

What a nasty thing to post. I am pretty liberal, but I think this whole thing is a sad situation. I most certainly can understand why a police officer might lose the plot. Teenagers are a difficult group to deal with. They have not yet learned just what danger they could have been putting themselves into. Some may not have known they were violating a law or rule of a housing estate.

The police officer made a number of wrong decisions, IMO, but the police have my full support in upholding the laws, that includes the laws with which I do not agree. They do their part, and the courts and legislatures do theirs.

The police are getting a lot of bad press these days and perhaps it's time to look at some changes in police/community relations. There was a time when the police did a sort of outreach program to local schools and organizations and explained to the community what they do and why. This included ride along programs and other programs especially aimed at younger people.

I've had unpleasant experiences with police in a number of countries, but these are outweighed by the positive experiences, including the numerous criminals that they picked up before they got a chance to victimize me.

The police do Serve and Protect. They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

Gee Whiz, I wonder what could possibly be the reasons for that.

Lack of training and accepting neanderthals into the force.


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

What a nasty thing to post. I am pretty liberal, but I think this whole thing is a sad situation. I most certainly can understand why a police officer might lose the plot. Teenagers are a difficult group to deal with. They have not yet learned just what danger they could have been putting themselves into. Some may not have known they were violating a law or rule of a housing estate.

The police officer made a number of wrong decisions, IMO, but the police have my full support in upholding the laws, that includes the laws with which I do not agree. They do their part, and the courts and legislatures do theirs.

The police are getting a lot of bad press these days and perhaps it's time to look at some changes in police/community relations. There was a time when the police did a sort of outreach program to local schools and organizations and explained to the community what they do and why. This included ride along programs and other programs especially aimed at younger people.

I've had unpleasant experiences with police in a number of countries, but these are outweighed by the positive experiences, including the numerous criminals that they picked up before they got a chance to victimize me.

The police do Serve and Protect. They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

Gee Whiz, I wonder what could possibly be the reasons for that.

Lack of training and accepting neanderthals into the force.

And also, of course, public awareness through electronic devices and social media make it far more difficult for rogue cops actions to be covered up.


Rambo has now apologised for his behaviour. At least he knows he did wrong so good on him for acknowledging that. Hope he gets his emotions back in order.


All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.

What a nasty thing to post. I am pretty liberal, but I think this whole thing is a sad situation. I most certainly can understand why a police officer might lose the plot. Teenagers are a difficult group to deal with. They have not yet learned just what danger they could have been putting themselves into. Some may not have known they were violating a law or rule of a housing estate.

The police officer made a number of wrong decisions, IMO, but the police have my full support in upholding the laws, that includes the laws with which I do not agree. They do their part, and the courts and legislatures do theirs.

The police are getting a lot of bad press these days and perhaps it's time to look at some changes in police/community relations. There was a time when the police did a sort of outreach program to local schools and organizations and explained to the community what they do and why. This included ride along programs and other programs especially aimed at younger people.

I've had unpleasant experiences with police in a number of countries, but these are outweighed by the positive experiences, including the numerous criminals that they picked up before they got a chance to victimize me.

The police do Serve and Protect. They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

Gee Whiz, I wonder what could possibly be the reasons for that.

Lack of training and accepting neanderthals into the force.

And of course that explains the skyrocketing murder rate* in Baltimore and elsewhere, doesn't it?

* = Which was the context I had intended with my reply to Credo's "don't seem to be doing quite as well lately ...". Or should it be "the communities don't seem to be doing so well ..."?


She was already on the ground. But that wasnt enough for Rambo, he then has to toss her around and stick his knees into her.

I see now Rambo has lawyered up as well, is that as wrong as the girl lawyering up?

But Rambo's lawyer has said he was suffering from emotional distress which caused him to act the way he did that day.

So I guess even Rambo knows he did wrong, the chief knows he did wrong. But some of you just dont get it.

Rambo ? Please.....enough with the hyperbole. This wasn't My Lai or Abu Graibe. She ran her mouth off and wouldn't listen to the cops orders. In most countries she would be beaten to a pulp for this. She got tossed around a bit. Excessive? By our standards yes; but it wasn't that bad. Now this obnoxious brat is looking at a big payoff and the cop getting death threats. This isn't justice. Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news. The black cops tend to be much rougher than the white cops when dealing with their own race too. I have seen many teenager fights broken up in public schools by security; and the kids often get tossed around a bit. That's life. The teachers don't get directly involved much anymore; usually its minority-race security guards that restore order. As in this case, the unruly kids fortunately aren't usually injured. The cop's adrenal was obviously running and he had faced at least one serious threat when he had to pull his gun. Fortunately he didn't have to use it as the threatening men backed off. He was a bit rough with the girl; but I have seen much worse in LA schoolyards. This was a minor event blown out of porportion because the cop happened to be white and the girl black. This is the only reason this has become a news event. There was no beat-down of the girl or serious crime committed. There are far worse crimes being ignored by the media than this petty crap.


She was already on the ground. But that wasnt enough for Rambo, he then has to toss her around and stick his knees into her.

I see now Rambo has lawyered up as well, is that as wrong as the girl lawyering up?

But Rambo's lawyer has said he was suffering from emotional distress which caused him to act the way he did that day.

So I guess even Rambo knows he did wrong, the chief knows he did wrong. But some of you just dont get it.

Rambo ? Please.....enough with the hyperbole. This wasn't My Lai or Abu Graibe. She ran her mouth off and wouldn't listen to the cops orders. In most countries she would be beaten to a pulp for this. She got tossed around a bit. Excessive? By our standards yes; but it wasn't that bad. Now this obnoxious brat is looking at a big payoff and the cop getting death threats. This isn't justice. Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news. The black cops tend to be much rougher than the white cops when dealing with their own race too. I have seen many teenager fights broken up in public schools by security; and the kids often get tossed around a bit. That's life. The teachers don't get directly involved much anymore; usually its minority-race security guards that restore order. As in this case, the unruly kids fortunately aren't usually injured. The cop's adrenal was obviously running and he had faced at least one serious threat when he had to pull his gun. Fortunately he didn't have to use it as the threatening men backed off. He was a bit rough with the girl; but I have seen much worse in LA schoolyards. This was a minor event blown out of porportion because the cop happened to be white and the girl black. This is the only reason this has become a news event. There was no beat-down of the girl or serious crime committed. There are far worse crimes being ignored by the media than this petty crap.

It was already under control by other cops that were there and acting decently to the teenagers that were already leaving, as directed. Until he came tumbling in.

He knew he was wrong and said he was sorry.

The girl has not filed any suit so dont understand what you are on about. But she is well within her rights to do so as she was sitting as directed then manhandled.

The Rambo was receiving death threats beforebthis incident, plus witnessed a suicide prior to this event. I guess he could also file a suit as he should never have been called to this incident if he was in an emotional state as he claims.

All of you liberals can relax.

The young bikini babe was lawyer'ed up within 24 hours.

The only question remaining is how much the city of McKinney is going to have to pay her.
What a nasty thing to post. I am pretty liberal, but I think this whole thing is a sad situation. I most certainly can understand why a police officer might lose the plot. Teenagers are a difficult group to deal with. They have not yet learned just what danger they could have been putting themselves into. Some may not have known they were violating a law or rule of a housing estate.

The police officer made a number of wrong decisions, IMO, but the police have my full support in upholding the laws, that includes the laws with which I do not agree. They do their part, and the courts and legislatures do theirs.

The police are getting a lot of bad press these days and perhaps it's time to look at some changes in police/community relations. There was a time when the police did a sort of outreach program to local schools and organizations and explained to the community what they do and why. This included ride along programs and other programs especially aimed at younger people.

I've had unpleasant experiences with police in a number of countries, but these are outweighed by the positive experiences, including the numerous criminals that they picked up before they got a chance to victimize me.

The police do Serve and Protect. They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

Gee Whiz, I wonder what could possibly be the reasons for that.

Lack of training and accepting neanderthals into the force.

And of course that explains the skyrocketing murder rate* in Baltimore and elsewhere, doesn't it?

* = Which was the context I had intended with my reply to Credo's "don't seem to be doing quite as well lately ...". Or should it be "the communities don't seem to be doing so well ..."?

What does a murder rate in Baltimore have to do with this moron tossing around a young girl in a bikini?

The facts are the cop was wrong and he's gone from the McKinney PD.

The guy has apologized via his lawyer who said the cop had a bad day. The cop meanwhile is not talking about some leftist and MSM conspiracy.

We need to work to prevent the political and cultural right from advancing laws that would prevent citizens/residents making videos of police on the job. The right wants to censor private citizens and put us at risk of arrest and jail if we video police doing the things they do throughout the country. There's a proposal now by a Republican in the state legislature to do it in Texas.

The courts have been pretty good on the related issue of audio taping of police on duty....

Supreme Court rejects plea to ban taping of police

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal of a controversial Illinois law prohibiting people from recording police officers on the job.

By passing on the issue, the justices left in place a federal appeals court ruling that found that the state's anti-eavesdropping law violates free-speech rights when used against people who audiotape police officers.



The facts are the cop was wrong and he's gone from the McKinney PD.

The guy has apologized via his lawyer who said the cop had a bad day. The cop meanwhile is not talking about some leftist and MSM conspiracy.

We need to work to prevent the political and cultural right from advancing laws that would prevent citizens/residents making videos of police on the job. The right wants to censor private citizens and put us at risk of arrest and jail if we video police doing the things they do throughout the country. There's a proposal now by a Republican in the state legislature to do it in Texas.

The courts have been pretty good on the related issue of audio taping of police on duty....

Supreme Court rejects plea to ban taping of police

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal of a controversial Illinois law prohibiting people from recording police officers on the job.

By passing on the issue, the justices left in place a federal appeals court ruling that found that the state's anti-eavesdropping law violates free-speech rights when used against people who audiotape police officers.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black. The agenda of black victimhood and white racism has been once again shoved down our throats. The far greater problem of violent black-on-white crime and general lawlessness in the black community is being ignored. Every day is white-guilt-day in the MSM.

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