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I searched for any related topics and it looks like this one hasn't surfaced..

I am an avid non smoker, I hate, despise and detest it, don't come to my house if you want to enjoy a smoke, I will abuse and ridicule you till you breakdown and cry!!

But I am inquisitive as to why you started.

Was it peer preasure, did the tough boys at school do it behind the bike sheds and you wanted to be like them?

Was it so you could look like (and smell like too) Brad Pitt? or any other smokin' Hollywood star

Ladies, why oh why did you start it too? did you fall for the 'oh it keeps you thin' line?

Please your opinions and reasons, to help a anti smoker understand....


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I naver did start and don't regret it.

but from my observation - most of ppl start for very trivial reason: simply coz others do. then another common reason: coz it make u appear cool or grown up or fashionable - may be even sophisticated? :o

I started so I could blow smoke up your ass! :o

Naa you started so you could leave your ciggies in my truck and annoy the <deleted> outta me!!



I am an avid non smoker, I hate, despise and detest it, don't come to my house if you want to enjoy a smoke,

I also hate smoking. However I am an ex-smoker.

I started at the age of 8. A mate and I would pinch a packet of his dad's fags and we would go down to the creek. We would smoke the entire packet of 20 between us in a matter of 2 hours or so...

Why did we do it. F###ed if I know.

I continued to smoke heavily until 10 months before my daughter was born when I was 26. My wife and I both gave up so that our child would not be poisoned by the cigarettes.

After our child was born we both went 3 years without a cigarette. Then one night at a mates wedding, when everyone was relaxed and pissed, my wife and I had a couple of another mates smokes.

The next day we were both smoking 30 cigs a day again each.

We both smoked again for another 3 years. Only outside the house though and never around our daughter.

Eventually gave it up again and haven't had another since.

Luckily, even the thought of smoking makes me feel ill now. Haven't had a smoke in 12 years.

Nearly all of my friends now are non-smokers. The few that do smoke always show the courtesy to smoke outside.

My last relationship ended because my GF was a closet smoker. Even though she never smoked in view of me, I could always smell and taste it. Yuck.

I eventually gave her the choice. Cigs or me. She tried to give up but couldn't. i tried to give her up but couldn't. Eventually it was easier for me to give her up than for her to stop smoking....

If anything ever happenned to end my current relashionship then the number one quality that I look for in a prospective mate is "NON-smoker".

... the number one quality that I look for in a prospective mate is "NON-smoker".

me too!

although am not sure - # 1 or not....

but it is important though...

lucky enough - my babe is one of such !~ :o


I smoked cigarettes, cigars and pipes for many years. I had to give them all up years ago. If my wife didn't hate the smell of smoke so bad, I would still smoke a pipe. Oh well, it's better for my health to remain a non smoker.

Smoking doesn't bother me, but my wife won't allow it in our home.



Guest chingy

i just stop smoking about 8 month ago, i still do feel like taking a drag, the first 3 month was aweful, very aweful, its like going to he11 and come back


When I was a kid the tobacco companies were getting away (literally) with murder. For example, at our local 'show' one big name brand I wont mention had a huge marquee set up with a whole production line showing how cigarettes are made. There wewre squillions of the little white cancer sticks and they were also giving them away. When I think about that now I get angry.

Also, in the shops was like here inThailand.....you could go in and buy 1 smoke or yo ucould buy a packet of 5 or 10. Sometime later it went to 20 I think and now they have shockers with 40 or 50 or something like that. So it was very accessible and the Greek at the local cafe would sell us kids ( 7 or 8 years old) as many smokes as we could afford.......if I saw him now I would head butt the c_nt !

Anyway I smoked a very little when I was young but only at a party or something like that, never a daily thing.

Then when I came to Thailand after many years of non smoking and hooked up with a beautiful woman I thought was the bees knees and would be my life partner. But things started to feel weird with her and eventually I had to end the relationship ...... after I did that I found out that she was three things....1. Married 2. In a relationship with another woman 3. Freelancing as a whore !

So went out with a friend who was in the same situation to me, to get smashed one night and......... I lit up......three years later have finally given up again for good and feeling great !


i started when i was 12 because basically everybody was doing it.

gave up when i was 28, started at 29 thanks to cheap fags and drink in pattaya, gave up again last november, the wife also.

won't be starting again.


Are there any smoke free bars or clubs in Bangkok? I would prefer not to come home smelling like smoke. Maybe someone should open one.


Fisrt time I smoked... I had found a pack of Gitanes (rauuunchy):D , they'd probably been baked to a dry crisp by the sun.

Whan I was 16, I guess I just wanted to look cool like the smoking grownups... I went out and bought a pack of Belvedere, just like mom and dad were smoking at the time... I am pretty sure that smoking parents have a big influence on their kids smoking later on in life...

I still smoke at 40.

I can go all day without smoking or craving when teaching. Mind you I smoke chain when I reach home and turn on the pc... Maybe caz I now smoke LM kheows???

I've decided to quit in the coming weeks. Tobacco money will cover for other more important expenses with the new house and keep it smelling fresh instead of smelling like a marmoset's arse. :o

Smoking, Smokers, Smoke, Why did you start?

A better question might be, Why don't you quit, for Chrissakes?

Not the question in this forum but a very good one nonetheless,...


Started at about 18 it was cool to do, gave up for about 3 years. High pressure job in the uk sarted again.

Gave up at 25 for 5 years, crazy brit girlfriend finally got to me and started again.

At 34 blew her off and went traveling around the world. Gave up for all of 3 mths in India then hit SE Asia. Carried cigs to break the ice with locals in the countryside, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia..... ended up back on them. :o

In Thailand i'm ok with the exception of one or two when I get too mao. Thats not often by the way. :D


A better question might be, Why don't you quit, for Chrissakes?

I wish I could quit, it's horrible here,but I can't I have to pay the mortgage....



englishoak Posted: Mon 2004-04-05, 00:28:09,

Basher Posted on Tue 2004-04-06, 00:07:23

24 hours in between! So both of your problems cannot be too urgent.

Meanwhile, I have one more CAMEL, knowing that they are natural.

englishoak Posted: Mon 2004-04-05, 00:28:09,

Basher Posted on Tue 2004-04-06, 00:07:23

24 hours in between! So both of your problems cannot be too urgent.

Meanwhile, I have one more CAMEL, knowing that they are natural.

natural what? :o

who are you talking to Bash???, you are away with the fairys mate :D:D

Smoking remember :o

I think that e's smoking alright. Just not tobacco..

CAMEL, knowing that they are natural.

natural what? :o

Plain, no perfumes added and so much healthier than the Bangkok - air I have to breath. :D

Problems... naa

Just working with Nigerians......

Isn't that weird?


weird? Not sure, never saw one working.

Problems... naa

Just working with Nigerians......

Isn't that weird?


weird? Not sure, never saw one working.

My Dear old Dad gave up cigs at 59...He used to brag about having smoked the best part of a cane lounge chair by the time time he was 15. post mortem results showed he died of heart disease through smoking...(He lived 'til 59)


Same age as my old man surin, 59, one of the last people to finish at Fairfax, retired 1 year and see ya later Pop. Lung cancer watched him deteriorate from semi-active to dead in 2 weeks and those death rattles one thing you never forget.

He never gave up smoking though.

who are you talking to Bash???, you are away with the fairys mate :D  :D

Smoking remember :o

Bash is into those home made special cig's :D

Dr, I don't do that sort of stuff anymore, not for years, I have too much to lose in the LOS to be dumb enough to do that. Imagine getting caught out, worst case scenario would be being banged up then deported, and just because of a little tittilation, no mate Booze is my poison, and till they ban that I will keep with it.


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