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NACC to organize annual award presentation for anti-graft achievements


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NACC to organize annual award presentation for anti-graft achievements


BANGKOK, 15 June 2015 (NNT) - The National Anti-Corruption Commission is ready to organise an annual event to present awards to organizations that have been active in fighting corruption.

The NACC is ready to host the 5th Chor Sa-ad Award, a project aimed at recognizing organizations which have introduced creative media to promote the fight against corruption.

NACC chairman Panthep Klanarongran said that corruption continues to be major problem that has serious impact on Thailand and that an anti-corruption effort requires cooperation from everyone.

The anti-graft award, which is to be held for the fifth time, is intended to recognize such an endeavor by members of the media as they are the agencies which can deliver all messages more directly to the public, Mr. Panthep said.

For this year, the NACC has also invited members of the public to take part in the program by submitting their anti-graft work or projects for consideration.

Accordingly, a contest for the best short-films or animated films will be opened for interested candidates of three categories, including the middle school level, the high school level and the general public.

The NACC will be welcoming all entries until June 30 while more information can be found on www.nacc.go.th.

-- NNT 2015-06-15 footer_n.gif

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All of this sounds commendable if it came from an honorable organization, untainted by decisions and actions skewed in favor of one side of the Political Divide.

These people have zero credibility with the vast majority of the electorate....Largely in part due to their actions to negate voter selections, most recently exemplified by their electorally fearful pursuit of Yingluck.

Besides focusing on one side of the political divide to diminish them at every opportunity, they glibly pass over stuff from their own side.

One needs to only submit the following to scrutiny, to see the evidence...For example, Sutheps police stations, the golden microphones, the GT200 bomb detectors, never mind their assault on political figures not of their own kind.

One can surface many more examples, but the fact they are despised by one side of the political divide, is proof enough of their duplicity....If they were as honorable and respected as their anti-democrat friends try to project them as being, would be good for everyone. Unfortunately, that perspective is held by a political minority and not by the majority, for good reason.

One can predict who will be recognized as having anti-graft achievements. Only their own kind..........No-body is under any illusion they will be balanced given their track record.

Too bad.

Edited by Bannum opinions
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This is the only country I am aware of where they celebrate their own failures in special events. Instead of "The Oscars of Corruption" they could have have a daily TV show "The bribery of the day". But maybe that would cause to much work...

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Talking of organizations that have used creative media to counter corruption perhaps the Junta "government" could nominate themselves for their creative accounting thinking when approving the 7,000,000 Baht spent on virtual "stickers'" for the LINE mobile chat application pushing Prayuths 12 Preachy Values. This being a "free" New Years present for the Thai public - a new definition of free, one would have thought, being that it was taxpayers money that paid for it.

I wonder how the NACC investigation into the purchase is going, it's been 5 months now, surely they've come to a conclusion, they don't normally hang around when it comes to investigations, oh wait a minute...............................

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