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Former MP fears police have 'hidden agenda' on Thaksin


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If the honourable gentleman felt so strongly about it, why did he not raise it as a point to consider when they were in Govt 3 years ago.......

The honourable gentleman likes his neck in one piece, be reasonable, i presume you wouldn't have protested openly against Hitler if you were in Germany in 1940, it's all about knowing which side your bread is buttered on and about needing your throat to swallow it.

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What a joke.

It's quite clear this government wants to squash Thaksin into a quivering mass of pulp, then watch all the blood drain away down the nearest sewer grate and then cremate the leftovers.

Nothing hidden; clear as a pane of glass.

It is also quite clear that top BIBs ( Who acted like central american death squads with the full blessing of Shinawat in the early 2000s ) are loathe to actually do what their job description requires them to do.

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The police are simply hedging their bets,in Thailand anything is possible, Mr T may eventually return as a knight in shining armour then woe to those who opposed him and great rewards for those who stood by him,sitting on a fence and admiring the view seems very wise in a country so low on courage and morality.

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What a joke.

It's quite clear this government wants to squash Thaksin into a quivering mass of pulp, then watch all the blood drain away down the nearest sewer grate and then cremate the leftovers.

Nothing hidden; clear as a pane of glass.

You paint a colorful picture, albeit with a little too much information.

Having said that, if this government ever does get it's way, let me know, I would like to say a few words at that cremation. biggrin.png

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And they've been proven to break laws and lie too.

Anyone who tries linking opposition to a convicted non elected criminal owning and controlling a government with being anti-democratic has no understanding of real democracy.

Carry on presenting him as a champion of democracy if your're so deluded.

And there I was scanning thru the postings thinking that a certain deluded person was going to rightfully be ignored by everyone - and then I see you have let the side down - naughty boy, please stand in the corner until told to stop.

OK Artisi, I give up, what does your post mean ?

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And they've been proven to break laws and lie too.

Anyone who tries linking opposition to a convicted non elected criminal owning and controlling a government with being anti-democratic has no understanding of real democracy.

Carry on presenting him as a champion of democracy if your're so deluded.

And there I was scanning thru the postings thinking that a certain deluded person was going to rightfully be ignored by everyone - and then I see you have let the side down - naughty boy, please stand in the corner until told to stop.

OK Artisi, I give up, what does your post mean ?

There I was thinking, maybe even hoping that Bannum Opinion was rightfully being ignored by all and nobody would rise to the bait -- but alas, no.

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If the junta thought they had a snowball's chance in hell they would be all over Interpol like a cheap suit. Problem for them is, Interpol aren't forced to believe the junta's lies & propaganda & would tell them where to shove their request. And that's the last thing the junta want the Thais to see in the international media. The truth!

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