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Strong public reaction to proposal on legalising casinos in Thailand


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Much poverty will be the outcome! !!

I am divided by this one.. i am for freedom of choice. In my country you can gamble in casino's (all state owned) and I think its a good thing. Been there a few times but did not really do it for me.

However now people can already gamble in underground casino's and Cambodia, so it already happens. However this might be easier for them thus getting more gamblers.

But as I am also for freedom of most drugs as its a personal freedom (as long as they don't steal or do other bad things to feed the habit). But then again most people are not strong of mind. But seems to have worked well in the Netherlands, there will always be those with problems from gambling drugs, others won't have those problems. A balance must be struck between protection and personal freedom.

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I do not get it?

If you are an alcoholic you drink, alcohol is legal but not good for you.

If you are addicted to narcotics you take narcotics, narcotics are illegal and not good for you.

If you are addicted to gambling (which seems to be a particular thing with SEA people) you gamble, gambling is illegal and not good for you.

If you eat too much and are fat as a whale, you eat, food is legal but not good for you in those quantities.

If you are a w@#@#$r you wank off all the time, wanking is legal but not good for you.

If you are addicted to sex and boink away all the time you are a sexaholic, sex is legal but not good for you in those quantities.

If you are a smoker you smoke cigarettes, cigarettes are legal but not good for you.

So what is it with the particular thing GAMBLING that has people so agitated? if you do not gamble you do not go to the casino, if you gamble you go to the casino, so what?

Why are there no street protests about the horrific smoking of cigarettes? Who are the horrible people who profit from the addiction of others who smoke themselves to a slow death?

Edited by AlQaholic
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Legalize and benefit from the obvious gambling.

+ I go to a funeral in Nong Khai ... there's a lady with hundreds around her, on the ground, gambling with a "roulette type of board".

+ I go to a wedding in Tha Bo ... there is gambling with a type of "poker" table. I did not understand it, but there were plenty that did.

+ Everywhere I go ... there is gambling.

+ The "Lottery" is a gamble. Get over it. Quit being so pious.

+ I have been invited to chicken fights ..... cock fighting, etc.

+ The Thai people gamble on what time the sun comes up. Understand Thai culture. Then enact gambling.

Pretty simple, Guys. It's widespread. It's a part of Thai culture. My Thai wife gambles on everything.

At least "legitimize it" and make it pay taxes.


I'm done now.

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In an ideal world, the absence of gambling facilities would be wonderful. But, it ain't ideal.

If people desire to gamble, they will find a way. In the interim, the government is foregoing revenue.

Now, there are very few countries which have not legalised gambling.

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According to two members of the twelve patriots interviewed on Thai television, under the proposal only Thai nationals with an income greater than 200-300,000 baht per month and foreigners will be permitted to gamble in the casino(s).

So, all of the casinos will be in BKK. Not to worry; need to finish building its reputation as the arm pit of the world.

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I worked three years at a casino. Its number one function was to make money for its owner. Its number two function was to launder illegally earned cash money. Five dollar slot machines pay back 99.5% so you drop 10,000 dollars into five dollar slot machines (with the help of aunties and cousins), get most of it back and pay tax on your 9,000 dollar 'winnings'. What was drug money in the morning is clean money by evening. Since the casino does not keep track of how much drug money you lost to get the winnings you paid tax on, the law enforcement can't prove that you get your income from illicit enterprise. Now the politicians won't have to lie and say how well they saved or invested to explain their unusual wealth, they can soon claim they 'won' it at the casino. No more using monks to transport your illegal income offshore; it's laundered so you can keep it close to you in Thailand. This will be a boon to corrupt officials, politicians, policemen, and soldiers as they can soon launder their own money.

Another negative, gambling tourists tend to never leave the venue where they gamble. The don't go on tours or go shopping; they gamble. Good luck, with all the cash involved in gambling, for the state to collect anywhere near the share that it is owed. Never mind, the head of whatever casino watchdog organization will get his cut.

Thirdly, gambling is a tax on stupidity since almost everyone loses every time.


Just because you put ten thousand dollars into a $5 machine don't guarantee you'll get back the % paid out over the $10 thousand dollar play, it's only over a very long time of play that the percentages are achieved which could mean that you play a lot more than $10,000 dollars.....

You say you worked 3 years in a casino but it don't make you right in what you say.....

You go play a 5 dollar slot and play $10,000 dollars on a machine and let us know what you actually got back....


Even if you only get back 80% of the money you gambled, your money is now taxed and clean. It is still money laundering and I have watched it first hand.

I'll give you some tips. Only play a slot machine you can afford to play the maximum bet on, feed the same machine at least $200 and you will come out ahead. Corner machines hit more often because everyone sees you win. Ask the floor-walker which machines are 'hot' and, if you are not too obvious about it, bend over and look up behind the glass at two sets of odometer type numbers; the longer row is how many times the game has been played and the shorter number is how many times it payed out. Look for a larger ratio to know which slot machine is ready to 'pop'. Since I can only speak from the experience of casinos in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi, that 99.5% payback rate on five dollar slots is common in all three of those states. Most people don't stay on the same machine long enough for it to begin 'giving back' so the casinos always win in the end.

I was a Black Jack dealer my last six months and when I gambled, I only played Black Jack. I had friends who were slot techs and they gave me the tips. I won my first time playing and kept track (except for tips to dealers, servers, and comped meals). I played for longer than three years on the casino's money. Savvy players can earn money gambling. The casinos make their money off the saps and problem gamblers. They prey on he most vulnerable.

Are you sure you worked in a casino? You don't sound like you have a clue. Your comments sound like you learned this from watching movies... 80%-99% return is absolute <deleted>.

The dude said ' even if you only get back 80% of the money you gambled' not that's what the casino payout, can't you wait until breakfast is over before getting the claws out?

"Even if" = expect the lowest to be 80%.

And maybe you should wake up earlier "dude". Try and keep up.

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Mr. Siri says he has gambled and lost his wealth, family and home. Obviously illegal gambling, so wouldn't it be better to have it all legalized and out in the open rather than the seedy dens they use now.

Of course some people will get addicted and loose the lot, but I know people who are addicted to many other things, all of which are perfectly legal.

Perhaps people could have a vote on it, oh I forgot this democratic country doesn't vote anymore.

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"Even if" = expect the lowest to be 80%.

And maybe you should wake up earlier "dude". Try and keep up.

You are losing yourself in your own argument, please try and refrain from continuing about a subject you have zero knowledge on, its not fair to the rest of the readers who may read your babble.

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This could be a good way to keep problematic tourists in line. YOu put everything in the same place, Chinese, white trash, all sorts of tourist trash, gangsters etc, have everything in one location, sea, brothels, gambling, drugs etc.

This way one cess pool can coolect the worst in tourists, gangsters, society and leave the rest for those that want to enjoy life. On top of that the government gets to tax.

socio-economics - ok we create jobs this way, counsellors, experts at treating gambling addictions, setting up charity boxes in casinoes for helping people whose family members have become addicted etc. win win win all the way

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I worked three years at a casino. Its number one function was to make money for its owner. Its number two function was to launder illegally earned cash money. Five dollar slot machines pay back 99.5% so you drop 10,000 dollars into five dollar slot machines (with the help of aunties and cousins), get most of it back and pay tax on your 9,000 dollar 'winnings'. What was drug money in the morning is clean money by evening. Since the casino does not keep track of how much drug money you lost to get the winnings you paid tax on, the law enforcement can't prove that you get your income from illicit enterprise. Now the politicians won't have to lie and say how well they saved or invested to explain their unusual wealth, they can soon claim they 'won' it at the casino. No more using monks to transport your illegal income offshore; it's laundered so you can keep it close to you in Thailand. This will be a boon to corrupt officials, politicians, policemen, and soldiers as they can soon launder their own money.

Another negative, gambling tourists tend to never leave the venue where they gamble. The don't go on tours or go shopping; they gamble. Good luck, with all the cash involved in gambling, for the state to collect anywhere near the share that it is owed. Never mind, the head of whatever casino watchdog organization will get his cut.

Thirdly, gambling is a tax on stupidity since almost everyone loses every time.


Just because you put ten thousand dollars into a $5 machine don't guarantee you'll get back the % paid out over the $10 thousand dollar play, it's only over a very long time of play that the percentages are achieved which could mean that you play a lot more than $10,000 dollars.....

You say you worked 3 years in a casino but it don't make you right in what you say.....

You go play a 5 dollar slot and play $10,000 dollars on a machine and let us know what you actually got back....


Even if you only get back 80% of the money you gambled, your money is now taxed and clean. It is still money laundering and I have watched it first hand.

I'll give you some tips. Only play a slot machine you can afford to play the maximum bet on, feed the same machine at least $200 and you will come out ahead. Corner machines hit more often because everyone sees you win. Ask the floor-walker which machines are 'hot' and, if you are not too obvious about it, bend over and look up behind the glass at two sets of odometer type numbers; the longer row is how many times the game has been played and the shorter number is how many times it payed out. Look for a larger ratio to know which slot machine is ready to 'pop'. Since I can only speak from the experience of casinos in Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi, that 99.5% payback rate on five dollar slots is common in all three of those states. Most people don't stay on the same machine long enough for it to begin 'giving back' so the casinos always win in the end.

I was a Black Jack dealer my last six months and when I gambled, I only played Black Jack. I had friends who were slot techs and they gave me the tips. I won my first time playing and kept track (except for tips to dealers, servers, and comped meals). I played for longer than three years on the casino's money. Savvy players can earn money gambling. The casinos make their money off the saps and problem gamblers. They prey on he most vulnerable.

Are you sure you worked in a casino? You don't sound like you have a clue. Your comments sound like you learned this from watching movies... 80%-99% return is absolute <deleted>.

Common Casino advertising on the highways of Lousiana, USA refers to the "Multi Millions of Dollars" slot machines payout each month at a particuar casino. This is amount is the total recorded slot machine payouts for the month not the amount of monies taken home by gamblers as most put their winnings back into the slot machines. The State Gambling Commission sets the payout rates for various casino gambling venues which even if set as high as 90% or 95% most players put their winnings back into game and end up going home with less money than they came with.

Edited by phrisco17
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I do not get it?

If you are an alcoholic you drink, alcohol is legal but not good for you.

If you are addicted to narcotics you take narcotics, narcotics are illegal and not good for you.

If you are addicted to gambling (which seems to be a particular thing with SEA people) you gamble, gambling is illegal and not good for you.

If you eat too much and are fat as a whale, you eat, food is legal but not good for you in those quantities.

If you are a w@#@#$r you wank off all the time, wanking is legal but not good for you.

If you are addicted to sex and boink away all the time you are a sexaholic, sex is legal but not good for you in those quantities.

If you are a smoker you smoke cigarettes, cigarettes are legal but not good for you.

So what is it with the particular thing GAMBLING that has people so agitated? if you do not gamble you do not go to the casino, if you gamble you go to the casino, so what?

Why are there no street protests about the horrific smoking of cigarettes? Who are the horrible people who profit from the addiction of others who smoke themselves to a slow death?


on the wanking thing, there are certain governments that recommend it for all teenagers, they suggest it is healthy outlet, what exactly is not good for people about it

also the sex thing, its only if you give up the discharges, you need to spend some time discovering tantra and realise you don't have to shoot, - ok it upsets females sometimes, but that is their problem not yours- keep your energy your self and have sex, admittedly you have the masters in China who do shoot too much and have problems but it is not necessary

Edited by mmh8
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I am reliably informed that there is outline planning permission for a casino and several 5star hotels near Horseshoe Point in Pattaya. There is also interest in developing one of three local airfields to service them, not to mention U-Tapao International Airport.

This has been on the cards for a long time, the only real obstacle has been the failure timeously to demise of a certain very frail old gentleman!

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let people have freedom to do what they want... it hasn't bankrupted Europe or America and Singapore is still thriving so regulate it and allow it

Maybe not but it has "bankrupt" a lot of individuals.

It would be nice to see Thailand take the high road and not enter the gambling arena. Let neighboring countries destroy their own people and be socially without conscience to society. Why is it necessary to introduce more vice into Thailand? There are more important and fruitful endeavours that the Kingdom could and should embrace.

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The social effects can not be charted easily, because they vary greatly depending on the individual gambler's situation. Obviously them being rich helps, but it is possible to be a normal casual "gambling for fun" person, even if you are on a modest budget. But this is where it starts to break down. If the person is single, smart, knows their limits etc. then they can play games for fun on a modest budget, and not walk home barefoot and shirtless.

The problem group is family breadwinners. If a person is working and their wages are essential for their family's food, shelter, bills, and general quality of life treats, then these people are the danger group in the casino-user model. For most of these families, even small losses can bring about huge changes in their lives. They are already walking a budget trapeze, and gambling shakes the supporting structure. In this group, gambling causes divorce, homelessness, alcoholism & drug abuse, suicide. Casinos should take responsibility to the extent that they should fund counselling support groups for this type of reckless gambler, because the player's money was intended for their children and not for some casino fatcat.

Then you have to add the other group, the unsophisticated gamblers, people who lack education or have actual cognitive disorders that oversimplify perception. They are a high risk group, and the most likely group to keep going back again and again, even after losing everything countless times. This is the opposite end of the spectrum from the "casual happy in-control" group, and this end of the spectrum is not really entertainment gaming at all, it is closer to abuse of the mentally disabled, as the person is not mentally equipped to win or to quit trying. These are people who need counselling or medical help, which in my opinion should be funded by the Casinos themselves.

Edited by Yunla
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"Even if" = expect the lowest to be 80%.

And maybe you should wake up earlier "dude". Try and keep up.

You are losing yourself in your own argument, please try and refrain from continuing about a subject you have zero knowledge on, its not fair to the rest of the readers who may read your babble.

I'm sorry. But as a teacher, naturally I feel obligated to help with reading comprehension to the less educated members such as yourself. Unfortunately, I can't teach common sense. Good luck in life.

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Gambling is not the place for Thailand to take the moral highground. Far more society destroying actions take place on a regular basis. Roads, corruption, police corruption, government corruption, soul destroying work ethics, ridiculous time versus merit promotional activity, poor government etc.

How much damage could casino do to Thailand, it is the classic argument for prohibition, people will do it anyhow, bringing a little legal light on the matter should only help,

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Quote: "However, NRC member Sira Jenjaka lambasted Somyot for proposing something that would lead to social problems, including families breaking up, while serving as the police chief.

He vowed to hold a parallel press conference in response to Somyot's plan to hold a press conference on the matter one month before his retirement at the end of September, and vowed to oppose the idea as best he could.

Sira said he was a former gambler and had lost his family and a lot of money gambling. "So I don't want my fellow countrymen to get addicted to gambling," he added."

If you're going to gamble your family and life away you will do it casino or no casino. The esteemed gentleman is a case in point. He should not qualify for the NRC as he has admitted to criminal activities. I assume he did some of his gambling in Thailand at one or more of the thousands of underground gambling dens, which let in anyone - from garbage collector to company executive.

Just as banning the sale of alcohol within 300 meters of centers of learning is going to stop students drinking. Yeah, really!!!! I do not understand their logic.

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If you are going to bet in a casino, play the game with the best odds. This would be betting odd or even numbers while playing roulette. The odds are slightly less than 50:50. Malaysians can enter casinos in Malaysia! Only ethnic Malays cannot enter because they are Muslims.

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Absolute rubbish to say that gamblers never leave the venue to go on tours, shop, etc. As I said in an earlier post, Las Vegas has tons of things going on besides gambling--all sorts of shows, musicals, amusement parks, concerts, magic shows, and so on. Want to ride a roller coaster 100 stories up? No problem. Want to try indoor skydiving? Can do. If the gamblers in Vegas never left their venue, all these enterprises would fold up. People go to Vegas to gamble but then they go out to a show, shop, take in the fake Eiffel Tower, and do hundreds of other entertainments.

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I personally don't fret about losing at the casino. ... go with the money you can lose.... you are just paying for entertainment. ... if im entertained hopefully in the company of a few friends it can be great.... and maybe ill even come ahead every once in awhile.... to me its the same whether I blow $200 in a casino or on a night of heavy drinking. ... same same... maybe the casino could even have some nice non gambling activities and restaurants. .. vegas style

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If you are a w@#@#$r you wank off all the time, wanking is legal but not good for you.-----AlQaholic

Hey, don't knock masturbation. .........It's sex with someone I love.......................coffee1.gif

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I also have a strong opinion about legalize these casinos.

I used to be involved with gambling. Simple folks like me, gamble there whole salaries until there is nothing left to eat. Older people loose their life savings or pensions. People might get involved with criminal actions, to get the money to gamble or to eat.

IF this is going to happen, I believe the casinos should be Government owned and controlled. Make it difficult to enter a casino. The Thai government must seek HELP with other countries, like the USA or Monte Carlo. Get the intel here, before they start. Leave anyone with a criminal record out the management or staff. Anyone with the slightest connection to illegal operations must be banned.

Things to make entrance difficult are:

- dress code

- age limitation (no minors in any way)

- passport (NO ID cards)

- high entrance price p.p. (can be compensate with free food and non alcoholic drinks)

- misbehavior results in a ban

- opening times daily from 17.00 till 03.00

Because Thailand is a big country, there must be a 4 star hotel. A lot of security, and everywhere cameras, professional help for addicted people, medical staff, etc.

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I worked three years at a casino. Its number one function was to make money for its owner. Its number two function was to launder illegally earned cash money. Five dollar slot machines pay back 99.5% so you drop 10,000 dollars into five dollar slot machines (with the help of aunties and cousins), get most of it back and pay tax on your 9,000 dollar 'winnings'. What was drug money in the morning is clean money by evening. Since the casino does not keep track of how much drug money you lost to get the winnings you paid tax on, the law enforcement can't prove that you get your income from illicit enterprise. Now the politicians won't have to lie and say how well they saved or invested to explain their unusual wealth, they can soon claim they 'won' it at the casino. No more using monks to transport your illegal income offshore; it's laundered so you can keep it close to you in Thailand. This will be a boon to corrupt officials, politicians, policemen, and soldiers as they can soon launder their own money.

Another negative, gambling tourists tend to never leave the venue where they gamble. The don't go on tours or go shopping; they gamble. Good luck, with all the cash involved in gambling, for the state to collect anywhere near the share that it is owed. Never mind, the head of whatever casino watchdog organization will get his cut.

Thirdly, gambling is a tax on stupidity since almost everyone loses every time.


Just because you put ten thousand dollars into a $5 machine don't guarantee you'll get back the % paid out over the $10 thousand dollar play, it's only over a very long time of play that the percentages are achieved which could mean that you play a lot more than $10,000 dollars.....

You say you worked 3 years in a casino but it don't make you right in what you say.....

You go play a 5 dollar slot and play $10,000 dollars on a machine and let us know what you actually got back....


I was a Black Jack dealer my last six months and when I gambled, I only played Black Jack. I had friends who were slot techs and they gave me the tips. I won my first time playing and kept track (except for tips to dealers, servers, and comped meals). I played for longer than three years on the casino's money. Savvy players can earn money gambling. The casinos make their money off the saps and problem gamblers. They prey on he most vulnerable.

Isn't it also true that Craps and Baccarat also have half decent odds? Poker too, as you aren't betting against the house?

Nothing comes close to Black Jack for your odds against the casino. They still win but only because most people don't know how to bet. I went to the casino with X dollars and if I lost it I went home and if I doubled it I, also, went home. Trying to win back what you lost or getting greedy because you are winning is what the casino count on. They thrive by playing up the worst attributes of people.


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I don't find the below a compelling argument...

As Cambodian Casino is just few hours drive from Bangkok

So anyone that wanted to do this, could do it already

In fact, if done in a Cambodian Casino, they could also get around taxes..

As could keep winnings in a Casino account until the next Calendar year, then bring into Thailand tax free..

I worked three years at a casino. Its number one function was to make money for its owner. Its number two function was to launder illegally earned cash money. Five dollar slot machines pay back 99.5% so you drop 10,000 dollars into five dollar slot machines (with the help of aunties and cousins), get most of it back and pay tax on your 9,000 dollar 'winnings'. What was drug money in the morning is clean money by evening. Since the casino does not keep track of how much drug money you lost to get the winnings you paid tax on, the law enforcement can't prove that you get your income from illicit enterprise. Now the politicians won't have to lie and say how well they saved or invested to explain their unusual wealth, they can soon claim they 'won' it at the casino. No more using monks to transport your illegal income offshore; it's laundered so you can keep it close to you in Thailand. This will be a boon to corrupt officials, politicians, policemen, and soldiers as they can soon launder their own money.

Another negative, gambling tourists tend to never leave the venue where they gamble. The don't go on tours or go shopping; they gamble. Good luck, with all the cash involved in gambling, for the state to collect anywhere near the share that it is owed. Never mind, the head of whatever casino watchdog organization will get his cut.

Thirdly, gambling is a tax on stupidity since almost everyone loses every time.


I don't find the below a compelling argument...

I didn't expect you would. 555


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