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Thailand's national police launch probe into racist Leicester FB orgy


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From w hat my Thai wife tells me , from the conversation on the film , one of the footballers wasn't able to probe ! One of the girls commented , dispite the fact he was handsome , he wasn't able to get it up !

What a load of fuss about nothing . These guys are doing similar things in every city they visit , it probably costs a " hole " lot more .

And I thought only some old expats in Pattaya would not be able to get it up... Edited by micmichd
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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Paying for sex was always socially acceptable, in one way or another. Always.

Call it "sharing wealth" if it makes you feel better. Quite sure these ex-footballers from Leicester are quite rich and could pay some add-ons.

Doubt if the Leicester players are that rich...they are all from the youth team (or was)

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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Interesting post considering 95% of prostitution involves Thais.

Then come the tourists, about 4.9%, and then the expats the remaining 0.1%.

Most expats I know are either married or have steady girlfriends, hence not sexpats!

Ok will retract a bit, but I will not retract on the fact that many TV members ( key term here! ) seem to imagine that without their input into the brothels will bring down the Thai economy- a misguided view .

I do realise that there are many places that cater for the locals.

It is the way that the gutter press across the world portraits Thailand as the sleeze capital of the planet ( which at present it might be) .

This is my adopted country and I would like to see it have a better standing in the world on many fronts.

As you correctly state the % of sex tourists is quite low and in the overall scheme of things do not contribute a great deal to GDP.

It's tricky - close down the hotspots in Pattaya , Phuket, Bangkok or regulate? Perhaps make it a bit less obvious- the fact that many go to a GO-GO bar with women or men with numbers - I find very depressing .

I have said before- if the resorts focussed on smart bars, restaurants, decent clubbing, a real effort to improve infrastructure , transport- would the situation improve- not sure.

I think I have no answers here- any suggestions?

I have posed.the question many times- when did it become socially acceptable to exploit the poor and abuse their bodies ?

Edited by peterb17
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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Paying for sex was always socially acceptable, in one way or another. Always.

Call it "sharing wealth" if it makes you feel better. Quite sure these ex-footballers from Leicester are quite rich and could pay some add-ons.

No it's not- did your Mum or Dad or Grandparents think it was acceptable - scenario - you are off to lets say your cousin's / mum's/ grandmother's bithday celebrations-you arrive with girl/ boy in tow and introduce him/ her as a prostitute you have just paid for? Of course that would not be acceptable in Society .

Edited by peterb17
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Now the world will see how an investigation is truly played out in Thailand. After all, when the girls are finally located; they will need to be awarded a fare trail, in order to be prosecuted. They will then have to tell the courts, where they were met by the boys, and for whom they work. If they can't remember the boys will be able to give a pretty clear description. Of course CCTV will certainly be able to retrace their steps. The police must then arrest the management/owner(s) of the establishment and charge them with the operation of a sex trade establishment, and possibly trafficking if it fits. I'm pretty sure they will find underage workers as well. Then if the establishment is connected to another similar establishments (possibly an entire complex/Soi), they must then all be shut down, and all the owners/associates arrested and charged. Since Thailand has committed itself to stamping out the sex trade/trafficking, no stone should be left unturned. Let's not forget the establishment where the sex acts took place; they will also need to be prosecuted for allowing such a lewd act to take place. The ex-footballers will surely have competent lawyers at their disposal.

Does all of this sound ridiculous?


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Now the world will see how an investigation is truly played out in Thailand. After all, when the girls are finally located; they will need to be awarded a fare trail, in order to be prosecuted. They will then have to tell the courts, where they were met by the boys, and for whom they work. If they can't remember the boys will be able to give a pretty clear description. Of course CCTV will certainly be able to retrace their steps. The police must then arrest the management/owner(s) of the establishment and charge them with the operation of a sex trade establishment, and possibly trafficking if it fits. I'm pretty sure they will find underage workers as well. Then if the establishment is connected to another similar establishments (possibly an entire complex/Soi), they must then all be shut down, and all the owners/associates arrested and charged. Since Thailand has committed itself to stamping out the sex trade/trafficking, no stone should be left unturned. Let's not forget the establishment where the sex acts took place; they will also need to be prosecuted for allowing such a lewd act to take place. The ex-footballers will surely have competent lawyers at their disposal.

Does all of this sound ridiculous?


Nail right on the head there sir! The hypocrisy shown here is laughable. Who do they think they are kidding?

Sordid sex tape made and leaked, stupid lads that should of known better lose their jobs, girls re-enter the trade that the police themselves take kick backs from to let thrive. The world moves on.

Keeping it in the spotlight like this does no one any favours. And it will be a cold day in hell when the authorities come to shut down the sex trade in Thailand. They can't, people from all sides at the top make too much money off of it.

Edited by lildragon
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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Paying for sex was always socially acceptable, in one way or another. Always.

Call it "sharing wealth" if it makes you feel better. Quite sure these ex-footballers from Leicester are quite rich and could pay some add-ons.

No it's not- did your Mum or Dad or Grandparents think it was acceptable - scenario - you are off to lets say your cousin's / mum's/ grandmother's bithday celebrations-you arrive with girl/ boy in tow and introduce him/ her as a prostitute you have just paid for? Of course that would not be acceptable in Society .

No, of course I wouldn't introduce my gf as a prostitute. That's where racism starts:

If I come up with a Farang gf and buy her something (jewellery eg), everybody would say we're obviously a nice couple. But if I come up with a Thai gf everybody in my former Farang home town would be wary she's a prostitute - just because she's Thai.

In fact, that happened to me, and it hit us (my gf and me) real hard.

The other way around:

I had times when I was picked up by Farang girls who were comparably richer than me, and that was oK.

Just to relief her from being mistitled as a prostitute, I pretended to be poorer than my Thai gf in public and let her pay the bills. Result: I was regarded a pimp now.

Obviously mutual caretaking between a Farang man and a Farang woman is regarded as romantic love in the West, whereas the same kind of relationship between a Farang man and a Thai woman is not accepted by Western society.

Hopefully migration will change this, but Facebook videos like the one in question are certainly everything else than helpful and should better be forgotten.

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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Interesting post considering 95% of prostitution involves Thais.

Then come the tourists, about 4.9%, and then the expats the remaining 0.1%.

Most expats I know are either married or have steady girlfriends, hence not sexpats!

Ok will retract a bit, but I will not retract on the fact that many TV members ( key term here! ) seem to imagine that without their input into the brothels will bring down the Thai economy- a misguided view .

I do realise that there are many places that cater for the locals.

It is the way that the gutter press across the world portraits Thailand as the sleeze capital of the planet ( which at present it might be) .

This is my adopted country and I would like to see it have a better standing in the world on many fronts.

As you correctly state the % of sex tourists is quite low and in the overall scheme of things do not contribute a great deal to GDP.

It's tricky - close down the hotspots in Pattaya , Phuket, Bangkok or regulate? Perhaps make it a bit less obvious- the fact that many go to a GO-GO bar with women or men with numbers - I find very depressing .

I have said before- if the resorts focussed on smart bars, restaurants, decent clubbing, a real effort to improve infrastructure , transport- would the situation improve- not sure.

I think I have no answers here- any suggestions?

I have posed.the question many times- when did it become socially acceptable to exploit the poor and abuse their bodies ?

The sad answer to your last question is: Ever since there was economic unequality.

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i am sure one of the girls name is Nok. I hope this helps.

No silly...her name is Porn...obviously...lol

Excuse me, I am looking for Porn.

OK...the street vendor over there has Porn.

No, no......I am looking for Porn the person.

OK...the Porn person is in the brothel...... across the street.

Lack of understanding is always an issue in Thailand


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They bring the boys all they way from England to Bangkok the sex capitol of the world. What did they expect them to do? Go to basket weaving classes. Perhaps the girls were basket weaving instructors and got excited and seduced the boys. This is surreal.

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It figures. Three football players fired for making a sex tape; I could maybe see them being fined or suspended, but fired; complete joke. Meanwhile a British teenage girl is raped and murdered almost a year now and still no prosecution or definite answers to the crime. Two Canadian teens poisoned and found dead; no prosecutions; swept under the rug. A movie star found hanging in his hotel room; no definite answers there. A prominent Thai figure who is a fugitive running free and still influencing a majority, and with police rank, no less. Countless such cases everyday happening in Thailand; most probably not even mentioned or closed quick quick. And yet a sex tape has the entire country of Thailand up in a heated storm. And as for the racial aspect of things; This is a country which bases beauty on the colour of your skin. Depictions and bumper stickers portraying Hitler as some kind of icon. And yet a sex tape has them ready to cross international waters and prosecute three young men who have already lost face publicly; and their jobs. How far do they intend to take this?

You are right on the Money ... This country has a level of racism, hypocrisy and stupidity that is hard to beat by any standards ...

On top of this comes a policeforce where Laurel and Hardy would be considered geniuses, the idiocy in that force is sky high - good luck with arresting 1,000,000 h00kers and pressing charges against them, ups forgot, they didnt all skrew footballers ...

Oh Thailand why do you make such a fool of your self all the time - They are all laughing at you and your loss of face cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Would someone PLEASE let the BiB's know this only makes them look stupid? Haven't we all uttered nonsense in the midst of sexual congress? And haven't these corrupt monkeys fine representatives from the LoS have more important things to take care of?

'Haven't we all uttered nonsense in the midst of sexual congress?' They have a congress for sex?

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1000's of more important things to do and they pick on this...what losers.

Perhaps not- this is world wide news- anyone with an IPad, laptop, etc can feast their eyes on footballers' wedding tackle ( a lovely term ) and see how they are exploiting the indigenous population. It seems that this sort of thing is a totally acceptable social norm. It is not- when did paying for sex become socially acceptable?

( and don't say it's the oldest profession in the world - poor selling their bodies - great)

My views have been said in many posts- clear out the brothels, bar beers, dodgy massage etc etc. make it all totally illegal..

The apologists- oh no- the Thai economy depends on sexpats - look in the mirror -it does not.

Paying for sex was always socially acceptable, in one way or another. Always.

Call it "sharing wealth" if it makes you feel better. Quite sure these ex-footballers from Leicester are quite rich and could pay some add-ons.

No it's not- did your Mum or Dad or Grandparents think it was acceptable - scenario - you are off to lets say your cousin's / mum's/ grandmother's bithday celebrations-you arrive with girl/ boy in tow and introduce him/ her as a prostitute you have just paid for? Of course that would not be acceptable in Society .

No, of course I wouldn't introduce my gf as a prostitute. That's where racism starts:

If I come up with a Farang gf and buy her something (jewellery eg), everybody would say we're obviously a nice couple. But if I come up with a Thai gf everybody in my former Farang home town would be wary she's a prostitute - just because she's Thai.

In fact, that happened to me, and it hit us (my gf and me) real hard.

The other way around:

I had times when I was picked up by Farang girls who were comparably richer than me, and that was oK.

Just to relief her from being mistitled as a prostitute, I pretended to be poorer than my Thai gf in public and let her pay the bills. Result: I was regarded a pimp now.

Obviously mutual caretaking between a Farang man and a Farang woman is regarded as romantic love in the West, whereas the same kind of relationship between a Farang man and a Thai woman is not accepted by Western society.

Hopefully migration will change this, but Facebook videos like the one in question are certainly everything else than helpful and should better be forgotten.

I was making a generalisation - there is no instance in my post that referred to any ethnic group. ( and to be honest my posts have been aimed at getting rid of the appalling sleezy image of Thailand that papers such as the Daily Mail peddle all the time)

My question was - when did using prostitites and the associated trafficking, abuse, explotation become socially acceptable- when the likes of potato head ( Rooney ) were forgiven- it's just ' lads' behaviour.

Things seem to have changed .

My scenario was you turn up with a complete stranger to your family- and say I have paid for this person's body- am going to have fabulous sex tonight.

The person is just a receptacle - that's it nothing more- it's of course hypothetical.

Do you think anyone actually thought about the feeling of those Thai women - what they felt- sucking on some half limp footballers farang c**k - they are just things.

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Now the world will see how an investigation is truly played out in Thailand. After all, when the girls are finally located; they will need to be awarded a fare trail, in order to be prosecuted. They will then have to tell the courts, where they were met by the boys, and for whom they work. If they can't remember the boys will be able to give a pretty clear description. Of course CCTV will certainly be able to retrace their steps. The police must then arrest the management/owner(s) of the establishment and charge them with the operation of a sex trade establishment, and possibly trafficking if it fits. I'm pretty sure they will find underage workers as well. Then if the establishment is connected to another similar establishments (possibly an entire complex/Soi), they must then all be shut down, and all the owners/associates arrested and charged. Since Thailand has committed itself to stamping out the sex trade/trafficking, no stone should be left unturned. Let's not forget the establishment where the sex acts took place; they will also need to be prosecuted for allowing such a lewd act to take place. The ex-footballers will surely have competent lawyers at their disposal.

Does all of this sound ridiculous?


" they will need to be awarded a fare trail," Does that mean that they are going to get paid again?

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Did anyone see any money changing hands ? If not how would he know these were prozzies.

And what will they do to t he ex Leicester players ? Try to extradite them.

Give this police man a VIP badge.

He won't want no stinking badge...give him access to the FIFA match fixing list.

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Glad to see them arrested.

Game over..

If they really wanted to go for it, they could visit Pattaya full of sex tourists, But prostitution and female abuse brings money to Thailand, as we all know Money number one.

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