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Palm Trees


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the inquiry is a bit broad

what is "medium sized"

how many meters tall

there are many kinds of palms, what kind are you looking for, got some names?

best plantings are 3 or more together, how many are you looking for?

too many questions, ok, with more specifics I might be able to help as I know a lady that has about 10 rai of palms she sells

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As a past wholesale commercial grower of palms I would offer the following advice.

Price of palms are generally based on how quickly they grow that's why cycads,which are not a palm species, are so expensive.

Different species of palms do better in their natural habitat ie shade ,semi shade ,full sun make sure you buy according to where you are going to plant.

We have a suckering palm, commonly known as the "Lipstick" or "Sealing Wax palm" easily identified by its red trunks, its about 6m tall and its been there since the house was built 20 years ago.I have the common Golden Cane palms we planted 6 years ago and they are the same height.

Lastly the "self cleaning " palms ie the fronds drop off when old eg Golden Cane are far less maintenance that others you have to prune the dead leaves off or they develop a dead "skirt".

Suggest you google and get a list of what you like and the visit the places mentioned previously.Palms thrive on nitrogen based fertilisers ,aged chook poo if you can find it is excellent

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It's been a few years, but there was a place, just outside of the second Ring Road, on the left, as you are travelling south on HD Rd.. Seems like you could get something pretty usable for about 1500.

Here is a photo of the entrance to The Phoenix Country Club, built in 1899...some of those are over 100 feet tall.post-227967-0-71748200-1435140840_thumb.

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if you do a little googling you will find a French guy who is an expert on palm trees and has the largest collection of palms around here. i believe he also has a web board where you can place inquiries.

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