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Adorable dog will be put down unless........


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All dogs are rehabilitable - just needs to put into correct environment....

I'm sorry but I do not agree.

Even/Also the popular tv-personality does not have an 100% success-rate.

Some dogs have behavioral changes due medical issues, which sometimes cannot be treated.

Some dogs are mentally so incredibly messed up, it's more humane to them to end their suffering.

And some dogs are too confident, too independent, and plain too dangerous to live in human society. Of course, one can choose to keep a dog like that locked up, muzzled, and only under professional super-vision. But what if that management fails?

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Yeah Nienke

I don't know that he will ever lose this habit with strangers making fast approaches.

The good thing is that in the proper environment he doesn't need to.

If he is only living with a limited number of people who all know about him there is no problem.

If he lives only with say one or two or three people who he really knows and no doubt comes to love (same as three or four of us where he lives now, except he cannot be penned into one property so may meet and be approached by strangers), things should be absolutely fine.

He will give a lot of love and appreciation.

e.g. I am happy for him to lick my face.

Edited by cheeryble
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Yeah Nienke

I don't know that he will ever lose this habit with strangers making fast approaches.

The good thing is that in the proper environment he doesn't need to.

If he is only living with a limited number of people who all know about him there is no problem.

If he lives only with say one or two or three people who he really knows and no doubt comes to love (same as three or four of us where he lives now, except he cannot be penned into one property so may meet and be approached by strangers), things should be absolutely fine.

He will give a lot of love and appreciation.

e.g. I am happy for him to lick my face.

Oh, but 'm absolutely completely not talking about your dog. Based on what you have written here, I still think with proper desensitization and counter-conditioning, for short DS&CC (which includes love, patience and understanding of dog cognition and language) your dog can learn to trust again.

Your dog has been living on the streets, and actually still is. No wonder he has lost trust in those he doesn't know. You can bet on it he has had his fair share of strangers throwing rocks//stones at him, (threatening to) hitting him, and being in other ways nasty to him. So, he has learned to be quicker than the fast-hand approaching him. Holy crap, how many tv-readers, and people in general, wouldn't do a similar thing? If threatened or attacked you either freeze, flee or fight back! .

Because of you, cheeryble, and a few others this dog has learned that not all humans are bad, but that there can be nice ones as well.

He can learn to generalize this trust in humans.

The only thing he needs is someone who has thrown the outdated and damaging 'leader of the pack/alpha/dominance' theory out of the window, will not correct this self-defense by means of intimidation and punishment, but through DS&CC, and is willing and capable to give this dog the patience, love and understanding he needs. Not difficult at all!

Edited by Nienke
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Spot on Nienke

I personally have seen him attacked by a human who somehow thought the dog shouldn't lose his conditioning and snap when approached fast yet he the human has some sort of dispensation and went mad with a stick.

Yet instance yesterday my car arrived and there he and .jack were tails wagging.

He practically climbed in with pleasure and gave me a nuzzle and the beginnings of a lick.

I had brought a treat for the boys and S?cobbly got his first but although he was interested in the second piece I was able to give it to ?Jack right past him.....no hassle he let me share and share alike.

I'm rather unwell and have enough on my plate and don't have a suitable place for him I do pray someone has he will love you to death, but easy to feed and very undemanding.

Thanks .nienke

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I'm going to show a photographic friend Nienke's link and ask if he can do anything and we can post here on TV for instance.

ps I'm already gone really i just turn up most nights and another kind couple have been doing most of the feeding and I supply it.
Jack the other dog is fine everybody loves him and there's no shortage of people there who love to have him on their verandah.

He's a bit fo a whore.

Scooby's living the quiet life mostly outside my neighbour's house he likes Jack's company but seems to not follow him around too much.

But something needs to be done in case of another unsuspecting human coming to play with his head.

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I proposed the photo idea last week to the friend who's kinda taken the lead.

He himself has suggested Scooby gets castrated.

I myself had Jack the friend dog castrated years ago as he was getting serious injuries taking on packs of dogs outside, and it didn't seem to have any bad effects he is still lively and healthy and vigorous.

But Back to Scooby I've heard that if a habit is already formed castration doesn't work.

Can anyone comment on that?

(So Sappersrest fact is he is still living there but fact also is something still needs to be done......thanks for your kind interest)

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I proposed the photo idea last week to the friend who's kinda taken the lead.

He himself has suggested Scooby gets castrated.

I myself had Jack the friend dog castrated years ago as he was getting serious injuries taking on packs of dogs outside, and it didn't seem to have any bad effects he is still lively and healthy and vigorous.

But Back to Scooby I've heard that if a habit is already formed castration doesn't work.

Can anyone comment on that?

(So Sappersrest fact is he is still living there but fact also is something still needs to be done......thanks for your kind interest)

Definitely have Scooby neutered.

It will:

1. stop unwanted puppies and the chain of misery that they, and their puppies etc etc, can face, such as: illness, injury, disability and/or slow death from infectious diseases, road accidents, malnutrition, horrible skin diseases, poisoning, venereal diseases, etc.

2. stop the high chance on TVT (sexual disease, that unbelievably and horrifically can disfigure Scooby and all the others Scooby mates with),

3. reduces his testosterone level considerably, and with that his interest in the females, his need to roam, his need to fight for his turn to mate, and the chance on getting involved in a road accident

So, have first his blood tested and, when all is in normal range, have him neutered as soon as possible!

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You feed a dog that is known to bite, knowing that it will continue to roam the streets of your own neighborhood? The dog should be the least of your worries.

way to miss the point. sigh.

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