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Thai editorial: Without aid for seniors, we're heading for CATASTROPHE


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Without aid for seniors, we're heading for CATASTROPHE


BANGKOK: -- An individual planning ahead for retirement is an entirely different matter than planning for the future of the country's entire populace. And yet, as we speedily transform into a "grey society", Thailand is running out of time to get its retirement cottage in order.

Three years from now, it's been calculated, the elderly will outnumber the children, for the first time in the nation's history. Seven years from now, one out of every five citizens will be old. Drastic changes in every aspect of life are imminent.

The number of older people will keep growing, their segment of the population swelling, eventually forcing the government to react urgently, quite apart from preparations it has already made for the immense demographic shift. Since 2002 we have had in place a master plan for the elderly that extends to 2021. Past the halfway point, our preparedness is far from realised.

Government and civic buildings and mass transit systems still lack the facilities required for elderly access. Elevators, adapted restrooms and ramps are still not required by law. There are still only about a dozen state-run homes for seniors, enough to accommodate perhaps 1,000 people - far less than current demand, let alone increasing need in the near future.

Compounding this dire situation is the inability of most Thais to save for the future. Financial experts have recently again been expressing concern about the average citizen's insufficient savings. Seniors will simply be unable to make ends meet, they warn, unless a long-term fiscal plan is put in place to assist them in their millions. The National Economic and Social Development Board has determined that 42 per cent of elderly Thais already lack the income to support themselves.

In these regards Thailand falls well behind other Asian countries with rapidly ageing populations. Singapore and Japan both ensure that their seniors are well prepared financially. According to a 2013 report by US firm Towers Watson, a specialist in human resources, Thailand's pension assets represented 19 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) that year, compared to 65 per cent in Singapore and 62 per cent in Japan. The government's current income subsidy for every Thai over the age of 60 can hardly be called realistic, given the cost of living. It ranges from a scandalous Bt600 a month to a paltry Bt1,000.

We were somewhat heartened when the Yingluck Shinawatra government announced a new beneficial scheme, the National Savings Fund (NSF), the country's first retirement-savings plan, only to be let down when it was shelved. The current interim government wants to revive the idea and planned to launch it this month, but another delay has intervened.

The NSF, if implemented, would be of help to all Thais, including unregistered labourers, and would crucially guarantee elderly citizens a more comfortable future.

The NSF would cost the government - cost taxpayers - about Bt20 billion a year. Yet this amounts to a drop in the bucket compared to what will be needed in the long term. The coming expenditures in taking care of the elderly population will be enormous, on healthcare, infrastructure, transportation, the necessary fluctuations in business priorities, and much more.

The clock is ticking nonetheless, and if the government doesn't speed efforts to meet the requirements of its master plan, the social and economic fallout will be severe. This greying society represents a whole new ballgame for both the state and the private sector, but it's a game that must be won.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Without-aid-for-seniors-were-heading-for-CATASTROP-30262954.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-24

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The wifes mum and dad get 600 baht a month each in government pension. The first 50 units/month of electric free. Free health care. And 110.000 baht a year renting land. Plus the wife and 3 BIL are always giving them clothes, food and gifts. I am guessing their not to badly off compared to some.

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Free healthcare is not what it seems in Thailand, most likely the elderly will die before ever seeing a doctor... Free healthcare in Thailand? What a joke!

If they can not make money off of you, they kick you out of the Hospital, happened to my In-laws. Reason? We can't get enough money, from the government.

Thailand, the Land of Compassion, my ass! rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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Perhaps they might like to study the Hong Kong method, maybe that's the general direction that seniors and others in Thailand will take without any sort of backup welfare assistance , The HK method is simple, clean the streets at 5Am before the rich wake up , till the day you die, with a welfare system for the elderly , Thailand starts to emerge as an affluent country , that cost lots of money, the question is , is Thailand ready for the next step up from an emerging economy, which it has stagnated in for the past 3 decades, now that's a big call. coffee1.gif

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better work for the governement, right, same as in western countries, where half of the workforce is on the governement payroll, slow administration, high pension, ...

i tought the thai way was: make children, you drop them at your parents, when you are old, you will get your grandchildren & some allocation for taking care ...

no need for governement money, right ?

specially, most of the people in this country never pay any income tax, so what do they expect in return ?

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When a government invests in it's people, it gets huge returns on that investment.

There are some minimal benefits for the elderly and some benefits are quite good in principle but not necessarily in quality, but a retirement pension that is life sustainable would relieve a huge burden off the children giving them more expendable income for their housing and children.

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Perhaps they might like to study the Hong Kong method, maybe that's the general direction that seniors and others in Thailand will take without any sort of backup welfare assistance , The HK method is simple, clean the streets at 5Am before the rich wake up , till the day you die, with a welfare system for the elderly , Thailand starts to emerge as an affluent country , that cost lots of money, the question is , is Thailand ready for the next step up from an emerging economy, which it has stagnated in for the past 3 decades, now that's a big call. coffee1.gif

Doesn't seem like the economy "stagnated" for some families.... got any ideas? AND that's all that matters to the ones dictating policy. End of story..... Thailand is not an "us" society. It's a ME society.

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better work for the governement, right, same as in western countries, where half of the workforce is on the governement payroll, slow administration, high pension, ...

i tought the thai way was: make children, you drop them at your parents, when you are old, you will get your grandchildren & some allocation for taking care ...

no need for governement money, right ?

specially, most of the people in this country never pay any income tax, so what do they expect in return ?

well, you are right.

The last government already wanted to establish a "pension fund" and was focused on VAT and income tax.

Now same game with the General. Will see if he got the balls to tackle the problem...

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The wifes mum and dad get 600 baht a month each in government pension. The first 50 units/month of electric free. Free health care. And 110.000 baht a year renting land. Plus the wife and 3 BIL are always giving them clothes, food and gifts. I am guessing their not to badly off compared to some.

Yes they are not bad off compared to some but unfortunately they are in the minority not the majority. Unfortunately the children have become a quasi Thai pension fund for their parents (my g/f sends 3000 bahts home each month without fail. She is the major contributor to her parents welfare) but this will either be reduced or disappear in generations to come as children will find it hard to compete in the modern world of the future and attract a decent salary. Even now after getting a good education they are having trouble obtaining a decent salary. They will be struggling to support themselves. Parents are revered in Thai culture but there is reform and upgrading needed now for them. The present government is to busy running around kicking chairs off of the beaches and reclaiming government land throwing a few minor government officials in jail for corruption but they are not even mentioning their concern about the elderly the people that helped build this nation and now need help far more than 600 bahts a month. Mr. P you want peace and happiness for the Thai people well here is a good place to start. You want the Thai people to love and respect you here is a good place to start. You want to leave your legacy in Thai history well here is a good place to start and as the thread heading states you will avert a future disaster of biblical proportions.

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When a government invests in it's people, it gets huge returns on that investment.

There are some minimal benefits for the elderly and some benefits are quite good in principle but not necessarily in quality, but a retirement pension that is life sustainable would relieve a huge burden off the children giving them more expendable income for their housing and children.

Quote When a government invests in it's people, it gets huge returns on that investment. Forget that there is no return today. This idea is decades old and outdated. Politicians invest in big business now to supposedly create jobs. Big business instead of creating jobs pass the money on to their shareholders without a thank you. There is now a partnership between politicians and big business (next step OBama signing the TPP and more American jobs go Whoosh) but even that is now broken as big business only marches to the shareholders drum beat plus the CEO is to busy lining his pockets as well. Modern day carpetbaggers fleecing the sheep/sheeple. A pox on them all.

Edited by elgordo38
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As a result of the world wide depression following the collapse of the equities and banking industries, many developed nations put strong, lasting social safety nets in place that , for 80 plus years, have endured right ring efforts to dismantle them. Another post had the right question; is Thailand ready to take the next step from a developing country, complete with a social Darwinist, survival to the those with no moral compass and empathy for only ME, to a country who takes care of its citizens. This means overhauling the income tax and enforcement system so that everyone who earns money pays a fair share. It means allowing everyone to pay into a health care system. It means allowing workers to pay into a retirement system, with employers also contributing. It means creating education and economic policies that create a strong middle class, which will help create demand and grow the economy.

Make no mistake, remaining a developing country also has its benefits. The problem is that only a handful of the very wealth really benefit. It would be nice if these folks could see past how much money they will make tomorrow and begin to work for the nation rather than just themselves. The consensus seems to be, "a snowball's chance in hell." The problem for them is that this attitude is simply unsustainable and things will change regardless of how they feel about it.

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Has the penny not yet dropped? Old people are dispensable, education reform is an unnecessary expenditure, subsidising farms and farmers is a worthless exercise, reforming the police force to benefit the people is counter productive, restoring peoples rights and halting people smuggling is non beneficial and the list goes on...

The New World Order and Agenda 21 is real and even has its own webpage https://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/

Agenda 21-The main aim of Agenda 21 is to control the world and “REDUCE” human population and have total world control through all country's giving away their control to the United Nations. It is a extended part of the masterplan originally designed by Adolf Hiler for a United Europe and taken and expanded upon by the elite for the new world order. You will have no rights, no control, no freedom. Your internet and life will be under constant watch. Food production Seeds and the growing of any food will be controlled by Monsanto, via the UN. THE GOVT AND POLICE AND ANY AGENCY WILL HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO ALL YOU PERSONAL INFORMATION

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Has the penny not yet dropped? Old people are dispensable, education reform is an unnecessary expenditure, subsidising farms and farmers is a worthless exercise, reforming the police force to benefit the people is counter productive, restoring peoples rights and halting people smuggling is non beneficial and the list goes on...

The New World Order and Agenda 21 is real and even has its own webpage https://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/

Agenda 21-The main aim of Agenda 21 is to control the world and “REDUCE” human population and have total world control through all country's giving away their control to the United Nations. It is a extended part of the masterplan originally designed by Adolf Hiler for a United Europe and taken and expanded upon by the elite for the new world order. You will have no rights, no control, no freedom. Your internet and life will be under constant watch. Food production Seeds and the growing of any food will be controlled by Monsanto, via the UN. THE GOVT AND POLICE AND ANY AGENCY WILL HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO ALL YOU PERSONAL INFORMATION

Oh dear Masquerade -- where on that U.N. page did you find that "quote" you put in boldface? Perhaps you forgot to take your medications today.

Seriously, though, Thailand's seniors are well on the road to catastrophe. What hasn't been mentioned by other yet, is the drastic reduction in the birthrate in the past three generations and the delay in marriage and number of women who choose to have no children at all. Now, one and two child families are the norm, three and four child families were the norm a generation ago and two generations ago it was the norm to have a very large number of children. Western nations didn't go thru this type of population contraction so quickly.

Edited by NancyL
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Has the penny not yet dropped? Old people are dispensable, education reform is an unnecessary expenditure, subsidising farms and farmers is a worthless exercise, reforming the police force to benefit the people is counter productive, restoring peoples rights and halting people smuggling is non beneficial and the list goes on...

The New World Order and Agenda 21 is real and even has its own webpage https://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/

Agenda 21-The main aim of Agenda 21 is to control the world and “REDUCE” human population and have total world control through all country's giving away their control to the United Nations. It is a extended part of the masterplan originally designed by Adolf Hiler for a United Europe and taken and expanded upon by the elite for the new world order. You will have no rights, no control, no freedom. Your internet and life will be under constant watch. Food production Seeds and the growing of any food will be controlled by Monsanto, via the UN. THE GOVT AND POLICE AND ANY AGENCY WILL HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO ALL YOU PERSONAL INFORMATION

Oh dear Masquerade -- where on that U.N. page did you find that "quote" you put in boldface? Perhaps you forgot to take your medications today.

Seriously, though, Thailand's seniors are well on the road to catastrophe. What hasn't been mentioned by other yet, is the drastic reduction in the birthrate in the past three generations and the delay in marriage and number of women who choose to have no children at all. Now, one and two child families are the norm, three and four child families were the norm a generation ago and two generations ago it was the norm to have a very large number of children. Western nations didn't go thru this type of population contraction so quickly.

Champing at the bit were we sunshine, You were in so much of a hurry to discredit my comments and the overwhelming need to ridicule you forgot to read properly. Amazing what you see when you so want to believe it. Please point out to me where I supposedly indicated that it was on that or any other web page. Maybe next time you have an overwhelming urge to be insolent, calm down and take something for the hot flushes it will avoid a repeat of making a complete a goose of yourself for all to see..

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The wifes mum and dad get 600 baht a month each in government pension. The first 50 units/month of electric free. Free health care. And 110.000 baht a year renting land. Plus the wife and 3 BIL are always giving them clothes, food and gifts. I am guessing their not to badly off compared to some.

No generous pension and hand-outs wheedled out of farang son-in-law? Must be a big disappointment to them and a loss of face in the village.

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Is it socially different whether a working adult voluntarily sends 3,000 baht a month home to their parents or is taxed 4,500 baht a month by the government (administrative and overhead costs to collect, disburse and track a 3.000 a month payment to their parents)?

And should a worker be additionally taxed to support the parents (or children) of others?

Edited by losgrad
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Has the penny not yet dropped? Old people are dispensable, education reform is an unnecessary expenditure, subsidising farms and farmers is a worthless exercise, reforming the police force to benefit the people is counter productive, restoring peoples rights and halting people smuggling is non beneficial and the list goes on...

The New World Order and Agenda 21 is real and even has its own webpage https://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/

Agenda 21-The main aim of Agenda 21 is to control the world and “REDUCE” human population and have total world control through all country's giving away their control to the United Nations. It is a extended part of the masterplan originally designed by Adolf Hiler for a United Europe and taken and expanded upon by the elite for the new world order. You will have no rights, no control, no freedom. Your internet and life will be under constant watch. Food production Seeds and the growing of any food will be controlled by Monsanto, via the UN. THE GOVT AND POLICE AND ANY AGENCY WILL HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO ALL YOU PERSONAL INFORMATION

Oh dear Masquerade -- where on that U.N. page did you find that "quote" you put in boldface? Perhaps you forgot to take your medications today.

Seriously, though, Thailand's seniors are well on the road to catastrophe. What hasn't been mentioned by other yet, is the drastic reduction in the birthrate in the past three generations and the delay in marriage and number of women who choose to have no children at all. Now, one and two child families are the norm, three and four child families were the norm a generation ago and two generations ago it was the norm to have a very large number of children. Western nations didn't go thru this type of population contraction so quickly.

Champing at the bit were we sunshine, You were in so much of a hurry to discredit my comments and the overwhelming need to ridicule you forgot to read properly. Amazing what you see when you so want to believe it. Please point out to me where I supposedly indicated that it was on that or any other web page. Maybe next time you have an overwhelming urge to be insolent, calm down and take something for the hot flushes it will avoid a repeat of making a complete a goose of yourself for all to see..

I spent some time on that website (having long since gotten over the hot flashes) and I read nothing about food production being controlled by Monsanto, the need to reduce human population and the U.N. having complete control over our personal information. Indeed, I'm not certain it's very relevant to the topic of this thread. Perhaps you could clue us in?

Edited by NancyL
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