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Thailand to teach journalists how to ask inoffensive questions

Jonathan Fairfield

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I am so sick and tired of Prayut's senseless babble and his idiotic "I am not a dictator but I order you right now to shut up and listen..." rants that my stomach is too small to contain the massive amount of puke I would like to vomit into my toilet bowl (which then might bee too small as well) to express my utter disgust! If Monsieur General can't handle criticism in a proper manner and learn how to counter verbally without insulting, ridiculing or threatening the interviewer, then he should stop this sharade once and for all right now and declare Thailand officially to be a totalitarian state under junta rule and tell the people straight into their faces that Thailand will NOT return to democracy.

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Perhaps the Prime minister should take questions on notice written 1 month ahead of time , one way to fix the problem is for the press to stop philandering to this Prime Minister, don't go to any press conferences or release press announcements , stop writing about what he has to say or what the Junta has to say, send them all to Coventry, you not only save on prestige you don't print the Bull S!!t and lies , you save on paper and your paper will be more credible to the public. Question is have the Media got the Nuts to do it.coffee1.gif

I believe Chainarong hammered up the best answer to this "problem"! Instead of hanging on his dictating lips and trying to report about the fuhrer's every sneeze and sniffle, the press should avoid and ignore him completely for a few weeks!

Wow, woudn't that be something, the master of disaster being completely ignored, no word of him in the press, on telly or radio for weeks... Most certainly he'd be angry enough to actually throw himself onto the floor like a three year old throwing a tantrum in a toy store cheesy.giflaugh.pngclap2.gif


Edited by MockingJay
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People, e.g. the Prime Minister, when under the pump use the old age tactic of "attack" as the best method of defense. Not many people can stand the glare of publicity when forced to defend what is sometimes uncomfortable or the indefensible.

The Prime Minister is a General who expects, rightly so, that his "orders" are carried out with out exception. That is the way of the military and para military organisations.

But, as a politician he perhaps needs to learn new skills in dragging a kicking and screaming populace (littered with criminality, self interests, lack of responsibility, accountability, transparency and downright cronyism) into the modern world. A tough call for the General and many support his efforts - BUT HE NEEDS TO DO IT! He cannot blame others for his leadership failures or failures of others in Government in moving the country forward to join the world (warts and all) for the best economic outcomes for his people. Put up with the press Prime Minister, prove some of them wrong if you must (but you will never re-educate or "attitude adjust" them, just because like any occupation there are some idiots among them), smile nicely and move on in the best interests of all your people NOT JUST A FEW.

Perhaps learn from Singapore? coffee1.gif

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