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White House: Putin calls Obama, discuss Ukraine, IS, Iran


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White House: Putin calls Obama, discuss Ukraine, IS, Iran

WASHINGTON (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Barack Obama spoke by telephone Thursday and discussed continued tensions in eastern Ukraine and the fight against the Islamic State in the Middle East. The last time the men spoke was in February, the White House said.

Both the White House and the Kremlin offered similar statements descibing the conversation, Thursday evening. The White House said Putin initiated the call to Obama.

The White House said Obama told Putin Russia needs to meet commitments it made in Minsk, Belarus, earlier this year, including the removal of troops and equipment from Ukrainian territory. The Kremlin said the two leaders agreed that U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin will discuss implementation of these agreements.

The call came on the same day NATO's supreme allied commander cited a continuous flow of ammunition and other military supplies from Russia across the border to Ukraine.

The Kremlin said the two men devoted "significant attention" to confronting terrorism and the Islamic State in particular and agreed to have Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meet to review the issue.

The White House and the Kremlin said the two leaders also addressed continued bloodshed in Syria and agreed on the importance of unity among the six world powers that are negotiating to restrict Iran's nuclear capabilities.

The call from Putin came just days after the Russian leader spoke with French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the situation in eastern Ukraine, a day before Paris talks between the foreign ministers of Russia, France, Germany and Ukraine.

France and Germany co-sponsored February's peace deal that helped reduce hostilities between pro-Russia rebels and Ukrainian troops, but fighting again escalated in recent weeks.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-26

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There are definitely US troops in Ukraine, but it is Russia that is not keeping the Minsk agreements?

So your an eye witness to us troops there ?

They admit it ."Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade have been arriving over the last week," Donald Wrenn, a US army spokesman.

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There are definitely US troops in Ukraine, but it is Russia that is not keeping the Minsk agreements?

So your an eye witness to us troops there ?

They admit it ."Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade have been arriving over the last week," Donald Wrenn, a US army spokesman.

Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

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Putin is grovelling.

He's in over his head and he's has come to recognize and to realize it.

Putin's trying to climb out of a slippery glass bowl because he knows that if he can't, he's soon a goner in Russia.

Which is what the US and EU want and did set out to do.

Bye bye Vlad.

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There are definitely US troops in Ukraine, but it is Russia that is not keeping the Minsk agreements?

So your an eye witness to us troops there ?

They admit it ."Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade have been arriving over the last week," Donald Wrenn, a US army spokesman.

Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

The US constitution states it will not aid a country that has taken power thru a military coup. Victoria Nuland admitted US spent 5 billion to engineer a regime change. The previous government was democratically elected and offered an early election. I think that might have been a better option than civil war.

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Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

The US constitution states it will not aid a country that has taken power thru a military coup. Victoria Nuland admitted US spent 5 billion to engineer a regime change. The previous government was democratically elected and offered an early election. I think that might have been a better option than civil war.

Name please of the general who conducted the coup and names plse of the military government that took office after your coup. Show the declaration of martial law that never occurred and does not exist.

It's Putin's tired old line of bullshit that there had been a military coup in Ukraine, which Putin then changed to say there simply was a coup as is stated in the post.

The Orange Revolution and the most recent upheaval were civilian affairs and each side had military supporters but not leaders and not actively with arms and equipment, to include the police forces.

Nothing military about it per se. No military coup period, not past, not present.

Not unless one listens to Putin's bullshit. Putin is anyway a goner so anyone who wants to buddy up to a loser on the way out is welcome to do so.

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Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

The US constitution states it will not aid a country that has taken power thru a military coup. Victoria Nuland admitted US spent 5 billion to engineer a regime change. The previous government was democratically elected and offered an early election. I think that might have been a better option than civil war.

Name please of the general who conducted the coup and names plse of the military government that took office after your coup. Show the declaration of martial law that never occurred and does not exist.

It's Putin's tired old line of bullshit that there had been a military coup in Ukraine, which Putin then changed to say there simply was a coup as is stated in the post.

The Orange Revolution and the most recent upheaval were civilian affairs and each side had military supporters but not leaders and not actively with arms and equipment, to include the police forces.

Nothing military about it per se. No military coup period, not past, not present.

Not unless one listens to Putin's bullshit. Putin is anyway a goner so anyone who wants to buddy up to a loser on the way out is welcome to do so.

The US also says that there was no coup in Egypt, they also engineered the 'uprisings' and invasion of Libya and Iraq. Who appointed them world police anyway?

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So your an eye witness to us troops there ?

They admit it ."Soldiers of the 173rd Airborne Brigade have been arriving over the last week," Donald Wrenn, a US army spokesman.

Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

The US constitution states it will not aid a country that has taken power thru a military coup. Victoria Nuland admitted US spent 5 billion to engineer a regime change. The previous government was democratically elected and offered an early election. I think that might have been a better option than civil war.

Love it. Changing subjects. Too funny. Are you from Ukraine? Are you from Russia? I can tell you without a doubt that people from the Ukraine I know and most Russians I know are way more bent at Putin than the US about Ukraine. Our Ukrainian friends all want more US intervention as they and their families back home are terrified that Russia is taking over. Russia treats Ukrainians like their little B&*&*es and Ukrainians know they will ever climb out of the pit they are in with Russia looming in the background.

The fact is, you just have issues with the US. You could care less about Ukraine or the people that live there. You probably could care less about Russians. Belly aching about the US apparently just makes you feel more complete.

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Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

The US constitution states it will not aid a country that has taken power thru a military coup. Victoria Nuland admitted US spent 5 billion to engineer a regime change. The previous government was democratically elected and offered an early election. I think that might have been a better option than civil war.

Name please of the general who conducted the coup and names plse of the military government that took office after your coup. Show the declaration of martial law that never occurred and does not exist.

It's Putin's tired old line of bullshit that there had been a military coup in Ukraine, which Putin then changed to say there simply was a coup as is stated in the post.

The Orange Revolution and the most recent upheaval were civilian affairs and each side had military supporters but not leaders and not actively with arms and equipment, to include the police forces.

Nothing military about it per se. No military coup period, not past, not present.

Not unless one listens to Putin's bullshit. Putin is anyway a goner so anyone who wants to buddy up to a loser on the way out is welcome to do so.

The US also says that there was no coup in Egypt, they also engineered the 'uprisings' and invasion of Libya and Iraq. Who appointed them world police anyway?

Lol, how does it feel carrying that huge chip on your shoulder every day of your life. Like you really care about Egypt, Libya or Iraq.

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Big difference between US troops in Ukraine, at Ukraine's invitation to assist Ukraine and Russians in Ukraine to take over portions of Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Putin will start kissing more and more butt over the next few months as he is depleting liquid reserves to prop up his currency, which is a losing proposition because the Ruble is a petrocurrency, and Russia's economy is in the toilet.

The US constitution states it will not aid a country that has taken power thru a military coup. Victoria Nuland admitted US spent 5 billion to engineer a regime change. The previous government was democratically elected and offered an early election. I think that might have been a better option than civil war.

Name please of the general who conducted the coup and names plse of the military government that took office after your coup. Show the declaration of martial law that never occurred and does not exist.

It's Putin's tired old line of bullshit that there had been a military coup in Ukraine, which Putin then changed to say there simply was a coup as is stated in the post.

The Orange Revolution and the most recent upheaval were civilian affairs and each side had military supporters but not leaders and not actively with arms and equipment, to include the police forces.

Nothing military about it per se. No military coup period, not past, not present.

Not unless one listens to Putin's bullshit. Putin is anyway a goner so anyone who wants to buddy up to a loser on the way out is welcome to do so.

The US also says that there was no coup in Egypt, they also engineered the 'uprisings' and invasion of Libya and Iraq. Who appointed them world police anyway?

Nato did along with a bunch of other democracies and Western allies around the world by mutual agreement cause somebody has to do the heavy lifting of protecting the West and allies so they can live without the burden of defending their own countries.

The United States provides the cleanup hitters in the team's offensive lineup and the USA has the manager and coaches of the offensive team besides, not to mention the payroll and the budget.

That's who. It's the USA by popular demand of Western governments and elites and by default. Since the end of WW2 forward and the EU both welcomes and needs US commitments to its defense in EurAsia/Ukraine.

The USA does the global military heavy lifting and that's been a given since the Cold War began in 1947 but even before then when the USA won World War 2 in the Asia/Pacific and Atlantic/Europe.

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Putin groveling,.....nope. To Obama nonetheless. I'd say that was high comedy if it wasn't so far off the mark. Someone is living in la-la land. Obama has no foreign policy Putin is ever going to lose sleep over. People keep underestimating Putin, and always wind up wrong.

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The people who'd been reporting from inside their crystal balls the rise of the chess master Putin and the demise of the USA have gone in to a decided retreat.

Washington New York and Brussels have come down on Putin and hard because we know positively and definitely the guy is an incorrigible whack job left over from the Cold War and the tzars and that he is in his own world and a wobbling orbit.

Putin has done in the Ukraine what Hitler did in the leadup to World War Two in Europe and Eurasia which has impacted both the Europeans and the Americans powerfully in terms that are particular to each and yet which each have in common from the experience.

Putin must go because he is the same or similar serious menace to the security of Europe and the world.

Bye bye Vlad.

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Putin groveling,.....nope. To Obama nonetheless. I'd say that was high comedy if it wasn't so far off the mark. Someone is living in la-la land. Obama has no foreign policy Putin is ever going to lose sleep over. People keep underestimating Putin, and always wind up wrong.

Putin thinks of Obama as a joke. No doubt about it. He knows Obama does not have back bone to do anything militarily.

That said, Russia is foocckkeed right now. The economy is in the crapper, reserves are going bye, bye, and the average Russian is getting to the point where they can only afford bare necessities such as food.

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Prez Obama does not have to drop a bomb from a B-52 to explode Russia.

Economic and financial warfare is the new mode presently and going forward.

And there's nobody better at it than the United States. Europe's pretty sharp at it too btw.

Bye bye Vlad.

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Someone should start a poll to see who really, really wants to see WWIII happen right along with the use of tactical nukes, v.s., those who want to see business and trade promoted in a free market unrestrained by government meddling.

Having been around during the Vietnam debacle in the 60s and 70s, you'd be amazed at how many idiots would pick option 1, except this time around I'm pretty sure that the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans aren't going to keep the US population fat, dumb, happy, and out of harms way like it did during WWI and WWII.

Well, at least Jerry Brown would be happy; the population of California might just well end up being 500,000 people, or less - a nice sustainable number after the radiation clears enough for the morlocks 'elect' to come out of their bunkers.

Me? I'm in the 'business and trade promoted in a free market unrestrained by government meddling' court myself. True conservative Lol. But to be honest, I half expect to see WWIII happen within what remains of my life time.

It's amazing how individuals who claw work their way up to positions of national/international leadership roles end up becoming some of the most corrupted, evil individuals on the face of the Earth. Personally I think an X50 class solar flare would be a blessing in disguise for the universe at large. Or a asteroid/comet hit. That would put the leaders who are hell-bent on destroying this planet right in the same boat as everyone else. And at the end of the day, the universe would be a safer place.

Edited by connda
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