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Bangkok is really expensive..Some tips how to save more money?


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There's a difference between WANT and NEED. So before you spend money on something other than the essentials, ask yourself do I want this or do I need this?

As others have said, become a better shopper when it comes to food.

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Stock up food at 2 for 1 sales which Tops has more then all others combined.( I even freeze bread )

Buy drinking water in 18 liter bottles, delivered and transfer, with funnel to smaller vessels & do the same

with all store bought goods- ketchup, ( I liberate from McDonalds), mustard, cooking oil, etc.

Negotiate every service price - all they can say is no

Buy pirated films not go to the cinema

You have a computer and it, has all the budget tips on everything

Buy a cheap bike for transportation and exercise, ( GF can use to " peddle her ass around town" ! ).

Always ask " is there a generic "

Buy store brands of almost all non perishables - known brands often cost 2 times as much

Dump GF and buy as needs demand

Join an ex pats club which will illustrate how bad life can really be

Walk more - much more !

Consider how well you would get along at home with a $600, ( US ), monthly income

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I love it that Farangs must live in BKK because they're so sophisticated. But they have no idea BKK is so expensive.

By the way, right outside Central mall, you can buy 40B noodle soup, 555

Normally i dont bother replying to these sort of posts, in your case I will make an exception.

Maybe some live in Bkk, coz thats where their MNC has relocated them to.

Bkk, expensive, your having a laff, what about the expats that live rent free (housing allowance) kids education free (included in contract), free health and medical (included in contract).

As for Bkk being expensive, why can Thais live here on 10k baht per month, scuzzy 3k baht per month condo, and eat 200 baht per day worth of food, and still have enough left over each month to send upcountry.

Try getting out of the Lower Suk enclave into the suburbs and see how the upcountry Thais who relocate to Bkk live.

As one who lives in Bkk, I pay the same as my friend upcountry in Surin for the following, CTH/True digital package, gasohol 91/95, same price at the Isusu DMax showroom, water gas and electric rates are standard throughout the country, same same Fino, same same the telephone rates.

I really cant understand why people say Bkk is expensive?

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20K a month would have been doable 15-20 years ago, and even then really only in country areas. Bangkok, and Thailand in general, have seen living costs/rent shoot up. I don't think I'd feel comfortable on less than 40K a month in Bangkok. If I want to live in poverty I'd go back to Australia laugh.png

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A Thai only making that amount is not going to spend money at KFC or Malls to any extent and likely living with a combined income of more or at home with family. Costs are not high in Bangkok for most things (and taxis are included in that - very cheap in relation to most countries). 20K is a very small income, especially if an expat without family support options. At 100 baht a day for food you cook yourself expect it is not what most Thai would be eating (they could likely eat out every meal for that amount).

As mentioned a higher income might be first priority - Chiang Mai might be a bit cheaper for living as an alternative.


coke - 90% is only ice in the cup!

fruitshake - very expensive, take nam is 10 bath !

kfc, MD, they are all expensive,

thais go there once a month !!

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I love it that Farangs must live in BKK because they're so sophisticated. But they have no idea BKK is so expensive.

By the way, right outside Central mall, you can buy 40B noodle soup, 555

Normally i dont bother replying to these sort of posts, in your case I will make an exception.

Maybe some live in Bkk, coz thats where their MNC has relocated them to.

Bkk, expensive, your having a laff, what about the expats that live rent free (housing allowance) kids education free (included in contract), free health and medical (included in contract).

As for Bkk being expensive, why can Thais live here on 10k baht per month, scuzzy 3k baht per month condo, and eat 200 baht per day worth of food, and still have enough left over each month to send upcountry.

Try getting out of the Lower Suk enclave into the suburbs and see how the upcountry Thais who relocate to Bkk live.

As one who lives in Bkk, I pay the same as my friend upcountry in Surin for the following, CTH/True digital package, gasohol 91/95, same price at the Isusu DMax showroom, water gas and electric rates are standard throughout the country, same same Fino, same same the telephone rates.

I really cant understand why people say Bkk is expensive?

It is expensive to live in BKK; much more than upcountry !!

transportation to your job - metro, skytrain, motorcy, highway,

upcountry you will just iuse your bike, 10 bht bencin per day,

fruit, vegetables expensive too, as you need transport for purchase,

cheap restaurants are rare !

upcountry - we are 4, we can eat nicely with 1.000,- thb,

in BKK - 1.600,- to 2.000,- bht !!

Thats are the facts !!

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have the GF do the shopping for groceries and cook the meals too. you should save 50% of your current grocery budget of 6000 baht.

Use more staple foods such as rice and noodles.

choose "movie day" at major cineplex to go to the movies, I believe it's wednesdays and the ticket is 60 or 80 baht only, possibly depends on location. forget the popcorn and other fluff.

mrt and bts are expensive, try to use buses at times when the streets aren't congested.

someone else mentioned it, but for Thais at your salary level, KFC and Cake are occasional splurges.

your room and utilities being 7.5k, you might want to look for a cheaper room and cut down on aircon usage. choosing a room without direct sunlight on any of its exterior walls helps a lot.

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20k baht. My Mrs spends that in a day and we're way out in the burbs. Although she believs in supporting the less fortunate. I believe what she believes.

You could live better too, Ubon area. Udon, Roi et. Good luck, God be with you.

Arjuna said, My dear Krishna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy, and I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.” (Bhagavad-gita, 18.73)

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I love it that Farangs must live in BKK because they're so sophisticated. But they have no idea BKK is so expensive.

By the way, right outside Central mall, you can buy 40B noodle soup, 555

Normally i dont bother replying to these sort of posts, in your case I will make an exception.

Maybe some live in Bkk, coz thats where their MNC has relocated them to.

Bkk, expensive, your having a laff, what about the expats that live rent free (housing allowance) kids education free (included in contract), free health and medical (included in contract).

As for Bkk being expensive, why can Thais live here on 10k baht per month, scuzzy 3k baht per month condo, and eat 200 baht per day worth of food, and still have enough left over each month to send upcountry.

Try getting out of the Lower Suk enclave into the suburbs and see how the upcountry Thais who relocate to Bkk live.

As one who lives in Bkk, I pay the same as my friend upcountry in Surin for the following, CTH/True digital package, gasohol 91/95, same price at the Isusu DMax showroom, water gas and electric rates are standard throughout the country, same same Fino, same same the telephone rates.

I really cant understand why people say Bkk is expensive?

It is expensive to live in BKK; much more than upcountry !!

transportation to your job - metro, skytrain, motorcy, highway,

upcountry you will just iuse your bike, 10 bht bencin per day,

fruit, vegetables expensive too, as you need transport for purchase,

cheap restaurants are rare !

upcountry - we are 4, we can eat nicely with 1.000,- thb,

in BKK - 1.600,- to 2.000,- bht !!

Thats are the facts !!

transportation to your job - metro, skytrain, motorcy, highway,

upcountry you will just iuse your bike, 10 bht bencin per day,

You need to change employer mate, doesnt your employer provide you with a driver and car?

Cheap restos can be found all over Bkk, usually on the side of the soi, serving such delicacies as Gao Man Kai (LOL), Luk Chin is still only 10 baht.

Dont believe me try OnNut of an evening, the local cheap chalees are up in arms coz soi 38 is being closed.

Fruit and veggies expensive, LOL, learn to read Thai, up my way the fruit and veggies are being imported to Bkk from the provinces every day.

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I am always amazed by the "living well on less than a B1000/day" crowd. I have to ask. Do you try to live so cheaply because you really want to live that way, or do you do it because you have no more money? If you do it because you like it, I seriously doubt you're being honest with yourself. If you do it becuase you have no more money, I suggest you get a better job.

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Expensive? Not really! I mean, I believe everything's really cheap in Bangkok. I agree with crazy chef, it's best to find some ways on how to up your income. It would be difficult to have a monthly budget of 20k IMO. Or stick to a daily budget and practise self-control if you're tempted to spend beyond your limit. Best of luck!

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I love it that Farangs must live in BKK because they're so sophisticated. But they have no idea BKK is so expensive.

By the way, right outside Central mall, you can buy 40B noodle soup, 555

Wow, check out the inferiority complex on this guy

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It is expensive to live in BKK; much more than upcountry !!

transportation to your job - metro, skytrain, motorcy, highway,

upcountry you will just iuse your bike, 10 bht bencin per day,

fruit, vegetables expensive too, as you need transport for purchase,

cheap restaurants are rare !

upcountry - we are 4, we can eat nicely with 1.000,- thb,

in BKK - 1.600,- to 2.000,- bht !!

Thats are the facts !!

Are you trolling? Define nicely. I eat nicely by my definition for 35B.

Edited by WorthyDan
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3 solutions to your problem are:

1. Get a 2nd job

2. Move somewhere cheaper

3. Find a rich benefactor.

Personally, I would recommend number 2.

Seriously your income is 20k baht a month?. Other countries offer their unemployed welfare that pays more than that and instead of the time spent working you could be studying or learning a skill to get a job.

Depends on what country he's from. I'm on welfare and get 30k a month for free. Feels good doesn't it?cool.png

As for OP: I take it you're a very young expat. Try teaching English, or even better, another language, at any public Thai school. The job is dead simple, you get a text book and follow the instructions. The minimum wage for young, backpacking farangs teaching English is 30k. That's 10k more for you.

If it's not too personal, may I ask what credentials you have? Where are you from? What's your highest education level? Previous jobs, and why you chose Thailand.

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20K a month would have been doable 15-20 years ago, and even then really only in country areas. Bangkok, and Thailand in general, have seen living costs/rent shoot up. I don't think I'd feel comfortable on less than 40K a month in Bangkok. If I want to live in poverty I'd go back to Australia laugh.png

i dont think it was doable then either. certainly not by me.

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3 solutions to your problem are:

1. Get a 2nd job

2. Move somewhere cheaper

3. Find a rich benefactor.

Personally, I would recommend number 2.

Seriously your income is 20k baht a month?. Other countries offer their unemployed welfare that pays more than that and instead of the time spent working you could be studying or learning a skill to get a job.

Depends on what country he's from. I'm on welfare and get 30k a month for free. Feels good doesn't it?cool.png

As for OP: I take it you're a very young expat. Try teaching English, or even better, another language, at any public Thai school. The job is dead simple, you get a text book and follow the instructions. The minimum wage for young, backpacking farangs teaching English is 30k. That's 10k more for you.

If it's not too personal, may I ask what credentials you have? Where are you from? What's your highest education level? Previous jobs, and why you chose Thailand.

My point is, most ordinary working people in similiar predicaments find ways to earn extra money e.g take a 2nd job. Only those people on a fixed income such as disabled or retired people who are not able to do much would look just to cut expenses as a way to make ends meet.

I advised him to find a way to improve his skill set, simply because offering tips on cost cutting doesn't help him improve himself does it? Is telling him to stay in a 20k baht a month job really the best career advice ??

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If we assume this person is a Westerner and an English teacher, it's likely that he's also employed by an agency that is pocketing half his salary. With a few of these an agent gets paid to do basically nothing. When he leaves, they'll prey on another poor schmuck.

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Living on 20k/month is pretty much poverty level....but guess what, you're not alone. Of the 67 million people who live in Thailand officially there are 10 million people living at that level.

Per Capita income in Thailand was in 2012 $5,210.


But take heart....Thai people are communal in nature so families live together .....ie ...Grandpa, Grandma, Ma, and Pa and all the children often live under the same roof contributing.

good luck though living on that amount of money as my electric bill alone last month was 10,000 baht.

10.000 Bt electric bill, how many people live in your house? Do you keep AC units on all day? Have you rented a house and are paying about double the rate for

a unit of electricity to a greedy landlord?

None of the above.....Have six units..


Jimmy big <deleted>

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Jeez, I just got done dropping 20K on a foursome with 2 Uzbeks and a Ukrainian. If I had known your predicament I would have shooed away the Ukrainian (she really wasn't into it) and PMed you the difference. I am always sympathetic to fellow TVers who can't afford cakes and shakes and stuff. Got to have the basic necessities man.

Edited by The Dancer
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OP your problem is NOT how to reduce your cost of living, because you are NOT LIVING you are just EXISTING.

As others have said you need to increase your income to meet your expenses.

I am more concerned about posters tips on how to cut costs and reduce spending. NO popcorn, NO cake, No whatever. You put even the Cheap Charles to shame. Do you guys really live this life ?

OP continue to enjoy the things you like, but top of your list must be to find a new job.

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It sounds like a few people are working illegally in Thailand. My understanding was that to obtain a work permit, the minimum legal salary was 50,000 Baht per month.

On the minimum salary you should be able to survive in Bangkok.

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how can you afford a girlfriend ??? so many farang here are wasting their lives cos they don't want to go back to there own country and get a proper job. eventuality like most farang you will have to go back home by that time you will be too old to get a good job and end up on state benefit and wishing to had got your act together when you were younger.

do yourself a favor and back home and make something of our life then come back.

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And of course one could suggest when OP goes to the cinema on a Wednesday, he could slip into the toilet and steal the toilet paper, thus saving him money that way

Further he can slip into any branch of KFC/McDonalds or similar junk food establishments and steal tomato and Chilli sauce saving additional money .

or the best sugestion, turn off the aircon at home, do not go to the cinema, but go to 7/11, buy a single Leo to share with his beloved and sit outside 7/11 all day watching the passers by and getting an occasional wiff of the aircon...

Have you considered starting a dating advice column?

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Surprised nobody has offered you any better advice...allow me to save you 440 baht....go to the cinema on Wednesday...half price day, tickets for 2 people = 160 baht. Avoid popcorn and the junk food/drinks totally.

You can now use that 450 baht to buy some great street food several times!

'Half price' Wednesday has been 100 baht for a long time, Multicineplex

Edited by jacky54
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