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Thai tourism to hit the skids if it can't overcome crises

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A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

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Comments from friends in UK, France, The States :

"OMG, The place is filthy with garbage and litter

Everywhere. The ocean is filthy, I wouldn't put

My foot in that water".

Thai food was delicious, enjoyed how friendly the

People were, in general. Would you go back?

Hell no, not until they clean the place up!


A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!

If their personal problems are so overwhelming, they shouldn't be in the tourist or service industry.

Many SE nations now are chasing the tourist money, Vietnam and Indonesia have just extended their visa exemptions to a large number of additional countries to mention but a few recent changes.

Thailand is no longer the only kid on the block with something to offer nor the " main choice of destination " for many and also I agree with with the posters comments about the extreme violence towards foreigners that is almost now ( after going unchecked for so long) , becoming a habit and a pastime.


I have friends in the tourist industry at Khao Sarn and Samui. They have moaned for the last year about the dwindling tourist numbers (from the west).

People don't like military coups, covered up tourist murders and human rights abuses.

You're right; it's the coup. It hasn't been front page news in the western world (hardly any mention, at all internationally), so people don't know the specifics; they just know there was a coup and that 'friends of their friends' said 'don't go there now'...and that word has spread among young demographics of travelers internationally.

The other day, in Europe, I was talking about living in Thailand to some people, and instead of saying 'sounds cool', they all said, 'But, we hear they don't like foreigners anymore.' They obviously weren't talking about MERS, or Jet Skis, or diriving conditions...they meant the coup, in a generalized way.


A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!

If their personal problems are so overwhelming, they shouldn't be in the tourist or service industry.

Many SE nations now are chasing the tourist money, Vietnam and Indonesia have just extended their visa exemptions to a large number of additional countries to mention but a few recent changes.

Thailand is no longer the only kid on the block with something to offer nor the " main choice of destination " for many and also I agree with with the posters comments about the extreme violence towards foreigners that is almost now ( after going unchecked for so long) , becoming a habit and a pastime.

Yes - it sounds like a real honor to 'serve' you. I've lived in Bangkok for 5 years, and consider it the most sincerely friendly, genuinely caring place I've ever found in the world, and I travel internationally for a living so can compare. And so what's the difference there? I just 'happen' to meet nice people, and you don't? Maybe it's you, or what you're asking for, or how you behave when you do.


I have friends in the tourist industry at Khao Sarn and Samui. They have moaned for the last year about the dwindling tourist numbers (from the west).

People don't like military coups, covered up tourist murders and human rights abuses.

You're right; it's the coup. It hasn't been front page news in the western world (hardly any mention, at all internationally), so people don't know the specifics; they just know there was a coup and that 'friends of their friends' said 'don't go there now'...and that word has spread among young demographics of travelers internationally.

The other day, in Europe, I was talking about living in Thailand to some people, and instead of saying 'sounds cool', they all said, 'But, we hear they don't like foreigners anymore.' They obviously weren't talking about MERS, or Jet Skis, or diriving conditions...they meant the coup, in a generalized way.

Yep. News of visa crackdowns filtered through too. People think it is dangerous and unstable. While Thailand is actually relatively safe it does it self no favours.


smoke and mirrors to take the minds away from stuff like article 44 and it's implications re travel insurance etc


Couldn't have anything to do with a brutal double homicide, or tourists dying in their hotel rooms from bug poison, or martial law, or cops demanding public urination. Each all over the internet.

Must be the "air crisis."

And to ad, we now have gun totting Thais on international flights.

Yeah...sure you do. I think it's probably the other things mentioned, as I haven't heard many people talking about 'gun toting Thais on international flights' before.


We have been hearing how none of this is a problem and is just about sorted bar crossing the 't's and dotting the i's. I think everyone here knew it would have a long term effect despite the talk that everything is better than lst year for the month (usual I know of most countries). No one is going to come to Thailandif they think they have a chance in a million of contracting MER's and especially if they believe the airlines are not properly maintained.

Of course the trend towards a lack of service in Thailand compared to say only 10 years ago doesnt exactly make people want to come here in droves. There will be no stampede to get the flight over unless it can be clearly demonstrated that the following applies:

a) The country is safe - especially important after the number of foreigners being murdered or dying in country. No one believes they all commit suicide.

B) They are not going to be ripped off with two tier pricings

c) The airlines have a first class safety and maintenance record which is recognised internationally

d) There is no chance of them contracting MER's or anything similar such as Dengue fever

Resolve these issues and tourists will be climbing over each other to come and visit Thailand


I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

I don't consider Thailand an expensive destination at all. We travel independently to Thailand every year as we are long stayers but I see ads for 10 night 4 & 5 star holidays (usually 3 nights Bangkok, 7 nights Phuket, Khao Lak or Hua Hin) for £795. You can easily pay that in high season for a European holiday where the spending money doesn't go nearly so far.


A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!

If their personal problems are so overwhelming, they shouldn't be in the tourist or service industry.

Many SE nations now are chasing the tourist money, Vietnam and Indonesia have just extended their visa exemptions to a large number of additional countries to mention but a few recent changes.

Thailand is no longer the only kid on the block with something to offer nor the " main choice of destination " for many and also I agree with with the posters comments about the extreme violence towards foreigners that is almost now ( after going unchecked for so long) , becoming a habit and a pastime.

Yes - it sounds like a real honor to 'serve' you. I've lived in Bangkok for 5 years, and consider it the most sincerely friendly, genuinely caring place I've ever found in the world, and I travel internationally for a living so can compare. And so what's the difference there? I just 'happen' to meet nice people, and you don't? Maybe it's you, or what you're asking for, or how you behave when you do.

Who has mentioned anything about a " real honour to serve you " I was and still am talking about about the basic skills needed and required to work in the service and hospitality industry which I have been in for 32 years , 20 years of which have been in Thailand.

Since the dawn of the internet in Thailand, we have had to instruct those in our bistro restaurant and bars to place their mobile phones in their lockers when on duty, as otherwise they spend their entire time on social media.In the event of a family emergency, their families have the hotel number, as they did before everyone had a hand-phone.

samuibeachcomber raised some good points that apply to this thread. Your response to his post was simply an attack, in my view, for the sake of it loaded with unnecessary sarcasm.

If you travel internationally for a living you should be well aware and familiar with the do's and don'ts of the hospitality business.


Geeez....here we go again.

Thailand's tourist industry is always about to hit the skids because of what ever current crisis is currently effecting Thailand.

It is unrealistic to predict that the numbers of tourist arrivals will continually go up and up and way up........ forever.

Over 10 years the trend is more tourist arrivals .......but over a 3 month period, going from 1 said to be crisis on to the next said to be supposed crisis............ the figures will fall and rise.

A fine example of Journalistic Sensationalism run amuck....once again.


PS...If the tourists did stop coming here in the numbers they predict ( who are the predictors, I wonder?? ) would us foreigner expats be better off and in what ways would we be better off????


Who has mentioned anything about a " real honour to serve you " I was and still am talking about about the basic skills needed and required to work in the service and hospitality industry which I have been in for 32 years , 20 years of which have been in Thailand.

Since the dawn of the internet in Thailand, we have had to instruct those in our bistro restaurant and bars to place their mobile phones in their lockers when on duty, as otherwise they spend their entire time on social media.In the event of a family emergency, their families have the hotel number, as they did before everyone had a hand-phone.

samuibeachcomber raised some good points that apply to this thread. Your response to his post was simply an attack, in my view, for the sake of it loaded with unnecessary sarcasm.

If you travel internationally for a living you should be well aware and familiar with the do's and don'ts of the hospitality business.

You more than mentioned it...it screams in every sentence: 'If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!' I can barely imagine a less inviting attitude to carry around, honestly.

You know what Thai people did for me, before I left last month? They all got together around the neighborhood and got me some warm clothes to wear as I traveled, because they'd heard that where I was going a while, was cold. And with a smile, yes. I'd owed a couple months rent at the apartment, and the owner let me wait until I had it, trusting me completely to have paid it all before I left: and I did. And they smiled sincerely every day throughout. The months before I left, the neighbors all insisted on paying everything for me, because they'd heard I didn't have much money at the time. And they smiled then, too. A taxi driver who found my computer, wallet and passport once in the back of his cab, took it all to the police station...and with a smile. I could give a lot more examples, from over the years.

Sounds like a completely different experience than yours, doesn't it. So...maybe it's you; maybe there's something about you, which makes it hard for people to smile to your satisfaction smile.png


I've never been in business so maybe members with experience will weigh in.

I posted last year that a friend booking up for a 3 month visit was shocked at the prices being quoted forACCOMMODATIONarrow-10x10.png in places he had stayed before and one had jacked their rates up by 200%. One of the receptionists he spoke to and who remembered him said there was nothing she could do because due to a fall in tourism the owner had put the prices up and instructed " no deals, no discounts . "

This seems to be a common attitude here and doesn't sound like good practice, if you're losing custom how does increasing prices encourage what custom is available to buy, stay etc. ?

Yes, this is Thai business thinking. I have come across this many times........If business is down just put the prices up!!!! I actually think that Thais are taught this marketing strategy in University.


Another excuse why the tourists won't come. Are they so blind that they can't see that the tourists have already stopped coming? I mean, come on seriously, tourist numbers have been down for months. We didn't have a normal high season last year either. This year's low season in Phuket is the worst many have seen since 2004. The Chinese might be coming, but they don't spend money. They book everything before they come and spend nothing in local businesses. TAT should be sending tourism advertising campaigns to Australia and Europe to get people interested in coming. Don't know what game they are playing, but someone needs to lose their job because they just aren't doing it or have no idea.


Story time again....... Met a bloke the other week who is employed by the Aviation authority at air traffic control. His primary job is to listen to the jumble of bad incomprehensible English spoken by many airlines, including Thai. He told me that it's a very serious issue at the moment, as well as maintenance of aircraft, professionalism, training, etc,etc,etc,,,,,,,,, Me thinks that maybe it's time to start employing a few more trained professional westerners to fix the problems that these over proud nationalistic people and their airlines are creating. I don't like to see lives lost through nationalistic ego and ignorance, and this will be the outcome if it's not stopped right now, aeroplanes are not mini vans, and should not be treat as such........ Anyway getting back to the tourist issue in Thailand. I've said it before, if you can't sell Pis$ and P%$$y, two of the best commodities in the world, and probably two of the oldest professions, then you've got a big problem, which they have, it's called greed ! Too many boys in uniform wringing the neck of the goose that lays the golden eggs......... Also drop the exchange rate back to the old level, 70 baht to the pound, with the obvious parity across the other currencys......... Two of the best bars in Bkk, Cheap Charlies and the Beer Garden in soi 7, why ?????? Because it's cheap !!!


Of course it would help if the Government would install Sewage Disposal Plants in Ao Nang. Krabi, Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui - INSTEAD of letting it run out to the sea... People have noses you know...

The Swedes raised a stink (pun intended) about Ao Nang Beach Sewage - helicopters flew over -- it was on the tv news - made the newspapers, a conference in Krabi with the Swedes representatives, Etc.

So what was done? ... You guessed it - Nothing ... made a bigger trench -- moved it to the end of the beach and put up a berm of sand to hide it ... No Sewage Treatment plant... Still smells to high heaven ...

Believe it or not -- a hotel in Ao Nang (and many other places) are only required (evidently) to put in a series of septic tanks with NO drainage fields -- 200 rooms -- 300 rooms -- and there are dozens of hotels... The big trench -- that does not even qualify as a Klong is all there is to drain it all away ... Fricken Amazing...

Sewage plants cost money. Kick the can down the road.

And anyway, the leading light of a factfinding mission for such matters is currently banged up in Tokyo for trying to smuggle a pistol onto an aircraft!


Another excuse why the tourists won't come. Are they so blind that they can't see that the tourists have already stopped coming? I mean, come on seriously, tourist numbers have been down for months. We didn't have a normal high season last year either. This year's low season in Phuket is the worst many have seen since 2004. The Chinese might be coming, but they don't spend money. They book everything before they come and spend nothing in local businesses. TAT should be sending tourism advertising campaigns to Australia and Europe to get people interested in coming. Don't know what game they are playing, but someone needs to lose their job because they just aren't doing it or have no idea.

And that person is Prayut, in my opinion. The tourists they need - in a sustainable way - are younger westerners who see Thailand as an enjoyable lifestyle. Old timers here complain about jet skis and driving conditions, but no one outside is thinking about that stuff. They don't want to pee in a cup and be hassled by police - and yes, they smoke weed, too.


I've never been in business so maybe members with experience will weigh in.

I posted last year that a friend booking up for a 3 month visit was shocked at the prices being quoted for accommodation in places he had stayed before and one had jacked their rates up by 200%. One of the receptionists he spoke to and who remembered him said there was nothing she could do because due to a fall in tourism the owner had put the prices up and instructed " no deals, no discounts . "

This seems to be a common attitude here and doesn't sound like good practice, if you're losing custom how does increasing prices encourage what custom is available to buy, stay etc. ?

It does not. It is based on pure ignorance. The brain of a buffalo. But, the best way to learn sometimes is by enduring the fire. These ignoramus resort owners are heading toward that pain. They will be burned. They may learn as smart people do. People who are doing well these days tend to be adaptable, creative and intelligent. Or they may continue to suffer like cattle being led to the slaughter.


Local Thai mafias get away with murder -- literally. Then blame tortured Burmese. This has become common enough knowledge among falang tourists that they choose elsewhere -- Philippines, Lao, Indonesia again. I live in Thailand but if I was a tourist in Europe, Canada, USA, OZ, why would I come to the LOS with its current government? That's the icing on the cake, isn't it?


A muddled and flawed article...not unlike TAT's usual press releases about tourist numbers.

The aviation problem only relates to charter fights in S/e asia and the passengers dont spend much anyway,but i guess some resorts may suffer.MERS is hardly going to stop people coming yet the thais attitude towards tourists may.

Thailand has had it good for many years but now have to compete with the rest of S/E asia.Good luck to them.A geniune smile may help and less violence towards tourists too.

Listen to you; demanding a smile which meets your specifications, and acting as if it's a Thai person's responsiblity to make you feel more important than their own problems. If you're missing those things it's no wonder.

If they are working in the service industry that's exactly how they should be behaving, with courtesy and a smile!

If their personal problems are so overwhelming, they shouldn't be in the tourist or service industry.

Many SE nations now are chasing the tourist money, Vietnam and Indonesia have just extended their visa exemptions to a large number of additional countries to mention but a few recent changes.

Thailand is no longer the only kid on the block with something to offer nor the " main choice of destination " for many and also I agree with with the posters comments about the extreme violence towards foreigners that is almost now ( after going unchecked for so long) , becoming a habit and a pastime.

Yes - it sounds like a real honor to 'serve' you. I've lived in Bangkok for 5 years, and consider it the most sincerely friendly, genuinely caring place I've ever found in the world, and I travel internationally for a living so can compare. And so what's the difference there? I just 'happen' to meet nice people, and you don't? Maybe it's you, or what you're asking for, or how you behave when you do.

I also consider Bangkok to be one of the most delightful big cities i have ever been to. I find most people to be kind, courteous, and light hearted. Unlike virtually all big cities in the West. I travel there often. Always the same good attitudes. I tend to find that throughout the country, so frankly not sure what all the moaning is about regarding Thai attitudes. Sure, there are some in tourist areas who are sour and jaded. But not most thankfully.


It has already hit the skids. My example I recently joined a website to meet Thai women, not the first time, and not the first one.

I have received over 100 replies in one week, never in 6 years have I had that kind of response.

That tells you money is short and women are looking for it with a foreign male connection

I am a 64 year old foreigner living in Thailand.

Better buy a bucket of viagra......you're gonna be busy!!


Was in Thailand..both Bangkok and Chiang Mai for two visits for a total of 6 months last year..I accept the drinks etc are not included in my approx figures but the prices you quote are so wrong..maybe they saw you coming..1000 -2000 for bar fine is nonsense...anyway I'll agree to disagree...try Foxy lady in Chiang Mai or any of the ground floor in Nana...nowhere near those prices your mentioning..

Schools out Nana..think that's the name..2400 plus 500 bar fine...Foxy lady Chiang Mai 2000 plus 600 both LT..fact..and both really fit..one stayed with me for 3 days from Nana...sorry mate..haggle a bit more..

Perfect example of clueless.

Last year for a a total of 6 months, so another expert , lol

Once you live full time for at least 15 years, then come back to teach me.

Just realised your the guy who I was answering..well I'm really sorry but he you've lived here for 15 years and are spending 1000-2000 on bar fine and 4000 -6000 on go go girl plus drinks it's not me that's clueless...maybe you should meet up with me when I come over in September and I could save you some money...in fact a lot of money...there's a few people who've also answered your price you've payed with disdain too so obviously it's not just me who thinks you've been had for a sucker!

Go to the pub style bars in Jomtien and not the gogo bars in Patts and its 1000 st, 2000 lt and 300b bar fine. Bangkok is double this, at least. Go to a freelance bar in Bangkok and the price is 2000 st, 4000 lt with no bar fine. Prices accurate as of 1 month ago. Enjoy.


Another excuse why the tourists won't come. Are they so blind that they can't see that the tourists have already stopped coming? I mean, come on seriously, tourist numbers have been down for months. We didn't have a normal high season last year either. This year's low season in Phuket is the worst many have seen since 2004. The Chinese might be coming, but they don't spend money. They book everything before they come and spend nothing in local businesses. TAT should be sending tourism advertising campaigns to Australia and Europe to get people interested in coming. Don't know what game they are playing, but someone needs to lose their job because they just aren't doing it or have no idea.

Please take note of this post sanuk711.

Yet another Phuket resident with feet on the ground and eyes in his head.

You go ahead and believe your links with the dodgy numbers.


konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

No I am not talking about packages.

Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

only an ignorant naive fool who had done no research would pay that, or they simply are rich and have money to burn in that case (LDOP) they are messing the game up for the average joe who visits Los for a bit of fun


konying, on 29 Jun 2015 - 06:10, said:snapback.png

I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

tourists would be back.

Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

Your are talking about the package holiday people, that might see it a better alternative than say, Tunisian beaches eh?

However I do not think cheapness is the prime factor. Thailand is still relatively cheap. My country certainly is not in the top as for tourist numbers, nothing like EU countries, but over the last five years Thailand has not had good press. This is not about Mers or Coups or airlines. It has to do with friendliness, rudeness and safety. It's been getting a bad rap in travel media, both national and local. How this is to be fixed remains to be seen. I doubt Thailand is very concerned about doing anything, so it will just continue

No I am not talking about packages.

Examples: in Australia I cam buy tshirt in Kmart for $5, in Thailand markets its 200 baht=$8

Female companion from a gogo can cost up to 10000 baht

Basically in past 3 years, exchange rate gone down while prices tripled.

only an ignorant naive fool who had done no research would pay that, or they simply are rich and have money to burn in that case (LDOP) they are messing the game up for the average joe who visits Los for a bit of fun

I think the guy is referring to the whole experience as in going out, visiting a go go bar, drinks in the said bar, tips, paying the off, taking her on a night out to the bars, maybe a disco, something to eat, paying her the dues for the encounter etc.

That's the only way I could possibly get to that figure in my mathematics!

I personally haven't bothered for years and I am not that old by comparison to many posters. I just completely lost interest after a number of years in the whole scene. I am not making any judgements at all, I was an active participant.

I just started to find it was becoming a " chore " to both myself and them. I am in a LTR but that isn't what stopped me playing the field, it was sheer boredom, the repetitiveness of it all.

A friend said to me way back in the nineties that the first night was always the best and it was downhill all the way from there if you got involved and I found him to be spot on with that analysis.

I just cannot justify in my heart ( and I can afford it ) to paying 2500 ST and 4000 LT. Plus the screeching of mamasans, the tips, bar fines, lies and cheating and the falseness and all that goes with it. Then there is the comparisons on bar stools the following day with guys following similar pursuits. It's OK for a couple of years of totally no responsibilities.

I prefer a decent meal in good surroundings these days and have often in the past had more luck and genuine sex and not had to pay any fine as these ladies were not " in that line of work " . I also have a business and hobbies these days.

However, horses for courses or maybe I am just getting old.


Thailand Tourism has gone through a big change! the demographics are totally different than a few years ago. Farang from Europe, america, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are way down and Chinese and Russians are on the rise, which amazes me because Thais are so proud of their culture, but now give prference to people that do not respect or even like your culture or people. I'm sure the number of visits is up, but the money spent per visit is way down.Just look in any restaurant or bar in Pattaya, ....no customers, but bus loads of Chinese and Russians come daily, but do not spend money!!!

Their culture is greed, all welcome just bring money.

Do you believe it's different in tourist places in the West?


Some very interesting posts.

I don't doubt Thai tourism is hitting the skids but Thailand will not go south.

I've lived in BKK for seven years, here for periods of time before that.

I don't do the tourist strips any longer but when I do go downtown Suk, I make it brief and smile as I leave. I also no longer go to Phuket. Pattaya in my opinion is akin to diarrhoea. The tourist areas are going south but not the nation.

In strong suburban Bangkok, no one is feeling the pinch.

The main industries are automotive, financial, electrical, computers and components, heavy and light manufacturing, and agriculture.

Tourism makes up 5-7% (dependent on the information resource used).

Me; I couldn't care less if the tourists come or not.

Yes, it's becoming more expensive to visit and live here but hey, that's life.

I have immense respect for the Thai people and culture. I love living here. Unfortunately as others have mentioned the true culture of Thailand is diminishing and unfortunately the deep philosophical religion of Buddhism is very superficial within the tourist heartlands of the country.

Interesting times ahead for Thailand, and throughout the world.


Was in Thailand..both Bangkok and Chiang Mai for two visits for a total of 6 months last year..I accept the drinks etc are not included in my approx figures but the prices you quote are so wrong..maybe they saw you coming..1000 -2000 for bar fine is nonsense...anyway I'll agree to disagree...try Foxy lady in Chiang Mai or any of the ground floor in Nana...nowhere near those prices your mentioning..

Schools out Nana..think that's the name..2400 plus 500 bar fine...Foxy lady Chiang Mai 2000 plus 600 both LT..fact..and both really fit..one stayed with me for 3 days from Nana...sorry mate..haggle a bit more..

Perfect example of clueless.

Last year for a a total of 6 months, so another expert , lol

Once you live full time for at least 15 years, then come back to teach me.

Just realised your the guy who I was answering..well I'm really sorry but he you've lived here for 15 years and are spending 1000-2000 on bar fine and 4000 -6000 on go go girl plus drinks it's not me that's clueless...maybe you should meet up with me when I come over in September and I could save you some money...in fact a lot of money...there's a few people who've also answered your price you've payed with disdain too so obviously it's not just me who thinks you've been had for a sucker!

Go to the pub style bars in Jomtien and not the gogo bars in Patts and its 1000 st, 2000 lt and 300b bar fine. Bangkok is double this, at least. Go to a freelance bar in Bangkok and the price is 2000 st, 4000 lt with no bar fine. Prices accurate as of 1 month ago. Enjoy.

Are you 2 members amongst some of those guys we always hear about that reminisce about the good ole days while gauging the cost of living in Thailand by how much a bar fine costs and or the price of pussy and most importantly the cost of...... "Beer" ......lol

Just wondering??


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