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Cambodian war criminal hosted US Peace Corps volunteer


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A current volunteer for the United States’ Peace Corps program in Cambodia lived with alleged Khmer Rouge war criminal Meas Muth for several months last year as part of his official service in Battambang’s Samlot district, the program has acknowledged.

Muth, 76, lives freely despite being charged in Case 003 by the Khmer Rouge tribunal for allegedly executing, enslaving and torturing enemies of the regime, including many foreigners, during his time as one of the Khmer Rouge’s top commanders.

But that history didn’t stop the Peace Corps from selecting Muth’s son, Meas Sophors, as the host “father” for volunteer Ben Larracey in 2013.

read more: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national/meas-muth-hosted-peace-corps-volunteer?utm_source=The%20Phnom%20Penh%20Post%20News%20Brief&utm_campaign=c94f51e483-atphga&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_53e48d7faf-c94f51e483-249654429

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To split some hairs, more like "crimes against humanity" as were done during Khmer Rouge period in power, not a "war crime". This is small peanuts compared to US backing KR when Vietnam invaded and threw them out of power. US can be a generous winner (Marshall Plan for example) but really pissed off when lose, like Vietnam war....

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That just shows how much the US Govt cares about anyone... Bad or good...... wink.png

huh .....? you are a failed person . by it self , the americans have donated to the world more than all the contries of the world combined . we are a giving nation . and you ? what have you given ? not much i feel n. you are a user and taker . a ex american ? foolish you are .

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That just shows how much the US Govt cares about anyone... Bad or good...... wink.png

huh .....? you are a failed person . by it self , the americans have donated to the world more than all the contries of the world combined . we are a giving nation . and you ? what have you given ? not much i feel n. you are a user and taker . a ex american ? foolish you are .

'... the americans have donated to the world more than all the contries of the world combined.' They have? Possibly, though much of the funding has been foreign investment? But I doubt you have checked your sources, or could positively assert that to be the case. Whether they/you have or have not, the US invariably has its own agenda, as I'm sure you know, and has, usually via security agencies, underwritten innumerable conflicts, often on the 'wrong' side. Remember the Nicaraguan Contra affair? Remmeber Iraq when it went up against Iran, backed by the US? Then Bush Jr and Tricky Dicky Cheney cobbled together a fantasy story about WMDs and went back to finish off the Iraq that was left over from the original Gulf War. Now look at the mess.

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That just shows how much the US Govt cares about anyone... Bad or good...... wink.png

huh .....? you are a failed person . by it self , the americans have donated to the world more than all the contries of the world combined . we are a giving nation . and you ? what have you given ? not much i feel n. you are a user and taker . a ex american ? foolish you are .

Just to clarify, in gross terms in 2013, the European Union is the biggest single donor of Official Development Aid (ODA) at over $86 billion, USA gave $31.5 billion.

Since the total of ODA was a shade under $160 billion from the top 24 donor countries, this is over 5 times higher than the gross amount provided by the USA.

In terms of donation of ODA dependent on size of the economy measured in Gross National Income, Norway was way ahead at 1.07% of Gross National Income. USA was 20th on this list.

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That just shows how much the US Govt cares about anyone... Bad or good...... wink.png

huh .....? you are a failed person . by it self , the americans have donated to the world more than all the contries of the world combined . we are a giving nation . and you ? what have you given ? not much i feel n. you are a user and taker . a ex american ? foolish you are .

Just to clarify, in gross terms in 2013, the European Union is the biggest single donor of Official Development Aid (ODA) at over $86 billion, USA gave $31.5 billion.

Since the total of ODA was a shade under $160 billion from the top 24 donor countries, this is over 5 times higher than the gross amount provided by the USA.

In terms of donation of ODA dependent on size of the economy measured in Gross National Income, Norway was way ahead at 1.07% of Gross National Income. USA was 20th on this list.


Nice job of obfuscation. You pick one category of aid and call it the whole picture. 2012 Us aid to Afghanistan alone was 12.885.5 billion and that was only one county at the top of a very long list which did not include private aid:


A private think-tank, the Hudson Institute, gave the following figures for U.S. private foreign assistance for 2004:


This does not take into account the historical aspects: WW1 and 2, Lend Lease, The Marshall Plan, the Cold War, etc.....

BUT WAIT!......THERE'S MORE!........ on US foreign aid here:


Edited by riceyummm
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