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UK FLR(M) form

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I did a draft of this a few months back and I have now revisited this. The form has changed from 11/2014 to 04/2015.

Question 6.8 has vanished, it simply jumps from 6.7 to 6.9.

Q6.9 is ambiguous as it refers to living arrangements since the last limited leave to remain application. My wife has not made a previous limited leave to remain or is the settlement spouse visa a limited leave to remain.

It then goes on to say if you answered yes to Q 6.6 and have completed 6.7, 6.8 and 6.9 proceed to 6.16 but 6.8 doesn't exist and 6.9 is ambiguous.

Given that they are simply looking for reasons to reject the application on technicalities I am very concerned.

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