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Eight children dying in Myanmar every hour

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Eight children dying in Myanmar every hour

RANGOON: -- Vice President Sai Mauk Kham has said at an event on 3rd July, held in Magway city that approximately 8 children dies per hour, and nearly 65,000 children have died per year.

According to the Ministry of Information, the Vice President was at the commencement ceremony of efforts to reduce mother and child mortality rates, and that most children under 5 years of age in rural areas are seeing high mortality rates due to undue births, underweight children, Bronchitis, Meningitis, Suffocation during birth, diarrhea, blood poisoning, lack of Vitamin B1, disabilities at birth and also accidents.

Read More: http://www.elevenmyanmar.com/local/eight-children-dying-myanmar-every-hour

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why does this happen and why is this not fixed they have a government that dont care

Well obviously the vice president and Government DO care if you read the article. Here it is again:

" the Vice President was at the commencement ceremony of efforts to reduce mother and child mortality rates,"

After so many years of junta rule, it's good to see they are at least trying to address serious issues, and hopefully something more than just lip service will come of it.

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Hard to be objective with this.

But what is the outcome if this changes....another Bangladesh? Massively overpopulated very poor country like their next door neighbours?

Don't get me wrong I dearly love the Burmese people (well the ones I have been fortunate enough to meet).

The answer IMHO is economic and political reform which, over time, will reduce the birth rate and so the mortality rate.

Simply trying to keep kids alive by throwing money at the problem has never worked.

I'm old enough to remember the starving Biafrans of the 1960's and all the help was provided there.

Is Africa a better place since then? Has starvation been eliminated?

Sorry to sound so hard hearted.

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Hard to be objective with this.

But what is the outcome if this changes....another Bangladesh? Massively overpopulated very poor country like their next door neighbours?

Don't get me wrong I dearly love the Burmese people (well the ones I have been fortunate enough to meet).

The answer IMHO is economic and political reform which, over time, will reduce the birth rate and so the mortality rate.

Simply trying to keep kids alive by throwing money at the problem has never worked.

I'm old enough to remember the starving Biafrans of the 1960's and all the help was provided there.

Is Africa a better place since then? Has starvation been eliminated?

Sorry to sound so hard hearted.

Why is it hard to be objective on this issue?

The crude birthrate in Myanmar has been dropping for years. She is a country larger than Thailand, about a third as much land area again, with 54,000,000 people compared to Thailand's 67,000,000, and her crude birthrate is slightly above the threshold for maintaining her population. Economic and educational reform will probably turn the childhood mortality and illnesses around as it has done in developed countries and is doing in other developing countries.

Your comparison to Biafra doesn't make sense. Myanmar is not considered a starving country, she is poor; there is no need to eliminate Myanmar's starvation..

Edited by mayview
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Speaking of children dying:

It is 7:30 AM in the US...934 abortions already this day...

558,000 already this year...

Over 58 million since abortion was made legal in the US...

Worldwide...35,000 already on this day alone...

More than 20,000,000 this year...

Some children are never allowed their first breath out of the womb...

This is not an attempt to hijack the post...we are talking a children dying...


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You cant fix starvation. Its a dream that will never come true. The people who are starving are generally uneducated and poor. If you feed them and their kids they're just going to have more kids. Who will have more kids to feed....

In America we have huge families on welfare that havent worked in 4 generations. The more kids they have the more money they get. All they do is sit around doing drugs and having unprotected sex which results in more kids...

Edited by ToYoungToRetire
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You cant fix starvation. Its a dream that will never come true. The people who are starving are generally uneducated and poor. If you feed them and their kids they're just going to have more kids. Who will have more kids to feed....

In America we have huge families on welfare that havent worked in 4 generations. The more kids they have the more money they get. All they do is sit around doing drugs and having unprotected sex which results in more kids...

Dig their graves now?bah.gif

Education and opportunities do allow people to climb out of the cycle of poverty, be it Myanmar or the USthumbsup.gif

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