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Problem With Laptop


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Hi people, I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. I have an old (ish) Toshiba laptop that has always worked fine - the screen is broken but it hooks up to a moniter ok. I just brought a new desktop and gave the laptop to a friend who has hooked it up to a second hand lcd moniter he brought and now all of a sudden, it does not work.

The problem is loading/response time... On start up, it takes 45 minutes to load the desktop. Then when you click on any programme, the hour glass pop's up and you have to wait 20 minutes for the programme to open. For example, click on Word and wait 20 minutes, then click on font sizes and wait another 20 minutes etc etc.

When i set it up for him it worked fine - but then i did delete lots of stuff off the c and e drive, my docs etc so it would run quicker. I am worried I may have deleted something crucial to the computer?

Also an error box keeps popping up that says 'the dynamic link library rasman.dll could not be found in the specific path c drive' etc etc.

Two possible silly questions -

1. Could it be that i have deleted something crucial to the laptop when i was deleting old programmes/docs?

2. No way this problam could be linked to the new lcd moniter, is there?

It would be ok if i could run some kind of system check/disk clean or something, but the computer just will not let me get that far.

Has anyone please got any ideas?

Many kind thanks in advance

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Sounds like it could be memory (RAM) to me. Living on the ocean we have constant hardware issues, RAM failing on a regular basis, the slowness is very similar to RAM failure I have experienced in the past.

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Also an error box keeps popping up that says 'the dynamic link library rasman.dll could not be found in the specific path c drive' etc etc.

That is the remote access server. Sounds like some network stuff got removed/damaged and it is trying to access the network thus causing delays. Might try and disable networking.

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Hi SBK - thanks for the suggestion. WHilst this could make sence, it is alittle wierd that i could suddenly loose memory when i had just deleted lots of old programmes, mpegs, jpegs and documents. If anything that would help memory, wouldnt it? (i have little clue as you may guesss :o )

Tywais - funny, your avatar just about sums it up! Question - how would i disable networking?


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Question - how would i disable networking?


Open the "Control Panel" and open "Network Connections". Right click on any that show up in the list and select "Disable". If that fixes it then may try to do an XP repair to get the network stuff back up (if he wants to use the Internet).

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I'd forget all this hardware advice, bc as u said, it was working fine. eliminate any possible monitor problems by hooking it back up to old monitor u used before. at www.driversguide.com you can download for free yr missing drivers. Usually installed into yr windows/system folder. I think if u replace yr missing drivers u'd be fine.

If not can u get into "system restore". If u can do that it would be worth the 20 + 20 minute delays.

Next time don't delete files. until your sure the system works without them. Move them into another directory.

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A few weeks ago I had a similar problem, overnight my laptop became very slow, and the antivirus did not find anything, although I am still quite sure I got infected by something.

Anyway a friend of mine discovered by opening the task manager that a program called spoolsv.exe was using 99% of the computing power, thus making it soooo slow.. First I was able to manually stop this exe in the task manager, then I found something on internet, just 2 files to erase somewhere and as by miracle, everything came back to normal. The spoolsv.exe has something to see with the printing abilities of your computer, but as soon as I got home, I hooked up my printer and everything worked fine.So far so good.

Hope this will help, cheers.


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Anyway a friend of mine discovered by opening the task manager that a program called spoolsv.exe was using 99% of the computing power, thus making it soooo slow..

There are several virus/worms that use that name also. It is the printer spool services, basically a queue manager. But you bring up a good point and to the OP - try using CTL-ALT-DEL and look under the Processes window, sort by CPU useage and see if there is something other then System Idle Process using a lot of CPU time.

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