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Page Of Remembrance

Gonzo the Face

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Something Blinky Bill said triggered a thought in my mind about all the drinking mates that I have known and remember since being in Chiang Mai, specifically those who have passed on

I would like to start a list of those I remember here in Chiang Mai and would like all other local members to chip in and add the names they remember. Just add them onto the list and in this way maybe all of us together or by ourselves can have a drink and say salute, salude, old buddy, I remember and miss you.

Here is the start of the list I would like to remember, add to it if you like and see how many we can remember.

Salute Good Buddies :o


Andy the Scot

J. B. Gross


Roger Morton

Allister the Scot

Jack Wall

Rick Cherry [ Dr. Lic ]

Crickett ........ way before her time

add on guys and gals


Chuck Hatherly

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How far back can we go?


Andy the Scot

J. B. Gross


Roger Morton

Allister the Scot

Jack Wall

Rick Cherry [ Dr. Lic ]

Crickett ........ way before her time

Chuck Hatherly

Old Ed Dodson

Ken Owens

Maurice Moreau

Chris C. (The Pub)

John Link

Horst Fruchtenicht

Bernard Webb

Barry Crago

Nick (Smiling Monkey)

Swiss Romeo

American Keith (Shot by his brother in law)

One armed John

Spotlight Bob

Ronnie (Scottish Andy's drinkin mate)

Eddy Sauerbaun (Joe's brother)

Old Dick Wood (What a character, ex expeditionary forces in Burma)

Too many..........................

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Who was the pleasant fellow who passed on who used to run Dominos with his brother who is in Malaysia now?

Bloody hel_l UG, that was Martin West and he was a very good friend. I feel ashamed that I forgot him.

David, his brother is in China these days.

Edited by Blinky Bill
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Nick (Smiling Monkey)

When did this occur ?

I saw someone last Songkran who was in close contact with Nick and his wife (Gino's ex-wife) in Britain. Apparently Nick went in for a hernia operation or something and didn't survive. That's all I know. Big shock to everyone. He and his wife were running a successful pub; I believe she plans to carry on.

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Do any of you know of an old dutch guy used to live there.

I don`t know a lot baout him, except my uncle used to tell me about him, when my uncle when to los in around mid 70`s . Used to imbibe heavily I gather.

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How far back can we go?


Andy the Scot

J. B. Gross


Roger Morton

Allister the Scot

Jack Wall

Rick Cherry [ Dr. Lic ]

Crickett ........ way before her time

Chuck Hatherly

Old Ed Dodson

Ken Owens

Maurice Moreau

Chris C. (The Pub)

John Link

Horst Fruchtenicht

Bernard Webb

Barry Crago

Nick (Smiling Monkey)

Swiss Romeo

American Keith (Shot by his brother in law)

One armed John

Spotlight Bob

Ronnie (Scottish Andy's drinkin mate)

Eddy Sauerbaun (Joe's brother)

Old Dick Wood (What a character, ex expeditionary forces in Burma)

And a few more.......

Martin West

Geoff Waters

Anders Sorensen

Brad Harper (creator of Sir Geoffrey Hillpig Smyth)

Crazy Steve Daniels

Mad Mike

One eyed Canadian George.

Notorious David London (US$800,00 scammer)

Some of the above were great people. Others not so great.

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I've been asked by a non-member to add a couple more names....

- Brian Roggensack

- 3 un-named ladies who worked at the Domino Bar...???

And another one from the 'old guard' at Gymkhana Club...

Donald Gibson

I also wasn't aware about Nick 'Smiling Monkey'....??

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I've been asked by a non-member to add a couple more names....

- Brian Roggensack

- 3 un-named ladies who worked at the Domino Bar...???

And another one from the 'old guard' at Gymkhana Club...

Donald Gibson

I also wasn't aware about Nick 'Smiling Monkey'....??

and I wasn't aware re Brian R..... any specifics there as to how where when etc..... He wasn't that old. Yea big phone Brian, Top North Charlie's RH Man... at least for a while.

Boy this is turning out to be a shocking update type of thread

Re the 3 unnamed Dominos girls.... unnamed because of not wanting names mentioned or not named because cannot remember ?

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Does anybody know what happened to the Mexican guy who worked as a driver/gopher at the Top North Guest House for many years for Thai wages - Danny? He was married to Charlie's sister and claimed to be American, but was making something like 2,000 baht per month so I always had my doubts.

He finally just vanished... :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Donald Gibson and Dick Wood I miss terribly.

Maurice Moreau, great friend, pity his brother is an ###### extorionist

Fred Knipe

Arthur Lupson

Auntie Vi (Violet McFie) and her siblings, Uncle Angus, et all.

Jeremy Dootson, such a sudden and tragic passing

Tony Knowles

Oliver Johnson (had to add him, he was my friend when I was 5 who drowned at a pool party I attended)

So many more...good thread this, it is always good to remember those who have left us.

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Donald Gibson and Dick Wood I miss terribly.

Maurice Moreau, great friend, pity his brother is an ###### extorionist

Fred Knipe

Arthur Lupson

Auntie Vi (Violet McFie) and her siblings, Uncle Angus, et all.

Jeremy Dootson, such a sudden and tragic passing

Tony Knowles

Oliver Johnson (had to add him, he was my friend when I was 5 who drowned at a pool party I attended)

So many more...good thread this, it is always good to remember those who have left us.

Thanks for remembering Fred Knipe Pim. We used to play golf together weekly (for me weakly) in the early 90's. Love his ex, A also.


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How strange..? I was just thinking about both Fred Knipe, and Tony Knowles today, and had no idea that either had passed away..? Enjoyed many rounds of golf with the former, and many beers and interesting chats, with the latter. And the list goes on......? All are fondly remembered.

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And another contribution from a friend of mine.......

"And we can't go much further without paying respects to dear, departed, diminutive

Dr Frank Kelly from Australia, the genial former convenor of the Informal Northern

Thai Group who had previously written speeches for Pierre Trudeau in Canada.

Frank, who passed away quietly here after battling cancer for almost a year, had

finished an authorative book on expat life styles. He had lived and worked in 14

expat communities. The book was never published and now seems to have been

forgotten. Shame as it looked very promising. Can anyone shed any light on it..?"

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I see only 2 ladies, Cricket and Snowflake mentioned.

Surely there have been some western women pass away here over the years.

Anne Morris (UK), my favourite alcoholic. She died in 2001. RIP

Bo Nirbraten (Danemark)

Philippe Thiebaud (Switzerland)

Time really does fly doesn't it. I wouldn't have thought that it was anything like five years sine Anne's departure.

Edited by john b good
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Speaking of departed alchoholics, British Peter (Deng's partner) who ran one of the the original bars on Loi Kroh. I remember Deng when he was a bartender at the old Karen Hut. Deng also worked at the old Cottage for Keow, who was rumored to have been involved in the disappearance of an American down and out alcholic whose name I can no longer remember (Roy maybe) but whose disappearance caused little concern to the US Consulate at the time.

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