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Will China's stock market crash result in less Chinese Tourist?


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And further lower Thailand's economy? Could have an interesting effect on Tourist Destination Hotel/Travel costs...


Forget Greece. No, really. As you might have heard by now, China’s stock market is hemorrhaging without a sufficient tourniquet to stem the massive loss—now $3.25 trillion and counting. To bring it into perspective, that figure is more than double the annual GDP of Canada—and there doesn’t seem to be a way to stop it.
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Yes the Chinese stock market collapse may well have an effect on tourists to Thailand. The reason being is that 85% of shares in Chinese companies are held by small time investors unlike stock markets in the West where the majority of shares are held by the big boys such as hedge funds.

The Chinese middle class who tend to be the ones that take overseas trips have seen trillions knocked off the value of their shares in the past few days. I could well imagine that any who had been planning a trip to Thailand will now be having second thoughts.

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undoubtedly , they have to pull out assets due to margin calls as their market is based on leverage, and with less income, that leaves no room millions of the middle class who have invested heavily into the markets to travel for the near future

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