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Happy days. I'm in the Khao Yai area because the company I work for is upgrading the titles on about 30 rai of land from Nor Sor Sam 3 to Chanote.

There are two surveying teams on site from the Land Office and everything is going well, including beer temperature control.

It's really nice to get out of Bangkok for a couple of days.






I guess such conversion does multiple the value of the land considerably.

My wifes aunt has a piece of land near Chiang Mai but she is only allowed to use it for farming and no success to convert the land title yet.


For the company it's about making the land easier to sell as a Chanote is proof of ownership. Anything less is more a case of having the right to utilise the land to a greater or lesser extent.

Add that to the recent problems around this area with illegal land grabs...


For the company it's about making the land easier to sell as a Chanote is proof of ownership. Anything less is more a case of having the right to utilise the land to a greater or lesser extent.

Add that to the recent problems around this area with illegal land grabs...

That is not true, NS3 and NS3G is every bit as good as proof of ownership as chanote is. The difference lies in the way the land has been surveyed, where the chanote specifies the exact boundaries, whereas NS3 is less exactly defined. When we upgraded from NS3G to chanote the size of our land as specified on the deeds went from 5 rai and 3 ngarn to a little over 5 rai and 1 ngarn.

Some of the lesser titles are as you mention only rights to use the land, but that is not the case for NS3 and NS3G which are actual ownership title types. that is why banks only accept chanote, NS3 and NS3G land as security when giving a loan



I'm not a lawyer so forgive me for getting the explanation wrong. It's explained much better than I'll be able to here:


I guess it's down to the translation between posession and ownership.

Thanks for the link.

It's interesting that they say NS3 titles technically isn't ownership titles, but then go on to say that your right over the land is legally recognized, and you can sell the land, mortgage it, use the title as collateral, give a lease or usufruct on the land. Basically you can do anything with the land that you can with chanote land. You can also upgrade the title if you so wish (like we have done for a very modest fee).

So (other than a legal technicality) what exactly is it that makes you not "own" NS3 land? To me, if someone has a legal right to the land and can sell it or get a loan on it, then they own it. And that seems to be the view of Thai people as well, as there really isn't much of a price difference for land between the chanote and NS3/NS3G title types. And why should there be, when you can upgrade to chanote if you want to?

I concede that legally the NS3 is technically a possessory right, but in practical terms you are just as secure with this title type as you would be with a chanote title (other than the boundary issue).




The way it was explained to me is that a Chanote is proof of ownership. In the case of a claim or a dispute, the Chanote takes precedence. If someone takes adverse posession of the land, they have no rights (unless they stick it out for 10 years and then make a claim).

With other types of title you can have possession, but if someone makes an adverse claim it's not always going to be a quick fix to remedy the situation, especially if they have squatted on the land and taken possession.

That's the limit of my understanding on this. I hope other members with a better knowledge can add more.

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