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I have a little 10 inch Lenova notebook which came with Windows 8.1.

It was slow when I got it but I went on utube and got some videos on

speeding it up and now it's really snappy but only for about 3 hours after

I start it up.

Then it slows right down and I have to restart it.Is there anything I can do about this.

I was looking at upgrading to an SSD.Would that solve the problem.

If so how can I choose the SSD.

There is a video on utube which recomends changing to a 128GB disk for my model.

These cost from 2,000bht to 4,000bht.


Can you post the model number?

Seems odd that is would slow down after three hours, unless some service or background app had a memory leak.


Is it running Superfish software?

Lenovo - Superfish - and Komodia

February 21

"The software degrades computer operation and internet experience and use caused by it downloading and injecting third party ads and pop-up windows. The Superfish software causes computers to slow down, takes up internet connection bandwidth, uses up memory on a computer, causes the loss of data, and compromises computer security features."


How to remove the dangerous Superfish adware preinstalled on Lenovo PCs

PCWorld | Brad Chacos, Senior Editor | Feb 20, 2015 4:37 PM

SSD Upgrade

...the reviews aren't so kind on the response of the low-end HD that Lenovo ships as standard. Here's some info on SSD upgrades

Crucial memory vendor: Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 10 compatible upgrades

by BOB | SEPTEMBER 8, 2014
UMPC Portal | by Chippy | Posted on 06 June 2014

"After completing the SSD upgrade I can report that the difference is amazing. Applications are starting in half the time, the PCMark score is up 70% and the system works as it should. No more drive activity slow-downs and a huge lift in the user experience. I’ve done a lot of SSD upgrades over the years but this one is probably the most impressive."

keyword research only, I've never seen an IdeaPad Flex 10

I am not sure if it has been corrected but firefox was notorious for memory leaks and many other browsers have this problem. It will build up over time so when you say slow after 3 hours you are referring to the connection?


I can't see any superfish or any other malware.

What I have my eye on are Samsung 128GB 850pro 3900bht

and the Samsung 120GB 850 evo 2850bht.


no,the file explorer and opening programs are slow as well as firefox

That slowdown shouldn't happen.

I'm wondering if memory is over-committed (memory leak), a background task is monopolizing CPU cycles, or the system registers high heat and slows the processors to reduce temperature. Rebooting would quickly clear the first two issues.

Are you always running on battery, and when you reboot, does it stay nimble for say another three hours?


An SSD will make it fly allright, also as pagefile is on SSD, another performance boost.

I've always preferred upping RAM to sticking pagefiles on SSD.

But of course you can do both :)


RichCor...all my disks are read "Healthy",the machine is not hot and

I never run on battery.But yes when I reboot I'm good for another 3 hour


RichCor...all my disks are read "Healthy",the machine is not hot and

I never run on battery.But yes when I reboot I'm good for another 3 hour

Then I'd guess it's memory leak or background task related.

Suggest you start Resource Monitor, take a baseline at-rest reading for Memory Usage, Drive Usage, CPU usage...

start Task Manager and see what processes are taking up CPU and Memory

Check these when you first turn it on, then again an hour later, and then again when you begin to notice the device has gotten slow.

Find a standard windows program that is impacted by this slowness and run it.

Now try closing/killing other open programs or program processes. Does the slowness go away when a certain non-essential process is closed/killed?

Does the standard windows program that was impacted by the slowness now run fine?

Just trying to isolate the potential offending process.

Sometimes it's the AntiVirus program, or some Update Program process that's triggered by processor-on time.


Aren't you the same guy who wrote about shrinking the size of his OS partition a couple of months back? At that time I warned you that having a small OS partition would negatively impact your machine's performance. What is the size of your OS partition now.

Also if you put Win 8.1 on a 120-128 GB SSD you are going to have space problems before you know it. Take Chicog's advice and install more memory so that your page file doesn't have to spool to your HD, Then pay a little more to get a 256 - 500 GB SSD. You can then be sure that future slowdowns won't be related to hardware. To check on Superfish, try running msconfig from the command line and look for it as a process. Look for it also under control panel programs and features. If it is a process, uncheck it. If you find it as a program, uninstall it.


If you decide to upgrade then go for the cheaper EVO model.

I put an SSD in my cheap notebook. Yes it is faster than before but if you have a slow CPU to begin with then don't expect it to perform like a desktop computer.



Why do you reckon that I should use the cheaper evo model.Is there no extra

noticable improvement with the pro.Iwould love to know.

I'm going to get a Thai guy to call round and do the instalation,am I going to loose everything on my New Volume disk or can he work around this.

I can't find anything useing up my cpu or memory but I will keep an eye on it.


I'm going to get a Thai guy to call round and do the instalation,am I going to loose everything on my New Volume disk or can he work around this.

Space permitting you should be able to use the included Magician software to transfer everything to the SSD (shadow copies excluded).

While an SSD will generally speed things up, it might not solve your problem. I'd try and troubleshoot it first.



Why do you reckon that I should use the cheaper evo model.Is there no extra

noticable improvement with the pro.I would love to know.

Can't see the point on getting the pro version for use in a budget notebook. You will be lucky to see any difference in real life performance so save yourself a thousand baht or put it towards a larger sized EVO if you think you need the space.


I purchased a Lenovo laptop - SLOW.

My tech recommended that U change the HD. Now I have a SSD - brand ???. It is 120GB cf 1TB which came with the package. B3500???

We also changed from Firefox to Chrome.

Now, it goes like a rocket.


Evo and pro will be the same on that machine... speed difference of pro is minor and wont be noticable under normal use, only for heavy video rendering etc assuming your other hardware can keep up.

But, speed isnt all. Pro should have a longer lifespan since they use a slightly higher grade of chips.


Nothing will help as much as finding that memory leak. Others have explained how, above. Yes, it will page faster with an SSD but that will also run the processor harder which will then be a bottleneck.

I put a Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD in my laptop a while back and it did really speed it up but the computer would need to be free of other problems or those problems would be the bottleneck.


56.7 GB doesn't sound like enough. Windows updates, cached files and other miscellaneous files will soon eat into your available space. If you start using One Drive and Google Drive, they will duplicate files from other folders in their own folders under "users." You will have to be very sparing in the programs that you install and the amount of data that you store on the drive to get by with such a small amount of space, but hey, have at it. Experience is a great teacher.

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