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Nostalgia from an old Pattaya resident - LOG


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spent a most interesting 60 minutes chatting by the pool with a 65 year old Pattaya resident (and his lovely slightly younger wife) who now lives overseas. He returns here religiously every year to visit family

Lots of nostalgia of course and many great, amusing tales from their past especially post the Vietnam war era as Pattaya grew and grew

His greatest regret ? The current excessive greed of his countrymen. Almost tears in his eyes as he cited example after example and how it appears to have overtaken everyone. We all laughed (nervously?) as he said "it's not LOS but LOG".

I bought him another beverage !

He's got a point sadly.

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I remember from 30-40 years ago that people here were quite pleasant and not very grasping.

But I cant say that I have come across any Thai here in the last 15 years who wasnt after something or another from me. Now it just seems to be an endless round of "gimme", and once they've got it they lose interest completely. As for doing anything in return, it seems to be as little as possible and preferably nothing at all.

So I just avoid them wherever possible, and luckily that's quite easy.

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i agree about the greed,i first came to pattaya 28 years ago and i did'nt find them as grasping a,, .,s nowadays but most of the girls came from rayong province not issan like now also i think the family urge them on to get more money and possessions from falangs

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There's still some good Thai people around, even in a grasping place like Pattaya. In the last two weeks alone I've had three separate cases where I asked Thai people to do something for me and once they'd done it they refused to take any payment.

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There's still some good Thai people around, even in a grasping place like Pattaya. In the last two weeks alone I've had three separate cases where I asked Thai people to do something for me and once they'd done it they refused to take any payment.

Yes Good & Bad in every country.

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I first came here in 1994 on a golfing holiday. I then came regularly 2 or 3 times a year until moving permanently in 2006.

Just an example - I remember in the late 90's on paid holiday when I was earning about 100 pounds a day nett (7000 baht). So I had 7000 a day disposable, without touching any savings.

My reason for raising these figures is because I used to get very angry with some of my golfing mates when they used to brag in the bars to the girls "I earn more in a day than you do in a week/month". Or, on the golf course, giving excessive tips to the caddies to show how 'rich' they were - and probably thinking other things!

Over the years of course the Thai's remember this, and many have been brainwashed (by certain farangs) into believing this to be so for every farang indefinitely. They are bound to be 'grasping' - at least many of them in a place like Pattaya.

We all know there is a vast difference between being on holiday with a well paid job at 70 baht/pound, to being retired on a much reduced income at 50 baht/pound.

I know a few Thai's who think I'm loaded simply because I'm a farang. I suppose it has partly to do with a history back to those indiscreet friends.

I have a Thai landlady who is considerate and would never take a satang for any job or favour. There are many like this of course.

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As recent as 2002 the Bali Hai pier did not exist. Just that old rickety wooden thing.

Took my wife and Golden Retriever out to Koh Larn many times & the dog got hung up once in a gap in the boards on the pier. I rescued her & all was well. Just saying...that pier was quite rickety.

There was ZERO development & barely any infrastructure on Koh Larn.

Zero Ruskies & maybe just a few Chinese tour buses.

I could park at Tipp Plaza for free & grab a baht bus to the the pier. 20 baht ride each way for us on the ferry. The dog rode for free. That dog LOVED to swim at the beach!

I recall low season, headed to Koh Larn & it was just me, the wife & the mutt and a smiling Monk on the top deck of the ferry.

Haad Samae was PARADISE!!!

We made good friends with Mr. Paam, the 'owner' (squatter) of a beachfront lot. Had him back to my house in N. Pattaya for dinner one night. His wife loved us to death also.

I went solo out there quite often as the wifey didn't like to get black(er). I grew up near Daytona & just love the beach.

40 baht to the USD at the time & I got paid in USD.

Spent the night out there several times. Just drunk as shit, nothing but a silk rug below and on top of me, sleeping on the sand, not a worry in the world. My only concern was making my bed above the high tide mark.

Mrs. Paam was up with the sun & had breakfast for me.

I'd crank back into the beer about 11:00 AM, have some lunch......there'd be MAYBE 200 people on the beach by 1:00 PM.

Catch the 5:00 PM ferry back to the pier & moto-taxi it home for 50 baht.

Toss the ball a bit for the dog, take a dip in my pool to wash off all the salt, check up on that pork tenderloin wifey had on the grill.

Grab a shower & another beer. Eat, & be merry.

Edited by jaywalker
removed profanity
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Another very pleasant hour or so by the pool reminiscing with the elderly Thais. Main entertainment on his part was discussing collective nouns.

e.g. hence a 'greed' of Thais of course; a 'diligence' of Koreans; a 'whinge' of Poms; an 'armpit' of Frenchies (he nearly peed himself after that one from the wife !); an 'onion' of Spaniards; an 'ethic' or a 'sterility' of Singaporeans .................... cant remember the rest !

Anyone have some more amusing collective nouns for me to tell them next time?

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