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Why did I relocate to LOS? Did my motives materialize? Now, what do I do?


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Cannot be bothered anymore about Thailand,need out and as one remarkably adept punter wrote Skyscanner is without doubt my friend,get me airline tix to get the hell out of it.

Got all the toys desktop tablets,Kindles I need,all chattering away morn 'til night,have the ladies too.

All I see are headlines "hotels struggling to survive" " no rain" crime rates that are sorta scary,Chinese demanding 40% off room rates (that's OK), come January the reds and yellows banging hell out of each other yet again.

I can have all the toys elsewhere but when I open the curtains in the morn I want to see a new freshness,clean tidy roads,no cheaters on each and every corner,but then this is Thailand,hello The Algarve

Just to add I do look at other ex pat web sites throughout the world,and it is this one,the only one that consistently outperforms the lot of 'em in groans and moans put together,Thailand perhaps has something going for it, yes the women,but not much to keep the majority of farang anchored here indefinitely

I would assume you are a young guy and I can understand you might see a lot more flaws than us older and wiser members. I was here as a young guy and left because the West was a better deal for young guys; women, wampun, and wonderment.

I can't see young guys staying here unless you are really a socially inept, ugly kid ill equipped to compete with the other young guys in the West.

It is a whole different ballgame for us old guys. The West does not want us. Thailand does. It is that simple. Why live in a place where you are an outcast? Walking down the street arm and arm with my young honey in the West I'd hear catcalls and get frowns. Here - no problem. Everyone in town knows me and knows I take care of the family and contribute to the local community and I get the respect of an elder statesman who happens to have young wife and an eye for the ladies (not too unusual in Thailand). biggrin.png

I can corroborate this. In general, I feel like Thailand is a haven for two types of people: older gentlemen (some of them respectable) and oddballs and outcasts that just can't seem to get any respect back home. There are exceptions, of course, but I'm in my late 20's and I have this constant sense that I could be doing much better back home. It seems the guys who stay here are either twice my age or socially inept to the point where I avoid most of them.

Hell, I've only made two real friends here, and one of them's a successful businessman in his fifties.

When it comes down to it, it's the total lack of intellectual stimulation that's finally driving me away.

My flight leaves this Wednesday.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thailand is a bit like the 60's in the USA without the smelly guys. If you couldn't get laid in a free love commune and/or find a place to live for chump change you were a real odd fellow. But in the West the 60's ended when 1970 dawned. In Thailand Hotel California is still a pop tune.laugh.png Intellectual stimulation in the 60's in California or Colorado amounted to nodding your head between puffs and saying, "far out."

Edited by lostoday
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Bit of a continuance, BP today states the figure for Samsung is 1,800 shops bushiness are closing and the 300 baht a day is the prime reason.

Deputy PM states he wants wages reduced ,how the hell does anyone manage on less than 300 baht a day,maybe a reason for staying on a bit longer than fleeing. USA threatening Thai airways with stoppage plus EU threatening too with fishing policy

Worlds highest debt individually and taking an absolute nosedive

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