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Ugly Farangs.....Shamedly


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Both happened to be American as best I could tell.....

Yesterday at Big C......I happened to be in the same aisle as sn obese Amercan woman......On the other side of the aisle two Thai Big C woman employees were working .....This woman called them over and barked at them issuing orders loudly and speaking down AT them while they smilingly (at first) tried to help.....I was about 30 feet away and she was loud and obnoxious that far away.....She must of felt my glare boring into her as she looked in my direction then proceeded to "pet" the back of the shoulder of one of the employees like you pet a dog you really didn't want to touch.......She then led them around the store at her beck and call (like you would see a monk/nun do but not as nicely) to assist her (bawana lady)......Later - I happened to see her with them headi ng toward the parking lot as they pushed her cart with 2 f'n Pillows in it that she evidently thought were too heavy to push in the cart and lift into her vehicle.....Clearly the employees were well tired of her by this time.....

Today ..... We are out eating and a black 60ish guy finishes and walks down the steps.....As he is going down the steps he's calling out to a Thai lady coming up the steps "hi - I love you - I know that you love me" plus a few other things (typical b sh**).....I thought he might know her but it was evident she was clearly embarrassed and smiling the grin and bear it Thai smile......Then - there he goes again - same stuff as he's walking down the street.....This location was 20K away from any type of bar area and far away from CM.......

ALL I could think of was the book The Ugly American.....

I can see why some mainstream Thais have a poor impression of "us".....

Made me feel ashamed.....

Thoughts ?

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It is what it is.....I was at the rest stop on the motorway from Pattaya to Bangkok at KFC.

The guy in front of me ordered tons of food, yelled when the counterperson missed one item of about twenty. Then when it came to pay all he had was a 100$ US Bill.....of course they could not take it. He went ballistic.....Screaming profanity. I felt bad for his fat kids.

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You sound like a "busy body"...perhaps you need a hobby.

The worse offenders, by far...are not American...probably Aussie or Brit, as those kind loiter around the sex districts and pickup that

rude "I want to flirt with you, before I say hello" behavior

Canadians are also mistaken as Americans....sometimes I cannot even tell.

Well....anyways...this type of behavior is pretty typical everywhere you go, unfortunately.

There are bad ones and good ones...from everywhere.

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I don't think you read many books. And certainly not The Ugly American.

Better read it again....alot of it has directly to do with the topic....

I see your grand daughter enjoys those visits to Big C.

Perhaps she got an earful when you were looking around for new suspenders.

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I don't think you read many books. And certainly not The Ugly American.

Better read it again....alot of it has directly to do with the topic....

“When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself” ― Earl Nightingale

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I would have intervened in both occasions as I have done in similar scenarios.

Poke the fat bitch in the guts and tell her to shut the f... up, and slap the black dude across the face and tell him to show some respect.

Too many Farang bottom feeders in this country.

Edited by Blackfox
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The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

OP needs to chill out

Everyone's different

The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

And if that had been your mrs he had spoken to like that what would have been your reaction?

Thankfully my mrs speaks excellent English, the last one that tried it on with her got a mouthful of expletives.

Check out some of these farang losers trying to hit on office ladies on the BTS.

Check out the losers trying to pick up normal Thai girls on their way home from work, the bus stop at Suk soi 5 is an entertaining place for people watching.

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"I can see why some mainstream Thais have a poor impression of "us".....
Made me feel ashamed.....
Thoughts ? "

My thoughts,

How many times have I walked down the street and had some local point and say "Farang, yadda, yadda, farang"

​Not to mention the weirdo white men who think I want to talk with them just because I happen to be white.

Rude and ignorant people come in all races, sexes and nationalities.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

OP needs to chill out

Everyone's different

The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

And if that had been your mrs he had spoken to like that what would have been your reaction?

Thankfully my mrs speaks excellent English, the last one that tried it on with her got a mouthful of expletives.

Check out some of these farang losers trying to hit on office ladies on the BTS.

Check out the losers trying to pick up normal Thai girls on their way home from work, the bus stop at Suk soi 5 is an entertaining place for people watching.

What's wrong with hitting on office ladies and normal girls? We ain't all here for the whores, you know.

Your Mrs.? Why wouldn't she be flattered? And if you weren't there? LOL

Cheesebite time.

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The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

OP needs to chill out

Everyone's different

The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

And if that had been your mrs he had spoken to like that what would have been your reaction?

Thankfully my mrs speaks excellent English, the last one that tried it on with her got a mouthful of expletives.

Check out some of these farang losers trying to hit on office ladies on the BTS.

Check out the losers trying to pick up normal Thai girls on their way home from work, the bus stop at Suk soi 5 is an entertaining place for people watching.

Reaction to WHAT??!!

"hi - I love you - I know that you love me" ??!!

Are those words, spoken to a stranger in a jovial manner, that offensive?

I have no hang ups or insecurities so if he'd said that to my missus, it wouldn't have registered as anything more than a joke.

What would you have done? Glassed him?

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The black guy sounds like he was just plain happy to be there and feeling friendly.

OP needs to chill out

Everyone's different

The black 60ish guy was way out of order the way he treated the girl, would he have done that if she was with a guy?

A lone girl does not want trash like that shouting after her, and embarrassing her, the op is right, people need to show respect

especially in other peoples country

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Nationality doesnt dictate behaviour, there aare rude and obnoxious folk everywhere in any country.

Before this turns into a "Nationality" attack.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people

or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


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