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TV low season


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Just 1 post in TV Pattaya Forum in nearly 5 hours so far (Sunday just gone 1.00pm)

And yet unbelievably nearly 2,000 views and 50 replies to essentially "how high do mosquitoes fly?" And yes I posted to that one too giggle.gif

Low season indeed

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The are probably two main reasons for the drop in the number of posts.

One, is the large number of expat residents - both old and new - who have moved on to pastures new. Hardly a day goes past when I don't hear of yet another person uprooting and leaving this fair land.... If I wasn't so committed here in terms of my Thai family, I would seriously consider moving out myself.

Where do they go? Where would you go?

I would go elsewhere if I could think of somewhere better. But I cant think of anywhere that offers such an easy long-term visa, no income tax and fairly decent restaurants and infrastructure. I put up with the limited choice and general overpricing of manufactured items, and the expensive alcohol, as I don't need much of either.

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If your talking television its always low season here in Chiang Mai with my service which I understand I cannot mention the name thereof because of TV rules. Every week the same movies seem to repeat heck even Fox news repeats. The only value is BBC and Aljazeera and News Asia.

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I subscribe to the following forums:

· Visas and migration to other countries

· Thai visas, residency and work permits

· Jobs, economy, banking, business, investments

· Internet, computers, communication, technology

· Southeast Asia Forum

· Health, Body and Medicine

· Plants, Pets & Vets in Thailand

· Real Estate, housing, house and land ownership

· Pattaya News Clippings

· I drink too much Forum

· Bedlam

· Pattaya Forum

This means that every time there is a new thread on one of the above forums, I receive an email notification.

It wasn't so long ago, that every day I would receive literally pages and pages of emails.

Just lately, I doubt I receive a dozen emails a day - some days, barely half a dozen.

Something is going on. Unfortunately, I have to exercise self-censorship….

Sad…or what?

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The are probably two main reasons for the drop in the number of posts.

One, is the large number of expat residents - both old and new - who have moved on to pastures new. Hardly a day goes past when I don't hear of yet another person uprooting and leaving this fair land.... If I wasn't so committed here in terms of my Thai family, I would seriously consider moving out myself.

Where do they go? Where would you go?

I would go elsewhere if I could think of somewhere better. But I cant think of anywhere that offers such an easy long-term visa, no income tax and fairly decent restaurants and infrastructure. I put up with the limited choice and general overpricing of manufactured items, and the expensive alcohol, as I don't need much of either.

Much depends on the individual's circumstances and needs.

Some go to The Philippines, some to Cambodia, a few to Vietnam, and expats from the USA tend to go to Central America.

But from my own observations, most people who leave for good actually go back to their home countries.

In spite of the sun and lower cost of living here, many are simply fed up with the political situation, the visa confusion, the difficulty of doing legitimate business, the rampant corruption, the violence, the general deterioration in the quality of life, the total lack of law and order and the massive increase in the greed of cops and others - much of it aimed at foreigners.

I was speaking to an old friend last night who has lived here for 30 odd years. I too first came here in the early seventies to work and all told have put in around 25 years of living and working here. We both agreed that there has never been a time when Thailand was such an unappealing place for foreigners to live, what with the economy starting to go to pot and the sad incompetence of those in charge.

I too would return to the UK if I didn't have a responsibility for my Thai family, but at my time of life I can only realistically manage things from here.

Edited by Mobi
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If your talking television its always low season here in Chiang Mai with my service which I understand I cannot mention the name thereof because of TV rules. Every week the same movies seem to repeat heck even Fox news repeats. The only value is BBC and Aljazeera and News Asia.

I watch Fox News while exercising at home. BBC and Aljazeera are boring and depressing. There's a reason why Fox News does so well - good looking ladies (and guys), and always upbeat even if the news is bad.

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It has nothing to do with the subject matter. I believe this so called "low season" is a huge drop off in readers and contributors that will not recover. I also believe there's a strong negative influence by several factors which cannot be discussed here.

There's always going to be plenty of views for subjects of general interest because all threads are available directly through Google and other search engines. The thread about mosquitoes and how far up they fly is a very interesting subject and not specifically Pattaya related.

Here's a good example: I posted a thread in the health section about kefir which has received over 16,000 views. This is because world wide, anyone who Googles about kefir can find this thread. Amazingly, this little innocuous thread I posted 4 years ago will come up as search item #12 on Google if you input search: "need kefir". If you input "Thailand kefir", it's #1 on Google.

Views have little significance in terms of activity in the threads of various forums, but they are a great marketing tool for TV. For example, despite the number of views my kefir thread gets, it will only receive a reply once or twice a month at most, even if I bump it with a reply of my own.

Thai Visa started out as an information forum about visas and it will always excel in that area. It has been a significant source of useful information for me during my stay here, and not only about visas. Many of us make real life friends through this forum.

The current lower volume of posting makes it a happier forum IMO. There's less arguing and bickering going on than in previous years.

Edited by Rimmer
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