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The Lost Muslims of Myanmar - Bloomberg View

The refugee disaster that recently gripped Southeast Asia has waned, as countries in the region have taken in thousands of the migrants who had been abandoned at sea by smugglers.

But the crisis can be expected to return when the monsoon season ends and Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar's coastal Rakhine state once again try to flee persecution by the Buddhist majority.

Governments need to work quickly to stem another exodus.

After all, the refugee problem in Southeast Asia lends itself to resolution -- unlike the one in the Middle East, where brutal civil wars show no signs of ebbing. Waves of Rohingya migrants have fled Myanmar twice before, in the 1970s and 1990s, only to return, albeit under less-than-ideal circumstances. The goal now must be to create conditions under which they can thrive at home.

While the Burmese government bears primary responsibility for this task, the challenge transcends Myanmar. More than half of the migrants rescued in May were Bangladeshi Muslims fleeing poverty.


More than half of the migrants rescued in May were Bangladeshi Muslims fleeing poverty.

Fleeing poverty does not grant refugee status. When the oil rich muslim countries start to take care of their own? Europe is full already.


The problem Myanmar has is almost identical to the Thai deep south problems. In both cases, Muslim lands were annexed (a soft term for occupied and taken). Both annexed areas are Muslim and now in Buddhist countries.

Who could have thought there would be long-term problems from it?



The problem Myanmar has is almost identical to the Thai deep south problems. In both cases, Muslim lands were annexed (a soft term for occupied and taken). Both annexed areas are Muslim and now in Buddhist countries.

Who could have thought there would be long-term problems from it?


"Annexed" or not but it seems, at least to me, that it is always the muslims who have a problem living among other religions. In Scandinavia (that I am familiar with) even provides them with middle class living standard for free and even that's not good enough. Even if they have their own countries they are not the most peaceful ones. Or what you think of middle east and the muslim countries in Africa? I do not have any problems living in any buddhist country (I am an atheist). Anyways, poverty is not a reason to get a refugee status. I might sound harsh and inhuman but I believe muslims should also look into mirror and see if there is any reason for the problems they have.


Your 100% correct.

The problem Myanmar has is almost identical to the Thai deep south problems. In both cases, Muslim lands were annexed (a soft term for occupied and taken). Both annexed areas are Muslim and now in Buddhist countries.

Who could have thought there would be long-term problems from it?


"Annexed" or not but it seems, at least to me, that it is always the muslims who have a problem living among other religions. In Scandinavia (that I am familiar with) even provides them with middle class living standard for free and even that's not good enough. Even if they have their own countries they are not the most peaceful ones. Or what you think of middle east and the muslim countries in Africa? I do not have any problems living in any buddhist country (I am an atheist). Anyways, poverty is not a reason to get a refugee status. I might sound harsh and inhuman but I believe muslims should also look into mirror and see if there is any reason for the problems they have.


Many migrants currently pouring into western (and Buddhist) societies are muslims fleeing poverty from failed muslim states-but many are also politically driven by Islam.

History shows that many are benefit seekers-who will repay their host countries by over breeding and eventually by attempting to impose Sharia Law.

There is no doubt that muslim refugees are best suited to Islamic countries. But these, despite their wealth (e.g. Qatar, UAE, Saudi, Kuwait etc etc)-and geographic ease of access to genuine refugees-make little effort to accommodate their distressed brother muslims.

The Islamic attitude seems to be -Let the kafirs (unbelievers) have the problem.

There also seems more than a suspicion that the mosques, the migrants and the people smugglers are acting as one coordinated money making organization.

Where do all these poor refugees find several thousand dollars per head to pay the people smugglers to get into welfare state Europe-or Australia, when for a few hundred dollars-often a bus ride- they could get to Qatar or similar??? It really is a puzzle!


Many migrants currently pouring into western (and Buddhist) societies are muslims fleeing poverty from failed muslim states-but many are also politically driven by Islam.

History shows that many are benefit seekers-who will repay their host countries by over breeding and eventually by attempting to impose Sharia Law.

There is no doubt that muslim refugees are best suited to Islamic countries. But these, despite their wealth (e.g. Qatar, UAE, Saudi, Kuwait etc etc)-and geographic ease of access to genuine refugees-make little effort to accommodate their distressed brother muslims.

The Islamic attitude seems to be -Let the kafirs (unbelievers) have the problem.

There also seems more than a suspicion that the mosques, the migrants and the people smugglers are acting as one coordinated money making organization.

Where do all these poor refugees find several thousand dollars per head to pay the people smugglers to get into welfare state Europe-or Australia, when for a few hundred dollars-often a bus ride- they could get to Qatar or similar??? It really is a puzzle!

If you write like this in Europe you're labelled racist and a very bad human being. It is almost impossible to try to have a fact based discussion about immigration in Europe. However, when you think of the billions of Euros in this business it surely gets the people involved in barricades.

When you think with common sense if these people really were fleeing persecution and what not - why they bring the same culture and religion with them and insist (demand) to have both installed in the new host countries they settle in?


Many migrants currently pouring into western (and Buddhist) societies are muslims fleeing poverty from failed muslim states-but many are also politically driven by Islam.

History shows that many are benefit seekers-who will repay their host countries by over breeding and eventually by attempting to impose Sharia Law.

There is no doubt that muslim refugees are best suited to Islamic countries. But these, despite their wealth (e.g. Qatar, UAE, Saudi, Kuwait etc etc)-and geographic ease of access to genuine refugees-make little effort to accommodate their distressed brother muslims.

The Islamic attitude seems to be -Let the kafirs (unbelievers) have the problem.

There also seems more than a suspicion that the mosques, the migrants and the people smugglers are acting as one coordinated money making organization.

Where do all these poor refugees find several thousand dollars per head to pay the people smugglers to get into welfare state Europe-or Australia, when for a few hundred dollars-often a bus ride- they could get to Qatar or similar??? It really is a puzzle!

If you write like this in Europe you're labelled racist and a very bad human being. It is almost impossible to try to have a fact based discussion about immigration in Europe. However, when you think of the billions of Euros in this business it surely gets the people involved in barricades.

When you think with common sense if these people really were fleeing persecution and what not - why they bring the same culture and religion with them and insist (demand) to have both installed in the new host countries they settle in?


I am no History Major as far as Thailand and Burma are concerned. But, as for the Southern Provinces in Thailand, I though they were acquired after a war with part of, what is now Malaysia, and they changed hands several times over the decades.

I believe if you are Muslim go to or stay in a Muslim Country, quit trying to take over the World while living on someone else's penny and bringing your Sharia Law. It is a male domination culture with a penis mind set, why else would you need four wives and a five for an hour and expect to have 70 virgins if you kill a Christian. They also stone women to death for the same thing they do.

Their are a lot of good Muslims, but they condone what the radicals do, or do not stop them. Hell, they even kill each other, what is that ??

The problem Myanmar has is almost identical to the Thai deep south problems. In both cases, Muslim lands were annexed (a soft term for occupied and taken). Both annexed areas are Muslim and now in Buddhist countries.

Who could have thought there would be long-term problems from it?


"Annexed" or not but it seems, at least to me, that it is always the muslims who have a problem living among other religions. In Scandinavia (that I am familiar with) even provides them with middle class living standard for free and even that's not good enough. Even if they have their own countries they are not the most peaceful ones. Or what you think of middle east and the muslim countries in Africa? I do not have any problems living in any buddhist country (I am an atheist). Anyways, poverty is not a reason to get a refugee status. I might sound harsh and inhuman but I believe muslims should also look into mirror and see if there is any reason for the problems they have.


Many migrants currently pouring into western (and Buddhist) societies are muslims fleeing poverty from failed muslim states-but many are also politically driven by Islam.

History shows that many are benefit seekers-who will repay their host countries by over breeding and eventually by attempting to impose Sharia Law.

There is no doubt that muslim refugees are best suited to Islamic countries. But these, despite their wealth (e.g. Qatar, UAE, Saudi, Kuwait etc etc)-and geographic ease of access to genuine refugees-make little effort to accommodate their distressed brother muslims.

The Islamic attitude seems to be -Let the kafirs (unbelievers) have the problem.

There also seems more than a suspicion that the mosques, the migrants and the people smugglers are acting as one coordinated money making organization.

Where do all these poor refugees find several thousand dollars per head to pay the people smugglers to get into welfare state Europe-or Australia, when for a few hundred dollars-often a bus ride- they could get to Qatar or similar??? It really is a puzzle!

If you write like this in Europe you're labelled racist and a very bad human being. It is almost impossible to try to have a fact based discussion about immigration in Europe. However, when you think of the billions of Euros in this business it surely gets the people involved in barricades.

When you think with common sense if these people really were fleeing persecution and what not - why they bring the same culture and religion with them and insist (demand) to have both installed in the new host countries they settle in?

Yes I agree. Europe suffers from failed multiculturalism, political correctness and the Race Relations Industry-which has strangled free speech and debate-particularly on immigration-and importantly acquiescence to Islamic bullying. e.g. Charlie Hebdo massacres.

It is very easy to join Islam but one can not so easily leave. It is an all embracing social/political/religious organization. By attempting to leave one risks losing family, friends, job, status etc. -and ones head.

That is the power of Islam-and its danger to western and Buddhist societies via muslim immigration. And one reason it is so successful -and continues to be the fastest growing organization in the world. Which is already 28% Muslim.


It is a very real worry for all cultures other than Islamic, which are of course past masters at playing the persecuted minority card. Assisted by pro muslim journalists like the Bloomberg article.


There is an ongoing problem all over the world with people fleeing poverty. The Muslims in Myanmar must bare some responsibility for the problems they face. Their situation is not dissimular to the separtists in the South of Thailand, in that they want to creat an Islamic state within the host country.

If Islam spent it's wealth on creation rather than destruction there would be far fewer refugees in the world.

As an example look at the middle east. Their imcombe per person is vast but what do they make. Yes they produce oil but even that uses foreign labour.

They do not have any industry and so having nothing to do they creat conflicts.


at home = in Bangladesh, not Myanmar. those "Rohyngya" illegally crossed the Myanmar border. it doesn't make them Burmese. they should be forced to go back to Bangladesh and thrive there. or sent to those kind EU and Commonwealth countries who are so interested in them.


The recent bombings in Turkey is a clear indication of the threat that Europe should prepare to face if they continue on this path. Maybe in some cases it's already too late. I would call Swedish city Malmö as "Sweden's Baghdad".

The tidal wave is increasing and it seems EU starts to dictate over it's own rules like it did with Greece and it's bailout package. "Political idea" walks over a clear law.

At the moment, EU rules dictate that would-be refugees must claim asylum in the first EU country in which they arrive. This places a huge burden on countries on the bloc’s borders, such as Italy and Greece, that receive a big chunk of the 600,000 asylum applications in the EU each year.

Countries such as Hungary have been unwilling to help Greece and Italy while they too face a big increase in people seeking a new life in the EU. The failure to reach a deal on the proposed numbers is a blow to the commission, which had attempted to make the reforms the start of a more cohesive asylum policy across Europe. The proposals had already been watered down after the tempestuous June summit with the 40,000 figure to be met on a voluntary rather than mandatory basis.

Liz Collett, a migration expert at the Migration Policy Institute, said: “It was a political idea: that we have to move beyond geography and towards people taking an equal share.” Ministers did agree to a separate plan to “resettle” 22,000 refugees from outside the EU within the bloc. This scheme, under which the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, selects those for passage to Europe, was a modest increase on what most countries already did, said Ms Collett.


Maybe that was OT but I thought it's worth mentioning. Europe is doomed.

My friend (a lady with 3 kids and her mother) who is traveling around in Europe right now got robbed 3 times !!! already by pickpockets. The last time was foiled because she punched the lady who had her hand in her bag right in the face. Even she was carrying one of her babies.


The tidal wave in Europe. They estimate 600000 crossing from Africa (mainly muslim young men) to Europe.

This is from Makedonia - route to free middle class living in northern Europe via Hungary.




The many Burmese people who I've befriended over my 2.5 years of doing business in Myanmar (generally Buddhists) have all been unanimous in their views of the Rohingya and Muslims in general: they don't want them in their country and don't view them as Burmese. No amount of complaining by Bloomberg, any other western media outlet or western governments will change this. What is disconcerting though is, why aren't Muslim countries speaking out for them? Why does the west care? If they do, why doesn't the west take all of them then? Why has the west taken on this role as their self-appointed spokesperson? I know this is a very difficult situation, but both Muslim countries, who seem to care for them so much NOT and the people themselves should speak out for their rights, not some completely foreign culture/region.

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