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Being Thai: Has patriotism in Thailand gone too far?


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Thais are very brainwashed form a young age with regards to Thailand there is no other country in the world of any importance only Thai, my Mrs was so shocked when we started traveling and was so surprized as how we ridiculed and made fun of our queen and other members of the royal family in the UK without any concern and no worries about the police arresting anyone, and the best thing she learned that there are rules on the road and many that must be obeyed and you dont offer a policeman money as it wont work and you can land in even more trouble. And we still love Thailand with all its warts and lumps because TIT.

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And amazingly, the country has made zero contributions to the world except its cuisine and its tawdry reputation as the sex capital of the world. Despite that the pride is overflowing.

In their defense, ample food&sex are indeed something to be proud of. If only they learned how to brew better beer.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

No disrespect for your sincere feelings (I am an optimist and assume you are Thai/allied rather than being a sarcastic farang) however, assuming the former no country in this age can be an 'island' and isolated from the rest of the world. It will change, for better or for worst, it is inevitable as the sun rising on the 'morrow. Nawn lap fan dee cobber/lass.

Thailand in one of the most diversified countries in the world in every aspect: language, culture, religion etc. There is no 'Thainess' other than imposed by the Bangkok upperclass on all citizens. So yes, I tried to be funny and sarcastic at the same time. Does it matter if I am a Thai or a foreigner? Would you look different then at what I have to say? If so you have to look at your own attitude. Just look at the message and not at the messenger, ok? นอนหลับฝันดีนะเหมือนกันครับ

Edited by kareona
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Children forced to march, chant, flag wave and sing songs about how great they and the system is, ever day from before they can walk until they finish indoctrination camp school.

Then as adults, it is illegal to discuss it.

Wonder how they ended up this way? rolleyes.gif

Sad, really. sad.png


Edited by Happy Grumpy
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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

You are kidding right? Then again you must be Thai so I guess you're not.

Are you proud of your police? Your "judicial system"? The slavery in your fishing industry? Your human trafficking record?

Have you been following the Koh Tao case?

Seriously I am interested in your reply.

Why should Thailand change into something it is not? Because it will be lost if it doesn't.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

No disrespect for your sincere feelings (I am an optimist and assume you are Thai/allied rather than being a sarcastic farang) however, assuming the former no country in this age can be an 'island' and isolated from the rest of the world. It will change, for better or for worst, it is inevitable as the sun rising on the 'morrow. Nawn lap fan dee cobber/lass.

Thailand in one of the most diversified countries in the world in every aspect: language, culture, religion etc. There is no 'Thainess' other than imposed by the Bangkok upperclass on all citizens. So yes, I tried to be funny and sarcastic at the same time. Does it matter if I am a Thai or a foreigner? Would you look different then at what I have to say? If so you have to look at your own attitude. Just look at the message and not at the messenger, ok? นอนหลับฝันดีนะเหมือนกันครับ

Diversified in language, religion and culture? It maybe something but it isn't diverse at all. Poor foreign language skills, 95% Buddhist and overwhelmingly unified Thai culture.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

I gather you don't feel that Thais have a global perspective. You may be right.

I agree you need to "gather" on this post because when I got to the end of it I felt the need for an ". . and. . "

It is factual enough in stating the exreme obvious, but where is the perspective?

Thailand has successfully resisted incursions from the outside world and never been colonized. It goes with the territory that it may produce, an isolationist attitude towards any and all neighbors.

It is a matter of time that as global consciousness expands through the explosion of electronic and digital information via the net, isolationism will break down. Some countries will feel the results before others. Thailand may drag its feet in this. This future is in the hands of the young.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Funny but so true.

The irony is though, as nationalistic as they are, they`ve let the Chinese come in and take over completely. The now Thai-Chinese own most of the land in towns, most of the big businesses and definitely all the mercs and beemers! haha

Then if you take a short trip out of town, not only does the skin tone change but also peoples wealth, standard of living and so on.

I think that's a bit of a misconception, mainly conveyed amongst expats. Years ago, decades to be exact, many Chinese (mostly men) came to Thailand as merchants, to escape war, famine and upheavals back in China and ended up marrying local women, to create the Thai-Chinese we see today. This migration mostly ended a few years after the end of World War II. However, in the process, various Thai governments from all political spectrums have created a national identity through a common language and culture, often at the expense of the original culture. Therefore, Thai-Chinese had to abandon their original Chinese names, start speaking Thai (and only Thai in most cases) and in the process were given Thai nationality, which has been handed down to the next generation.

Current Thai-Chinese think of themselves as Thais, first and foremost. Very few identify with China, very few have even been there and just as few still speak any Chinese dialect, with the exception of a few aging geriatrics who mostly do not pass down these languages to their children and grandchildren, thinking they are mostly useless anyway (and they are right, as far as living in Thailand is concerned). Only those Thais who engage with China or want their children to engage with China see any merit in showcasing their Chinese ethnicity and learning the Chinese national language (Mandarin), but that is not limited to only those Thais with Chinese ethnicity; many non-ethnic Chinese Thais are also learning Chinese and doing business with China these days.

These days many ethnic Chinese Thais are wary of the new generation of Chinese travellers, tourists and businessmen and would never allow them to take a foothold in their country. Many critics of Chinese tourists and their social habits have been ethnic Chinese-Thais themselves.

I agree with your post. I was very surprised to learn that just forty years ago the overwhelming majority population of Phuket were Chinese who, as you said, had migrated and operated all the tin mines here. The next percentage were ethnic Malay, the Thai population was miniscule in comparison. However, although they do of course now speak Thai as a first language, many of them retain their mother tongue. Another thing that struck during my many visits to an old Chinese friend at his business in town was that his entire circle of friends were Chinese and a sprinkling of farang. Not one Thai! They kind of laugh at them unsure.png

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

Are you trying to get brownie points for your visa ? We all know what Thailand is not, unfortunately, it thinks it is.

Interesting concept that about his Majesty the King. In recent history there have been cases where one man was responsible for holding the country together, e.g. Yugoslavia, but look what happened when that "glue" passed away.

If not changing while the world around you changes is in your opinion a good thing, then you have not been a student of history. But heh maybe you're right, bring back the British Empire, lets bugger up all those revolting natives, show them who's boss. As for Thailand, well one nuke on Bangkok, problem solved. Fortunately, for the rest of the world, even the most right-wing of Brits know we had to change, maybe they don't like what resulted from that change, but change we had to.

I completely agree with what you say about the risks inherent when one man who is "the glue" passes.

I hope that Thailand doesn't "do a Yugoslavia", I spent a lot of time in the former Yugoslavia as a British Soldier. It was not pleasant. Although Thailand has its divisions, they are not as savage, vengeful or murderous as those in the Balkans, or at least I hope not, I really do.

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Patriotism, Nationalism, Egocentrism, Thainess, Chauvinism, ...etc.

Hate big words covering small ideas.

When looking at a bum from outside we all see a bum. Size or shape is irrelevant.

When looking at a bum from inside we all see the light at the end of a tunnel. Size or shape is irrelevant.

Sorry, but I'm a simple man. coffee1.gif

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Thailand may drag its feet in this

I know you mean the country, but the first thing that popped into my mind is this culture of 97% (if not 99.9%) of people dragging their goddamn feet. Annoying doesn't even remotely describe my feelings for that anymore.

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Most Thais are Chinese to a point but still say they are 100 percent Thai. That is like saying I'm 100%Cherokee lol what is wrong with these people. I'm in Bangkok now it's horrible,stinky,polluted,and now running out of water. They care nothing for their poor and hungry, I'm from Wesley chapel,Fl and we would never see our people like this ever,ever. That is a promise we might not be the best country but we are free.

Kevin Wall

Been in New Orleans lately?

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Children forced to march, chant, flag wave and sing songs about how great they and the system is, ever day from before they can walk until they finish indoctrination camp school.

Then as adults, it is illegal to discuss it.

Wonder how they ended up this way? rolleyes.gif

Sad, really. sad.png


Seriously confusing...Most post could be about states.

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Patriotism, Love of Country, culture, family all good for any country.

The Greeks are very patriotic about their Country Not The E.U.!

Patriotism binds the people together, promotes self confidence, keep family value intact.

The people are not stupid.

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Funny but so true.

The irony is though, as nationalistic as they are, they`ve let the Chinese come in and take over completely. The now Thai-Chinese own most of the land in towns, most of the big businesses and definitely all the mercs and beemers! haha

Then if you take a short trip out of town, not only does the skin tone change but also peoples wealth, standard of living and so on.

The skin tones change because Thailand is an amalgamation of different peoples. The earliest Thai-speaking people came from SW China. There was a huge influx of Chinese during the end of the Qing and beginning of the Republican periods. They've been mixing with Khmer and Malay and even some Indian people for a very long time; Thailand then annexed or conquered parts of Laos and the Khmer kingdom, and thus there are distinctly part-Khmer and Lao Thais (of course the Issan dialect is called "Lao" in Thai).

So how pure Thai is Thailand after all? Might that be perhaps why some Thais are so insistent on this notion?

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Funny but so true.

The irony is though, as nationalistic as they are, they`ve let the Chinese come in and take over completely. The now Thai-Chinese own most of the land in towns, most of the big businesses and definitely all the mercs and beemers! haha

Then if you take a short trip out of town, not only does the skin tone change but also peoples wealth, standard of living and so on.

I think that's a bit of a misconception, mainly conveyed amongst expats. Years ago, decades to be exact, many Chinese (mostly men) came to Thailand as merchants, to escape war, famine and upheavals back in China and ended up marrying local women, to create the Thai-Chinese we see today. This migration mostly ended a few years after the end of World War II. However, in the process, various Thai governments from all political spectrums have created a national identity through a common language and culture, often at the expense of the original culture. Therefore, Thai-Chinese had to abandon their original Chinese names, start speaking Thai (and only Thai in most cases) and in the process were given Thai nationality, which has been handed down to the next generation.

Current Thai-Chinese think of themselves as Thais, first and foremost. Very few identify with China, very few have even been there and just as few still speak any Chinese dialect, with the exception of a few aging geriatrics who mostly do not pass down these languages to their children and grandchildren, thinking they are mostly useless anyway (and they are right, as far as living in Thailand is concerned). Only those Thais who engage with China or want their children to engage with China see any merit in showcasing their Chinese ethnicity and learning the Chinese national language (Mandarin), but that is not limited to only those Thais with Chinese ethnicity; many non-ethnic Chinese Thais are also learning Chinese and doing business with China these days.

These days many ethnic Chinese Thais are wary of the new generation of Chinese travellers, tourists and businessmen and would never allow them to take a foothold in their country. Many critics of Chinese tourists and their social habits have been ethnic Chinese-Thais themselves.

I agree with your post. I was very surprised to learn that just forty years ago the overwhelming majority population of Phuket were Chinese who, as you said, had migrated and operated all the tin mines here. The next percentage were ethnic Malay, the Thai population was miniscule in comparison. However, although they do of course now speak Thai as a first language, many of them retain their mother tongue. Another thing that struck during my many visits to an old Chinese friend at his business in town was that his entire circle of friends were Chinese and a sprinkling of farang. Not one Thai! They kind of laugh at them unsure.png

Yes totally true.

Not sure when people say these are misconceptions. I too have many Thai-Chinese friends, nice professional people such as doctors, nurses and other civil servants.

They have a different work ethic and do kind of look down on the Thais. As a pharmacist friend says, the Thai-Chinese work harder, that`s why they only marry their own kind. These are her and her friends general perceptions of Thais.

I have just recruited a Thai-Chinese girl, her parents were born in China yet her and her sisters and their subsequent children were born here. Her views echo what some of us know already. Yes they are Thai, but somewhat smarter and more well off! haha

This stuff about the `migration` stopping after the war really is a `misconception`. My new member of staff informs me her father works for the `Chinese community`. Kind of like a charity that helps Chinese families in Korat. She tells me that there are these organizations in every city in Thailand. Chinese business men come to Thailand, some marry, settle here in Thailand so the cycle continues.

It makes you wonder, if the Thai-Chinese were not here, what would the country be like? Just wondering.

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I wonder how many of the people who have been a bit rascist in their country are now feeling what its like to get it thrown back at them here.....

I'm not racist, my application for membership in the KKK was turned down because i was too liberal.

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I wonder how many of the people who have been a bit rascist in their country are now feeling what its like to get it thrown back at them here.....

I'm not racist, my application for membership in the KKK was turned down because i was too liberal.


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Patriotism, Love of Country, culture, family all good for any country.

The Greeks are very patriotic about their Country Not The E.U.!

Patriotism binds the people together, promotes self confidence, keep family value intact.

The people are not stupid.

Yes, Greece sure is a shining beacon to be emulated by people the world over...

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Thai people live in Thai-land, an unique place full of Thai culture. All Thai speak the Thai language and love their Thai country. Thai children go to Thai schools where Thai teachers tell them about the Thai language, the Thai culture and Thai logic so these Thai children will stay pure Thai. Thai children become Thai adolescents and these Thai girls and Thai boys make Thai love and beget more Thai children.

Thai farmers sow Thai seeds in Thai ricefields. Thai monks pray in Thai tempels to soothe Thai karma.

All Thai children care for their Thai parents. When Thai parents are getting older they suffer from Thai diseases, go to Thai hospitals where Thai doctors give them Thai medicines. In the end they die, like people everywhere, and they are cremated in the Thai way.

Thailands patriotism is passionate and to be respected. The love of King and respect of country is the glue that keeps Thailand together. The World at large would do well to take a lesson from the Thai people, and maybe then the World would be a better place. Why should Thailand change into something it is not. Long Live the King.

Right on, bro.

Look at what Thailand has brought to the global table. They gave us cars, trains, planes, the telephone, T.V, cinema, the internet, sport, pop music, philosophy and literature.

Their country has been corrupted by foreign prostitution, corruption, superstition, backward thinking, poor customer service and mullet haircuts.

Leave our Thai brothers alone, man. Let them live!


Edited by teacherpaul
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