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Western NGOs back Tier 3 TIP ranking for Thailand


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Western NGOs back Tier 3 TIP ranking for Thailand

BANGKOK: -- TWENTY-FIVE Western NGOs have written to US Secretary of State John Kerry, supporting the State Department's decision to maintain Thailand's Tier 3 designation in the 2015 Global Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.

They included Human Rights Watch, Green Peace and the American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organisations (AFL-CIO).

The NGOs said the Tier 3 ranking, as well as the research and recommendations contained in the report, would "be an important tool … to continue to press Thai authorities to enact more substantive reforms to end the labour trafficking that can be found in many sectors of Thailand's economy, including seafood".

The letter said the decision comes at a vital time for leveraging change from the Thai government in its anti-trafficking efforts.

"Last year's downgrade to Tier 3 in the 2014 TIP Report, the decision by the European Union to issue Thailand a 'yellow card' for its failure to adequately monitor its fishing industry, and high-profile global media exposure of human trafficking in Thailand's fishing industry have together produced an unprecedented level of international pressure on Thailand…"

It added, however, that the Thai government has demonstrated its willingness to respond to that pressure, and has taken a few encouraging actions.

"In particular, efforts to register migrant workers, passage of the Regulation to Protect Labour in the Sea Fishing Industry, and reforms to the Fisheries Act that increase regulation and oversight of fishing vessels are positive steps… However, the government only began making these changes toward the end of 2014, many of them weren't operational until mid-2015, and we remain deeply concerned that failure to effectively enforce these laws and policies may render those changes ineffectual."

Thailand, the group wrote, "needs to demonstrate it is willing to enforce newly established mechanisms to increase transparency and regulatory accountability within its seafood industry, and apply those mechanisms to combating human trafficking by conducting more frequent inspections at sea, ensuring inspectors are trained to identify and respond to the needs of trafficking victims, and cracking down on the trade of fraudulent crew manifests and identification documents at ports."

The NGOs also criticised the use of criminal defamation and the Computer Crimes Act to prosecute journalists and human rights defenders. "This month, Phuket Wan journalists Alan Morison and Chutima Sidasathian, and migrant rights defender Andy Hall, faced court proceedings.

"If found guilty, the verdict will have a chilling impact on the ability of trafficking victims to speak out and seek justice. Thailand should not be prosecuting journalists and activists for doing their jobs, and these court trials belie Thailand's claims that it is working with civil society to address human trafficking issues."

Finally, the report added that Thailand should ensure that migrant workers could associate and organise to protect their rights, including the right to form unions.

Thailand-based Migrant Rights Promotion Working Group yesterday claimed Thai officials' mistakes in Myanmar, Cambodian and Laotian migrant workers' registration had led to some registered workers being arrested and deported. They urged for procedure reform to ensure justice for workers, for more accessible and easy to understand information about the right to travel outside registered areas for the workers and law enforcers. They cited the case of a Bangkok-based Myanmar worker, who was passing through Tak's Mae Sot district for nationality identification, when he was arrested on July 13, despite having all the documents, because one paper had two typos (his name and date).

Although the group later obtained confirmation over the typos, he was sued, sentenced to a one-year suspended jail term and a Bt2,000 fine - commuted from a four-month jail term and Bt4,000 fine on grounds of a confession - and deported, all on July 15.

The group urged state agencies to integrate better, especially for effective information checking.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Western-NGOs-back-Tier-3-TIP-ranking-for-Thailand-30265453.html

-- The Nation 2015-07-29

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Now who to believe? The good general in whose weekly harangue it is claimed that the problem is practically solved by his cosmetic law changes with little discernible enforcement in which there no jail time for those who benefit from trafficking but prosecution for journalists who report on trafficking, or the NGOs that report negatively on the extent of trafficking? It's certainly a tricky one!

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Oh dear. it would seem that lots of those not directly connected to the US agree with the ranking. Regardless of another country, seemingly having preferential treatment, Thailand should get its house in order. It is no good throwing 'the rattle out of the pram' and saying, "we didn't know or haven't had enough time". You have and didn't do enough. Admit the fact and rectify it now. I want to see Thailand prosper but human trafficking and other dodgy and corrupt practices need to be eradicated. Especially if Thailand and its leaders want it to be seen, as a progressive modern nation. Which they do not at present.

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The US & EU are steadily losing patience with Thailand. It should be the carrot and stick approach. Make changes, if not, face heavy sanctions. Thailand is an export country, dependant on trade with foreign countries aswell as foreign investment, & tourists.

I don't need to buy Thai goods nor do I need to holiday there, I can choose which country to engage with who are prepared to make the effort. This is the message that should be put across to the country. Thailand needs us more than we need them, that is a fact. without foreigners, the Thai economy would collapse. We should remind Thailand, that it's rude to bite the hand that feeds you. ATM Thailand is not behaving itself, and perhaps needs to be reminded who really has the power !

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Oh dear. it would seem that lots of those not directly connected to the US agree with the ranking. Regardless of another country, seemingly having preferential treatment, Thailand should get its house in order. It is no good throwing 'the rattle out of the pram' and saying, "we didn't know or haven't had enough time". You have and didn't do enough. Admit the fact and rectify it now. I want to see Thailand prosper but human trafficking and other dodgy and corrupt practices need to be eradicated. Especially if Thailand and its leaders want it to be seen, as a progressive modern nation. Which they do not at present.

Only when all the perpatrators are serving lengthy jail terms without bail will anyone believe that anything has been done about the problem.

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Thailand's treatment of its legal migrant workers could be far, far better. So, one can only imagine how the illegal ones are treated. Thailand desperately needs its Burmese workers. Not sure where the country, or the economy would be without them. They contribute on so many levels, work hard, and work for less than their Thai counterparts, in many circumstances. The host country had better play fair with its guests. One would think that other members of ASEAN would get a bit of a break, when it comes to wanting to contribute to the Thai economy.

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