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Anti-coup group wants treason suit against PM Prayut

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what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It would be useful if the "person" with "authority" also had a brain. Oh, and was democratically elected... whistling.gif

(I think you are confusing "authority" with guns, tanks, intimidation, and huge volumes of dirty money? AMIRIGHT?)

I don't think we should be talking about Thaksin .... let's leave him out of this debate !! whistling.gif


It is worth understanding, (if you can), that however wealthy Thaksin was, his wealth is but a tiny percentage of the riches controlled by the Junta and the institutions they "protect". I mean tiny. At best he had about 6 billion dollars. Just one eighth that of one of Thailand's wealthiest families.

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You can argue back and forth forever about what the red shirt party did verses what the yellow shirt party did when either one of them was in power.

But a military government that took over by way of yet another military coup ( # 17 and counting ) is hardly the means and way to address political infighting.

In the end the military leaders, once again, have asserted their ultimate authority over the citizens of Thailand and all those who live here while reconfirming who exactly and which entities exactly, here in Thailand, really control the country and that means in effect..... controlling you...if they want and done with impunity far and beyond any democratically elected government.

Why ..because they have the guns and they will use them against you if they feel they need to do so and done at their discretion...if need be.

If you are not bothered and or concerned while having that "Imminent Threat" always present and hovering over you all the time then that would be your choice....

Meantime the overwhelming majority of people agree that the military should NOT be administering the country....even if they are doing a number of good deeds to the satisfaction of the citizens, while it is not about that aspect rather it is about how the Military came to power to rule over everyone...once again...with impunity...once again .......while they will do it again when it suits their agenda.

Supporting them and cheering them on is not going to help change the country for the better in the long run as that aspect of who is really in charge and who has always been in charge is not going to change if people admire them and applaud them when they pull off another military coup in the future.



Even if you support the situation as it is you can not possibly see it as more than putting band aids over the symptoms!

The Army is run by the government,, the people run the government, not the other way round!!!

EDIT to add:

If this is not the case then why have elections? No need for governments. If the peoples opinion doesn´t matter (whether you agree with it or not) then why not just save the cost, frustration and problems it causes.

Anyway it´s not our country, they can do what they like. If it gets to the stage it affects me too much or adversity I know the answer.....


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

One instructing extract from the article link you provided, that shows an additional reason explaining why the police did not stop the protesters (apart from the fact that they have been forbidden by the court to use violence):

"Yingluck's government, which is backed by many people in rural northern Thailand, has been attempting to avoid violence to keep the powerful military from stepping in."

During the same period, Prayut had been consistently declaring that the army would step in, in case some violence would occur.


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It would be useful if the "person" with "authority" also had a brain. Oh, and was democratically elected... whistling.gif

(I think you are confusing "authority" with guns, tanks, intimidation, and huge volumes of dirty money? AMIRIGHT?)

I don't think we should be talking about Thaksin .... let's leave him out of this debate !! whistling.gif


It is worth understanding, (if you can), that however wealthy Thaksin was, his wealth is but a tiny percentage of the riches controlled by the Junta and the institutions they "protect". I mean tiny. At best he had about 6 billion dollars. Just one eighth that of one of Thailand's wealthiest families.

That is the truth for sure while you forgot to point out that the highest ranking military personal are the best of buddies with those ultra wealthy families......so who do think the military sides with.......???...and they will always side with the ultra wealthy ...so any opposition to the ultra wealthy and the institutions you mentioned will always be suppressed and thwarted and eliminated if need be if and when the military can do so...as it is in their best interests....right.



Let those red cowards bomb and burn their own backyard not mine.

And you by both sides.. you forget how one side killed children and cheered about it on stage (while representatives of the government were present). Don't forget the trad massacre.. its shows that one side is definitely lower and worse as all others.

I dare you to find a similar incident where 2 cars drove into a public gathering in Trad (not Bangkok like you imply) and started firing automatic rifles and lobbing grenades and leaving many wounded and among the dead 2 children.

Now find me something that comes even close to this incident.

when you refer to the attack in Trad, do you mean this incident?

I only ask because, albeit horrible, it differs from the details you mentioned. But I don't know of a different attack in Trad off hand...

Same one.. but if you read the follow up you will see 2 kids dead and if you read even more you will learn that there are video's of a redshirt meeting where they cheer when they hear about the killing in Trad. (just telling the facts here)


here they mention 1 child but there are reports of 2 children dead there.. not to mention the redshirt killed kids in BKK too.

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/731786-suspects-in-grenade-attack-on-pdrc-rally-in-trat-arrested/ (here mention of 2 kids)

The violence of the red shirt is just off the charts compared to other political groups.

The PM took power and stopped those murdering redshirts, he ended the violence. saved many lives doing so.

If your side was killing people the coup had no justification.

The same Royal Thai Navy SEAL chief, who clearly states that the attack was conducted by a "Foreign Force" ..and yet they have a Thai in custody for the attack?

This is the same Admiral who said he and his SEAL's monitored "Foreign Forces" entering Thailand in vans, and yet did nothing to interdict these "Foreign Forces".


The same Admiral whose men were "moonlighting" for the PDRC?


No two doubts about the attack in Trad, where the kids were killed, was a heinous and cowardly one at that, and as I've already said, the person(s) in custody will be soon hopefully be on trial for it, but you're using the kids deaths as political points, ANY person, no matter what side he represents, who resorts to acts of violence deserves all they get once(if) they get caught.

Khaki, yellow or Red, you cross that line, and act outwith the law, expect there to be no mercy when you're caught and facing jail time.


This is a very interesting case indeed. Usually a Court is asked to apply the existing law to a situation and pronounce what is right and what is wrong. Some countries allow its courts to rule about the constitutionality of laws and regulations based on the constitution. But can a court rule that a constitution is not applicable? Based on what? The previous constitution?

And was the previous constitution a valid base or does it also have some flaws?

Finally on what law should a court base its findings in such a case?

I really don't know and I am not aware of any precedents.

Let's see if the Court will dismiss the case on some formalities or if it will give a decision on the substance.

My bets are on some formalities.



It is worth understanding, (if you can), that however wealthy Thaksin was, his wealth is but a tiny percentage of the riches controlled by the Junta and the institutions they "protect". I mean tiny. At best he had about 6 billion dollars. Just one eighth that of one of Thailand's wealthiest families.

That is the truth for sure while you forgot to point out that the highest ranking military personal are the best of buddies with those ultra wealthy families......so who do think the military sides with.......???...and they will always side with the ultra wealthy ...so any opposition to the ultra wealthy and the institutions you mentioned will always be suppressed and thwarted and eliminated if need be if and when the military can do so...as it is in their best interests....right.


That's right... that's what I said... I think.


This is a very interesting case indeed. Usually a Court is asked to apply the existing law to a situation and pronounce what is right and what is wrong. Some countries allow its courts to rule about the constitutionality of laws and regulations based on the constitution. But can a court rule that a constitution is not applicable? Based on what? The previous constitution?

And was the previous constitution a valid base or does it also have some flaws?

Finally on what law should a court base its findings in such a case?

I really don't know and I am not aware of any precedents.

Let's see if the Court will dismiss the case on some formalities or if it will give a decision on the substance.

My bets are on some formalities.

It seems that in most civilised countries, the guilt or innocence of an alleged criminal is determined on the law applying at the time of the offence. Retro-active changes to the law are considered wrong and that's what happened in this case.

Treason or salvation depends upon the law at the time of the action. Therefore, it is clear that Prayuth and his friends committed treason. Though I seriously doubt any Thai court would convict or even hear the case. The law in Thailand is, by popular consent, and from my personal experience, generally not applied without fear or favour. This is one of the major criteria for declaring any nation a failed state.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Every one realises elections were a no go at that time. We all (apart from a few anti army posters) that anyone getting out the PTP government was going to be a god send.

No matter who did it initially is irrelevant ----it was a Thai rescue---for 35% of voters it was not. FACT.move forward even if you dislike.

in case you haven't noticed, the army is not here to move things forward but to move them backwards...


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

One instructing extract from the article link you provided, that shows an additional reason explaining why the police did not stop the protesters (apart from the fact that they have been forbidden by the court to use violence):

"Yingluck's government, which is backed by many people in rural northern Thailand, has been attempting to avoid violence to keep the powerful military from stepping in."

During the same period, Prayut had been consistently declaring that the army would step in, in case some violence would occur.

ah, you read it. thumbsup.gif

There is no small number of posters who claim that the last government wanted violence, or worse yet, was even behind the violence against the PDRC when it was clear at the time that violence was the very last thing that Yingluck and her government wanted.

As you can see, the idea that the government really wanted no violence was out there in the news and supported by political observers across the board... but in this forum, it seems that the conventional wisdom is that the PTP government "ordered" the attacks....

go figure... coffee1.gif

(PS: please allow me to point out to some posters that pointing out that the PTP government strategy was to avoid violence at all costs, and the PDRC strategy was to incite as much chaos as possible is not defending the PTP, but simply observing the situation that existed... OK, Mac'oween?)


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Every one realises elections were a no go at that time. We all (apart from a few anti army posters) that anyone getting out the PTP government was going to be a god send.

No matter who did it initially is irrelevant ----it was a Thai rescue---for 35% of voters it was not. FACT.move forward even if you dislike.

So 65% of all voting Thais support the latest coup-d'etat?

Supporting evidence?

Did I say that ??? so your point is ?? BUT I do not and you do not have what % are more happy with the more stable situation, maybe--it is 65% in the army favour now, but anyone that has any idea and lives in rural ares are easier now the total control of RED villages has near vanished---and it's nothing to do with fear of the army--or the silly remarks about any opposition will be sent to brainwash camps Ha Ha ha.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

One instructing extract from the article link you provided, that shows an additional reason explaining why the police did not stop the protesters (apart from the fact that they have been forbidden by the court to use violence):

"Yingluck's government, which is backed by many people in rural northern Thailand, has been attempting to avoid violence to keep the powerful military from stepping in."

During the same period, Prayut had been consistently declaring that the army would step in, in case some violence would occur.

ah, you read it. thumbsup.gif

There is no small number of posters who claim that the last government wanted violence, or worse yet, was even behind the violence against the PDRC when it was clear at the time that violence was the very last thing that Yingluck and her government wanted.

As you can see, the idea that the government really wanted no violence was out there in the news and supported by political observers across the board... but in this forum, it seems that the conventional wisdom is that the PTP government "ordered" the attacks....

go figure... coffee1.gif

(PS: please allow me to point out to some posters that pointing out that the PTP government strategy was to avoid violence at all costs, and the PDRC strategy was to incite as much chaos as possible is not defending the PTP, but simply observing the situation that existed... OK, Mac'oween?)

The paid RED force is and was noted. your agenda re PTP is ridiculous your first paragraph a complete joke. and your still in complete denial --unbelievable.


Out of that 65% Ginjag how many voted Democrats?

what's your point ?? I think my post explains it'self------so your getting at what ?? diverting the post ?? the fact is 65% did NOT vote PTP-Shins


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

They didn't take it over illegally. It was endorsed and signed over by the highest in the Thai Kingdom.

Secondly, did you like how it was before ? did you like the way things were going before ? did you want it to just continue on the way it was before ?

you like unrest ?

you like disorder ? and you obviously don't like taking orders ?

you like instability ?

you like street protests blocking buildings and streets everyday ?

I just don't get you people, before it was kaos and lawlessness .... now someone steps in to bring back stability and law and order and try to clean up the mess left behind and you dogooders still whinge.

If there is no person of authority at the top, Thailand would go back to how it was before ... is that what you want ????? ..... coffee1.gif unbelievable ..

I dont believe too many countries have achieved a stable democracy without violence. Unfortunate but it seems a part of growing up! Let the kids fight it out, just make sure the damage is minimized, controlling the amount of firearms out there would be a good start. Compromise just leaves both parties feeling like losers. If ¨Dady¨ keeps stepping in and doesn´t let the kids grow up it will NEVER work. The thoughts and feelings will just become suppressed and bottled up. Most of us have experienced what happens when a Thai person snaps.

i believe that if the authorities had done their jobs this would not have got this far.

Your last sentence sums it up.

If the government in office is running a fair and just government, good governance, as sworn in to do I am sure you would find everyone would be content.

If therefore the said government were not governing for the good of the people and refuse to stop corruption and going against the law it'self it has to be got rid of---without waiting for stability that was never in sight. as you said the authorities were doing the reverse.


Let those red cowards bomb and burn their own backyard not mine.

And you by both sides.. you forget how one side killed children and cheered about it on stage (while representatives of the government were present). Don't forget the trad massacre.. its shows that one side is definitely lower and worse as all others.

I dare you to find a similar incident where 2 cars drove into a public gathering in Trad (not Bangkok like you imply) and started firing automatic rifles and lobbing grenades and leaving many wounded and among the dead 2 children.

Now find me something that comes even close to this incident.

That was a sickening case of violence and the perpetrators should be tried, convicted and shot. That does not, however, mean that all or most of the reds are homicidal maniacs. Like their opposites they are mostly concerned citizens with strong political opinions.

Que the cheerleaders saying how the reds are just paid off by the bogeyman in Dubai, stupid, uneducated and infuriatingly enough not voting for the "correct" people...coffee1.gif

Nothing on that scale was ever done by the other side.. the red stand alone with their violence.

Your right most red shirts would not condone it, but the leadership did nothing to stop it. On stage this attack was cheered about.. only when Tida saw how damaging this was PR wise was the cheering about the attack stopped.

Shows the red mentality.. so yes I support the coup that stopped all of this. Your side made the coup happen with their bombs and shooting of innocent protesters.

You really don't get it, do you. I don't have a side as in red or yellow. I'm on Thailand's side as I have been living here for a long time and want to continue doing so, so naturally it's in my (and my family's) interest to want what's best for Thailand. The previous regime was incompetent and corrupt but I just don't see how yet another coup will solve anything. You can't force reconciliation, and you certainly can't force people to be happy.

Here is a question for the cheerleaders to ponder; name one coup (out of the zillion coups in Thailand) where great progress has been made for the country.

You can ask the same question about any of the elected governments as well.


Out of that 65% Ginjag how many voted Democrats?

what's your point ?? I think my post explains it'self------so your getting at what ?? diverting the post ?? the fact is 65% did NOT vote PTP-Shins

Alas. in a democracy, that's not how it works. Governments are not elected on the basis of how many people didn't vote for the other side, they are elected by counting the people who actually voted for each side.

Wriggling and squirming to try and make rain seem like sunshine is really not very helpful. Or bright.

The fact is the army kicked out an elected government - again, under the implicit threat of armed violence. Under the law as it stood at the time, that was treason, thus everything the 'government' has done since then lacks legitimacy. The whole world knows it and is reacting accordingly, so whether or not you personally like it or think it ought to be OK isn't really relevant.


Problem is when the police are being run by thaksin lovers they simply refuse to uphold the law, thats why the army took over, so that law and order was restored.

OK. So the police were breaking the law by not enforcing the law, so the army had to step in, commit treason, commit a coup d'etat and declare themselves above the law. Did I get that right? And that's a step forward in your world is it?


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Every one realises elections were a no go at that time. We all (apart from a few anti army posters) that anyone getting out the PTP government was going to be a god send.

No matter who did it initially is irrelevant ----it was a Thai rescue---for 35% of voters it was not. FACT.move forward even if you dislike.

in case you haven't noticed, the army is not here to move things forward but to move them backwards...

Because it is not in your agenda, you have to say this. All your posts turn out to be the same. One thing I have noticed when some of the left over shizen is getting sorted and a hell of a lot has, YOU rarely if ever give thanks. get my drift ??

I am far from an army in control but don't cry and shout for the sake of it every day and post everything anti PM. give it a rest and hope things will get better.


Out of that 65% Ginjag how many voted Democrats?

what's your point ?? I think my post explains it'self------so your getting at what ?? diverting the post ?? the fact is 65% did NOT vote PTP-Shins

Alas. in a democracy, that's not how it works. Governments are not elected on the basis of how many people didn't vote for the other side, they are elected by counting the people who actually voted for each side.

Wriggling and squirming to try and make rain seem like sunshine is really not very helpful. Or bright.

The fact is the army kicked out an elected government - again, under the implicit threat of armed violence. Under the law as it stood at the time, that was treason, thus everything the 'government' has done since then lacks legitimacy. The whole world knows it and is reacting accordingly, so whether or not you personally like it or think it ought to be OK isn't really relevant.

We all understand this in real democracies ----this is and near never has been hence the problems with mass corruption etc-----If the situation was stable and a government was just out of favour, a no confidence vote would result in a general election. The situation with the Shin controlled PTP was not normal, Paid red shirt villages--paid red shirt mass transport to Bkk-- government not governing as per law, government breaking the law with the amnesty vote, the PM not attending and controlling meetings, and abroad countless times.

Now you call this democracy ?? your elected government was only on paper.the aftermath complete democracy shattered.

In your eyes an election should have taken place amid near civil war looming---Think again my red shirt friend--yes please do not give me the fact you did not favour PTP. your squirming along with the small % on TVF because you do not believe going against the law and trying to pass a bill at 3am by an elected government is not treason, or most charges against Thaksin and Yingluck and the rest are politically motivated------heard it before. I have been here so long and am the first on to wish for a stable good governance in Thailand. It has never happened. now is a glimmer---some hope.


Ginjag, the point you make about 65% not voting PTP is irrelevant if the nearest rivals didn't have a larger portion of the vote to form a government, sure they formed a coalition but you keep missing the point that their nearest political rivals got LESS than 35% of the vote and that in itself speaks volumes of just how shit people viewed the Democrats.

You like to use the words fact, we'll try getting your head around the fact that even with a paltry 35% vote, they STILL beat the Dems. How embarrassing is that!! ?

Oh but alas, I'm sure you will pull out the losers whine with thu typical red herring about vote buying, despite failing to recognise that the democrats just plain sucked!!!


We all understand this in real democracies ----this is and near never has been hence the problems with mass corruption etc-----If the situation was stable and a government was just out of favour, a no confidence vote would result in a general election. The situation with the Shin controlled PTP was not normal, Paid red shirt villages--paid red shirt mass transport to Bkk-- government not governing as per law, government breaking the law with the amnesty vote, the PM not attending and controlling meetings, and abroad countless times.

Now you call this democracy ?? your elected government was only on paper.the aftermath complete democracy shattered.

In your eyes an election should have taken place amid near civil war looming---Think again my red shirt friend--yes please do not give me the fact you did not favour PTP. your squirming along with the small % on TVF because you do not believe going against the law and trying to pass a bill at 3am by an elected government is not treason, or most charges against Thaksin and Yingluck and the rest are politically motivated------heard it before. I have been here so long and am the first on to wish for a stable good governance in Thailand. It has never happened. now is a glimmer---some hope.

I get that you didn't like the PTP government, I really do, but as a foreigner, you ought to have enough integrity to recognise that treason and coups d'etat are always a bad thing - the rest of the world certainly does, even China, which is always on the lookout for insurrection, all totalitarian states are - always. But apparently you don't. That's a pity, but not so great a pity as the gymnastics you are obliged to go through in order to pretend to yourself that the unacceptable is somehow OK.

I don't share your bleak view and don't engage in your weak gyrations, and if you have any sense at all, then somewhere inside you, you don't either. The probability is you've taken on the view you have because you wanted to ingratiate yourself with whoever infected you with it. I really do recommend you should change the people you've been listening to because wanting them to like you and accept you so badly is doing you no favours at all.

Look at facts and not (rather transparent and immature) mythology, if you have any intellect at all, you will find it much better without all the baggage you and your mates are carrying around.

Sorry, I can't help you from here, you're too far away to benefit from my professional skills - you'll have to help yourself - if you can. In the meantime, I would be very grateful if you would not bother talking to me again. I will be very happy to reciprocate, I always try to be careful about the company I keep and there are certain standards I try to observe.


blaming the police on this one is nonsense. The police did what they could within the limits imposed on them by the courts. Some of them even got killed in the process.

The plot was given away (as usual) by Suthep with his call for the military to step in ... That was in December 2013... coffee1.gif

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

Every one realises elections were a no go at that time. We all (apart from a few anti army posters) that anyone getting out the PTP government was going to be a god send.

No matter who did it initially is irrelevant ----it was a Thai rescue---for 35% of voters it was not. FACT.move forward even if you dislike.

in case you haven't noticed, the army is not here to move things forward but to move them backwards...

Because it is not in your agenda, you have to say this. All your posts turn out to be the same. One thing I have noticed when some of the left over shizen is getting sorted and a hell of a lot has, YOU rarely if ever give thanks. get my drift ??

I am far from an army in control but don't cry and shout for the sake of it every day and post everything anti PM. give it a rest and hope things will get better.

Well, let's just go back to where you started to spam my posts...

This group, Resistant Citizen, is doing what needs to be done...

I'll stand by that statement and the others that I've made in spite of your craziness... coffee1.gif

what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

It would be useful if the "person" with "authority" also had a brain. Oh, and was democratically elected... whistling.gif

(I think you are confusing "authority" with guns, tanks, intimidation, and huge volumes of dirty money? AMIRIGHT?)

I don't think we should be talking about Thaksin .... let's leave him out of this debate !! whistling.gif


It is worth understanding, (if you can), that however wealthy Thaksin was, his wealth is but a tiny percentage of the riches controlled by the Junta and the institutions they "protect". I mean tiny. At best he had about 6 billion dollars. Just one eighth that of one of Thailand's wealthiest families.

But, but, but Thaksin. ...


Strange bunch of expats here. Sense of history and of democracy: very limited. Not sure if thai people have such a short memory. Remember videla. Remember varela.


And bringing the south in it and the trouble there just muddies the discussion, think we both agree things are going wrong there.

Let's all thank our respective higher powers, at least it's only going wrong in the south while the rest of the country is a beacon of bliss. I'm a stupid outsider, though, I will learn my lesson when the rest of the world decides catch up .


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

So would you be happy to have the military illegally take control of your country?

If the politicians in my country were as blatantly corrupt as the Taksin crew and were plundering the country for their own financial gain then YES, I would welcome the military to come in and straighten it out.

One thing that democracy is showing us in many countries (USA especially) is that the politicians cannot be trusted to represent their constituents (as is their sworn duty). But instead pander to the whims of the banks and big corporations.

I would say a revolution is overdue in many countries so that some proper laws can be written to offset the assault by the politicians on the common man.

Apples and oranges.

Fancy a game of golf, anyone? Wonder where I'd go, hopefully the owners are nice despite being heavily armed.


what garbage ! seems that some are just not happy with someone of authority running the country ...

ok, lets go back to the street protests and the shootings like before ! ..... coffee1.gif

Doesn't matter how many times you say "But Thaksin/Redshirts/PTP etc", treason is treason is treason.

OK. You said it 3 times. (Is that like the clicking your heals together 3x thing? Or is it more like the saying "Beetlejuice" out loud three times thing?)

Now all you have to do is find an actual example of it... Lol.


.................."I would be very grateful if you would not bother talking to me again. I will be very happy to reciprocate, I always try to be careful about the company I keep and there are certain standards I try to observe."........................

OMG ! Fabio, is that you ?

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