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Trust.........how Much


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Well I trust my girl with my life. I trust her parents (which is a huge bonus) 100%.

I knew in the first few months that my gf was very trustworthy and I was right when she was put in a certain tempting situation a year into our relationship

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It is a great avatar, but too many massage shops around for me to spend too much time looking at it. She's bigger than my GF too :D Dammit!!

Someone on this thread suggested that many guys with Thai girlfriends couldn't get one in their own country. That may or may not be true. Depends on the circumstances. But I'd argue many of the women here are far more attractive than the average western woman who, let's face it, is often overweight, wears far too much make-up and is rapidly moving toward a resemblance of her mother :oand ... she's at least as calculating as any Thai woman (often more so) and she knows how to use the law to her advantage. So given the choice ...... well I'm here already. Voted with my feet.


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Back on topic guys....

My ex I thought I trusted....till I found out that the trust was undeserved....and due to that experience I trust my current fiance about 95%....but you know what...everytime a moment of distrust hits me...she proves it wrong...Like today when she got the price for an airline ticket to Oz, it seemed high to me considering what I have previously paid....a check on the net and indeed it is just about spot on.

I think it is nearly impossible to trust 100%...so I will settle for the 95%.

I actually have been wondering for some time why this question of trust is so often discussed when farangs marry Thai girls.

When in Europe or in the US, trust or no trust is not part of the equation when you get married (at least in most cases... :D ).

So why is it such a concern in Thailand...? :o

Are you actually asking that? :D

To be honest, 100% I don't trust almost anybody and I think I never will. Trust is a weakness everywhere and in any occasion, no matter if the subject are the girls, friends, business partners, etc.

In my opinion 100% trust, is half the way to the downfall.

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The Donz 'is good' or bad, depending on who one talks to, suggested this as a new thread......obviously I agree.

This forum seems, and I use the word advisedly, overly pessimistic and or paranoid about trusting Thai partners or relationnships.

So how about some honesty on your average (obviously it varies temporally) percentage trust of your Thai partner and why it is at that level.

Perhaps one of the very reasons we like Thai's and culture, because of their 'differences' to us, and therefore a reduced understanding of their culture and as such maybe is a reason for an apparent lack of trust by farungs....................just a thought.

I've been married to my Thai wife for 15 years now, I had absolutely nothing when I met her and have very little even now yet she has always been the rock for me. I agree that we hear of too many "she took me for everything" stories and I am sure there are thousands of expats like myself out there!!!

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I`ve bashed my ex.gf in a variety of threads but having said that, she was the best. It was only when i became untrustworthy that she followed suit. My fault.

Had I remained less drunk, and better behaved, she would have too.

had I not lied to her, she wouldn`t have to me either.

I was talking to a guy in a short-time bar once, and he was telling me about untrustworthy Thai women, he went upstairs for a short-time, then said he had to go because his Wife was expecting him home soon.. :D

True story.

Met one or two like that too...

What can you ssay in that circumstance?

"do NOT do unto others as you would NOT have them do to you"""

I trust my lady 100%. We have 2 houses, a farm, pickup, car and 2 motorbikes, everything in her name.

BUT, I do the driving!!!!


Ah! But who wears the pants? :o

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I do have "trust issues" in any case, so I know very few people that I trust 100%. In fact 3 people, only 1 of which is unrelated to me.

The Thai "missus"? (not yet married, but she is still "the missus" :o ). I trust her 100% to try and do good for me, but I know 100% she is not able to carry through all her good intentions.........and like me she has Oscar Wildes "problem" with Temptation :D:D

Why am I still involved?, cos I have never had a girlfriend before / I know she is basically an honest person, but I realise that no one is perfect. (select answer according to your own prejudices :D )

Edited by Jersey_UK
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Hmm good question......

As Alexth said I don't trust anyone 100%

Trust is a funny thing and only if you can trust someone 100% of the time with ANYTHING at all can you truly answer 100%.

I can think of many things I trust my wife with 100%. My life, money etc etc. But there are other things I can't if I am truthful.Being ready on time, buying me clothes I like,booking a hotel etc

I suspect the OP meant more in the lines of relationships. So on that count I would answer 100% no question........ :o

As for property in Thailand ? My wife I trust, The Thai government I do not and it's for that reason I won't be investing more than I can afford to lose should they change the rules AGAIN in the future. Not my wife.

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I do have "trust issues" in any case, so I know very few people that I trust 100%. In fact 3 people, only 1 of which is unrelated to me.

The Thai "missus"? (not yet married, but she is still "the missus" :o ). I trust her 100% to try and do good for me, but I know 100% she is not able to carry through all her good intentions.........and like me she has Oscar Wildes "problem" with Temptation :D:D

Why am I still involved?, cos I have never had a girlfriend before / I know she is basically an honest person, but I realise that no one is perfect. (select answer according to your own prejudices :D )

Good post Jersey. Very good post.


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My reference is from my two years living in Thailand. I thiink trust is a serious issue here. I think much of the amount of trust depends on how long you have been in a relationship with someone. Hopefully, the amount of trust will increase as you spend more time together. If the trust does not increase with time, the relationship will end, at least for me.

My trust in them is limited from the beginning, until I am able to see that 2+2=4 with them. Unfortunately, to often it does not. Lying is an art form here and most of them rarely, if ever, tell the truth at the outset. The motives for extracting money (by the women) far outweigh the need for truth-telling in most situations I have encountered.

I have to agree with a2396, but it sounds like the posters who trust their wives have good ones.

I've seen only a handful of thai / falang relationships work though. Most seem to fall by the wayside with various causes and reasons for it.

It does seem that the concept of truth and honour differ somewhat to the west, its perhaps one of the best kept secrets of thailand and many short stay tourists won't notice it.

However all this said I have met far worse crooked falangs, some of whom can be disturbingly hard to spot. Surpassing untrustworthy thai women.

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An interesting thread. What causes one person to trust another? I’m sure there have been books written about this but I haven’t read them, so I really don’t know. It all seems to be about how you feel about the other person, which is possibly a dangerous non-scientific assessment that can lead to disaster.

I know I can (and do) trust my Thai wife with my money (which she now realizes is also hers), my property and my life. I know she will not be unfaithful, lie to me or put others, including her family, before me. This has taken seven years with a couple of minor and one major upset. Do I have my head up my a**e?

I know a lot of farangs with Thai wives/GFs who say the same thing – they trust them 100%. Yet how come so many of these Thai women are cheating on their farangs, particularly those who are not living with their women full time? As soon as the farangs return back to their country of origin for work, out come the Thai boyfriends/husbands (or even another farang), and much partying and gambling – and then the request for money for spurious medical and/or family problems. I have seen it happen time and again so it is not just hearsay.

I like to think that my wife trusts me 100%. Most of the time I think she does, but she is always cautious, even jealous, about me and the potential for other Thai women. She may have reason for this since a long time in the past I blew it, although that was due to excess tequila (unfortunately it happened on the night that I proposed marriage to her!)

Meanwhile I will continue to believe 100% in my wife. I am happier that way. If the bomb should drop, so be it. Maybe ignorance is bliss.

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