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Vocabulary chart teaches children that dark skin is 'ugly'

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Bluespunk and disambiguated have broken off this thrilling match for a refreshment break. Normal serving will be resumed when either party makes a post.clap2.gif

Now over to center court for an update

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Lol many girl and actress with tan skin famous in Thailand to don't need to leave

I will post the picture and name next pose









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Careful Pugga...all the Dudley Dorights will be accusing you of exploiting their female, party endorsed, card carrying, fully paid up, female "brothers".

The possibly call you a reverse sexist.

I was thinking Puggaddong probably didn't have both hands on the keyboard when posting all his pictures of near naked beautiful girls.

I herewith retract my statement as it appears Puggaddong is a Thai female of some sort given to using expletives, when frustrated, in the forum.

Colour has clearly played a part in the criteria used to choose the pictures.

Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

Well they had 2 colour to choose from, black or white, so either way they would have been called racist, only that they picked the colour that most will moan about, had he been a white dude, most would have agreed that he was ugly,

The choice of colour was made on the basis that dark skin is undesirable and ugly.

Every other face used was pale.

There were choices made, but the reasoning behind them was the really ugly aspect of this poster.


Thailand is a xenophobic racist country. Period.

I don't like the double charging for foreigners at Tourist sites (including zoos) and I don't like the way they do it (Thai numerals so that the farangs can't read what the Thais are paying).

Further: The Thai Cycling Association are charging farangs 5 x more than Thais for cycle race licences in defiance of their commitment to the UCI Constitution which emphasizes equal treatment for ALL athletes. It's a disgrace.

So this latest bit of nonsense is par for the course in my humble opinion.


The hunsum guy is straight from a Japanese cartoon book

with big eyes, Japanese cartoons feature characters with

very big eyes, ever wondered about that ? it comes from

western babies and many wildlife animals, when they are born

babies usually have very big eyes where Asian babies don't,

people always wasn't what they don't have i suppose.


many on here may call it racism, Thai's call it telling the truth as they see it[.]

While terms like "handsome" and "ugly" are subjective, the term "racism" is not, and its definition is not open for debate.

As it can't be established whether this is a case of racism, it's debatable of course.

The second guy is an ugly git, not? He's got tattoos on his face. Dont understand why this is made into a color discussion.n

Then perhaps you should look more closely at the pictures.

Colour has clearly played a part in the criteria used to choose the pictures.

Are you sure its not the tattoos or the earrings that make the kid ugly? The fairer Korean looking boy's facial features are more symmetrical as well, We assume that Thais are per definition racists, while we don't know the reasons why the maker of the poster calls the other kid ugly.

If you see 2 girls, one is ugly and dark and the other pretty and fair skinned, does that make you a racist when asked about your preference?

If the creator of this educational poster intended to mean that dark skinned people are uglier than light skinned people, then yes he's a racist.

I think he is just plain dumb to put such a possible sensibility on an educational learning resource.

I understand your points, but want to be careful to play the racist card. I think the person responsible for this material lacks a certain number of brain cells rather than being a racist.

Having lived here for 13 years, yes I am sure.

Looking at the pretty and beautiful pictures, they are both fair skinned.

As is the the picture of the guy for good.

Colour is playing a role.

Only the ugly picture has a dark skinned individual. Something completely unnecessary if tattoos and earrings were the criteria for ugly.

Well they had 2 colour to choose from, black or white, so either way they would have been called racist, only that they picked the colour that most will moan about, had he been a white dude, most would have agreed that he was ugly,

Or they could have avoided the whole thing by making them both the same colour.

Wow, what a brainwave that would have been!


many on here may call it racism, Thai's call it telling the truth as they see it[.]

While terms like "handsome" and "ugly" are subjective, the term "racism" is not, and its definition is not open for debate.

They say it as they see it, the same as how they speak it in the Thai language, the same as Farang can be interpreted as a racist word, then again, its the way they see it and say it,
Yeah, the Nazis said it how they saw it too. I guess if you wear your bigotry on your lapel its suddenly not bigotry?


I get it lol lol you don't even read my comment I told you guy picture in the poster resemble Africa guy and that is racist

But I don't think person who make this poster mean that

And I get it that you will never get me. So I leave

I think smart people will not argue with your guy anyways. When we know most of your guy here marry with dark skin isan girl and they already feed you about how Thai people abuse them cuz they are tan. And yeah! Your guy are their savior!

But I happend to have lot of free time. Now I have my fun and enough of this case.

Well I show my opinion and most of people Don't like it which I also accept the truth

Have fun whining here lol

We are all just Keyboard warrior!

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Yes you are 100% right. The poster is a great way to teach the word ugly. Most here just dont get it,in Thailand the pic is ugly period

I hope you're not a teacher!


Some people say they are not racist because they have a black friend.

Well I am racist,and have loads of black and raghead friends, And they know I am,and so are they.

Aren't we, entrenched in our subconscious, all racists per definition? Better acknowledge it and try to treat everyone as equal as possible, ugly or not.

Ask a Maasai warrior about a Pygmy and vice versa. And what do most western Thaivisa members think of Thai culture?


Thailand is a xenophobic racist country. Period.

I don't like the double charging for foreigners at Tourist sites (including zoos) and I don't like the way they do it (Thai numerals so that the farangs can't read what the Thais are paying).

Further: The Thai Cycling Association are charging farangs 5 x more than Thais for cycle race licences in defiance of their commitment to the UCI Constitution which emphasizes equal treatment for ALL athletes. It's a disgrace.

So this latest bit of nonsense is par for the course in my humble opinion.

Don't go to the Zoos. Simple. Or learn basic Thai...you know...one to ten.....then hundreds...

Don't blame the Thais for your cycling fees...nobody wants to see MAMILs......anywhere. Take the hint.

Don't know what MAMILs are?...Middle Aged Men in Lycra......often seen hanging around coffee shops telling each other what a good ride they were.


I am sorry for my cursing in some comments I was mad

Ok that is the last

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No need to say sorry Pugga...you are just as entitled to your view as the other people posting here.


Someone should break it to those pig noses that they don't belong to white race, oh by the way, 'sth with trash from Thai toilets', don't try so hard in order to defense those idiots, as you see 'normal' Thais don't find you attractive.

I'm sure that made sense to somebody...somewhere....

There is a photo attachement there that shows a Thai woman's racist comment about dark skinned Thais and ugly Western men. Don't you see the attachement?


Some people say they are not racist because they have a black friend.

Well I am racist,and have loads of black and raghead friends, And they know I am,and so are they.

Aren't we, entrenched in our subconscious, all racists per definition? Better acknowledge it and try to treat everyone as equal as possible, ugly or not.

Ask a Maasai warrior about a Pygmy and vice versa. And what do most western Thaivisa members think of Thai culture?

And try not to pass it on to the next generation.

For the record, I dont think problems I see with Thai culture or any culture (even the Arabs) are racially based. You can be critical of a culture and even of a 'people' without being racist. I believe a Thai person brought up in Western culture will think like a Westerner, just as a Westerner brought up as a Thai will think as Thai. And some Thais brought up as Thais will reject Thai culture etcera etc.

But if you think those problems are inherent in them because of their race (ie that is, who you are is primarily determined by race) then that is a racist view. It doesn't allow that person to change or be an individual - they are what they are because they are of their race.

All of us should know now that such a view is ignorant clap trap. And should be exposed as such as often as possible.


many on here may call it racism, Thai's call it telling the truth as they see it[.]

While terms like "handsome" and "ugly" are subjective, the term "racism" is not, and its definition is not open for debate.

They say it as they see it, the same as how they speak it in the Thai language, the same as Farang can be interpreted as a racist word, then again, its the way they see it and say it,
Yeah, the Nazis said it how they saw it too. I guess if you wear your bigotry on your lapel its suddenly not bigotry?

Depends on the person who reads it


many on here may call it racism, Thai's call it telling the truth as they see it[.]

While terms like "handsome" and "ugly" are subjective, the term "racism" is not, and its definition is not open for debate.

They say it as they see it, the same as how they speak it in the Thai language, the same as Farang can be interpreted as a racist word, then again, its the way they see it and say it,
Yeah, the Nazis said it how they saw it too. I guess if you wear your bigotry on your lapel its suddenly not bigotry?

Bigotry like racism is just another label to ignore, hey the pope is a bigot have a go at him.


I think the short answer is that if you can't see this is racist, you are essentially a racist......ugly and beauty are subjective but colour is not.

Because you place the emphasis on the colour of the skin, which the designer of the poster might not have seen as important as you do when was creating the poster.

The person might have been ignorant of today’s views on political correctness which makes him a stupid fool but not a racist by a long shot. But branding someone that might hold a different view as racist is a great argument because it prohibits any further discussion and displaying the same attitude the designer of the poster showed.


"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing


I think the short answer is that if you can't see this is racist, you are essentially a racist......ugly and beauty are subjective but colour is not.

Because you place the emphasis on the colour of the skin, which the designer of the poster might not have seen as important as you do when was creating the poster.

The person might have been ignorant of today’s views on political correctness which makes him a stupid fool but not a racist by a long shot. But branding someone that might hold a different view as racist is a great argument because it prohibits any further discussion and displaying the same attitude the designer of the poster showed.

So if I m driving and I turn left, but I meant to turn right, cos Im just confused about my left and right, and didnt really think about it beforehand, which way did I actually turn?

Think hard about it!

Its a tricky one!

And does the pedestrian I ran over when I stuffed up really care?

Come on! Whether it was intent or just plain incompetence, its a racist illustration.

And thats not trying to stifle debate. But how long do you want to discuss something as basic as this? Its just not that hard. If both faces were of the same colour the whole race issue would never have come up.


so sad,

and unfortunately its not just in thailand.

see the "white doll, black doll" videos on Youtube (Racial Social experiments on Western School kids).

also: the Blue eyes, brown eyes social engineering experiment.

all really good examples of how this racism is EVERYWHERE.. (even back in our home countries).

Everywhere - including the public school system? Because that's what this thread is about.

I'm old enough to remember opening our geography books at school in England to learn that all the countries coloured pink,and they were many, belonged to the British empire,and they basked in our enlightened form of government, and if they didn't like it well we had people like Cecil Rhodes, Clive of India, Lord Romford, and many others who would show them the error of their ways. The Mau Mau uprising in Kenya is an eye opener in recent history, how dare they demand independance, the uprising was classed as terrorism and the British had no problem employing torture and murder to make a point that they were not capable of governing themselves, this in 1951 - 1954 just after defeating the racist 'master race'

Yawn yawn yawn Seems you know fxxx all about what happend there. Were you there? Stop using this thread to spread Bull

I was at school being indoctrinated which is what this post is all about, i cant see the BS. If you are referring to the mau mau incident there was a court case not to long ago in London with the detainees of concentration camps, yes concentration camps set up by the British in Kenya, demanding compensation.

Yeah, the Brits invented the concentration camp during the Boer War. Good old Anglo ingenuity!

That's true but in their defence this wasn't done to wipe out the population and the deaths that occurred were more due to ignorance and indifference than the intended genocide of the nazis. Having said that the Brits did have true concentration camps in London ( actually more like torture rooms ) and in Germany after the surrender which were descried by the red cross at the time as being on par with Belsen Belsen camp of the nazis, nobody was ever punished for it, if you are interested Google 'London cages'


Drake is pretty pissed at his photo being used

The likeness is uncanny ,Exept the one on the left has his hat on straight.


"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing

I cant do that, i'm not a hypocrite, besides Jesus has that job cornered and i cant compete.


sky is blue, water is wet, black skin is ugly. It's a fact for asians(not only Thais). For me man on the left looks more attractive. But he wasn't agree with my opinion. Same as all US blacks celebrities who try to whiten their skin..I think if black race will produce more scientists, artists,writers,philosophers, successful businessmen( I don't mean drug dealers)..Or just create some nice place for living in Africa..Without a lot of crime and corruption. At this case people maybe will change their mind about what kind of skin colour looks better.



The problem with the article is that the designers and producers of the poster haven’t been asked to explain what they thought when creating the stupid thing. The discussion straight leads into racism and most of the commentators here seem to forget that racism is a deliberate act intentionally committed. I agree that it might be perceived as racist depending on which side of the fence one sits but without the intention it is foolish and ignorant but doesn’t make the person that produced the poster a racist; and it certainly doesn’t justify to label a whole country and her people as racist, which some of the commentators here do with some delight.


sky is blue, water is wet, black skin is ugly. It's a fact for asians(not only Thais). For me man on the left looks more attractive. But he wasn't agree with my opinion. Same as all US blacks celebrities who try to whiten their skin..I think if black race will produce more scientists, artists,writers,philosophers, successful businessmen( I don't mean drug dealers)..Or just create some nice place for living in Africa..Without a lot of crime and corruption. At this case people maybe will change their mind about what kind of skin colour looks better.

Yes I could never understand,why on earth did he change his nose? He had such a perfect flat nose with large nostrils, he got far more than his fair share of



"My request today is simple. Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Find somebody, anybody, thats different than you. Somebody that has made you feel ill-will or even hateful. Somebody whose life decisions have made you uncomfortable. Somebody who practices a different religion than you do. Somebody who has been lost to addiction. Somebody with a criminal past. Somebody who dresses below you. Somebody with disabilities. Somebody who lives an alternative lifestyle. Somebody without a home.

Somebody that you, until now, would always avoid, always look down on, and always be disgusted by.

Reach your arm out and put it around them.

And then, tell them theyre all right. Tell them they have a friend. Tell them you love them.

If you or I wanna make a change in this world, thats where were gonna be able to do it. Thats where well start.

Every. Single. Time."

Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing

I cant do that, i'm not a hypocrite, besides Jesus has that job cornered and i cant compete.

Trying to understand others and accepting the different life choices they make isn't hypocrisy, its a challenge for some and does involve thinking.

Not easy for everyone.

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