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Climate change: Obama orders steeper cuts from power plants


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There you go see! Your first graph shows that there has been no warming since 1998. In fact there has been cooling. Global warming clearly bunk!

If you look at all of the graphs you will see that the temperature does goes up and down, but in the end it also keeps going up!

2009 was the hottest year on record but 2008 was the coolest of the decade, of course it does fluctuate but what is relevant is just how much it has increased in modern times, which is almost 1 degree C.

You might take note of the fact that from 2000 to 2009 was, on average, the hottest decade since records began before making wild assumptions that there has been no warming!

Take a look at this and let NASA explain to you the proper way to interpret the data.


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There you go see! Your first graph shows that there has been no warming since 1998. In fact there has been cooling. Global warming clearly bunk!

If you look at all of the graphs you will see that the temperature does goes up and down, but in the end it also keeps going up!

2009 was the hottest year on record but 2008 was the coolest of the decade, of course it does fluctuate but what is relevant is just how much it has increased in modern times, which is almost 1 degree C.

You might take note of the fact that from 2000 to 2009 was, on average, the hottest decade since records began before making wild assumptions that there has been no warming!

Take a look at this and let NASA explain to you the proper way to interpret the data.


Don't you dare try to dictate to me. Idiots have rights too you know. The idea that hypotheses and theories have to be informed by or tested by facts is a conspiracy of the leftist Marxist cultural elites. NASA? Give me break!I suppose you want me to believe some bunch of pinheads who faked a moon landing to keep their fat government contracts. Not likely. I'll tell what's hot - not the bloody weather...Muslims, that's what hot. Muslims trying to destroy the environment with wind farms and the like. If global warming is really happening how come Muslims wear headscarfs? Ever thought that? Thought not. Typical bleeding heart liberal. Don't try to school me with your 'facts'. Not interested. Don't need them. Next.

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There you go see! Your first graph shows that there has been no warming since 1998. In fact there has been cooling. Global warming clearly bunk!

If you look at all of the graphs you will see that the temperature does goes up and down, but in the end it also keeps going up!

2009 was the hottest year on record but 2008 was the coolest of the decade, of course it does fluctuate but what is relevant is just how much it has increased in modern times, which is almost 1 degree C.

You might take note of the fact that from 2000 to 2009 was, on average, the hottest decade since records began before making wild assumptions that there has been no warming!

Take a look at this and let NASA explain to you the proper way to interpret the data.


Don't you dare try to dictate to me. Idiots have rights too you know. The idea that hypotheses and theories have to be informed by or tested by facts is a conspiracy of the leftist Marxist cultural elites. NASA? Give me break!I suppose you want me to believe some bunch of pinheads who faked a moon landing to keep their fat government contracts. Not likely. I'll tell what's hot - not the bloody weather...Muslims, that's what hot. Muslims trying to destroy the environment with wind farms and the like. If global warming is really happening how come Muslims wear headscarfs? Ever thought that? Thought not. Typical bleeding heart liberal. Don't try to school me with your 'facts'. Not interested. Don't need them. Next.

If you actually care to note the language I used it was merely an invitation to view what I had posted and to read the link. In contrast, your own language comes across as very aggressive. You are welcome not to take a look or take note of what I have posted, but please keep your insane rantings to yourself, thanks.

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Well by looking at the last 200 years you are getting a bit better perspective. But if you look at the last 10K years since the Earth began its present inter glacial period. The Earths temperature has been in a sidewards pattern., With 4 peaks in temperature and 4 Lows .

In the past 2000 years , according to the ice core samples, global temperatures have been declining to the bottom of the range. It is only in the 20th century that temperatures have begun to rise. This rise is consistent with the overall pattern for the past 10,000 years. It is a wild assumption, thats is politically motivated, to associate this small rise in temperature is man made let alone due to CO2 emissions.

Further more, the periods of warming throughout this 10K period has been largely beneficial to the human population. I think most would agree that Having Grape Vines along the Thames is preferable to skating on the bloody thing.


Edited by pattayasnowman
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Well by looking at the last 200 years you are getting a bit better perspective. But if you look at the last 10K years since the Earth began its present inter glacial period. The Earths temperature has been in a sidewards pattern., With 4 peaks in temperature and 4 Lows .

In the past 2000 years , according to the ice core samples, global temperatures have been declining to the bottom of the range. It is only in the 20th century that temperatures have begun to rise. This rise is consistent with the overall pattern for the past 10,000 years. It is a wild assumption, thats is politically motivated, to associate this small rise in temperature is man made let alone due to CO2 emissions.

Further more, the periods of warming throughout this 10K period has been largely beneficial to the human population. I think most would agree that Having Grape Vines along the Thames is preferable to skating on the bloody thing.


I can hear the Warmists, Googling away, trying to find a response.

It'll come. Just give 'em time.

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Well by looking at the last 200 years you are getting a bit better perspective. But if you look at the last 10K years since the Earth began its present inter glacial period. The Earths temperature has been in a sidewards pattern., With 4 peaks in temperature and 4 Lows .

In the past 2000 years , according to the ice core samples, global temperatures have been declining to the bottom of the range. It is only in the 20th century that temperatures have begun to rise. This rise is consistent with the overall pattern for the past 10,000 years. It is a wild assumption, thats is politically motivated, to associate this small rise in temperature is man made let alone due to CO2 emissions.

Further more, the periods of warming throughout this 10K period has been largely beneficial to the human population. I think most would agree that Having Grape Vines along the Thames is preferable to skating on the bloody thing.


I can hear the Warmists, Googling away, trying to find a response.

It'll come. Just give 'em time.

Time is not the friend of the climate deniers as national public policy to address the issue is being advanced for the first time.

Google is not necessary as the critical mass was reached long ago of scientists and the mass of data demonstrating the presence of significant climate change caused by the fossil fuel economic base of civilization. The quoted post is a broad and sweeping failed attempt to refute the mass of scientists and the mass of hard detailed data researched over decades, centuries and, indeed in great detail over millennia.

The climate deniers on the right are propping up yet another loser. It seems to be compulsive over there.

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^ About two and a half hours, then.

By the way, time is indeed on the denier's side. As the earth cools, the "mass of scientists" will slowly disassociate themselves from the warmist propaganda. Obama won't care - he'll be long gone and the blame will lie at someone else's feet.

Edited by JetsetBkk
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Conclusive proof of cooling is presented by Republicans in the US Senate as a snowball. A snowball gathered on the Capitol grounds during winter.

As was stated, losers on the right have found themselves yet another hot issue. Another snowball's chance in hell issue.

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There you go see! Your first graph shows that there has been no warming since 1998. In fact there has been cooling. Global warming clearly bunk!

If you look at all of the graphs you will see that the temperature does goes up and down, but in the end it also keeps going up!

2009 was the hottest year on record but 2008 was the coolest of the decade, of course it does fluctuate but what is relevant is just how much it has increased in modern times, which is almost 1 degree C.

You might take note of the fact that from 2000 to 2009 was, on average, the hottest decade since records began before making wild assumptions that there has been no warming!

Take a look at this and let NASA explain to you the proper way to interpret the data.


Don't you dare try to dictate to me. Idiots have rights too you know. The idea that hypotheses and theories have to be informed by or tested by facts is a conspiracy of the leftist Marxist cultural elites. NASA? Give me break!I suppose you want me to believe some bunch of pinheads who faked a moon landing to keep their fat government contracts. Not likely. I'll tell what's hot - not the bloody weather...Muslims, that's what hot. Muslims trying to destroy the environment with wind farms and the like. If global warming is really happening how come Muslims wear headscarfs? Ever thought that? Thought not. Typical bleeding heart liberal. Don't try to school me with your 'facts'. Not interested. Don't need them. Next.

If you actually care to note the language I used it was merely an invitation to view what I had posted and to read the link. In contrast, your own language comes across as very aggressive. You are welcome not to take a look or take note of what I have posted, but please keep your insane rantings to yourself, thanks.

I'll bet you're a lot of fun at parties.

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He doesn't know anything about the poster.

The parody posts imitating the wacko right was exactly right on in the poster's wit and writing, two things the right have no appreciation of anyway.

Another cheap shot from the dressed up right.


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He doesn't know anything about the poster.

The parody posts imitating the wacko right was exactly right on in the poster's wit and writing, two things the right have no appreciation of anyway.

Another cheap shot from the dressed up right.


Not all of them. I've just found out that William F. Buckley recommended to all his colleagues that they not hang out with conservatives because they were boring and dull and, well, witless. It was advice he apparently followed too. Poor man - his social appetites and his political convictions pulling him in different directions. Mind you, I'm told that there is solid evidence that some parts of the 'left' can be so terribly earnest and sincere that their "glassy essence - like an angry ape plays such tricks before high heaven as makes the angels weep".

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Well by looking at the last 200 years you are getting a bit better perspective. But if you look at the last 10K years since the Earth began its present inter glacial period. The Earths temperature has been in a sidewards pattern., With 4 peaks in temperature and 4 Lows .

In the past 2000 years , according to the ice core samples, global temperatures have been declining to the bottom of the range. It is only in the 20th century that temperatures have begun to rise. This rise is consistent with the overall pattern for the past 10,000 years. It is a wild assumption, thats is politically motivated, to associate this small rise in temperature is man made let alone due to CO2 emissions.

Further more, the periods of warming throughout this 10K period has been largely beneficial to the human population. I think most would agree that Having Grape Vines along the Thames is preferable to skating on the bloody thing.


Did you notice that your graph is a little different to mine? Whereas mine were of average global temperatures, yours is from one, the inside of a glacier in Greenland! What were you thinking? By the way, if you had posted a similar graph taken from a similar spot on the southern hemisphere you would see an inverse of this, temperatures gradually increasing over the past 10,000 years.

Your graph is labeled as "years before 2000", however this is not true, the GISP2 actually follows the paleoclimate convention based on the year 1950, so when it says 95, the year the graph ends, the date is actually 1855, which is conveniently before modern global warming even began! The truth is the GISP2 does not have this kind of data from anywhere near the present day as they use ice core samples and it takes a long time for snow to form into ice. They do however have surface temperatures from another site, GRIP.

Now take a look at this graph, it is made using the GISP data but includes adjusted temperatures inferred by the difference between their surface samples from GRIP, to show approximate average surface temperatures at the GISP. The blue crosses show the last data as extrapolated from ice cores from 1855, and the last data from present day, 2009, from the GRIP as adjusted in line with GISP data.

They do not do much to prove your point!


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They could pay for some of it by removing the subsidies they give to the oil companies.

It's not like they need them.

Talking about something not needed...

They should close down the EPA. The approved budget for F/Y 2015 is $8,139,887,000.

Problem solved all the way around.

And planned parenthood, and the borders, and healthcare for women, and the IRS, and rules for gun ownership, and the minimum wage, etc etc etc

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They could pay for some of it by removing the subsidies they give to the oil companies.

It's not like they need them.

Talking about something not needed...

They should close down the EPA. The approved budget for F/Y 2015 is $8,139,887,000.

Problem solved all the way around.

And planned parenthood, and the borders, and healthcare for women, and the IRS, and rules for gun ownership, and the minimum wage, etc etc etc

That's the spirit, everyone get their guns and meet in the center of town at noon for one last show down.

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They could pay for some of it by removing the subsidies they give to the oil companies.

It's not like they need them.

Talking about something not needed...

They should close down the EPA. The approved budget for F/Y 2015 is $8,139,887,000.

Problem solved all the way around.

Yes, the Koch's would love that... Pollute at will. Who needs clean air and drinking water anyway?

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Well by looking at the last 200 years you are getting a bit better perspective. But if you look at the last 10K years since the Earth began its present inter glacial period. The Earths temperature has been in a sidewards pattern., With 4 peaks in temperature and 4 Lows .

In the past 2000 years , according to the ice core samples, global temperatures have been declining to the bottom of the range. It is only in the 20th century that temperatures have begun to rise. This rise is consistent with the overall pattern for the past 10,000 years. It is a wild assumption, thats is politically motivated, to associate this small rise in temperature is man made let alone due to CO2 emissions.

Further more, the periods of warming throughout this 10K period has been largely beneficial to the human population. I think most would agree that Having Grape Vines along the Thames is preferable to skating on the bloody thing.


I can hear the Warmists, Googling away, trying to find a response.

It'll come. Just give 'em time.

Time is not the friend of the climate deniers as national public policy to address the issue is being advanced for the first time.

Google is not necessary as the critical mass was reached long ago of scientists and the mass of data demonstrating the presence of significant climate change caused by the fossil fuel economic base of civilization. The quoted post is a broad and sweeping failed attempt to refute the mass of scientists and the mass of hard detailed data researched over decades, centuries and, indeed in great detail over millennia.

The climate deniers on the right are propping up yet another loser. It seems to be compulsive over there.

And the exodus continues:

Royal Dutch Shell have announced they will end their membership of the far-right American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) because of its continuing denial of the science of climate change. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/aug/07/royal-dutch-shell-alec-climate-change-denial

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I knew it had to stink coming from who it did, but I didn't realize just how badly.


Obama’s so-called Clean Power Plan is a Kamikaze suicide note for the US economy by one of the most divisive presidents in US history.

A nation that has grown gloriously prosperous because of cheap energy prices based on a vast abundance of fossil fuels – the latest being shale gas - is now throwing away its competitive advantages and opting for fuel sources that are massively more expensive and unreliable.

A normal journalistic response to such blind, doctrinaire madness would be to ask why?

Edited by Steely Dan
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