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I am in the market for one. Looking at them at Powerbuy and Invadeit, I am stuck between Asus, , Acer, Dell and MSI.

MSI is very expensive. Asus seems ok, but at 49k, it seems high. Dell offers their 3 year onsite warranty. The Acer Nitro series seem a bit flimsy to the touch.

Any ideas and comments on these brands?


For some reason you pay a big premium for 17" Laptops here

I have a hp pavilion 17" but I found it in a second hand shop one day, is old but it's running windows 10 now just fine

If there was no warranty I'd take the Asus from the ones on your list because they are usually built to last

Only other consideration would be the Dell since its guaranteed by the 3yr next day warranty

Acer are shit and msi too pricey ime


Unless you are really on a budget choose one with a screen resolution of at least 1920x1080, 4 Gb ram.

If your disk usage is below 256 Gb take a ssd else take a hybrid 1Tb hard disk.

Brands as Apple, Dell, HP and Levono definitely offer better quality but that comes with a price. nice onces start at 40,000 baht.

Note There are after market brackets that fit a harddisk/ssd that replace the dvd drive. So you can install the OS on a 128 Gb ssd and keep the hdisk for data. I really wonder why new laptops still have a dvd drive.


The last time I was in this situation I was underwhelmed with the choice in Thailand so bought from Amazon using Shipito delivery to Thailand. Still using the same 17 inch laptop with Win10 some 3 years later and cannot see me changing it yet.


I wish you'd put this up a week ago. I just sold my 17" Acer to a Thai friend for 2,500 baht!

However, it was 8 years old, VERY slow, drove me mad, but was very reliable.

I didn't even know anyone made 17" machines any more


555 Thanks. I would have needed a faster, newer machine. The 4 brands I mentioned still make them. As of right now, the 3 year onsite warranty still dragging me along.

If your friend can install an SSD, upgrade the ram and install 64 bit Win10, it will be a strong machine still.


It's a bit of a niche market as they are heavy to lug around and only useful to persons who need to lug them around and don't have access to external monitors.

When buying decide whether you need a games oriented (powerful graphics - bulkier) or a business oriented machine? There are many more options available on the global market than sold locally including some specialised build your own models such as by Origin.

Latest CPU's, memory also will speed you up better than any old laptop can manage.

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