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Military junta now chases progress in stripping of Thaksin’s police rank

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The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Another important matter dealt with. Must have been a festering sore on someone's rear end.

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Uncle Rubl...it is understood by everyone that Thaksin was convicted and has fled. There is no need to preface every comment about him with 'criminal fugitive'. You have made that point 3 or 400 times already.

It is obvious, if you read the postings, that some people still need reminding.


Your posts are balanced and points well made. I agree with your sentiments. The one error is in stating PTP were elected by a majority of the voters is incorrect. They received the largest minority and were asked to form a government on that basis. That large minority of votes actually translated into a massive majority of seats in parliament. That's is where people often get the idea a clear majority voted for them, which wasn't the case.

PTP certainly did nothing to fight corruption of tackle trafficking despite YL being on record stating there was no corruption in her government and that her government made in roads on the trafficking problems. Lies as usual. Having removed a failing caretaker government the onus was and is on the Junta to deliver the promised reforms including a clean up.

The rank issue is neither here or there. The law at the time was clear in dealing with convicted police and their rank. The police, who we all know, are heavily pro Shin, did nothing about it. The current COP has tried his best to do nothing and having tried to wriggle out then tried ignoring it. This is more a battle of wills - the government trying to force the police to follow and enforce the law. The police do not want to do something to a major patron whose clan may be in a position of power again sometime.

They are oblivious to how this makes them look to the outside world. But when you look at how Koh Tao, the Karronwit gun fiasco, the Billionaire unusual death and share transfer, the Blue Diamond, various unsolved missing and murdered people cases, it's obvious they don't actually give a shit what anyone thinks and want to do as they please as they always have.

"The one error is in stating PTP were elected by a majority of the voters is incorrect. They received the largest minority and were asked to form a government on that basis."

This is nitpicking. The PTP received most of the votes and on that basis formed a government. This is exactly how it is done in every democracy.

As far as the BIB go a complete reform/reset of the whole organization is one of the biggest and most important issues Thailand is facing, and yet Uncle Too leaves this for the next elected government??

He is all powerful due to article 44 and he doesn't want to do it? Anyone who does not find that worthy of criticism has completely lost it.

Sorry about your comprehension problem.

Most of the votes is not the same as majority of the votes. Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong.

The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?


So wow Junta they stop his pension chase progress in stripping his rank as an ex PM well that will down his private jet for a day or so then, whoever thought of this lunatic scheme should have his rank stripped and hand back all the gleaming medals he has on his chest, and these are the nutters running the country do they not realise Thaksin is gone no longer here in Thailand moved away lives in another country so maybe time to forget general.


"Whichever group leads the pack when the transition has been completed will have dibs on the trough for decades."

Shocking! You seem to include Thaksin the Saviour and his democratically elected government as well.

Where are reforms when you need them?

Anyway, the RTP still hesitant to take the rank of a criminal fugitive. Maybe some can easily see themselves in similar position?

So why don't the reformers do something about it............not to mention the other high profile police issues recently which have been conveniently ignored by the reformers in the NCPO. TS police rank is far more important haha A guy out of the country for the thick end of 8 years and that is the most important thing for them to deal with....

Well, I doubt it the most important thing for them. It's just one of those things and the thing that seems to annoy some posters the most.

Taking the Police Rank from a criminal fugitive though is obviously not important, at least not important enough to wave a magic wand

I doubt anyone in here gives a toss whether he losses his rank at all, and i don't see many posts arguing that it would not be appropriate to for him to lose his rank. The overall comments seem to be are there not more important things to be doing?

I beg to differ. The comments and diversions show that some people seem to care a lot for whatever reason.


OK, I understand.

I was not debating wether it is a just law or not, however it is the law, so why, given the drastic consequences, do some Thais continue to flaunt it?

Are they really in need of attention, are they mentally deficient, or is there some other valid reason, that I may have overlooked, to justify their actions?

The bottom line is, those who do not agree with the law (and I am sure that there are many) should use the system in place, to try to change it, just as they must do with any other law that they do not agree with.

It does seem like quite an easy one to comply with, though, and almost everybody does comply, so again, why would anyone choose to deliberately flaunt it?

There is ZERO potential upside in doing so.

So yes, technically it is a law, and as I said, it is a tool of oppression... of free speech and human rights. It's meant to stifle debate and stop criticism - not of the monarchy, but of people who wrap themselves in patriotism.

But your point about compliance with or flaunting of the "law" is an interesting question. Why do people do it?

I would answer that most of them do not 'flaunt' the law.

Consider any other law - something simple like speeding. go too fast, get a ticket.

Describe that simplicity with LM. It's impossible.

It's impossible because LM isn't about what you said or did, it is about how someone else feels about what you said or did...

And that is a critical difference between LM and any other normal law.

It is also the difference that allows it to be used to silence opposition and oppress human rights in Thailand.

Consider recent convictions - students in a play. A taxi driver talking with his cab fare. A fellow with mental problems. A mother of 2 with FB postings. An elderly janitor who criticized the current 'PM' in bathroom graffiti, ... Even a woman who dressed in black in her FB profile picture in during the month of December was accused of LM...

Since the coup, the number of cases has skyrocketed and they are being tried in military courts. These military courts are now dishing out unheard of penalties.

This is not a normal "law" and everyone accused of it is being harassed. Everyone imprisoned under it is a political prisoner.

I would claim that it is not the people who are accused and convicted who flaunt the law, but those who apply it.

Yes, but each and every one of the people you have referred too have all intentionally written, spoken in public and or, posted on social media, derogatory statements against those that the law is there to protect, while knowing full well of the consequences.

So why were they compelled to do this? And why do you believe, that after deliberately committing the offence, that they should be sparred of any punishment for what they did?

Are you trying to say that there are many cases where people have been convicted of the offence, but that they were actually not guilty of committing the offence in the first place?

I have not become aware of any case where the perpetrator was convicted unjustly, and in fact, most of the perpetrators have plead guilty and confessed that they did indeed commit the offence.

So we are back to the same place, that is, if enough people think that the law is unjust, then it must be dealt with through the proper channels.

I do believe however, that there are just as many people, or more, that believe that it is a just law, and should be enforced vigorously.

So no matter what your argument is, I don't see you making any headway from a philosophical point of view. The law is the law, and should be enforced, until such time as the powers that be, decide to repeal it.

Until then, it would be advisable for all parties to comply. I think that the recent sentences have made it very very clear, that it is just not worth it to to do otherwise.


The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

What the kvetchers are missing is 1) corruption and class privilege is as much an issue as the economy, if not moreso; 2) the powerful message stripping him of his rank would send (it would've been much more powerful if it had happened much sooner) ... And it IS THE Justice Ministry we're talking about. If the RTP can't take care of this themselves (which of course they're not going to do; that was a foregone conclusion), then turning it over to the Justice Ministry would be the logical next step. Talking about "other priorities" is just the usual lame attempt to deflect the discussion. 'A rhetorical last resort. THAT'S what speaks volumes ...


Your posts are balanced and points well made. I agree with your sentiments. The one error is in stating PTP were elected by a majority of the voters is incorrect. They received the largest minority and were asked to form a government on that basis. That large minority of votes actually translated into a massive majority of seats in parliament. That's is where people often get the idea a clear majority voted for them, which wasn't the case.

PTP certainly did nothing to fight corruption of tackle trafficking despite YL being on record stating there was no corruption in her government and that her government made in roads on the trafficking problems. Lies as usual. Having removed a failing caretaker government the onus was and is on the Junta to deliver the promised reforms including a clean up.

The rank issue is neither here or there. The law at the time was clear in dealing with convicted police and their rank. The police, who we all know, are heavily pro Shin, did nothing about it. The current COP has tried his best to do nothing and having tried to wriggle out then tried ignoring it. This is more a battle of wills - the government trying to force the police to follow and enforce the law. The police do not want to do something to a major patron whose clan may be in a position of power again sometime.

They are oblivious to how this makes them look to the outside world. But when you look at how Koh Tao, the Karronwit gun fiasco, the Billionaire unusual death and share transfer, the Blue Diamond, various unsolved missing and murdered people cases, it's obvious they don't actually give a shit what anyone thinks and want to do as they please as they always have.

"The one error is in stating PTP were elected by a majority of the voters is incorrect. They received the largest minority and were asked to form a government on that basis."

This is nitpicking. The PTP received most of the votes and on that basis formed a government. This is exactly how it is done in every democracy.

As far as the BIB go a complete reform/reset of the whole organization is one of the biggest and most important issues Thailand is facing, and yet Uncle Too leaves this for the next elected government??

He is all powerful due to article 44 and he doesn't want to do it? Anyone who does not find that worthy of criticism has completely lost it.

Sorry about your comprehension problem.

Most of the votes is not the same as majority of the votes. Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong.

The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?

"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"

    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?


"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"

    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?

I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4


Thaksin's police rank should never be mentioned together with his name as he has another rank that outweighs it. "CONVICTED CRIMINAL"


"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"

    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?

I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4

Just because you guys turn into total nitpicks in your hatred towards the bogeyman in Dubai does not alter the fact that the PTP won the last X elections with a wide margin. Oh, wait...one could actually say they got the majority of the votes!


The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Major hypocrite alert.

Remember when the lackey Paradorn was making the violence in the South a lot worse ?. What was the DEFENCE MINISTER Sukumpol spending his time doing ?.

Trying to find 30 year old papers to prove Abhisit avoided his draft so they could take away his rank.

This is exposing the rot in the police still goes right to the top. That in itself is useful. And you seriously think this guy's other job is managing the economy ?.

The ugliest part of this thread are those defending the louse in Dubai.


The economy is in tatters and this is their priority. Speaks ugly volumes.

Major hypocrite alert.

Remember when the lackey Paradorn was making the violence in the South a lot worse ?. What was the DEFENCE MINISTER Sukumpol spending his time doing ?.

Trying to find 30 year old papers to prove Abhisit avoided his draft so they could take away his rank.

This is exposing the rot in the police still goes right to the top. That in itself is useful. And you seriously think this guy's other job is managing the economy ?.

The ugliest part of this thread are those defending the louse in Dubai.

Please show us where anyone has defended the bogeyman in Dubai? You (like most of your fellow cheerleaders) take any criticism of the present leader as support of the bogeyman. It's really quite boring and utterly predictable.


This justice minister needs a good swift kick to the gonads and start doing his job and then.

Let's see him comment about the Koh Tao murders, the red bull heir killer, instead of trivial stuff like stripping a knob end of his police rank!!

Does thaksin insist people call him by his rank? He couldn't give a flying frak about his token rank, he's got enough money stashed away to worry about a police pension!!

Once again the junta can't stop putting thaksin into the limelight, worry more about the impending ICOA decision and focus more on reconciliation than chasing a has been waste of oxygen.

The economy is wobbling like a fat drunk but let's focus on thaksin instead!!

And yet you still have brainwashed farangs here who seem to think they're the answer to all of Thailands problems.

It's like they're punch drunk with power, and don't know what to do with it, arrest and detain dissenting students and prosecute those who sheltered them, but allow Suthep a pedestal to return to politics with their blessing!!

Mental !!!!

I don't think they are punch drunk. Was friends with a retired general and he was trained at Fort Bragg. He spoke excellent English and he knows the people trying to run the show right now. He didn't have much good to say about the intelligence of some and I will refrain to use his exact description, but he did say that they are just trying anything they can to control a chain of events that is likely to happen. A great deal of money seems to be at stake as does control of more. Pretty much shooting in the dark from what he explained in the hope of being in control and coming out well. Doesn't give one much confidence in how things will turn out.

Spot on indeed, it's all about the control

I don't think "love of country/Thailand" is a high priority. Me first society and amass as much money as possible and way possible.


Please show us where anyone has defended the bogeyman in Dubai? You (like most of your fellow cheerleaders) take any criticism of the present leader as support of the bogeyman. It's really quite boring and utterly predictable.

You have for a good section of this thread made false assertions about Thaksin's level of support. How is that criticism of the junta rather than defence of a criminal fugitive?


"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"

    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?

I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4

Just because you guys turn into total nitpicks in your hatred towards the bogeyman in Dubai does not alter the fact that the PTP won the last X elections with a wide margin. Oh, wait...one could actually say they got the majority of the votes!

basic English skills are beyond their grasp.

BTW, the last government coalition consisted of 6 parties with 299 out of 500 seats in parliament.

An outright majority of the seats, 265, went to the PTP party.

So what is the point these guys are trying to make, anyway???


A number of posts containing petty bickering and trolling have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;




  • 1.

    the greater number.

    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"


    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?

I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4

Just because you guys turn into total nitpicks in your hatred towards the bogeyman in Dubai does not alter the fact that the PTP won the last X elections with a wide margin. Oh, wait...one could actually say they got the majority of the votes!

basic English skills are beyond their grasp.

BTW, the last government coalition consisted of 6 parties with 299 out of 500 seats in parliament.

An outright majority of the seats, 265, went to the PTP party.

So what is the point these guys are trying to make, anyway???

that derailing topics with misinformation gets boring.

Why does a rich businessman residing in Dubai need a police rank?

He doesn't. Why does a former army general lack the guts to just take it away from him - as in article 44? whistling.gif

I think it's ALL about CYA.

What a society/culture.


"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"

    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?

I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4

Just because you guys turn into total nitpicks in your hatred towards the bogeyman in Dubai does not alter the fact that the PTP won the last X elections with a wide margin. Oh, wait...one could actually say they got the majority of the votes!

basic English skills are beyond their grasp.

BTW, the last government coalition consisted of 6 parties with 299 out of 500 seats in parliament.

An outright majority of the seats, 265, went to the PTP party.

So what is the point these guys are trying to make, anyway???

noun, plural majorities.


the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total(opposed to minority ):

the majority of the population.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the mathematical concept of majority.

A majority is a subset of a set consisting of more than half of the set's elements.

There you are. Some more help for all those whose grasp of English seems limited to what they'd like it to be; or just the part that they like.

The point is that PTP did not receive a majority of the votes. They did not receive over half. More people voted for other parties in total than voted for PTP. Sating that the majority of voters voted for PTP is incorrect and presents a false image.

They received the largest minority which translated into a majority of the seats in parliament.

This happens in other countries to, the recent UK election being a good example.

Continually claiming the majority of votes were for PTP creates the false impression that over half the Thai electorate voted for them, which is simply not true.


Should bad cops get striped of there rand or get transfered to another district so they can be bad cops again? No brainier.


"Not nitpicking just correcting something the Shin fan club often seem to get wrong"

Nope, it's nitpicking;

  1. 1.
    the greater number.
    "in the majority of cases all will go smoothly"

    larger part/number, greater part/number, best/better part, most

"The police have been corrupt, and in some cases encouraged by equally corrupt governments, for a great many years. So,please tell us how you would remedy this in the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too?"

In the sparrow's fart time you want the current government too - what does that even mean??? Are you saying that your favorite Uncle should not start reforming the police because he won't be in power for long? Haven't you read the news - he has graciously "offered" to stay in power until a new government is "elected" but that this might take a while. Please let us know why he then shouldn't start this most urgently needed reform?

I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4

Just because you guys turn into total nitpicks in your hatred towards the bogeyman in Dubai does not alter the fact that the PTP won the last X elections with a wide margin. Oh, wait...one could actually say they got the majority of the votes!

Having the correct facts isn't nitpicking.

PTP won the last election with the largest single minority vote which translated into a majority of parliamentary seats. They strengthened that majority by negotiating coalition deals with other minor parties. PTP subsequently dissolved parliament in response to mass protests primarily focused on an Amnesty bill which would have whitewashed Thaksin and given themselves immunity.

Since Thaksin was convicted and did a runner, the police have ignored the issue of stripping him of his rank as required by law. Is that surprising given the selective way laws are enforced by the police here?

No government this century has tackled reforming the police, the justice system or the civil service. Whether this government has the fortitude, stamina, appetite and very necessary support and backing to do so remains to be seen. But they have already brought more corrupt officers to justice, have more cases pending and have moved more to inactive or central duties whilst under investigation than their predecessors.


Most Thais couldn't care less about Thaksin, or his rank, it's the Junta sycophants who are mostly animated, as if stripping him of his rank is ever going to make their lives better!!


I see why you didn't post a link when

1.3 US The number by which votes for one candidate are more than those for all other candidates together. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/majority

And then of course


noun ma·jor·i·ty \mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group



Majority definition, the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total (opposed to minority) https://www.google.co.th/search?q=majority+def&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=6_fHVem3I8vhuQSe_YI4

Just because you guys turn into total nitpicks in your hatred towards the bogeyman in Dubai does not alter the fact that the PTP won the last X elections with a wide margin. Oh, wait...one could actually say they got the majority of the votes!

basic English skills are beyond their grasp.

BTW, the last government coalition consisted of 6 parties with 299 out of 500 seats in parliament.

An outright majority of the seats, 265, went to the PTP party.

So what is the point these guys are trying to make, anyway???

noun, plural majorities.


the greater part or number; the number larger than half the total(opposed to minority ):

the majority of the population.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the mathematical concept of majority.

A majority is a subset of a set consisting of more than half of the set's elements.

There you are. Some more help for all those whose grasp of English seems limited to what they'd like it to be; or just the part that they like.

The point is that PTP did not receive a majority of the votes. They did not receive over half. More people voted for other parties in total than voted for PTP. Sating that the majority of voters voted for PTP is incorrect and presents a false image.

They received the largest minority which translated into a majority of the seats in parliament.

This happens in other countries to, the recent UK election being a good example.

Continually claiming the majority of votes were for PTP creates the false impression that over half the Thai electorate voted for them, which is simply not true.

"Continually claiming the majority of votes were for PTP creates the false impression that over half the Thai electorate voted for them".

No, it does not create false impressions. Only the rabid cheerleaders claim so. Oh,,,now I see what you're doing. You are one of the elite few who see that this is a false impression and want to protect the masses from this - hence your nitpicking!

Not without parallel to what's going on on Thailand today. Thailand, and indeed this forum, is blessed with altruistic persons who can guide the masses as to what is a false impression, what parties not to vote for (or indeed, not vote at all) etc.


So many off topic posts on here about the definitions of a majority minority.

The Sycophants still don't get it that their beloved Dems FAILED to secure more votes than their rivals the PTP..

Being pedantic and playing on words still doesn't and never will make the Dems the winners of the last election.

PTP won more seats, they got to govern, they did so badly, and another coup happened and round and round and round it goes, all this he she/ she said minority/majority still cant see that it will never change till the Army stop stepping in and allow whatever version of a democracy the Thai people choose, is allowed to run its course, without the army interfering constantly.

How's the Jet ski scamming reforms coming along by the way? coffee1.gif


Clear sign how rotten corrupt is this police organisation,

each other fear them, that he might be a TS supporter,

and what , if - if TS would be back ??

so dont do anything - just wait -

hope this Guys are sacked too by gen Prayouth soon !!


So many off topic posts on here about the definitions of a majority minority.

The Sycophants still don't get it that their beloved Dems FAILED to secure more votes than their rivals the PTP..

Being pedantic and playing on words still doesn't and never will make the Dems the winners of the last election.

PTP won more seats, they got to govern, they did so badly, and another coup happened and round and round and round it goes, all this he she/ she said minority/majority still cant see that it will never change till the Army stop stepping in and allow whatever version of a democracy the Thai people choose, is allowed to run its course, without the army interfering constantly.

How's the Jet ski scamming reforms coming along by the way? coffee1.gif


And now the PM commits valuable resources which should be used to improve the economy. All of two government bureaucrats from the Ministry of Justice will not be looking at the economy now, although this being Thailand the number could be as high as a full dozen of course. Surely to allocate such vast part of government resource will doom Thailand. At least that seems to be what some here like to imply.

BTW like you I'm still waiting for former Dept. PM, Minister of Interior, Minister of Labour Pol Captain Chalerm to present his "Mission Accomplished" report on his 'veni, vidi, vici' 90-days project in Phuket.


Why does the stripping of this knob ends rank mean so much to the sycophants here? Will it make your lives here better?

Are you the kind of guys that only want to whine about upholding laws, when you more than likely see the laws being broken day in day out because you have political agendas?


Why does the stripping of this knob ends rank mean so much to the sycophants here? Will it make your lives here better?

Are you the kind of guys that only want to whine about upholding laws, when you more than likely see the laws being broken day in day out because you have political agendas?

So you approve of the rich and powerful being treated differently under the law than others?


"Continually claiming the majority of votes were for PTP creates the false impression that over half the Thai electorate voted for them".

No, it does not create false impressions. Only the rabid cheerleaders claim so. Oh,,,now I see what you're doing. You are one of the elite few who see that this is a false impression and want to protect the masses from this - hence your nitpicking!

Not without parallel to what's going on on Thailand today. Thailand, and indeed this forum, is blessed with altruistic persons who can guide the masses as to what is a false impression, what parties not to vote for (or indeed, not vote at all) etc.

Yep you got us, we are trying to enlighten the masses who read TVF.

So what is your reason for posting a lie and defending it to the death?

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