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Knife attacks kill 2 people at central Sweden Ikea store


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The London you describe is totally different to the one I know and work in every day, not in just one part, my job takes me all over..

Yes, there are areas where the majority are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants, but there are more where the majority are what is classified in the census as White British.

There are a large number of immigrants working in the NHS; from senior consultants through nurses to cleaners and porters. Just as well; the NHS would collapse without them! There are simply not enough British people training and entering the caring professions to replace those leaving through retirement etc., let alone cope with the increasing demand from an aging (mainly White British) population.

As for whether the patients are mainly immigrants or not; that obviously depends on the local population served by the hospital. But how do you know that most of them are immigrants? Did you visit every single ward to check on each and every patients ethnicity? If you did, how many hospitals and different localities did you include in your survey?

Your experience of entering the UK is very different to mine. Whenever I have done so; through LHR, Dover, via Eurostar etc., many, and sometimes all, of the immigration and customs officers have been white.

I haven't visited a UKVI PEO for some years, so can't comment on the ethnicity of their current staff.

Not that it matters.

Whatever a persons job, what does their colour and race have to do with anything? The important thing is whether or not they do their job properly. Only a racist would think a persons race and/or colour disqualified them from any job.

Obviously, language could be a disqualification; but anyone from outside the EEA applying to settle or work in the UK has to pass English tests.

I repeat: the overwhelming majority of immigrants, and their descendants, living in the UK, regardless of their ethnicity, country of origin or religion, have absolutely no desire to change British culture or the British way of life in any way.

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The London you describe is totally different to the one I know and work in every day, not in just one part, my job takes me all over..

Yes, there are areas where the majority are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants, but there are more where the majority are what is classified in the census as White British.

There are a large number of immigrants working in the NHS; from senior consultants through nurses to cleaners and porters. Just as well; the NHS would collapse without them! There are simply not enough British people training and entering the caring professions to replace those leaving through retirement etc., let alone cope with the increasing demand from an aging (mainly White British) population.

As for whether the patients are mainly immigrants or not; that obviously depends on the local population served by the hospital. But how do you know that most of them are immigrants? Did you visit every single ward to check on each and every patients ethnicity? If you did, how many hospitals and different localities did you include in your survey?

Your experience of entering the UK is very different to mine. Whenever I have done so; through LHR, Dover, via Eurostar etc., many, and sometimes all, of the immigration and customs officers have been white.

I haven't visited a UKVI PEO for some years, so can't comment on the ethnicity of their current staff.

Not that it matters.

Whatever a persons job, what does their colour and race have to do with anything? The important thing is whether or not they do their job properly. Only a racist would think a persons race and/or colour disqualified them from any job.

Obviously, language could be a disqualification; but anyone from outside the EEA applying to settle or work in the UK has to pass English tests.

I repeat: the overwhelming majority of immigrants, and their descendants, living in the UK, regardless of their ethnicity, country of origin or religion, have absolutely no desire to change British culture or the British way of life in any way.

Probably true but they aren't actually keen on adopting british culture either.

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There are a large number of immigrants working in the NHS; from senior consultants through nurses to cleaners and porters. Just as well; the NHS would collapse without them! There are simply not enough British people training and entering the caring professions to replace those leaving through retirement etc.,

I guess this is a side discussion, but whenever I hear that a particular field or entire country would collapse if it wasn't for immigrants saving us from total collapse, I get suspicious. Is it approached as a short term controlled patch or does it end up as a mantra for mission creep into a permanent strategy? Has anyone bothered to find out 'why' there are supposedly not enough British people training and entering the caring professions? Are immigrant staff here (at whatever level) on restricted stay contracts? Maybe there are simply too many questions to be answered on here and it would be deemed off topic eventually I guess, but I do wonder.

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As an example, the main problem with nursing is that the government only provides 20,000 nurse training places each year; despite there being 10 applicants for every place!

This is not enough to replace those leaving the profession through retirement etc. let alone cope with the increasing demand from an increasingly ageing population.

Yes, non EEA nationals working in most occupations, including nursing, are time limited on their stay in the UK.

But you are right; we are wandering far away from this topic. Better cease before we get our wrists slapped!

Happy to discuss this further in a new topic if anyone wants to, though.

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One troll post has been removed. Please keep personal comments directed at other posters out of the discussion. I strongly suggest you be civil and it might be a good idea to get back to the topic, however, that said if you wish to make comparisons about immigrants in countries that is acceptable.

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I hesitate to add a video by a Canadian Jewish conservative in the light of how liberals treat anything that contradicts their viewpoint. But here goes.

What I would like to know is just who is being protected by the establishment reaction to such crimes? Most European Countries have had supposedly random udders in broad daylight from migrants, or those of a migrant background. People are getting angry at the lack of response from their governments, which I suspect will lead to a state where no further immigration is allowed, all due to not addressing the problems mass immigration has caused.

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I hesitate to add a video by a Canadian Jewish conservative in the light of how liberals treat anything that contradicts their viewpoint. But here goes.

What I would like to know is just who is being protected by the establishment reaction to such crimes? Most European Countries have had supposedly random udders in broad daylight from migrants, or those of a migrant background. People are getting angry at the lack of response from their governments, which I suspect will lead to a state where no further immigration is allowed, all due to not addressing the problems mass immigration has caused.

You're certainly an expert for selecting and presenting content from the internet from organisations / people who's background deserve no respect whatsoever.

Edited by simple1
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I hesitate to add a video by a Canadian Jewish conservative in the light of how liberals treat anything that contradicts their viewpoint. But here goes.

What I would like to know is just who is being protected by the establishment reaction to such crimes? Most European Countries have had supposedly random udders in broad daylight from migrants, or those of a migrant background. People are getting angry at the lack of response from their governments, which I suspect will lead to a state where no further immigration is allowed, all due to not addressing the problems mass immigration has caused.

You're certainly an expert for selecting and presenting content from the internet from organisations / people who's background deserve no respect whatsoever.

Thank you for proving my point. There is actually little point in any further dialogue between multiculturalists and those trying to save their nation states. The quicker the nationalists win the less bloody the eventual denouement. All in my humble opinion.

P.s respect from those supporting an ideology I hold in contempt, thanks but no thanks.

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Well, considering the topic is not immigration and is about the knife murder and knife attack of innocent innocent Sweds, my question is: Have they gathered up all the knives from all Swedish household yet and melted them down? Each Swedish national will then be issued a plastic knife without a serrated edge. Plastic forks and spoons to follow. Only muslims will be allowed knives in order to accomplish ritual sacrifice, which of course will include use of knives and stones in other Sharia practices such as cutting of limbs, and of course for mutilating the genitals of young muslim women. Tough to do with a plastic knife without a serrated edge.

Edited by connda
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Well, considering the topic is not immigration and is about the knife murder and knife attack of innocent innocent Sweds, my question is: Have they gathered up all the knives from all Swedish household yet and melted them down? Each Swedish national will then be issued a plastic knife without a serrated edge. Plastic forks and spoons to follow. Only muslims will be allowed knives in order to accomplish ritual sacrifice, which of course will include use of knives and stones in other Sharia practices such as cutting of limbs, and of course for mutilating the genitals of young muslim women. Tough to do with a plastic knife without a serrated edge.

Althought not directly "OT", it is a question about about immigration (more precisely laws and regulations). If that guy had been thrown in jail while he waited deportation to Italy one woman and her son would still be alive.

And yes, the "knife ban" is textbook example of how socialists (very large majority of Sweden) think.

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Well, considering the topic is not immigration and is about the knife murder and knife attack of innocent innocent Sweds, my question is: Have they gathered up all the knives from all Swedish household yet and melted them down? Each Swedish national will then be issued a plastic knife without a serrated edge. Plastic forks and spoons to follow. Only muslims will be allowed knives in order to accomplish ritual sacrifice, which of course will include use of knives and stones in other Sharia practices such as cutting of limbs, and of course for mutilating the genitals of young muslim women. Tough to do with a plastic knife without a serrated edge.

Althought not directly "OT", it is a question about about immigration (more precisely laws and regulations). If that guy had been thrown in jail while he waited deportation to Italy one woman and her son would still be alive.

And yes, the "knife ban" is textbook example of how socialists (very large majority of Sweden) think.

Indeed what is the cost of all the bans, prohibitions, policing of Asylum hostels from 'dark forces' (read whites). Surely putting those turned down for residency in secure units would be the way to go, to protect them from dark forces of course.
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Latest news is the Swedish courts have released the 23year old migrant who accompanied the murderer as there is apparently not enough proof he was complicit and apparently didn't know the murderer very well.

At least should he pay another visit to Ikea the knifes are safely locked away.

As Ingrid Carlqvist has remarked she no longer lives in Sweden, she now lives in Absurdistan.

Edited by Steely Dan
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There are a large number of immigrants working in the NHS; from senior consultants through nurses to cleaners and porters. Just as well; the NHS would collapse without them! There are simply not enough British people training and entering the caring professions to replace those leaving through retirement etc.,

I guess this is a side discussion, but whenever I hear that a particular field or entire country would collapse if it wasn't for immigrants saving us from total collapse, I get suspicious. Is it approached as a short term controlled patch or does it end up as a mantra for mission creep into a permanent strategy? Has anyone bothered to find out 'why' there are supposedly not enough British people training and entering the caring professions? Are immigrant staff here (at whatever level) on restricted stay contracts? Maybe there are simply too many questions to be answered on here and it would be deemed off topic eventually I guess, but I do wonder.

I can only speak for London hospitals, of which I worked at many doing agency ( 1 year ) and one specialist hospital full time ( over 5 years ).

The hospital worked for many immigrants and I saw many of them in theatre. When they can't speak English well, or at all, it's a clue they aren't native British. There was even a scam by a certain ethnicity where foreigners that never paid a penny in tax would fly in, see a tame Dr and get signed into the NHS for free surgery. We were NOT ALLOWED to ask them if they were entitled to treatment!

I always thought that if they treated less immigrants they would need less nurses as would be less patients, but what do I know?

I know why there are few British people entering nursing ( can't speak for Drs )- it's because nursing is full of bullies and costs too much to train for what you earn now that they made it a degree course. When you trained in hospital and got paid there was never a shortage of trainees. The pity of it is that nursing is a TRADE, not a PROFESSION as the so called leaders of nursing ( I had no time for them with their obsession in raising their status ) want it to be. However, that is a subject for a different thread if at all.

The result was a shortage of British nurses, so they were recruiting African and Phillipino nurses to fill the gaps. After 5 years they got citizenship if they wanted it.

They used to get a lot of Australian nurses on working holidays, but they wouldn't work for the low hospital wages, and mainly worked agency. Then the government made the hospitals recruit permanent staff instead, so most of them stopped working as nurses, replaced by Africans and Phillipinos that would work for low wages.

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Well, considering the topic is not immigration and is about the knife murder and knife attack of innocent innocent Sweds, my question is: Have they gathered up all the knives from all Swedish household yet and melted them down? Each Swedish national will then be issued a plastic knife without a serrated edge. Plastic forks and spoons to follow. Only muslims will be allowed knives in order to accomplish ritual sacrifice, which of course will include use of knives and stones in other Sharia practices such as cutting of limbs, and of course for mutilating the genitals of young muslim women. Tough to do with a plastic knife without a serrated edge.

Althought not directly "OT", it is a question about about immigration (more precisely laws and regulations). If that guy had been thrown in jail while he waited deportation to Italy one woman and her son would still be alive.

And yes, the "knife ban" is textbook example of how socialists (very large majority of Sweden) think.

Not Socialists at all. Just nutters. Must be something to do with it being dark all winter.

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I know why there are few British people entering nursing ( can't speak for Drs )- it's because nursing is full of bullies and costs too much to train for what you earn now that they made it a degree course......

From The Daily Mail on why British NHS trusts need to recruit abroad (similar reports appeared in most UK newspapers last December; I chose the Mail so my source couldn't be accused of left wing bias!)

(Dr Peter Carter, the chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing ) added: "Individual trusts and hospitals are not responsible for commissioning the number of training places.

"That was taken out of their hands, that was done by the health authorities and now you have this shortfall.

"This is not the way to run a health service."

Dr Carter continued: "The Government has to take responsibility for their actions, they have got to get a grip."

There were 200,000 applicants for 20,000 training places a year, he said.

"We should increase the number of training places, we should welcome that fact that people want to be nurses, and we should embrace them."

(7by7 emphasis)

Ten applicants for each training place!

So how are British people being put of from entering the profession? Simple; 9 out of 10 who do want to can't due to the lack of suitable training places!

That is why trusts have to recruit form abroad.

Unless you know more about this than the chief executive of the RCN!

As for your other comments; I suggest that you acquaint yourself with the immigration rules and naturalisation requirements and current situation and policies before commenting on them!

Visitors to the UK are not entitled to NHS treatment, except initial treatment in A&E and a few other exceptions. Many hospitals in the past did not check on this as thoroughly as they should have done; but that has changed.

Work visas do not lead to citizenship after 5 years.

Tier 2 visas, which covers nurses, can be extended but holders are time limited to a maximum of 6 years in the UK.

One of the requirements for naturalisation is that the applicant has no time limit on their stay in the UK.

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Latest news is the Swedish courts have released the 23year old migrant who accompanied the murderer as there is apparently not enough proof he was complicit and apparently didn't know the murderer very well.

At least should he pay another visit to Ikea the knifes are safely locked away.

As Ingrid Carlqvist has remarked she no longer lives in Sweden, she now lives in Absurdistan.

Do you have a source for that?

If he has been released due to lack of evidence that he was involved, then that is surely due to the principle of innocent until proven guilty?

Unless you don't believe in that principle.

If an acquaintance of yours committed a crime in your presence, would you accept that you were equally guilty?

Carlqvist's comment was made over two years ago; nothing to do with this case. But, like all your favourite sources, as she is notorious for ignoring facts which disprove her prejudice nothing she says can be taken seriously by any except those who share her ignorant prejudices.

Unfortunately, empty vessels make the most noise so she, and those who share her views, attract the most attention.

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Latest news is the Swedish courts have released the 23year old migrant who accompanied the murderer as there is apparently not enough proof he was complicit and apparently didn't know the murderer very well.

At least should he pay another visit to Ikea the knifes are safely locked away.

As Ingrid Carlqvist has remarked she no longer lives in Sweden, she now lives in Absurdistan.

Do you have a source for that?

If he has been released due to lack of evidence that he was involved, then that is surely due to the principle of innocent until proven guilty?

Unless you don't believe in that principle.

If an acquaintance of yours committed a crime in your presence, would you accept that you were equally guilty?

Carlqvist's comment was made over two years ago; nothing to do with this case. But, like all your favourite sources, as she is notorious for ignoring facts which disprove her prejudice nothing she says can be taken seriously by any except those who share her ignorant prejudices.

Unfortunately, empty vessels make the most noise so she, and those who share her views, attract the most attention.

Try typing Swedish suspect released into google and then pick a source that gets past your mental firewall. P.S I fail to see what relevance the UK NHS has to an immigrant committing murder in Sweden, though if you are suggesting resources are stretched by demand I would observe immigration is a major cause of this. The Swedish health care system being another case study in decline through mismanagement.

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I hesitate to add a video by a Canadian Jewish conservative in the light of how liberals treat anything that contradicts their viewpoint. But here goes.

Ezra Levant; doesn't sound like a Native American name; must be an immigrant, send him home! (Sarcasm)

A man who has lost or settled out of court numerous libel cases brought against him.

A man who has been censured by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council.

Three examples from many:

  • after he told a Spanish guest on his show, in Spanish, to "go f*** your mother"
  • after he called Gypsies a race of criminals
  • after broadcasting as true information he should have known to be false, and which the minimum of verification would have shown to be false.

A trustworthy source; hardly!

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I hesitate to add a video by a Canadian Jewish conservative in the light of how liberals treat anything that contradicts their viewpoint. But here goes.

Ezra Levant; doesn't sound like a Native American name; must be an immigrant, send him home! (Sarcasm)

A man who has lost or settled out of court numerous libel cases brought against him.

A man who has been censured by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council.

Three examples from many:

  • after he told a Spanish guest on his show, in Spanish, to "go f*** your mother"
  • after he called Gypsies a race of criminals
  • after broadcasting as true information he should have known to be false, and which the minimum of verification would have shown to be false.

A trustworthy source; hardly!

Yes, the native americans did only benefit from immigration. They even have their own reservations now!

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Latest news is the Swedish courts have released the 23year old migrant who accompanied the murderer as there is apparently not enough proof he was complicit and apparently didn't know the murderer very well.

At least should he pay another visit to Ikea the knifes are safely locked away.

As Ingrid Carlqvist has remarked she no longer lives in Sweden, she now lives in Absurdistan.

Do you have a source for that?

If he has been released due to lack of evidence that he was involved, then that is surely due to the principle of innocent until proven guilty?

Unless you don't believe in that principle.

If an acquaintance of yours committed a crime in your presence, would you accept that you were equally guilty?

Carlqvist's comment was made over two years ago; nothing to do with this case. But, like all your favourite sources, as she is notorious for ignoring facts which disprove her prejudice nothing she says can be taken seriously by any except those who share her ignorant prejudices.

Unfortunately, empty vessels make the most noise so she, and those who share her views, attract the most attention.

13 August: Västmanland District Court decided just after 4.30pm that the 23-year-old should not remain in police custody while investigations continue.


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Try typing Swedish suspect released into google and then pick a source that gets past your mental firewall.

I did, and found this report dated 30/7/15 and others about a man suspected of murder in Syria

Others about a Swedish man released from prison in the US in January 2015.

Nothing about this case; even after putting in "IKEA knife attack suspect released" and similar variations!

Is it possible you have made a mistake?

Wouldn't be the first time you have read just the headline of an articles and not the whole text!

P.S I fail to see what relevance the UK NHS has to an immigrant committing murder in Sweden, though if you are suggesting resources are stretched by demand I would observe immigration is a major cause of this. The Swedish health care system being another case study in decline through mismanagement.

Simply replying to remarks from another poster.


Seems Simple1 had better luck than I!

But my remarks in my original response still stand; any response to those?

Edited by 7by7
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Try typing Swedish suspect released into google and then pick a source that gets past your mental firewall.

I did, and found this report dated 30/7/15 and others about a man suspected of murder in Syria

Others about a Swedish man released from prison in the US in January 2015.

Nothing about this case; even after putting in "IKEA knife attack suspect released" and similar variations!

Is it possible you have made a mistake?

Wouldn't be the first time you have read just the headline of an articles and not the whole text!

P.S I fail to see what relevance the UK NHS has to an immigrant committing murder in Sweden, though if you are suggesting resources are stretched by demand I would observe immigration is a major cause of this. The Swedish health care system being another case study in decline through mismanagement.

Simply replying to remarks from another poster.


Seems Simple1 had better luck than I!

But my remarks in my original response still stand; any response to those?

Yes, quit wallpapering.

My remarks on detaining those refused residency pending deportation may apply in this case and would have stopped a double murder in the case of the Eritrean our released friend accidentally went shopping with.


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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

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That's fine if you want to destroy the British way of life, not if you don't.

There are two types of immigrants, those that want to fit in with the native culture, and those that don't. It's when the majority of immigrants are opposed to everything that the natives hold dear that you have a problem, and that is more likely with a poorly educated Muslim immigrant than a highly educated, skilled non Muslim immigrant. If westerners in Saudi had behaved as disrespectfully as some Muslims do in Britain, they would have been deported pronto.

True. But also true is it's more likely (to have a problem) with a poorly educated non-Muslim than a highly educated, skilled Muslim.

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my remarks in my original response still stand; any response to those?

Yes, quit wallpapering.

Translation; I have no answer, so will ignore and deflect as usual!


ALL lives matter, whatever the race, colour, religion.

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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

Rise of fascism? Take off the tinfoil hatt :)

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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.


Swedish parliament

The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.

The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

Rise of fascism? Take off the tinfoil hatt smile.png

We will have to agree to disagree. Far right parties modify their manifesto to gain more traction in their attempt to gain power. The far right leadership has temporarily sublimated their aggression towards Jews, gays and other 'others'. Without doubt the far right, upon gaining power, would take off their masks and commence their journey of destruction.

Edited by simple1
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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.
Swedish parliament
The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.
The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

This is typical multiculturalist slander, mischaracterizing any nationalist movement that is concerned about spiraling levels of immigration as being far right. The Greek nationalists are of the left and many of the anti-immigration parties are centre right or even liberal in many of their policies. There is a clear ideological war going on with the meteoric rise of anti-immigration parties in Holland, France, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, the UK not forgetting Pergida in Germany. The left dishonestly smear all of these in the same way as they studiously ignore and malign any media voices speaking out against their dogma.

The truth of the matter is that the multicultural ideologues are implacably opposed to the idea of nation states, which they try to undermine by gnawing away at local democracy to be replaced by federalist diktat. Though they pay lip service to democracy they are totalitarian to their very core, which is why they side with foreign appeals to censorship and alien blasphemy laws. Currently the Austrian courts are pursuing Gert Wilders the leader of Hollands most popular party for remarks he made in Austria which upset some Muslims.
History won't be kind to the traitors and assassins of nation states, that's of course unless they win and erase their deeds from the history books.
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Here's some political fallout from events in Sweden.
Swedish parliament
The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats has become the largest party in Sweden according to one opinion poll that underscores the rise of nationalist groups across the traditional Nordic stronghold of social democracy.
The Sweden Democrats received 25.2 per cent in the YouGov poll for August, almost double their score in last September’s parliamentary elections and ahead of the governing Social Democrats on 23.4 per cent and the leading centre-right Moderates on 21 per cent.

My comment, already made here is the other parties have conspired to short circuit democracy by not dealing with the democrats, a little like the PVV in Holland

The parties are combining to keep out of power, to use your euphemism, nationalist, parties. They are fulfilling their role of protecting democracy by endeavouring to block the rise of fascism.

Rise of fascism? Take off the tinfoil hatt smile.png

We will have to agree to disagree. Far right parties modify their manifesto to gain more traction in their attempt to gain power. The far right leadership has temporarily sublimated their aggression towards Jews, gays and other 'others'. Without doubt the far right, upon gaining power, would take off their masks and commence their journey of destruction.
Many of the swarms of culture enrichers arriving in Europe have anything but sublimated their aggression towards Jews and gays, or indeed anyone who is 'other' in their eyes. My comments here are quantifiable fact, yours are scaremongering and will not be tested until the day an anti-immigration party comes to power.
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