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Email troubles persisting, Clinton camp reassures backers


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You can't make this stuff up...

Hillary had requested a book on how to delete email, permanently... clap2.gif



Tips on Deleting Emails From Email Book Hillary Clinton Wanted to Read

Not true,

and I quote from the abc news article you posted a link to.

"she asked to borrow a book called “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better,” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe."

it is not a book about "how to delete emails permanently" it is as the title implies a book on how to be better at sending emails , a skill we all need to be better at.

It might contain a chapter on how to delete emails as any good book on emails should but it also might contain a chapters on how to send cooking recopies via email

that fact makes it a book on how to delete emails as much as it makes it a cook book!

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All this noise about 'leaking' from the party which puts Reagan on a hero's pedestal. Reagan and reelection committee secretly communicated with the Iranians while the Iranians were keeping American hostages. By keeping Americans locked up in Teheran, the Iranians were keeping president Carter from having a chance at being reelected to a second term. Smart move by the Republican back-dealers. Right after Reagan was elected, Iran released the hostages. The icing on the cake (literally), besides the secret Iran-Contra dealings which circumvented Congress - was Reagan's Defense Secretary going to Iran, in person, to give the Ayotollah a chocolate cake in the shape of a Bible.

So now it's Reagans' fault Clinton covered up Benghazi? And lied to the American public? Maybe Reagan also sunk the Lusitania and killed Cock Robin.

My point, which you may have missed, is currently we have Republicans making a lot of noise about HRC supposedly leaking classified data (note: none of HRC's emails were marked 'classified' or 'eyes only'). I've read some of the emails which were published on NPR's site. There were mentions of the clothes she wore while meeting foreign dignitaries, and other such fluff. Yet, the same Reps who seem to worry about non-existent leaks, have no problem with one of their heroes, former Prez Reagan, being instrumental in keeping Americans locked up in Iran - long enough to enable Reagan to defeat Carter in the election of 1980.

If Republicans really gave a hoot about sensitive info leaking to America's enemies, there are a thousand indications of leaks staring them in the face (I could articulate, but you'd have to pay me CIA wages to list them) - .....but Reps don't care about real leaks. They're only focused on contrived possible leaks which might enable them to get in the White House again. Reps and Fox are playing a big ugly game. I can see it, can you?

It is also illegal for private citizens to negotiate with foreign governments as the Reagan election campaign did do throughout the race in 1980 and up to the inauguration.

I look forward to October 22 when former SecState Clinton goes to the US House to confront the Republican controlled Benghazi and email committee. SecState Clinton can begin to expose all the teabagger Republicans on the committee who are no different than Huckabee, Trump, Carson and the rest of the Republicans running for prez. Fringe far out rightwing wacko Republicans in the US House that are gerrymandered into their seats.

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It just keep getting worse for Clinton...

Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues


And this just in...

Judge orders State Department to probe Hillary Clinton’s ‘personal’ emails


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Did y'all see where it's over 60 classified emails uncoverd so far?

HillDog is going down...

Except one of the few people who has actually SEEN the emails (Senator Feinstein), says none of them were marked classified, and none of the emails in question were written by Clinton.
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State officials and the intelligence community are working to resolve questions about those and other emails with possible classified information, a process that isn’t likely to be completed until January.

Which won't stop Fox and their low information viewers from bleating on about it for the next five months.
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It just keep getting worse for Clinton...

Number of Hillary Clinton’s emails flagged for classified data grows to 60 as review continues


And this just in...

Judge orders State Department to probe Hillary Clinton’s ‘personal’ emails


Maybe it is "just in" to your inbox but the event was last week, on Wednesday and Thursday, reported in media back then. So do try to keep up plse thx.

DepState meanwhile told the judge it has no authority to do as the Plaintiff demands and that the emails are the emails removed by deletion.

DepState advised the judge that....

“The Department does not believe that a reasonable search for records responsive to plaintiff’s FOIA request requires a search of former Secretary Clinton’s server,” the status report says.

“Former Secretary Clinton has declared under penalty of perjury that these materials constitute all of her e-mails on clintonemail.com that were or potentially were federal records,” the report says. “Accordingly, the department reasonably believes that further searches of the original repository of these materials [Clinton’s server] will not result in additional responsive materials.”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/422583/hillary-clinton-email-server-state-department-refuses-search

"Plaintiff" referred to in the DepState report is the rightwing group Judicial Watch.

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When you don't have anything (and the Republicans got nothing) you're constantly grasping at straws. HRC said it like it is, this email nonsense is all about politics. We'll be hearing all about this for the next year because the Republicans don't have anything else to fight with.

Every single issue the Republicans stand for (ending Obamacare, prohibiting abortion, war and more war) is unpopular with the majority electorate. So...go after HRC for this email nonsense.

Donald Trump is pulling away as the front-runner for the GOP. clap2.gif He's an unelectable buffoon and the rest of them are as well. Stick to the plan...demonize Hillary.

The Republicans have shown themselves incapable of governing. Government is bad so simply don't govern. Work on changing the decided laws, they don't like making planned parenthood, social security and gay marriage the issue. This will appeal to the base and get the GOP nomination. Going far right isn't where the electorate is. Doesn't matter, go far right and get the nomination.

The lemmings are walking off a cliff. coffee1.gif

"The lemmings are walking off a cliff"

Should we follow them? Surely millions of lemmings can't be wrong!


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State officials and the intelligence community are working to resolve questions about those and other emails with possible classified information, a process that isn’t likely to be completed until January.

Which won't stop Fox and their low information viewers from bleating on about it for the next five months.

Heh...as we all are too aware of, the real LIV's are those who voted for the failed community agitator to begin with.

And, to compound their collective (intended) stupidity, they voted the loser in again! bah.gif

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Oh please, how many scandals have been circling the Dems and the current administration for the last 7 years... Let us count the ways... coffee1.gif

Republicans have decided to proceed but to do it by hook or by crook which is their predictable M.O. that everyone expects. Republicans and the far right that controls the party have no issues to put before the electorate, which is also nothing new. So it's the usual by hook or by crook.

but that also applies to people like you who want to see her in the White House by hook or by crook? I mean how low should the bar be regarding the integrity and honesty of the person holding the office of president of the USA?

Republicans and the rightwingnuts led by the mass of the highly financed wingnut media have every interest in seeing Mrs Clinton out of the race. Everything so far comes from the rightwingnut mass of well funded media and their lieges.

The inspectors general are examining the classification systems and schemes of documents and the Justice Department is providing requested assistance, to include the FBI which is not examining or investigating any one person or persons. There are no criminal charges and there is no criminal anything.

The scandals are emblematic of a feeble, exhausted political bureaucracy, on both the part of the Democrats and the Republican establishment. Crookedness, deceit, lies, fabrication, deception, and duplicity are their bread and butter. And the Clintons absolutely wallow in it. This is all they know how to do. The Democrats have no answer other than to nod and deny, because their only alternative is more exhausted feebleness. From the septuagenarian Bernie Sanders to the other septuagenarian Joe Biden. The hectoring ole granny, Clinton, is actually the youngest of the lot, and she would be nearly 70 were she to be elected and take office. It's shameful to see a political party hamstring itself with a bunch of doddering old people without any energy or bold ideas. For that, there is only one person. Trump! The Republican establishment is horrible. But the Democrats resemble the old Soviet Politburo under Brezhnev. They're just one step from the grave, where their actual political ideas have already been disposed of.

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