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Immigration Jails German Viagra Dealer


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Sad funny story......

Very stupid retailling in Pattaya..... why do all criminals always fall foul of GREED :D

By the by the law he's breaking is the one that registers pharmacists and allows only qualified ones to sell proscribed drugs. This as anywhere in the world is to prevent quacks giving out harmful medicines.

As to V8's and souped up taxi drivers........aren't the rules of the road such that eventually you gracefully retire and garage the car ( maybe occasionally giving it a polish :o ) and not keep blazing away until you finally blow a gasket :D

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“selling modern medicine without permit”.

Sounds like it was the real stuff.

Herr Rubbery got greedy and sold to a Thai.


Not very smart of him.

No matter how good the Pharma is you have to wait 3-4 years to get it approved and grease a lot of palms on the way. :o

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:o Look's like this is the exact reason they are changing the visa rules. Dummies like this make us all look bad. Ten to One he has no work permit/visa ....To be unaware of the law is no excuse................... :D

Can you get a work permit for peddling drugs???


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cricky's mate, :D

i necked a handful of that cats viagra about 12 months ago and still got a raging hard on.

jes--us frigging christ friends,

im glad the cops got that punter as you dont need a boner for 12 months do you.? :D

a dude has to eat after all.

cheers friends :o

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But did he have a work permit?

Personally, I came to Thailand to live a quiet and peaceful life in the country I love. Beforehand, I worked and saved to ensure I could afford to do so, and as such I have few problems living here. I've been asked often why I don't open a school, or teach English, but I didn't come here to work, and don't have a work permit so I don't. I do however give assistance to those who request it on a personal basis, but not for any monetary gain. School kids needing help with their English studies, teachers trying to improve their skills, or just persons with a friend or spouse from abroad who needs help reading or writing a letter. That's the extent of my involvement, and as all I do is free and time permitting, I live very happily here. Don't use ignorance of the law as an excuse, as one should check out the laws, especially in another country, before trying to perform business activities. Anyone from a developed world country should know and understand that.

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Upon questioning Mr. Geisler he bluntly told the police that Thai men need to increase their sexual activeness

Now that's tickled me. Talk about tact!

And what about the evidence at the local cop shop? Bet the local working girls are in for a hard time. :o

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Read your retort and thought you all might like to read this one.

!!!!!!!Huge pot farm raided in O.C.!!!!!!!!

Growers apparently tapped water supply of Mission Viejo gated community.

The Orange County Register


Authorities are calling it the largest pot bust in Orange County history.

Somehow, 18,000-20,000 marijuana plants grew undiscovered in the shadow of multimillion-dollar homes in the Stoneridge Estates, a gated community that borders O'Neill Regional Park.

Authorities discovered the pot farm Monday during a routine helicopter flyover and began ripping out the plants on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The growers had tapped into the homeowners association main water line, running an extensive irrigation system throughout the canyon to water the plants.

Orange County sheriff's deputies found plants in seven to eight parcels, some as large as half a football field.

"This could be part of a larger cartel based on the sophistication of the irrigation system," sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino said. "This is not a Mickey Mouse operation."

The pot find follows a Sept. 9 discovery of a 3,800-plant marijuana farm hidden six miles in from Silverado Canyon Road in Cleveland National Forest. Authorities aren't sure if the two busts are connected.

Deputies believe there may be additional groves undiscovered on the ridge that they will deal with today, Amormino said.

Originally, authorities estimated they spotted about 200-400 plants from the air but have since chopped down nearly 10 times that amount, said Amormino.

Authorities estimate the plants are worth around $12.5 million. They were growing on a slope directly below the Stoneridge Estates where Sunrise Court dead-ends and becomes steep wilderness parkland.

Officers arrived Tuesday afternoon, cut down and airlifted 3,500 plants before the sun set. They returned Wednesday morning and started traversing the area looking for additional groves. Throughout the afternoon, the totals kept rising as more plants – some as tall as 20 feet high – were discovered.

Neighbors were stunned.

"I was shocked that it could be behind my backyard," said Jennifer Peel, 39, who lives two houses away from the cul-de-sac where the plants were found. "It's amazing that you could grow it to those lengths and no one would notice."

Deputies found cots and two .22 caliber rifles in an area where they believe the growers harvested and cleaned the marijuana. Though no arrests have been made, authorities say they are confident the physical evidence they've found will yield some results.

"We'll be making arrests in the next week," Orange County Sheriff Mike Corona announced at a news conference Wednesday.

As night approached Wednesday, narcotics officers continued airlifting bundles of plants to the top of the ridge. Grabbing them by the armful, deputies shoved the plants into brown bags to be weighed and cataloged at a makeshift command post set up at the dead end on Sunshine Court while residents looked on.

Lisa Mulato, 43, has lived at Stoneridge for a year and has three children ages 10-14. Though neighbors had agreed not to go down into the cul-de-sac because of snakes, mountain lions and steep terrain, she said her children have gone down into the canyon before. Her 13-year-old son, Bobby, told her he and his friends had recently seen some "weird things" around where the pot was found.

"We thought it was landscaping guys," Mulato said. "Little did we know they were tapping into our water supply and growing pot."

Peel, who lives in Stoneridge with her five children, said she didn't realize what was happening and thought there might be a mountain lion spotting or someone missing.

"It's sad and unsettling because we're now realizing how big this is," Simone Chapman, 39, a six-year resident, who has three children, said. "Now my kids are asking questions like, 'How do you smoke it?' "

:o how do you smoke it :D

:D Grasshopper

Orange County ?...............what part of Thailand is that. :D

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A freind of mine used to be in this type of business.. only not selling it to consumers.. selling it to the pharmacies.

He would go to India and stock up, come back to Thailand and triple his money in Pattaya at a pharmacy.

Alarm bells should have gone off in his head as soon as a bunch of Thais wanted some.

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Anybody who needs Viagra in Thailand is seriously impaired. Boiled rice and fish sauce should be enough in a country of young lovelies.

These older square heads need to get fit and lose the massive guts they carry. Then they may actually see their equipment and observe its condition.

If you are fit and healthy, bread and water should be sufficient for performance and all these big dick juices do is enhance some losers self esteem while getting his yearly dose of pussy.

The Viagra pill gives the mirage that you are actually sexually functional. For these withered members it is like putting a turbo charged V8 under the hood of a clapped out Bangkok taxi.

Sooner or later you are going to blow a gasket.

Yeh ! but what a way to go. :o

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Pattaya Immigration arrested Viagra dealer


PATTAYA CITY: -- On 22 September 2006, at 01.00 a.m. Police General Ittipol Ittisaranchai, Chief of Pattaya Immigration Department, Police Lieutenant General Thanaphan Promsuk together with team of Officers arrested Mr. Geisler Heinz Robery, aged 50, German Nationality in front of Hous Munchen restaurant, in Pattaya Naklua Road.

Police General Ittitpol of the Pattaya Immigration Department received a report from an undercover officer that a foreigner named Mr. Geisler who’s making monkey business on Viagra pills in the city.-- Pattaya Daily News 2006-09-23

Police were swollen with pride after their arrest.

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:o Look's like this is the exact reason they are changing the visa rules. Dummies like this make us all look bad. Ten to One he has no work permit/visa ....To be unaware of the law is no excuse................... :D

Agree. The thrust of the matter is that selling medicinal drugs is illegal. This gentleman will be getting the shaft now, for sure. What is he: nuts? Reportedly, the police had been looking long and hard for him, too!

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