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More than 900,000 Brits visit Thailand even though it's regarded as dangerous


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"It won't happen to me. Things like that happen to other people"

I reckon this is the default setting.

And there are many more who would come if the Thai Embassy wern't such a bunch of to deal with. Friends of mine have had two trips so far and told only half of what they reuire paperwork wise and now making a third trip to get extended visas and they are travelling 200 mile round trips each time. Why because the consulates have been stopped from issuing some types of visa. They do the same for us here in Pattaya at immigration, you take the paperwork they ask for but then when you go they have changed some of the rules so you have to get more paperwork. One that gets me they tell you to get two copies of each and then give you the second copy back

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Thailand itself is not dangerous, the issue is really the type of tourist/tourism and the kind of activities they plan to embark on, on arrival in Thailand. Hiring Mopeds and motorbike when you don't ride one at home, and the deciding it's OK for example to add risk on risk by not bothering to wear a crash helmet or perhaps riding back to your room from the bar after a few too many? No consideration that driving standards on the part of locals in a developing country are way below what one might expect in the high street in their local town back in the UK. Excessive drinking. Taking drugs at "full moon parties", and wondering off alone in a secluded place, picking up tran-sexuals, or ladies of the night....the list doesn't end there. There is also what might seem like more socially acceptable pursuits, diving, bungeeing, rafting, kayaking, cuddling tigers the list goes on and on. The fact is Thailand is one of the most EXCITING places in the world where tourist can indulge themselves in just about whatever takes their fancy with few restrictions, and in businesses that face few regulations. This is what makes Thailand a fantastic place to visit. If your not an idiot and can temper your excitement with just a little common sense. The editor of The Mirror is just yet another one of these idiots who probably wouldn't have enough self control to step outside his socialist nanny state, wet dream known as The UK.

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The press always make the public paranoid about any terror bombs.muggings drug dealers .gangs and even wearing a seat belt. Bad things happen !!! its part of life . LIVE LIFE TO THE FULL .LET EVERYONE ELSE DO THE WORRYING, F*** THE TERRORISTS THE MUGGERS AND THE SEAT BELTS

Bad news sells papers. Good news doesn't

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Thailand itself is not dangerous, the issue is really the type of tourist/tourism and the kind of activities they plan to embark on, on arrival in Thailand. Hiring Mopeds and motorbike when you don't ride one at home, and the deciding it's OK for example to add risk on risk by not bothering to wear a crash helmet or perhaps riding back to your room from the bar after a few too many? No consideration that driving standards on the part of locals in a developing country are way below what one might expect in the high street in their local town back in the UK. Excessive drinking. Taking drugs at "full moon parties", and wondering off alone in a secluded place, picking up tran-sexuals, or ladies of the night....the list doesn't end there. There is also what might seem like more socially acceptable pursuits, diving, bungeeing, rafting, kayaking, cuddling tigers the list goes on and on. The fact is Thailand is one of the most EXCITING places in the world where tourist can indulge themselves in just about whatever takes their fancy with few restrictions, and in businesses that face few regulations. This is what makes Thailand a fantastic place to visit. If your not an idiot and can temper your excitement with just a little common sense. The editor of The Mirror is just yet another one of these idiots who probably wouldn't have enough self control to step outside his socialist nanny state, wet dream known as The UK.

Ah I missed you the "nanny state" guy your favorite phrase. I seldom agree with you but must agree with your post to some extent as we live life on the edge now and seem to have absolved ourselves of common sense.

Signed Me

A worker who retired from "The System" with a slim "government" pension. I think the link and story herein might be of interest to you. If you think we have a nanny state now well hold onto your britches look at what is coming down the road. thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Will Robots Create Good Jobs? http://a.msn.com/00/en-ca/BBlMLuE?ocid=se I found this story missed two important features 1. our population and thus the work force is still growing when jobs will be shrinking and the commentators at the end did not sound to hopeful. 2. I peed myself laughing when they talked about how benevolent employers must "nurture" or something similar their workers and channel them into new challenging jobs. Pick me out one employer in the world today who fits this description. As the Bad Boy in Toronto used to say "Nobody!!!" Pass the Soylent Green

Edited by elgordo38
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Please tell me some where in the world that is safe.


Even Singapore has its problems (we had a riot when an Indian migrant worker got run over/killed less than 1km away from my condo) & on any trip on the MRT you'll see the videos about needing to be vigilant about unattended bags etc...

But Crimewatch there will only show the theft of a bicycle or O$P$ money lender graffiti type stuff (my favorite one was the "Major Car Ringing Gang" who managed to steal 3 cars [emoji15]) this despite the fact that I know a bus driver had his head caved in by a spanner (you simply don't carry guns or knives in Singapore unless you want to do serious time behind bars) as my Ms was in the bus at the time.

I like their thinking on carrying guns or knives.

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Life is dangerous (it usually ends up deadly), and Thailand is a good place to die. Better than the virtual paradise in Soylent Green.

UK government should give away one-way tickets to all pensioners.

Edited by micmichd
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I think its the Daily Mirror that is running a story line today about the dark side of Thailand the murders rapes mafia usual stuff I am sure this will make first time visitors think twice about visiting Thailand but wont put off the seasoned visitors to Thailand because we know all the dark side already.

That rag could do same for another 50 destinations with ease - Mexico? any place North Africa? continue the list.

I understand that the recent bombing gives them an excuse to go all the way demonizing Thailand to the glee of many members here lol

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aint no worse than a night out in hull

A little of topic - but that's the scariest place in Britain I've been.

One of my mates from Glasgow went there to carry out a due diligence. Went for a walk after dinner and nipped in a pub for a pint. After a while a guy came in with a baseball bat and walloped some bloke sitting drinking. Then just walked out. No one batted an eyelid or took any real notice. The landlord walked over to my mate and said sorry about that, Thursday night can get lively. Would you like a refill. My mate declined and legged it,

Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Walsall and Peckham - not as rough or bleak as Hull IME.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Thailand itself is not dangerous, the issue is really the type of tourist/tourism and the kind of activities they plan to embark on, on arrival in Thailand. Hiring Mopeds and motorbike when you don't ride one at home, and the deciding it's OK for example to add risk on risk by not bothering to wear a crash helmet or perhaps riding back to your room from the bar after a few too many? No consideration that driving standards on the part of locals in a developing country are way below what one might expect in the high street in their local town back in the UK. Excessive drinking. Taking drugs at "full moon parties", and wondering off alone in a secluded place, picking up tran-sexuals, or ladies of the night....the list doesn't end there. There is also what might seem like more socially acceptable pursuits, diving, bungeeing, rafting, kayaking, cuddling tigers the list goes on and on. The fact is Thailand is one of the most EXCITING places in the world where tourist can indulge themselves in just about whatever takes their fancy with few restrictions, and in businesses that face few regulations. This is what makes Thailand a fantastic place to visit. If your not an idiot and can temper your excitement with just a little common sense. The editor of The Mirror is just yet another one of these idiots who probably wouldn't have enough self control to step outside his socialist nanny state, wet dream known as The UK.

Ah I missed you the "nanny state" guy your favorite phrase. I seldom agree with you but must agree with your post to some extent as we live life on the edge now and seem to have absolved ourselves of common sense.

Signed Me

A worker who retired from "The System" with a slim "government" pension. I think the link and story herein might be of interest to you. If you think we have a nanny state now well hold onto your britches look at what is coming down the road. thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Will Robots Create Good Jobs? http://a.msn.com/00/en-ca/BBlMLuE?ocid=se I found this story missed two important features 1. our population and thus the work force is still growing when jobs will be shrinking and the commentators at the end did not sound to hopeful. 2. I peed myself laughing when they talked about how benevolent employers must "nurture" or something similar their workers and channel them into new challenging jobs. Pick me out one employer in the world today who fits this description. As the Bad Boy in Toronto used to say "Nobody!!!" Pass the Soylent Green

The only thing that the automation of production is going to do is make those in a position of economic power even less socially responsible than they are today, and those in a position of economic weakness with knowhere to turn. Whats most likely for the future of mankind based on the past is a decline of the current social paradigms (democracy, capitalism, socialism, first world, third world...etc) into some form of social chaos that will last a a few generations before society as a whole finds a use for a population of 7 Billion or self regulates and wipes a large percentage of that population out. The reality is that with most species at some point a viable population ends up looking like an infestation, and infestations usually destroy the host thus destroying the viability of such a sizeable population. And humans think they are so clever, elevated from the animal plane apparently.

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Thailand itself is not dangerous, the issue is really the type of tourist/tourism and the kind of activities they plan to embark on, on arrival in Thailand. Hiring Mopeds and motorbike when you don't ride one at home, and the deciding it's OK for example to add risk on risk by not bothering to wear a crash helmet or perhaps riding back to your room from the bar after a few too many? No consideration that driving standards on the part of locals in a developing country are way below what one might expect in the high street in their local town back in the UK. Excessive drinking. Taking drugs at "full moon parties", and wondering off alone in a secluded place, picking up tran-sexuals, or ladies of the night....the list doesn't end there. There is also what might seem like more socially acceptable pursuits, diving, bungeeing, rafting, kayaking, cuddling tigers the list goes on and on. The fact is Thailand is one of the most EXCITING places in the world where tourist can indulge themselves in just about whatever takes their fancy with few restrictions, and in businesses that face few regulations. This is what makes Thailand a fantastic place to visit. If your not an idiot and can temper your excitement with just a little common sense. The editor of The Mirror is just yet another one of these idiots who probably wouldn't have enough self control to step outside his socialist nanny state, wet dream known as The UK.

Ah I missed you the "nanny state" guy your favorite phrase. I seldom agree with you but must agree with your post to some extent as we live life on the edge now and seem to have absolved ourselves of common sense.

Signed Me

A worker who retired from "The System" with a slim "government" pension. I think the link and story herein might be of interest to you. If you think we have a nanny state now well hold onto your britches look at what is coming down the road. thought you would be interested in this story I found on MSN: Will Robots Create Good Jobs? http://a.msn.com/00/en-ca/BBlMLuE?ocid=se I found this story missed two important features 1. our population and thus the work force is still growing when jobs will be shrinking and the commentators at the end did not sound to hopeful. 2. I peed myself laughing when they talked about how benevolent employers must "nurture" or something similar their workers and channel them into new challenging jobs. Pick me out one employer in the world today who fits this description. As the Bad Boy in Toronto used to say "Nobody!!!" Pass the Soylent Green

The only thing that the automation of production is going to do is make those in a position of economic power even less socially responsible than they are today, and those in a position of economic weakness with knowhere to turn. Whats most likely for the future of mankind based on the past is a decline of the current social paradigms (democracy, capitalism, socialism, first world, third world...etc) into some form of social chaos that will last a a few generations before society as a whole finds a use for a population of 7 Billion or self regulates and wipes a large percentage of that population out. The reality is that with most species at some point a viable population ends up looking like an infestation, and infestations usually destroy the host thus destroying the viability of such a sizeable population. And humans think they are so clever, elevated from the animal plane apparently.

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Can't say I really like this scenario, but it is a good description of the future situation.

The dilemma of capitalism is that it is based on human labour, that's the only and ultimate source of economic power (even if you have robots for everything)

The biopolitical implications of a geopolitical drama (like immigration into "fortress Europe") would be off topic here, I guess.

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There will always be a disproportionate number of deaths in a place where people go to retire and live out the rest of their lives until completion.

That said the murders and now bombs are a national f*%*%*g disgrace.

US, UK and many Western nations have plenty of murders (of its citizens and tourists) and bombings too.

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More than 900,000 Brits visit Thailand

Wrong headline.

Brits make over 900,000 visits to Thailand each year

Correct (as reported by UK news agencies)

Explanation - blokes like us making multiple annual visits

Usual lack of copy editing in Thailand press!

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At least the cops do not stop you walking along a street and tell you it is not safe to do so as I was told when taking a quite afternoon stroll in Orlando many years ago.

The UK FCO have not advised Britain's not to travel to Thailand in response to yesterdays tragic event but have advised extra caution.

My views are Thailand is no more dangerous than many other countries around the world, and as long as you do no do things to annoy others or flaunt great wealth you will probably come to no harm.

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At least the cops do not stop you walking along a street and tell you it is not safe to do so as I was told when taking a quite afternoon stroll in Orlando many years ago.

The UK FCO have not advised Britain's not to travel to Thailand in response to yesterdays tragic event but have advised extra caution.

My views are Thailand is no more dangerous than many other countries around the world, and as long as you do no do things to annoy others or flaunt great wealth you will probably come to no harm.

The term "mealy mouthed" applies here. Not to you Basil, but the FCO advice is so meaningless....watch out for people in yellow t shirts?

Hmmm, I do that anyway, but only if they are Thai..., wary of red too.

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The UK FCO have not advised Britain's not to travel to Thailand in response to yesterdays tragic event but have advised extra caution.

It's rare for them to issue a do not travel warning, I think that would require a warzone. Even an attack like the recent one in Tunisia where 30 British were killed received an 'essential travel only' warning.

The current 'threat level' inside the UK is 'Severe' ( https://www.mi5.gov.uk/home/the-threats/terrorism/threat-levels.html ), it's been 'severe' without a successful large scale attack for nearly a year now.

They know a bomb could go off almost anywhere pretty much any day and it could easily be much bigger than the one in Bangkok and governments like to play tit-for-tat style diplomacy.

Any warning against one country would just result in a warning bouncing right back when there's an inevitible incident at some point in the future.

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