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Koh Tao murder trial reconvenes in Koh Samui


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Hi all,

Can I add to the conversation as I have had my clip taken down that in the video it clearly states that Mon says that Sean McAnna went into the Lotus Bar with blood on his face and body around the time David and Hannah died. This is the same man with similar wounds to David. The same man who fled the island. The same man that was so terrified of what was happening he contacted the embassy and sky news to save his hide. You can judge what you will from this but his character is flawed. He has been convicted for a heinous crime that involves underage children, so he has shown he is a filthy piece of trash already.

Why did they let him leave the island??

Any ideas anyone. That is open to All inc the doubters

Ps. if anyone can help with the subtitles addition I would appreciate it so I can get it up and it will stay up. (you know what I mean..ha ha )

I agree with you that Sean is no angel. I think that is what made Mon et al interested initially in making him the scapegoat. Personally, I am convinced he was not involved (the argument on why is too long to go into here). It was eventually concluded that he was not a good candidate for a scapegoat, especially after the 7-11 incident. There would have been a major problem producing accomplices, and Sean carrying out the crime alone would be even less credible (if that were possible) than the diminutive Burmese kids managing it alone. Also, they would have needed some CCTV evidence. Yes, that could be manufactured if that were the only issue, but it is not as easy as people think. The main interest of Mon claiming Sean cleaning up blood at Lotus Bar is that he was personally implicated in the manufacture of scapegoats. What was his motive?

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3 September 2015

Koh Tao murders: Zaw Linn details police torture

Testifying in a Koh Samui court on Wednesday, Zaw Linn, one of two Burmese migrants accused of murder and rape, said that he was innocent of the charges, and that he had only signed a confession after being tortured by police.

In a lengthy dialogue, the 22-year-old from Kyauktaw, Arakan State, said he was handcuffed, had a bag placed over his head, and was beaten, before police threatened to extract his teeth with pliers if he did not admit the crimes.

Speaking to DVB on Thursday, Moe Wai of the Foundation for Education and Development, who attended the trial on 2 September, said Zaw Linn had first told the court how he had come to work on the southern Thai island of Koh Tao two years ago.



“Asked by his lawyer where the interrogation took place, Zaw Linn said it was at the Ocean View Bungalows in Koh Tao.

Hannah and David both stayed there. Interesting place for the "suspects" to have been taken. I wonder why the police chose this guest house for their interrogations.

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Hi all,

Can I add to the conversation as I have had my clip taken down that in the video it clearly states that Mon says that Sean McAnna went into the Lotus Bar with blood on his face and body around the time David and Hannah died. This is the same man with similar wounds to David. The same man who fled the island. The same man that was so terrified of what was happening he contacted the embassy and sky news to save his hide. You can judge what you will from this but his character is flawed. He has been convicted for a heinous crime that involves underage children, so he has shown he is a filthy piece of trash already.

Why did they let him leave the island??

Any ideas anyone. That is open to All inc the doubters

Ps. if anyone can help with the subtitles addition I would appreciate it so I can get it up and it will stay up. (you know what I mean..ha ha )

I agree with you that Sean is no angel. I think that is what made Mon et al interested initially in making him the scapegoat. Personally, I am convinced he was not involved (the argument on why is too long to go into here). It was eventually concluded that he was not a good candidate for a scapegoat, especially after the 7-11 incident. There would have been a major problem producing accomplices, and Sean carrying out the crime alone would be even less credible (if that were possible) than the diminutive Burmese kids managing it alone. Also, they would have needed some CCTV evidence. Yes, that could be manufactured if that were the only issue, but it is not as easy as people think. The main interest of Mon claiming Sean cleaning up blood at Lotus Bar is that he was personally implicated in the manufacture of scapegoats. What was his motive?

Sean was the first choice scapegoat, according to Sonti Lim.

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Two things on my mind having read the horrific reports of Zaw Lin's 'alleged' torture -

1. Makes me ponder on whether any police could have been involved with the murders of Hannah and David in light of their barbaric acts on the B2.

2. Helps me to understand why any potential witnesses to the crime are too scared to come forward.

At this rate everyone in South East Asia will have been involved in this cover up... item 1 is the most bizarre one yet...but good luck with your thoughts

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“Asked by his lawyer where the interrogation took place, Zaw Linn said it was at the Ocean View Bungalows in Koh Tao.

Hannah and David both stayed there. Interesting place for the "suspects" to have been taken. I wonder why the police chose this guest house for their interrogations.

It does seem to be a bizarre decision, but I guess renting a couple of rooms or one of the bungalows in the Ocean View certainly would have provided the privacy needed to carry out the torture that Zaw Linn has given testimony to. Here's a video showing the Ocean View and the rooms belonging to the victims. Its also notable in this video that Davids room does not appear to have ever been forensically examined, there's still bloody tissues in the waste paper bin, butts on the floor etc, more evidence of the incompetent investigation into this case.

Edited by thailandchilli
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Two things on my mind having read the horrific reports of Zaw Lin's 'alleged' torture -

1. Makes me ponder on whether any police could have been involved with the murders of Hannah and David in light of their barbaric acts on the B2.

2. Helps me to understand why any potential witnesses to the crime are too scared to come forward.

At this rate everyone in South East Asia will have been involved in this cover up... item 1 is the most bizarre one yet...but good luck with your thoughts

One of the two men who chased Sean into the 7-11 early September 23 was a policeman friend of Mon's. Many of us (myself included) believe there is an island mafia, of which the local police are a key constituent part. Calling something bizarre does not make it so. That is not to say police involvement (in the murders) is proven. What is without doubt is that the "investigation" would not be recognizable as such by a 1st world country professional. Was this just gross incompetence, or partly an attempt to deflect blame from the real perpetrators? Take you pick. I believe the latter.

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If I was thay guy on the picture posing ,I would be quite upset actually having to deal with social media gossip .

Yes he could be a bad guy , but maybe just a normal guy, looking tough and posing on pictures.

It will only lead to endless speculations until someone actually can dig up som "dirt" on this guy.

Correct Balo. the B2 conspiracy theorists here have named and shamed so many people is actually quite embarrassing. To be truthfully, at the end of the day, what they say actually makes to difference, no one really cares what they write, there is a bigger picture and they are 0.00001% of this, i.e irrelevant. They think they are making a contribution but in reality nothing, zero, ziltch.

Oh, here we go again with the "conspiracy theorists" tag which has NO basis in fact.

Harry H, aka guy who just joined a month ago only to post on KT threads saying the exact same things as an earlier member who was widely ridiculed for his posts, now being parroted by you Harry H. Since you're "Son of Conspiracy-Theory" guy who never defended the completely inaccurate use of this word, which is not being used as a descriptor anyway, but as a branding tool to discredit those you and he disagree with, I challenge you to show what "conspiracy" you say some people are theorising about.

For the benefit of those who may not be clear on this point: there has been ample discussion, a lot of evidence, and persuasive arguments formed based on it that the investigation of this murder and arrest/trial of the two Burmese guys is very flawed, to the point in the opinion of many that it is a travesty of justice.

No conspiracy among a group of conspirators has EVER been theorised about. Suggesting that power and/or money can and perhaps in this case has affected the investigation/RTP behaviour (through bribes for ex.) is NOT creating a conspiracy theory.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just jumped on this wagon the other guy left in a rhetorical rut without thinking it through. I'll also assume that since you write coherent sentences you have the brainpower to understand the validity of what I wrote above and will therefor either prove me wrong and defend the use of this term, or stop using it. What's it gonna be?

Apologies for the late reply, business interests get in the way through the day. The key issue at the moment with most of the B2 Brigade is they are getting themselves so embroiled in non factual information they are starting to contradict themselves, and simply regurgitate information we seen several months ago. The worst point is that then then resort to personal attacks, although not to excessive, but it tend s to wind individuals up,

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I have never been to the island, nor do I know the complete story.

But, I do have a Thai friend who has worked on the island for three years. When I chatted with him last week, he told me that it is well-known among the Thais who work together or play together on the island that the whole thing of the Burmese boys is a total fabrication from top to bottom. Among Thais, it is generally a known fact that the killer (and accomplices/alibi makers) are related to/work for somebody very big on the island: the killer is actually the son or nephew of whoever is the Mr. Big.

Of course, it was only a couple of hippy farangs who were sliced up. Serious to Brits and families but expendable to the local mafia which runs the place and cannot lose face by having the poor Thai boy face The Big Sleep or 30 years of man-fun.

Looks to me like the killer found them at 5am in the cove and wanted to get in on the action, or else was rebuffed, or else had been stalking the girl or the couple. At that hour, we can presume that drink or drugs had been involved.

This is what the Thais are saying to eachother. I trust my Thai friend, and he has no reason to tell me tittle-tattle. I may be wrong, and I don't know any names of the folk down there...but this is my two-pennyworth from a Thai friend who lives there and knows the score and (of course) is Thai, so knows many other Thais. In my experience, Thais talk a lot to Thais although farangs are excluded from serious talk or serious stuff like feuds or big face-loss.


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Nobody knows who committed this crime, unfortunately, so there is a possibility it could be the B2, or someone else, nobody actually knows at this precise moment,

Wrong, there are probably at least 20 people who know for sure who committed the crime. There are are culprits, and quite possibly some people they're closest with. It would be very odd if none of the real culprits told (or hinted to) anyone else. And there are myriad indirect ways of telling people. Some examples: "hey, you gotta help me launder (or burn or bury) these clothes, they're covered in blood. Don't ask me how it happened. Ok?" or "mom, don't tell anyone what I just told you." or (to the boat driver) "Don't breathe a word of what happened, about this boat trip or anything to anyone, or you're dead. You got that?"

I think you are correct that many people probably know for sure who committed the crime. Most have no motivation to reveal what they know. Those who would like the real villains caught, and know for sure who they are, probably cannot prove it. Say I had seen a local hard man come in agitated and covered in blood, seen him clean up and even carried out a conversation with him about what happened. What would I do about it? Have I any proof? I know what would happen if I approached the local police (a key part of the island mafia). In a Thai context, any attempt to report it off island would be useless. The press would not touch it unless I could provide concrete proof, though a brief report mentioning the allegations would be filed when my body washed up on the beach a few days later.

I am sure more than one person is wrestling with his/her conscience over this. Few would be willing to risk their lives in a fruitless attempt to see justice done.

for all we know some people may have already come forward and reported what they know to the authorities, do you actually think we would get to hear about it, there are several people that have already left the island now untraceable who may have either been threatened - paid off - or permanently silenced.........take your pick

I still wonder about the Frenchman who managed to commit suicide by hanging himself with his hands tied behind his back.... shortly after the murders.

I recall a couple of our regular local posters here, who shall remain nameless, went to extra ordinary lengths to explain the most unlikely ways this could be accomplished to the point of dark comedy to me.

The effort they went to to insist the suicide was legit immediately set off alarm bells that it probably was not.

But maybe I'm a little jaded by now.

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I'll give it a go then. Thanks fxe.

What are you hoping to achieve with such a petition, believe me it will go nowhere, even if you do actually get it off the ground,, but you need to think through these matters before making such commitments, but good luck.

Obvious troll is obvious , and also very hungry.

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I still wonder about the Frenchman who managed to commit suicide by hanging himself with his hands tied behind his back.... shortly after the murders.

I recall a couple of our regular local posters here, who shall remain nameless, went to extra ordinary lengths to explain the most unlikely ways this could be accomplished to the point of dark comedy to me.

The effort they went to to insist the suicide was legit immediately set off alarm bells that it probably was not.

But maybe I'm a little jaded by now.

The suicide is suspicious. However, in fairness, the suicide letter looked legit. We will never know.

Edited by BritTim
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I did not know about the hair, the hair would be one of the most important pieces of ever dense. She would have been fighting and going for the head. They should have checked the DNA with every male on the island.

I bet that hair evidence has strangely gone missing. What made me angry in the beginning, none of the police had any idea/sense of what to do when they found the bodies, like trained police forces would have had the island locked down, no one on and no one off.

These 2 guys have been framed, 100%.

I hope the grudges are not under pressure to convict.

What i don't understand is that The police pathologist who carried out the autopsy said in July that the investigation had set the evidence aside because of the inconclusive test result.

If she has tested that wouldn't the results be in the system now and they just need a match.

I don't understand why she is saying inconclusive if she knows the DNA does not match Hannah / David or the B2.


If the hair sample had been tested in a U.K. pathology lab, the results would never have been "inconclusive". Especially when you know they had the root.

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I did not know about the hair, the hair would be one of the most important pieces of ever dense. She would have been fighting and going for the head. They should have checked the DNA with every male on the island.

I bet that hair evidence has strangely gone missing. What made me angry in the beginning, none of the police had any idea/sense of what to do when they found the bodies, like trained police forces would have had the island locked down, no one on and no one off.

These 2 guys have been framed, 100%.

I hope the grudges are not under pressure to convict.

What i don't understand is that The police pathologist who carried out the autopsy said in July that the investigation had set the evidence aside because of the inconclusive test result.

If she has tested that wouldn't the results be in the system now and they just need a match.

I don't understand why she is saying inconclusive if she knows the DNA does not match Hannah / David or the B2.


If the hair sample had been tested in a U.K. pathology lab, the results would never have been "inconclusive". Especially when you know they had the root.

I'm not sure how they can use the words inconclusive anyway when they established that it did not belong to either Hannah or David. Thats pretty conclusive right? Now all they need to do is compare it to all suspects past and present in the same way they compared it to the victims, oh wait forgot, its missing.........oooops so an unidentified killer walks free

Edited by thailandchilli
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Will the Defence call Nomsod to the stand just for a few questions and put him under oath to say where he was on the night of the murders.

Why would they, his whereabouts has been validated, unless you can confirm otherwise

Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

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Will the Defence call Nomsod to the stand just for a few questions and put him under oath to say where he was on the night of the murders.

Why would they, his whereabouts has been validated, unless you can confirm otherwise

Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

You are hilarious.

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Hi all,

Can I add to the conversation as I have had my clip taken down that in the video it clearly states that Mon says that Sean McAnna went into the Lotus Bar with blood on his face and body around the time David and Hannah died. This is the same man with similar wounds to David. The same man who fled the island. The same man that was so terrified of what was happening he contacted the embassy and sky news to save his hide. You can judge what you will from this but his character is flawed. He has been convicted for a heinous crime that involves underage children, so he has shown he is a filthy piece of trash already.

Why did they let him leave the island??

Any ideas anyone. That is open to All inc the doubters

Ps. if anyone can help with the subtitles addition I would appreciate it so I can get it up and it will stay up. (you know what I mean..ha ha )

My memory is not as good as some here.

Please remind me ......

When Sean was hiding in 7-11 with Mon trying to console him with his colleague ......

Sean posted on FB ... 'Owner of AC Bar did it.'

He then carried on with other posts of how his life was in danger etc.

What did he mean when he said 'The owner of the AC Bar did it'?

It is quite a specific comment given the timing of events and his current predicament when he posted.

Strange as it sounds, I actually believe most of what Sean says. Soon after he said (in effect. I don't have the exact words in front of me), "the owner of AC bar did it", Sean qualified that by saying something like, "I'm not saying he did the crime, but am saying if I'm found did, he's the one who killed me."

I think if Sean did the crime, RTP and the H's family would be glad to nail him for it. Indeed, Mon tried to implicate Sean (but it apparently didn't stick). By RTP letting him go proves (to me) that he wasn't actively involved with the crime. Would sure be cool to get him on the stand, but that's near impossible, plus his life would be in real danger if he showed up. Next best would be a notarized statement by him describing all he knows, but that's also unlikely - particularly in lieu of the almost-certain promise he must have made - to keep his mouth shut. Additionally, it's doubtful the court would give any credence to a written statement by Sean. As far as the H's family and RTP, prosecution and the court are concerned, Sean became a non-entity as soon as he left Thailand - and they want to keep it that way.

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Guys with connections on the island might almost be forgiven for wanting to believe what they are being told "is big misunderstanding, we no involved" but deep down inside they must have some little doubts niggling their conscience.

Or maybe the said guys have a broad perspective of the overall topic at hand and are not blindly focussed on an individual sequence of events which is aligned to suit an irrational set of theories conspired to suit there needs.

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Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

You are hilarious.

Your contribution speaks volumes

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Will the Defence call Nomsod to the stand just for a few questions and put him under oath to say where he was on the night of the murders.

Why would they, his whereabouts has been validated, unless you can confirm otherwise

Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

I think you're jdinasia. Anyhow, if you want to accept as fact that NS was legitimately cleared, then neither I nor any other reasonable person can sway you from that fallacy. Similarly, if you really really really want to believe in the Tooth Fairy, she can be real for you.

I keep mentioning NS and his uncle because, from 11 months at looking at all facets of this crime, they are among the most likely perps. I'd also like to see Mon's tough-guy buddies investigated, but they're all off-limits to RTP, and RTP are the only people tasked with doing investigative work on this case.

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Will the Defence call Nomsod to the stand just for a few questions and put him under oath to say where he was on the night of the murders.

Why would they, his whereabouts has been validated, unless you can confirm otherwise

Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

Good evening, I am most curious and maybe other readers are as well as me. Your phrase and I quote ; " they have already been cleared by the RTP" Can you explain the processes by which a person can get clearance from the RTP ?? For example, is it possible for a poor person to get clearance from the RTP ??? What categories of people are eligible to apply for their clearances etc???

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Guys with connections on the island might almost be forgiven for wanting to believe what they are being told "is big misunderstanding, we no involved" but deep down inside they must have some little doubts niggling their conscience.

Or maybe the said guys have a broad perspective of the overall topic at hand and are not blindly focussed on an individual sequence of events which is aligned to suit an irrational set of theories conspired to suit there needs.

Are the defense theories and statements irrational? Come back tomorrow and have a think about it.

Edited by thailandchilli
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Will the Defence call Nomsod to the stand just for a few questions and put him under oath to say where he was on the night of the murders.

Why would they, his whereabouts has been validated, unless you can confirm otherwise

Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

Good evening, doctored proof shows the individual you have referred to to be in Bangkok, therefore its is logical that he is not to be seen in the CCTV data that has been made available. As an individual, Harry H, you seem to have an obsession with deflecting attention from the two named individuals. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, is part of the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from understanding of the case.

Edited by Aj Mick
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I did not know about the hair, the hair would be one of the most important pieces of ever dense. She would have been fighting and going for the head. They should have checked the DNA with every male on the island.

I bet that hair evidence has strangely gone missing. What made me angry in the beginning, none of the police had any idea/sense of what to do when they found the bodies, like trained police forces would have had the island locked down, no one on and no one off.

These 2 guys have been framed, 100%.

I hope the grudges are not under pressure to convict.

What i don't understand is that The police pathologist who carried out the autopsy said in July that the investigation had set the evidence aside because of the inconclusive test result.

If she has tested that wouldn't the results be in the system now and they just need a match.

I don't understand why she is saying inconclusive if she knows the DNA does not match Hannah / David or the B2.


If the hair sample had been tested in a U.K. pathology lab, the results would never have been "inconclusive". Especially when you know they had the root.

I'm not sure how they can use the words inconclusive anyway when they established that it did not belong to either Hannah or David. Thats pretty conclusive right? Now all they need to do is compare it to all suspects past and present in the same way they compared it to the victims, oh wait forgot, its missing.........oooops so an unidentified killer walks free

The inconclusive reference is simple, it's not matched to an individual, but in the realms of your thoughts you could say it is deemed conclusive in regard to the deceased DNA profiles. At this stage there is no need to progress further as alternative evidence exists to bring a case against the two men currently on trial.

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Hi all,

Can I add to the conversation as I have had my clip taken down that in the video it clearly states that Mon says that Sean McAnna went into the Lotus Bar with blood on his face and body around the time David and Hannah died. This is the same man with similar wounds to David. The same man who fled the island. The same man that was so terrified of what was happening he contacted the embassy and sky news to save his hide. You can judge what you will from this but his character is flawed. He has been convicted for a heinous crime that involves underage children, so he has shown he is a filthy piece of trash already.

Why did they let him leave the island??

Any ideas anyone. That is open to All inc the doubters

Ps. if anyone can help with the subtitles addition I would appreciate it so I can get it up and it will stay up. (you know what I mean..ha ha )

My memory is not as good as some here.

Please remind me ......

When Sean was hiding in 7-11 with Mon trying to console him with his colleague ......

Sean posted on FB ... 'Owner of AC Bar did it.'

He then carried on with other posts of how his life was in danger etc.

What did he mean when he said 'The owner of the AC Bar did it'?

It is quite a specific comment given the timing of events and his current predicament when he posted.

Strange as it sounds, I actually believe most of what Sean says. Soon after he said (in effect. I don't have the exact words in front of me), "the owner of AC bar did it", Sean qualified that by saying something like, "I'm not saying he did the crime, but am saying if I'm found did, he's the one who killed me."

I think if Sean did the crime, RTP and the H's family would be glad to nail him for it. Indeed, Mon tried to implicate Sean (but it apparently didn't stick). By RTP letting him go proves (to me) that he wasn't actively involved with the crime. Would sure be cool to get him on the stand, but that's near impossible, plus his life would be in real danger if he showed up. Next best would be a notarized statement by him describing all he knows, but that's also unlikely - particularly in lieu of the almost-certain promise he must have made - to keep his mouth shut. Additionally, it's doubtful the court would give any credence to a written statement by Sean. As far as the H's family and RTP, prosecution and the court are concerned, Sean became a non-entity as soon as he left Thailand - and they want to keep it that way.

Well, since we are on a break from the trial anyway, we can spend a little time expounding theories again.

My view ... Sean was involved that evening. I don't believe he was the killer but I think he was much closer than than he admits.

He knew David and possibly was hanging around with his guitar. He may even have been doing Mon or NS or possibly another boy a favour by getting closer to the 'the blond chick', so the locals could come get closer and make friends. I've seen that ploy a hundred times, when I was young and handsome ...... send in the farang boy to start chatting to the girl ... then the locals have a way of joining in the festivities without seeming too lecherous.

But I think it got out of hand in a big way. The local boy was spurned and lost it and all hell broke loose.

Even Sean was injured in the melee but escaped with his life ... just.

David was butchered while trying to defend Hannah and it all went bad.

I don't believe his injuries were from a bike accident, the one wound is the same as those found on David. Same for the blood on his guitar

Too much of a coincidence.... and I don't believe coincidences like these. Sometimes it really is a duck.

Anyway, I have to wash the dishes now. And no AleG, you don't have to comment. I know you don't agree with me.

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Running Man videos. They show Nomsod. Mon tried to stifle every bit of evidence showing his nephew on the island, but those were a very busy two days and he must have missed the CCTV showing NS, or else he didn't have control of that camera, as he has control (and/or influence with owners) over nearly every other camera in that vicinity. There are likely other proofs of NS being on the island and possibly being involved with the crime, but there are concerted sustained efforts by certain parties to snuff out any proofs. Have you been paying attention?

Good evening, documented proof shows the individual you have named to be in Bangkok, therefore it is logical he cannot be in the CCTV data, As an individual you appear to have an unnatural fascination with the two persons you keep referring to. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, fact, the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from the current topic is not helping us members seek a rationale understanding of the case.

Good evening, doctored proof shows the individual you have referred to to be in Bangkok, therefore its is logical that he is not to be seen in the CCTV data that has been made available. As an individual, Harry H, you seem to have an obsession with deflecting attention from the two named individuals. Fact, they have been cleared by the RTP, fact they are not part of the current court case, is part of the constant deliberate attempt to deflect from understanding of the case.

Actually your manipulation of my wording is quite good, maybe against forum rules, but good. I think this highlights how the B2 Brigade feel the need to impose immature practices in order to satisfy their tunnel vision as to the topic at hand, but hey keep up the good work.

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If the hair sample had been tested in a U.K. pathology lab, the results would never have been "inconclusive". Especially when you know they had the root.

I'm not sure how they can use the words inconclusive anyway when they established that it did not belong to either Hannah or David. Thats pretty conclusive right? Now all they need to do is compare it to all suspects past and present in the same way they compared it to the victims, oh wait forgot, its missing.........oooops so an unidentified killer walks free

The inconclusive reference is simple, it's not matched to an individual, but in the realms of your thoughts you could say it is deemed conclusive in regard to the deceased DNA profiles. At this stage there is no need to progress further as alternative evidence exists to bring a case against the two men currently on trial.

I'm pretty sure you'll find the prosecution have finished their case and as yet we are still waiting for this evidence that you allude to. By the way, you say there's no need to progress with the hair comparisons. Your right there as its one of the items that is missing from the prosecution shopping trolley. Its the turn of the defense now.

Lets hope we don't find further evidence of neglect from the investigation because not pursuing such a significant piece of evidence that was in the clutched hand of Hannah is unforgivable and yes my opinion is there is an unidentified killer or killers on the loose.

Edited by thailandchilli
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this forum topic is comprised of posters that offer facts opinions expert input and conjecture, the problem arises when certain posters can't tell the difference or are claiming facts when in fact they are opinions or they are constantly ignoring expert input and continue to post what basically amounts to repeated stupid misdirected drivel

Experts, hahahahaha!
Thank you for this new opportunity of hilarity just before, bedtime.
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I read somewhere that it is possible to "doctor" CCTV videos and that the video taken in the entrance hall and the corridor of a BKK condo block had been "altered" (time, date). I also read that the girlfriend of the young man in question affirmed in her Facebook that he was certainly not in BKK during that weekend.

Is this mere coincidence, or am I imagining stuff that I read?

As mentioned above, a good friend is Thai and works on the island. He has made it quite clear that "normal" Thais who live and work together there know that the little B2 guys are not the brightest or biggest sparks in the bonfire, and that they are fall-guys. The Thais themselves know that the killer is related to the Mr Big and is his son or nephew. But most Thais down there keep mouths shut because the cops or the mafia big guys would get to you first.

This whole case reeks of Thai-ness at its worst. Corrupt, face loss, business interests, paradise island, lies and more lies. Official lies.

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Two things on my mind having read the horrific reports of Zaw Lin's 'alleged' torture -

1. Makes me ponder on whether any police could have been involved with the murders of Hannah and David in light of their barbaric acts on the B2.

2. Helps me to understand why any potential witnesses to the crime are too scared to come forward.

At this rate everyone in South East Asia will have been involved in this cover up... item 1 is the most bizarre one yet...but good luck with your thoughts

One of the two men who chased Sean into the 7-11 early September 23 was a policeman friend of Mon's. Many of us (myself included) believe there is an island mafia, of which the local police are a key constituent part. Calling something bizarre does not make it so. That is not to say police involvement (in the murders) is proven. What is without doubt is that the "investigation" would not be recognizable as such by a 1st world country professional. Was this just gross incompetence, or partly an attempt to deflect blame from the real perpetrators? Take you pick. I believe the latter.

BritTim, thanks for the response, you actually seem to be quite open to all options and your posts suggest this. I for one do not believe, or more importantly know, that no Mafia exists, this is a thought which for some reason has got embedded into the B2 Brigades train of thought, it's somewhat a desire to feel such a presence exists. I agree the whole investigation could have been performed much better, the problem is the RTP cannot help themselves in releasing information, that's a fact we all recognise. At this stage many cannot let go and be flexible in their thoughts, end of the day we don't know what happened, but we are all free to express our thoughts.

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