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Good Restaurants In Chiang Dao


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Hi guys,

Being in the restaurant business always makes me curious how people think, what kind of food they like, how they feel about prices, etc.

My wife Mon owns Mon and Kurt's Thai-German Restaurant in Chiang Dao. (about 2.5km past the 7-11 in Chiang Dao, if you are coming from Chiang Mai, travelling on the Chiang Mai - Fang Highway)

My wife cooks the best Thai food (that's why I married her among other things) and she also does great Schnitzels, German sausages and other European Foods. Our coffee is the best in town (at least that's what I think) and refills are free. Beer is cheap, too.

At the moment, we are only open seasonal from the beginning of September until the end of March, because we still enjoy spending our summers in Canada.

We look at cooking and the restaurant business more as a fun hobby than a business. I'm retired and love good food and my wife Mon loves to cook and eat good food.

So check us out sometime. Mention this post and we'll give you 10% off all food items as well. (Sorry, can't give you a discount on the alcohol, but at 40Baht for a big bottle of Chang or Archa, we have the best prices in Chiang Mai Province anyways.)

If you happen to come out and find yourself having a few too many to drink, we also have a guest room for $250 Baht per night or a hammock for $75 Baht per night.

There are a few other good foreign restaurants out here, too, so if you decide to spend a few days out here, exploring the caves, climbing the mountain, trekking, rafting or just drinking and eating a lot, there is a lot of variety here, when it comes to food and drink.

It's the perfect escape from polluted and loud Chiang Mai. Out here, you can just relax, without Bar Girls asking you to buy them drinks and without getting hit on by potential wives :o

My wife Mon got most of her training in cooking western food from my Mom, back in Canada, who had her own German restaurant back in Germany for many years. My dad, who is a retired Baker and Pastery Maker showed her a few things as well.

So don't pout, when we close for the summer around the end of March. Mon wants her time with Mom, to learn some more German recipes and I want my time fishing in one of Canada's crystal clear lakes.

Hope to see you sometime


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Hi guys,

Being in the restaurant business always makes me curious how people think, what kind of food they like, how they feel about prices, etc.

My wife Mon owns Mon and Kurt's Thai-German Restaurant in Chiang Dao. (about 2.5km past the 7-11 in Chiang Dao, if you are coming from Chiang Mai, travelling on the Chiang Mai - Fang Highway)

My wife cooks the best Thai food (that's why I married her among other things) and she also does great Schnitzels, German sausages and other European Foods. Our coffee is the best in town (at least that's what I think) and refills are free. Beer is cheap, too.

At the moment, we are only open seasonal from the beginning of September until the end of March, because we still enjoy spending our summers in Canada.

We look at cooking and the restaurant business more as a fun hobby than a business. I'm retired and love good food and my wife Mon loves to cook and eat good food.

So check us out sometime. Mention this post and we'll give you 10% off all food items as well. (Sorry, can't give you a discount on the alcohol, but at 40Baht for a big bottle of Chang or Archa, we have the best prices in Chiang Mai Province anyways.)

If you happen to come out and find yourself having a few too many to drink, we also have a guest room for $250 Baht per night or a hammock for $75 Baht per night.

There are a few other good foreign restaurants out here, too, so if you decide to spend a few days out here, exploring the caves, climbing the mountain, trekking, rafting or just drinking and eating a lot, there is a lot of variety here, when it comes to food and drink.

It's the perfect escape from polluted and loud Chiang Mai. Out here, you can just relax, without Bar Girls asking you to buy them drinks and without getting hit on by potential wives :o

My wife Mon got most of her training in cooking western food from my Mom, back in Canada, who had her own German restaurant back in Germany for many years. My dad, who is a retired Baker and Pastery Maker showed her a few things as well.

So don't pout, when we close for the summer around the end of March. Mon wants her time with Mom, to learn some more German recipes and I want my time fishing in one of Canada's crystal clear lakes.

Hope to see you sometime


Best to you and your wife, Kurt. :D

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Sorry, but my visits are now timed with the school break in the summer when you will be downing a few "blues" in Hoserville.

There use to be a small roadside "jungle food" (ahaan paa)restaurant in Chiang Dao about 1km south of town on the east side of the road. I don't remember the name and I think it was no longer there last time I looked. I use to like going to the small food places inside the market on the west side of the road in Chiang Dao but, eventually, finding parking in the central market area became too much of a pain. So the default road stop has been the long standing combo gas station and open air restaurant just north of the market on the east side of the road across from that newer hotel.

I must say that if I had a choice, and having a Thai wife I have no choice in such matters, Chiang Dao would be on the top of my list for a place to live in Chiang Mai, especially with the tremendous highway improvements over the past decade.

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  • 2 months later...
I must say that if I had a choice, and having a Thai wife I have no choice in such matters, Chiang Dao would be on the top of my list for a place to live in Chiang Mai, especially with the tremendous highway improvements over the past decade.

Yes, we love Chiang Dao. It is much cooler up here than in Chiang Mai. This spring, I only used the fan for three or four nights. Right now, we have thick blankets to cover with at night.

The other thing I like here is, that there is very little pollution. Aside from the yearly burning, that happens everywhere in the North, we don't suffer from exhaust pollution and such, like we used to in Chiang Mai.

As for the road, yes, they are improving it, I just wish they would finish in my lifetime :D

Nice thing is, we are only an 1 1/2 hour bus or songtheaw ride from Chiang Mai. ( a little more than an hour by car). So when we want to go to the "BIG CITY", to see a movie or to go dancing, it is very easy to do so.

Otherwise, we have enough restaurants out here now... Thai, German, Greek, Italian, English, French... maybe I am even missing some, so we never have to go hungry for a Western meal. Lots of guesthouses and resorts, too, for people who want to come out and spend the night in Chiang Dao.

Not a lot of nightlife out here, but that's the way we like it. There is enough of that everywhere else.

I am glad for my ADSL though. It keeps me in touch with the world. UBC is nice, too. Keeps me from looking at rice fields all day :o

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Otherwise, we have enough restaurants out here now... Thai, German, Greek, Italian, English, French... maybe I am even missing some, so we never have to go hungry for a Western meal. Lots of guesthouses and resorts, too, for people who want to come out and spend the night in Chiang Dao.

Why are there so many restaurants in such a small place?

Is Chiang Dao the next Pai? :o

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Otherwise, we have enough restaurants out here now... Thai, German, Greek, Italian, English, French... maybe I am even missing some, so we never have to go hungry for a Western meal. Lots of guesthouses and resorts, too, for people who want to come out and spend the night in Chiang Dao.

Why are there so many restaurants in such a small place?

Is Chiang Dao the next Pai? :o

Maybe like Pai, Everyone dreams of living near Chiang Dao. :D

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I stayed with CD Nest last week for 2 nights and the food is indeed splendid and reasonably priced. I arrived Thursday which is there BBQ night and sat out around the fire munching on everything from asparagus and buffalo through to zucchini. 275 the charge I believe.

As a side note next time your in CD visit the ashram (even though it is officially closed) and see if you can get the attention of the resident Yogi and have him show you his pet and listen to a couple of travel stories. Excellent stuff. I could think of a far better use for the pet but can't see Yogi handing him over anytime soon.

And finally if you only have time to visit one cave temple make it the one beyond the ashram and along the 500+ steps. Not a soul there when we visited Friday. In contrast the main cave attraction was packed and a bit of a circus.

CD is indeed special and long may it remain so.

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Otherwise, we have enough restaurants out here now... Thai, German, Greek, Italian, English, French... maybe I am even missing some, so we never have to go hungry for a Western meal. Lots of guesthouses and resorts, too, for people who want to come out and spend the night in Chiang Dao.

Why are there so many restaurants in such a small place?

Is Chiang Dao the next Pai? :o

Maybe like Pai, Everyone dreams of living near Chiang Dao. :D

I prefer the Thapae Gate area. :D

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Otherwise, we have enough restaurants out here now... Thai, German, Greek, Italian, English, French... maybe I am even missing some, so we never have to go hungry for a Western meal. Lots of guesthouses and resorts, too, for people who want to come out and spend the night in Chiang Dao.

Why are there so many restaurants in such a small place?

Is Chiang Dao the next Pai? :D

Maybe like Pai, Everyone dreams of living near Chiang Dao. :D

Hope it never becomes like Pai :D Maybe I should quit talking about our town. :o

I think the reason there are so many Farang and Thai restaurants up here is, because there are so many good cooks, who like cooking. There may be one or two restaurant owners who want to get rich, but most of us just consider it a fun hobby, doing what we love to do.

We have about 30 expats and their partners living in the area, which is enough for our restaurant. Some other places get overseas customers and trekkers over the internet and through travel services, but overall, the town isn't covered with tourists, because they all go to a specific resort and usually stay there.

The cave can get crowded, as somebody has mentioned, because you get all the tour buses and mini buses coming out, dropping of trillions of tourists there every day, but then they usually load them back up and take them to Tha Thon or some other tourist trap. We never have to look at them :D

For us, things are pretty laid back. We get our local expats as customers and maybe two or three tourists or border run customers dropping in per day, because we are next to the highway.

I wouldn't want to see another Pai here and I dont' think it will happen. I see Chiang Dao more as a place for Thai People and Foreigners, who want to retire and live a quiet life.

I moved here mainly because it had a cooler climate than Chiang Mai and not nearly as much pollution. I don't see people with small children moving here, because we don't have International schools.

One nice thing out here is, that we have lots of free time on our hands, so we can anoy everyone with our long posts :D With that in mind....

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One nice thing out here is, that we have lots of free time on our hands, so we can anoy everyone with our long posts :o With that in mind....

Not to worry, Kurt --- I am sure that only people with way too much free time on their hands will be reading through enough of those long posts to get annoyed! :D Actually, it is a pleasure to read them, so please don't stop.

As it was a pleasure for my wife and me to find your place, simply by stumbling on it as we putted along the highway on our scooter in the middle of discovering Chiang Dao for the first time earlier this month, and to enjoy Mon's very tasty cooking.

We will be back!

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As it was a pleasure for my wife and me to find your place, simply by stumbling on it as we putted along the highway on our scooter in the middle of discovering Chiang Dao for the first time earlier this month, and to enjoy Mon's very tasty cooking.

We will be back!

Thank you. That is always nice to hear. We really enjoyed your company, too.

Don't forget, we are closed Wednesdays. (That's our shopping day in Chiang Mai).

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