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Slovakia 'to refuse Muslim migrants'


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Don't think it's so easy for asylum seekers to travel all overseas Europe once they entered the Schengen area. They usually have to stay where they claimed asylum first, at least until their case is closed.

The border countries of EU are actually in a trap, for the benefit of Germany.

Imho refugees should be allowed to claim asylum in the destination country of their choice, which would not be Slovakia in most cases.

It's strange how in that case they never choose Islamic Countries, I wonder why?

Maybe they try to get away from wars and landmines.

Many refugees in fact go to Muslim countries. Even rather poor African countries let them in.

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Here's your list:


What did Mr. Ford get his nobel prize for?

I never wrote M. Ford had a Nobel price .

And about your list ; on eleven muslim prices there are seven " Nobel peace " ; not really something they invent .

we have still four Nobel prices ;

two in litterature ,

one in physics, but I can read , like you :

" The recipient of the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics, Abdus Salam, was a member of the Ahmadiyya community of Pakistan, in 1974, the Pakistan parliament made a constitutional amendment that declared Ahmadis as non-Muslims "

so none in physics ..It's not me who say/write that but the Pakistan parliament .

and one in chemistry , Ahmed Zewail , who is an egypt AND american people

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Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifSometimes I prefer to laugh when I read so bullshit answers .

The numeric system we use in Europe is coming from India, not from islam ;

they were only the " Transporteur " ;

Islam ? They never invent something ;

Do you know an islam Nobel price of something ?

Edison , islam ?

Volta, islam ?

Ford, the cars , islam ?

Alexander Fleming , islam ?

and so on ..

Nothing coming from islam except terror .

First of all: it can not have come from islam, as that is a religion, but it could have come from scholars who were followers of islam.

Secondly, it depends on what you define as 'come from'. "The first positional numerical system was developed in Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC." using a zero like number. "the first true zero was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent" and "The current form of the numerals developed in North Africa".

Quotes from Wikipedia.

Do a search and you'll find many inventions by islamic scholars, e.g. toothbrush, guitar.

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Slov is a beautiful country. Keeping it that way i see

Germany is a beautiful country, too, and certainly Old Heidelberg is. Only most of the natives are a horror.

Germany is having huge problems with Muslim immigrants and refugees. There is also no go zones for non muslims in certain areas.

But at least there hasn't been beheadings on Berlin streets like there is in London.

Slovakia is going to save themselves of a world of headaches with this new policy.

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Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifSometimes I prefer to laugh when I read so bullshit answers .

The numeric system we use in Europe is coming from India, not from islam ;

they were only the " Transporteur " ;

Islam ? They never invent something ;

Do you know an islam Nobel price of something ?

Edison , islam ?

Volta, islam ?

Ford, the cars , islam ?

Alexander Fleming , islam ?

and so on ..

Nothing coming from islam except terror .

First of all: it can not have come from islam, as that is a religion, but it could have come from scholars who were followers of islam.

Secondly, it depends on what you define as 'come from'. "The first positional numerical system was developed in Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC." using a zero like number. "the first true zero was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent" and "The current form of the numerals developed in North Africa".

Quotes from Wikipedia.

Do a search and you'll find many inventions by islamic scholars, e.g. toothbrush, guitar.

Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

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It is a rather inconvenient aspect of the Abassid 'Golden age' that most (if not all) scholars translating existing wisdom into Arabic, were contracted Christian and Jewish Arabz, aswell as Persians. Illiteracy was vast among Muslim Arabs, and even through most of the age the "Muslim" scholars were almost all Persian origins. Wording today takes the following form - "These people (Christians, Jews etc) 'contributed' to Islamic civilisation. I put it another way - these peoples 'made' a civilisation 'for' Muslim rulers.

Various Caliphs can be acknowledged for bringing these people together and creating a climate for things to flourish, but the reasons were purely practical as far as they were concerned, and they only wanted translations of the sciences for the large part. Even the translations had to tweek the terminology of the source 'Kuffar' wisdom during translation from Greek, Syriac, Persian and others so as not to clash with Islamic view on things.

To me, all this was self revelation that the Quran is 'not' the final word for humanity, is not 'all you need', and most certainly not this lunacy of recent years where Muslims claim all this knowledge was already in the Quran in cryptic language and that now it is all clear. Verses are read into that are said to 'prove' knowledge of the sciences, etc. Yeah, right. Let's face it, the Ummah took off once it conquered its neighbours and collated wisdom of the Kuffar. Advancements upon those foundations, yes, acknowledge them but to call it 'Islamic' is dubious. Later Caliphs began to roll back this trend, sticking more to Quran and Hadith with predictable results. Islam is a conservative political ruling ideology (an archaic one), little more (imo)

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Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifSometimes I prefer to laugh when I read so bullshit answers .

The numeric system we use in Europe is coming from India, not from islam ;

they were only the " Transporteur " ;

Islam ? They never invent something ;

Do you know an islam Nobel price of something ?

Edison , islam ?

Volta, islam ?

Ford, the cars , islam ?

Alexander Fleming , islam ?

and so on ..

Nothing coming from islam except terror .

First of all: it can not have come from islam, as that is a religion, but it could have come from scholars who were followers of islam.

Secondly, it depends on what you define as 'come from'. "The first positional numerical system was developed in Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC." using a zero like number. "the first true zero was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent" and "The current form of the numerals developed in North Africa".

Quotes from Wikipedia.

Do a search and you'll find many inventions by islamic scholars, e.g. toothbrush, guitar.

Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

If you could react to the meaning of the post that would be appreciated. Your post is meaningless.

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Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifSometimes I prefer to laugh when I read so bullshit answers .

The numeric system we use in Europe is coming from India, not from islam ;

they were only the " Transporteur " ;

Islam ? They never invent something ;

Do you know an islam Nobel price of something ?

Edison , islam ?

Volta, islam ?

Ford, the cars , islam ?

Alexander Fleming , islam ?

and so on ..

Nothing coming from islam except terror .

First of all: it can not have come from islam, as that is a religion, but it could have come from scholars who were followers of islam.

Secondly, it depends on what you define as 'come from'. "The first positional numerical system was developed in Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC." using a zero like number. "the first true zero was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent" and "The current form of the numerals developed in North Africa".

Quotes from Wikipedia.

Do a search and you'll find many inventions by islamic scholars, e.g. toothbrush, guitar.

Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

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I wonder why Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait don't take the refugees in.

They are protecting the chastity of the Dromedary segment.

Joking aside, there is a good point here. The Christian population of the Middle East has declined steeply for decades, accelerating with the recent troubles in Iraq and Syria. Christians are persecuted in Iran, have blasphemy laws used to divest them of their possessions, liberty and even lives in Pakistan. The situation has got so bad even the Pope raised concerns of Christianity disappearing entirely from the Middle East. Whilst I would not advocate behaving in the manner Muslim third world nations do I see a clear case for heavily favoring Christian refugees fleeing Muslim nations than Muslims bringing their intolerant ideology with them.

Few if any Christians make it out alive. They tend to be the first to be killed by their fellow refugees. This doesn't make the news because it would turn sentiment against all those economic migrants taking to the boats.

If it doesnt make the news then how do you know about it?

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Islam has brought much more culture to Europe than many are aware, eg the numeric ssystem you are using.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifSometimes I prefer to laugh when I read so bullshit answers .

The numeric system we use in Europe is coming from India, not from islam ;

they were only the " Transporteur " ;

Islam ? They never invent something ;

Do you know an islam Nobel price of something ?

Edison , islam ?

Volta, islam ?

Ford, the cars , islam ?

Alexander Fleming , islam ?

and so on ..

Nothing coming from islam except terror .

First of all: it can not have come from islam, as that is a religion, but it could have come from scholars who were followers of islam.

Secondly, it depends on what you define as 'come from'. "The first positional numerical system was developed in Babylon in the 2nd millennium BC." using a zero like number. "the first true zero was developed by ancient mathematicians in the Indian Subcontinent" and "The current form of the numerals developed in North Africa".

Quotes from Wikipedia.

Do a search and you'll find many inventions by islamic scholars, e.g. toothbrush, guitar.

Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

Of course followers of islam can assimilate, and they do. Just as non islamic people can live quite happily and practice their own religion in islamic countries

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Meanwhile, the Slovakians who are not really mainstream Europeans, consider it normal that THEY can freely travel to Western Europe.

what does this statement have to do with immigration policy ? Travel is not immigration. Stay on topic. Lets see how easy it is for any European to immigrate to an Islamic country. And how well it will go for them if they disregard the cultural norms within those countries.

Edited by Harsh Jones
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Meanwhile, the Slovakians who are not really mainstream Europeans, consider it normal that THEY can freely travel to Western Europe.

what does this statement have to do with immigration policy ? Travel is not immigration. Stay on topic. Lets see how easy it is for any European to immigrate to an Islamic country. And how well it will go for them if they disregard the cultural norms within those countries.

Since by their refusal the Slowaaks are sending these refugees to other European countries I think the statement is absolutely relevant.
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Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

Of course followers of islam can assimilate, and they do. Just as non islamic people can live quite happily and practice their own religion in islamic countries

Assimilate | Define Assimilate at Dictionary.com


to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust

How is setting up Islamic courts and Islamic banking inside Europe assimilating ? It is the opposite of assimilation.

how about sending young Muslim men out of Europe to fight forign wars assimilation ?

Show me the last time a Christian or Buddhist group sent men out of Europe to fight forign wars in the name of their religion.

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Meanwhile, the Slovakians who are not really mainstream Europeans, consider it normal that THEY can freely travel to Western Europe.

what does this statement have to do with immigration policy ? Travel is not immigration. Stay on topic. Lets see how easy it is for any European to immigrate to an Islamic country. And how well it will go for them if they disregard the cultural norms within those countries.

Since by their refusal the Slowaaks are sending these refugees to other European countries I think the statement is absolutely relevant.

The statement has nothing to do with that. He is basically saying that Slovaks are second tier Europeans so they should be lucky that they are allowed to travel freely to western Europe. Talk about bigoted..

Lucky for western Europeans, they are free to travel to Slovakia.

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Meanwhile, the Slovakians who are not really mainstream Europeans, consider it normal that THEY can freely travel to Western Europe.

what does this statement have to do with immigration policy ? Travel is not immigration. Stay on topic. Lets see how easy it is for any European to immigrate to an Islamic country. And how well it will go for them if they disregard the cultural norms within those countries.

Since by their refusal the Slowaaks are sending these refugees to other European countries I think the statement is absolutely relevant.

The statement has nothing to do with that. He is basically saying that Slovaks are second tier Europeans so they should be lucky that they are allowed to travel freely to western Europe. Talk about bigoted..

Lucky for western Europeans, they are free to travel to Slovakia.

I agree that Slovakia is profiting a lot more from the EU than the other way round. They should not (yet) be part if the EU.
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Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

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Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

Usual bigotry without content.
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This really is a world wide problem........People are dying in rough seas to escape poverty and oppression in their own countries to get to Italy.

An Italian immigration official commented last week,

"I just never knew things were that bad in England...................................coffee1.gif

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Islam is not a religion. It is a ideology. Hence why it cannot assimilate in the west like Buddhists , Hindus and Christians can.

Islam has its own banking and court system. Does Buddhism have its own banking system ? Nope. Neither does any of the other religions.

Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

And my muslim friends use the exact same banking system as I do, not a muslim bank. They also use the same court system, not sharia court, they also dont go fighting foreign wars in the name of religion and anyone attempting to do so is punished in the non sharia court.

This is in a muslim country.

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Meanwhile, the Slovakians who are not really mainstream Europeans, consider it normal that THEY can freely travel to Western Europe.

what does this statement have to do with immigration policy ? Travel is not immigration. Stay on topic. Lets see how easy it is for any European to immigrate to an Islamic country. And how well it will go for them if they disregard the cultural norms within those countries.

Not that difficult at all. And you can still practice your own cultural norms like bacon and eggs, some nice cold beers that are not part their cultural norms.

I think you may need to get out more.

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Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

Usual bigotry without content.

Muslims from the US, Canada , Australia and all over Europe have been flying to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. That is not bigotry. That is a fact.

Now can you find any examples of Buddhists, Hindus, atheists , Christians , or Jahovas doing the same thing ?

I'll wait...

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Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

Usual bigotry without content.

Muslims from the US, Canada , Australia and all over Europe have been flying to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. That is not bigotry. That is a fact.

Now can you find any examples of Buddhists, Hindus, atheists , Christians , or Jahovas doing the same thing ?

I'll wait...

And The vast majority of muslims from those countries have also not gone to fight for ISIS. Edited by Linky
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Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

Usual bigotry without content.

Muslims from the US, Canada , Australia and all over Europe have been flying to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. That is not bigotry. That is a fact.

Now can you find any examples of Buddhists, Hindus, atheists , Christians , or Jahovas doing the same thing ?

I'll wait...

So? But thanks, some content. Edited by stevenl
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Meanwhile, the Slovakians who are not really mainstream Europeans, consider it normal that THEY can freely travel to Western Europe.

what does this statement have to do with immigration policy ? Travel is not immigration. Stay on topic. Lets see how easy it is for any European to immigrate to an Islamic country. And how well it will go for them if they disregard the cultural norms within those countries.

Not that difficult at all. And you can still practice your own cultural norms like bacon and eggs, some nice cold beers that are not part their cultural norms.

I think you may need to get out more.

Provided you are a heterosexual male, of course if you specialize in something like oil or banking, and the Arabs need your expertise, they will bend the rules for you. But that is no comparison to free travel or immigration in Europe or the western world.

Then there is the UAE. The place where you need to get a retinal scan and put in a database before you can enter the country. Yeah that has free travel written all over it.

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Usual bigotry without content.

Muslims from the US, Canada , Australia and all over Europe have been flying to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. That is not bigotry. That is a fact.

Now can you find any examples of Buddhists, Hindus, atheists , Christians , or Jahovas doing the same thing ?

I'll wait...

And The vast majority of muslims from those countries have also not gone to fight for ISIS.

Al Jazeera Poll: 81% of Arabs Support ISIS

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Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

And my muslim friends use the exact same banking system as I do, not a muslim bank. They also use the same court system, not sharia court, they also dont go fighting foreign wars in the name of religion and anyone attempting to do so is punished in the non sharia court.

This is in a muslim country.

Which Muslim country is that ?

ISIS fighters from M'sia, Indonesia form military unit | The ...


Sep 26, 2014 - Militants from Indonesia and Malaysia fighting in Syria have formed a military unit for Malay- speaking ISIS fighters, and analysts fear this could ...

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Western ("Christian") capitalism has its own banking system. Feel free to find out the difference to Sharia banking.

Christian capitalism ? Does not exist.

Last time I checked, my Buddhist, Hindu and atheist friends use the exact same banking system as I do. They also use the same court system. And they also don't happen to fly around the world fighting forign wars in the name of their religion. Its called assimilation.

Usual bigotry without content.

Muslims from the US, Canada , Australia and all over Europe have been flying to Syria and Iraq to fight for ISIS. That is not bigotry. That is a fact.

Now can you find any examples of Buddhists, Hindus, atheists , Christians , or Jahovas doing the same thing ?

I'll wait...

Bush & Blair are christians (or so they claim).

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